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It plays great. You don't have to point at the little screen. What I do is use the sensor next to the TV, so I'm still pointing towards a big target but the actions are on the Gamepad.


This sounds amazing, I'd love to just like, strap the gamepad to my head and have the sensor bar infront of me. It'd be like I'm actually there

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Looks like we know what those "Mango" and "Cherry" Wii U packs are now!




First up is the Mario & Luigi Premium Pack, due out on 8th November. This includes New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U packaged as a "2 in 1" disc alongside a black premium Wii U console with 32GB of storage, plus a black Wii U GamePad.


Then, on 15th November, the family-focused Wii Party U Basic Pack will release. This includes a white Wii U console with 8GB of storage, a white Wii U GamePad and Wii Remote Plus, Sensor Bar and disc versions of Wii Party U (itself is due out on 25th October) and Nintendo Land.


And finally, on 22nd November, Nintendo will launch the Just Dance 2014 Basic Pack bundle. This includes a white Wii U console with 8GB of storage, a white Wii U GamePad and Wii Remote Plus controller, Sensor Bar and disc versions of Just Dance 2014 and Nintendo Land.


No prices set of course (though I bet that the latter two will be around £199.99-£219.99).


Including Nintendo Land in with the Just Dance bundle is a smart idea. All the bundles include a game that really shows off what new ideas and concepts that the Gamepad offers (and if they bought the console primarily for Just Dance, then there's no reason to not also try out Nintendo Land - especially since it comes with a Wii Remote, so they can jump straight into multiplayer).

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Anywhere taking pre orders for those mario and luigi wii motes yet I must have them both :p


Well, Base is doing them for 37.99 each


Mario; http://www.base.com/buy/product/wii-remote-plus-controller-mario-limited-editon-wii-u/dgc-nin1100.htm


Luigi; http://www.base.com/buy/product/wii-remote-plus-controller-luigi-limited-editon-nintendo-wii-u/dgc-nin1101.htm

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Nintendo UK's marketing head Shelly Pearce has been speaking to MCV about the challenges facing the Wii U this Christmas, and admits that the company still has work to do when it comes to educating buyers about the difference between the original Wii and its successor:


There was a big misconception at launch about what Wii U is and one of the big messages is to explain to mum that this is a new console and a new controller. In terms of the marketing work we’ve done against dads, there is now a pretty good understanding there. But many mums don’t know what this is. They’re buying what they’re advised to and going into shops, so we are relying a lot on retail to explain that this is a new piece of hardware.


Pearce also picked up on the fact that the Wii remains a big part of the gaming habits of millions of families — something we've stated ourselves recently:


What we are seeing with our monthly tracking is that Wii remains the No.1 console for brand awareness and we have done several studies, and there are so many families actively playing on Wii. Perhaps sometimes as an industry we don’t see it, because we are so focused on core fans who are obviously not the ones that are still playing. I sit in this target audience as a mum that has kids of this age, and amongst my peer group I have people that are just buying their first console and people who are still playing their original Wii sometimes.


That has been one of our biggest barriers, but it is also a great opportunity because it means they are still with Wii. And it’s through the insight from the Tesco deal that we know families are still playing and have not bought anything else yet. So it’s a great opportunity if we can get the job right in educating people.


Another topic was pricing, which Pearce believes isn't the reason why the system is failing to sell as expected:


There was a lot of talk last peak season about whether price was the barrier. We don’t think it is. I think the problem was education and giving them desirable things. This peak, Wii U will be at a slightly lower price than last year and comparatively it will look a little cheaper because of all the other consoles coming out that are more expensive. But value is the important message. Backwards compatibility, the fact that you don’t have to buy more controllers – that for a mum is a very important thing.


Wii U is very different to these other consoles. Our heartland is with family and kids, but we must not forget core Nintendo fans are a fundamental part of it. Yes, there’s a cross-over with the core fan and those that buy the other consoles, but generally those are quite different audiences. I imagine our marketing activity will look and feel very different.


Finally, there was the subject of the 3DS — which is by far and away Nintendo's best-selling product right now:


3DS has been the biggest selling console over the summer. We’ve seen some real momentum, which is great. It is going to be by far the biggest selling hardware this peak, really driven by those key franchises we have coming.

While we know there are massive fans out there, there are a load of young boys, my son included, who do not know Pokémon, because they weren’t around when it was massive. So we’ve done an education piece explaining Pokémon to newbies. In terms of pre-orders we are tracking higher than we were with Black and White. But I imagine it will also be a constant build over time.


At launch we saw the majority of people that bought Animal Crossing were core Nintendo fans and now we are moving to the next phase: tween girls who we know bought previous iterations. We are also looking at re-promoting some of our other titles at this audience.


Of course, the 3DS is being joined at retail by another new console this Christmas: the Nintendo 2DS. Pearce has high hopes for the machine:


Retail is very excited about 2DS. We need to raise that awareness amongst mums and kids. October half-term is when we ramp it up. When talking to a mainstream audience, you don’t want to shout about something that they can’t buy. 2DS has that magic price point, which for families and kids, makes a big difference. 2DS will be out and about wherever we have family and Pokémon activity going on.


This worries me. Still looking at the casual wii u audience which has either moved on to other things or will just continue with the with the wii.


Plenty Wii owners are more than happy to buy games like just dance on the Wii and will they buy a a new console for wii fit when they can just get the old wii version out.


The fact that they still feel the need to get the message across a year later that it’s a new console says it all. How can this confusion still be apparent?

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They mention the backwards compatibility of the controllers and that's something they should be hammering home. People keep going on about the PS4 only being £100 more than Wii U. That's complete nonsense. When you factor in extra controllers and online play the cost difference suddenly becomes huge. And when PS4 and XB1 launch Nintendo should be shouting this from the rooftops. This Christmas is very much the last chance saloon for Wii U. They can compete with the next gen consoles as the majority of the big releases are also coming to Wii U, but have the backwards compatibility, costs and in-house titles as a trump card.

I fear that next Christmas the only games we will see are in-house if Nintendo don't rescue Wii U.

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This christmas is important, but I actually think Mario Kart will be the last chance for Nintendo. But if they do want to target the casual gamer, they do have a chance as I think it's impressive for families, but they need to really push it out there - Wii Fit, Wii Party, Nintendoland, Karaoke, Just Dance 4Wii Sports, NSMB U are all fantastic games to show off the family side to it. Nintendo really do need Karaoke, Wii fit and wii sports preinstalled on the machine. Free demos on them all and it could be good. An advert with all this bundled and demonstrated would do very well I think. But Nintendo won't...


For gamers, harder, but free online, batman, cod, watch dogs, rayman, splinter cell, assassins creed etc. Then exclusive like mario, Sonic, Mario and Sonic, Lego City, Pikmin, Wonderful 101 etc

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Yeah in my rush to play Pokemon X I didn't read it correctly. Read the first part of the sentence and assumed you were saying the following games had free online.


I guess my point still stands that there's a chance that third parties stop implementing online multiplayer, like WB with Batman Arkham Origins, for the Wii U so the advantage of free online won't really be worth much. Stretching it so that I was still making a valid point? I think so! :D

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Yeah in my rush to play Pokemon X I didn't read it correctly. Read the first part of the sentence and assumed you were saying the following games had free online.


I guess my point still stands that there's a chance that third parties stop implementing online multiplayer, like WB with Batman Arkham Origins, for the Wii U so the advantage of free online won't really be worth much. Stretching it so that I was still making a valid point? I think so! :D


Haha. Probably some truth in it though, ACIV no DLC when III did. None in Batman etc. We'll see. But I still think there's something in how to promote the wii u and be attractive with it, target the two camps separately!! COuld almost do 3 trailers 1. Casual games for families 2. Exclusives and 3rd parties for gamers 3. All the unique features of the wii u - gamepad, off tv, miiverse



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They mention the backwards compatibility of the controllers and that's something they should be hammering home. People keep going on about the PS4 only being £100 more than Wii U. That's complete nonsense. When you factor in extra controllers and online play the cost difference suddenly becomes huge. And when PS4 and XB1 launch Nintendo should be shouting this from the rooftops. This Christmas is very much the last chance saloon for Wii U. They can compete with the next gen consoles as the majority of the big releases are also coming to Wii U, but have the backwards compatibility, costs and in-house titles as a trump card.

I fear that next Christmas the only games we will see are in-house if Nintendo don't rescue Wii U.


Ps4/Xbone in a sense won't be an issue it's the cheaper 360/PS3 which is going to be hard to compete against at Christmas.

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Was flicking through the Sunday magazine that comes in the Sunday Mirror today.

Pleasantly surprised to see this:




A pretty in depth article all about the Wii U! It goes into detail about the game pad, the fact that existing Wii remotes will work with the console, and says what games are out to buy and what will be available.


Also looks like it's gonna be featured again next week, as there's a small section that says "Next week we'll be telling you about the new Wii Party U, Wii Fit U, Wii Sports Club, and Wii karaoke U. You see, Wii U really is the gift that keeps on giving for the whole family..."


It's a pretty good piece really and it's definitely a smart move putting it in a magazine like this.


A step in the right direction it would seem!

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Nintendo keep mentioning this Tesco deal. So I was in my local Tesco today and picked up their Christmas gift catalogue....not one mention of Wii U, but heart-warmingly XBox 1 is in their 'Top 10 gifts' at the front.


Good deal.


Ye it does seem like a BS deal. My local Tesco has never had a single Wii U product on the shelf ever. I posted photos 6 months ago and honestly it looks the exact same. It's made up of Wii, DS and a few 3DS games all at rip-off prices. I must take another photo and have a game of spot the difference.

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Mine should have arrived today hopefully.


Edit: Gamepad battery is also In Stock.



Thank you for this! I can finally stop using disposable batteries in favour of this. I was searching for this for a very long time! :bouncy:



Wait a second. I don't really get it - Can it only charge one wii remote?

Edited by ClowKin
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