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So I was wondering around town today and I passed an independent game store. Decided to buy a Wii U after getting a bricked one about a year ago. Nice little limited edition Wind Waker Wii U too, looks nice with all the gold trimming around the game pad. Haven't set it up or anything yet since I'm still charging the game pad. I'll report back if this one works, it probably will but we'll see.

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So I was wondering around town today and I passed an independent game store. Decided to buy a Wii U after getting a bricked one about a year ago. Nice little limited edition Wind Waker Wii U too, looks nice with all the gold trimming around the game pad. Haven't set it up or anything yet since I'm still charging the game pad. I'll report back if this one works, it probably will but we'll see.


How much did it cost you?

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Reggie will show “a new look at an upcoming Wii U game” at VGX


A new press release sent out by Spike TV reconfirms Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime’s appearance at VGX 2013 this weekend. He’ll be “presenting a new look at an upcoming Wii U game.”


Is that a reference to an already-announced Wii U game? Or something brand new? The announcement doesn’t say, though the wording sort of points to the former.


VGX 2013 will air this Saturday at 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT.




So what do you think it'll be? I pray to God it'll be Zelda but think I'm going to be left disappointed. Hopefully not, this is a hardcore gamer event after all.

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I'd expect Donkey Kong (or Mario Kart).


I'm hoping for X.


The thing is they say it's a new look. I don't think any of those games can have changed much in a few short months. If there's a game that could have changed that would be Yarn Yoshi. Very little was shown of that game and we haven't seen it in a good while. I hope it's more exciting than that though.

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I don't really expect it to play out any differently to Nintendo's GTTV episode the other week where we just got shown a new level and move for DKCR. A new gameplay/character trailer I think would fulfill the quota as far as Nintendo's concerned.


But yeah, I hope it's something much more than that!

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So what do you think it'll be? I pray to God it'll be Zelda but think I'm going to be left disappointed. Hopefully not, this is a hardcore gamer event after all.



You're going to be very disappointed if you think it's going to be Zelda or Yarn Yoshi.


It'll be a couple of new Mario Kart tracks or some extra Smash Bros gameplay. A new look = what they just did with Donkey Kong TF showing a couple of extra gameplay mechanics.

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It's almost certainly DKCTF. They just released some new footage of it not long ago, it's the next major Wii U game to see release and it's also Nintendo's only US produced game in development for the Wii U that we know of (and thus the most likely for Reggie to be able to bring with him to show - given the geographics involved).


They'll also probably reveal the 4th playable character there too.


Don't get too excited.

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If it's DKCR: TF why don't they just say so? This game isn't a secret anymore and a reveal of Cranky Kong would hardly excite people at VGX. People on other forums are already boarding hype trains only to get kicked in the sac again.


I think with things looking so bleak they need to give a glimpse of what's coming in 2014 and give Wii U owners hope.

Edited by Wii
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People on other forums are already boarding hype trains only to get kicked in the sac again.


They've only themselves to blame. You'd think people would learn not to board hype trains every time Nintendo says anything. Seriously, it'll probably just be some new Donkey Kong or Mario Kart footage or something. Don't get your hopes up, it'll most likely be nothing particularly special.


I mean, you called Aonuma suggesting people play Zelda ALBW as confirmation that Majora's Mask 3D was being made. You called for a game thread to be started if I remember correctly.

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They've only themselves to blame. You'd think people would learn not to board hype trains every time Nintendo says anything. Seriously, it'll probably just be some new Donkey Kong or Mario Kart footage or something. Don't get your hopes up, it'll most likely be nothing particularly special.


I mean, you called Aonuma suggesting people play Zelda ALBW as confirmation that Majora's Mask 3D was being made. You called for a game thread to be started if I remember correctly.


Maybe I did, I don't remember. Doesn't matter because Majora's Mask 3D is coming. It's just not officially announced yet. You know it makes sense.

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Maybe I did, I don't remember. Doesn't matter because Majora's Mask 3D is coming. It's just not officially announced yet. You know it makes sense.


My point that seems to have gone over your head is that too many people on message boards, yourself included, will latch onto the smallest of comments or planned announcements from Nintendo, overhype themselves, then whinge and moan when they don't meet those overblown expectations.

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My point that seems to have gone over your head is that too many people on message boards, yourself included, will latch onto the smallest of comments or planned announcements from Nintendo, overhype themselves, then whinge and moan when they don't meet those overblown expectations.


I'm not expecting much. At this point with Nintendo I don't expect anything. Sure it would be nice and I'd like to see Zelda but realistically it's not going to happen until E3. I did say other people on other forums have jumped on the hype train. So no, nothing has gone over my head.

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The thing is they say it's a new look. I don't think any of those games can have changed much in a few short months. If there's a game that could have changed that would be Yarn Yoshi. Very little was shown of that game and we haven't seen it in a good while. I hope it's more exciting than that though.


You don't think X or Mario Kart could have advanced enough in 6 months to show anything, right.


"a new look at an upcoming Wii U game”. If it was a big reveal of a new game they would have said so to get people excited.

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