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Really feeling a strong desire for a Mario 64-esque adventure.


Anyone else have a strong yearning for something traditionally Nintendo?


I downloaded and played Super Mario 64 last year on the Wii Virtual Console and, as I said at the time, I was expecting my waning feelings for this classic game to be further reinforced.. but I was so wrong :hehe:


It was incredible to go through all 120 stars again and it stood out as one of my favourite gaming experiences of 2014, along with Wave Race 64, which I also downloaded on Wii along with 1080 Snowboarding, Majora's Mask and Mario Kart 64.


I'm totally ready for a new Super Mario 64-style game :yay:

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I downloaded and played Super Mario 64 last year on the Wii Virtual Console and, as I said at the time, I was expecting my waning feelings for this classic game to be further reinforced.. but I was so wrong :hehe:


It was incredible to go through all 120 stars again and it stood out as one of my favourite gaming experiences of 2014, along with Wave Race 64, which I also downloaded on Wii along with 1080 Snowboarding, Majora's Mask and Mario Kart 64.


I'm totally ready for a new Super Mario 64-style game :yay:




I played it on the N64 last year as well and it still plays amazingly well. Everything about that game was pretty much perfect.

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Im very disappointed with how the GameCube adapters have been handled. It's really dampened my SMASH experience and it's been so long now that I don't think I can be bothered with the adapters or Smash Bros that much now anyway. I'll never understand how such a big company can be so woefully incompetent when it comes to availability of products. Don't even get me started on the frankly absurd Amiibo situation.


I haven't touched Smash at all this year myself, whilst busy I've also been feeling somewhat similar to you. I can play with pro pad, but I really wanna be using my GC pad and also getting my smash bros round to play too, but alas tis not to be quite yet. As I said in the Stock Issues thread it appears even a third party company(MayFlash) are going to be able to supply the market soon, how embarrassing is that if they do it before Nintendo!!


It will come eventually, but I really want it sooner than later, I keep thinking about the adapter but find nothing about it or what the status is or if anyone's been getting them in or what. I really wanna smash with my friends!!

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While googling about Brazil I found this:



Only 3 weeks ago they were still looking for a pt-br translator. Maybe someone knows but are there any localized Nintendo games in Brazil or are all of the games just US versions? I have seen official Spanish language games for Mexico. They still have the ESRB rating.

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While googling about Brazil I found this:



Only 3 weeks ago they were still looking for a pt-br translator. Maybe someone knows but are there any localized Nintendo games in Brazil or are all of the games just US versions? I have seen official Spanish language games for Mexico. They still have the ESRB rating.


Only fairly recently did Nintendo games start being translated to Euro-Portuguese (since the 3DS/Wii U). Sony games have been consistently localized (dubbed and everything) starting with the PS3.


I recall that, in both cases, the Brazilians were envious, as they didn't have localised versions for themselves, usually having to resort to fan-translations and such. Only with consoles, though, as PC games do have Brazilian versions more often.


Take this with a grain of salt, as I am not actually Brazilian, all I have is second-hand information.


Still interesting that Nintendo was actually looking into betting more in Brazil, like I suspected a while back. A shame it didn't pan out :hmm:

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I downloaded and played Super Mario 64 last year on the Wii Virtual Console and, as I said at the time, I was expecting my waning feelings for this classic game to be further reinforced.. but I was so wrong :hehe:


It was incredible to go through all 120 stars again and it stood out as one of my favourite gaming experiences of 2014, along with Wave Race 64, which I also downloaded on Wii along with 1080 Snowboarding, Majora's Mask and Mario Kart 64.


I'm totally ready for a new Super Mario 64-style game :yay:


The N64 was a beast. I still remember playing Wave Race for the first time, the water was incredible. Really can't understand how they decided the way forward was just to make endless platformers and drop these great franchises.

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The N64 was a beast. I still remember playing Wave Race for the first time, the water was incredible. Really can't understand how they decided the way forward was just to make endless platformers and drop these great franchises.


Wave Race on the GC looked dope.

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I never really was a big fan of Wave Race or F-Zero on Gamecube. So it always feels surreal when I see how much they are loved around here.


If they did release HD versions, I would just shrug and not bother with them.

I guess I'm just not a fan of the more technical racing games.

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I never really was a big fan of Wave Race or F-Zero on Gamecube. So it always feels surreal when I see how much they are loved around here.


If they did release HD versions, I would just shrug and not bother with them.

I guess I'm just not a fan of the more technical racing games.




Two of my favourite games. Ever.

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The N64 was a beast. I still remember playing Wave Race for the first time, the water was incredible. Really can't understand how they decided the way forward was just to make endless platformers and drop these great franchises.


A bit harsh, isn't that? Yeah, they make a lot. But it's not all they do.

Dillon's Rolling Western is fun, damnit...

What you like may not be exactly what the majority of gamers like. I wouldn't buy a new F-Zero or Wave Race at all, just like I didn't buy GX or Blue Storm. They don't interest me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world who thinks so.




Two of my favourite games. Ever.


And that's great, more props to you. I'm sure they're fantastic for what they are, but what they are is not my cup of tea.


But while I may be a minority around these forums, I would bet that taking every Gamecube owner into account, the majority would be with people who owned neither.

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Waverace 64 was good, but it peaked with Blue Storm, stunning game. I genuinely think HD online releases of Blue Storm and F Zero GX (fuck it throw in Excitebike 64) would make me happier than pretty much any other gaming announcement.


Throw in a HD 1080 too...


It baffles me to no end - where are these franchises lmao. :(

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When you look at this list, none op these franchises appear on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises


That's the reason they aren't handled as a priority.


It's too bad, as they represent certain genres which aren't available (enough) on the current Nintendo platforms... :(


When the likes of F-Zero is outdone by Tomadatchi collection. It's not even remotely surprising that Ninty don't seem to be interested in expanding those series.


Which brings me back to my previous point of most Ninty console owners just having no interest in them. (Me being one of them)

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The N64 was a beast. I still remember playing Wave Race for the first time, the water was incredible. Really can't understand how they decided the way forward was just to make endless platformers and drop these great franchises.




Looking at the N64 it had such a rich variety of genres on it. Racing games, shooters, platformers, party games and puzzle games. The only area it was really lacking was probably RPGs.


Waverace 64 was good, but it peaked with Blue Storm, stunning game. I genuinely think HD online releases of Blue Storm and F Zero GX (fuck it throw in Excitebike 64) would make me happier than pretty much any other gaming announcement.


F Zero GX HD with online would be an amazing experience. I remember when I got the Cube version and me and my mates sat up all night playing it. I think our eyes were bleeding by the end of it. :D

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On the other hand, if Nintendo want to expand their user base, I think it would be wise for them to cater to those who aren't attracted by Mario, Pokemon, Wii Fit, Donkey, Kirby, Yoshi, Smash and Kart.


Focus on what franchises/genres are popular and try to stick your underused franchises to those mechanics.


Like: Minecraft is popular, why not combine the mechanics of that game with an underused mascot and add some Nintendo magic/twist to it.


SportSIMS, FPS's, MMORPG's, Stealth Adventures, etc.


I think that if they want to expand the user base, this is what they should aim for.


I don't need all of their games to be aimed at my preferences, I'll just pick those that I like :)

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I find it amusing when people bemoan Nintendo for not releasing the franchises that 'gamers want', yet when they do release games from those franchises no one buys them!


Just look at the comparatively small numbers that games like Xenoblade sell compared to huge releases like Watch Dogs and COD! F-Zero and Wave Race would likely bomb these days.


The fact is, whether people want to admit it or not, that most people who buy consoles are the same people who go to see summer block busters. They love the big name franchises and ignore anything out of the mainstream.

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I think people are lacking an understanding of why diversity is important on a console.


Yes, whilst F-Zero, Waverace and 1080 may not sell as well as other franchises, they are games which help the console appeal to Western audiences. Extreme sports titles are very popular and there's certainly an audience for them, particularly in the states. If you showed the average western gamer a game like Waverace or 1080, he'd be much more interested in that than another platformer.


If Nintendo want to do better in the west, it's a combination of producing a console that excites games (which unfortunately the GC didn't do in the West..it had a very child friendly image compared to the N64) as well as producing appropriate software.

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I like the way this discussion rolls on, a lot of good points made from different angles without personal attacks! Hope we manage to keep it like this : peace:


On topic:


As a fan I hope there will be more variety

As a consumer I hope the prices will be lower so I can buy all of them

As an adult I know they are a business and both subjects above and Nintendo's decisions regarding those are not based on my personal preferences :heh:


When I discuss this topic with my mates who don't own a WiiU, it usually goes along the following line:


- It doesn't have (for example): FIFA, COD, Halo, Assassins Creed, Minecraft, Diablo, etc.

- I argue "what if they released a comparable game with their own franchises glued to it" (for example): Metroid, Zelda, F-Zero, Starfoxs?

- That would be very cool, I love the more "serious" Nintendo franchises! But still, I wouldn't buy a WiiU because it has no (see earlier third party franchises)


I seriously doubt Nintendo currently CAN or WANT to grow into that segment.

It seems that getting third party aboard could be the only way to get there, and even then, people already own the consoles where those third party games are coming to. So why buy a Wii U?


I think they currently want to focus on their console to be the secondary console for "third party gamers" which offers something else to their Xbox or Playstation.

They tried, it didn't work out because the early adaptors didn't buy enough third party software AND not enough WiiU hardware. Now try to keep the current owners aboard until the next generation, every new consumer is a bonus. Try to persuade consumers that the Wii U offers something different and fun.

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I was just op eBay and I happened upon this...




Mayflash GC controller adapter for Wii U AND PC (via a switch) looks very similar to the official one - though obviously it will be of slightly different build quality - but it seems to be in stock and 'only' £29.99 so still a little pricey but it's an option for those still looking for one without the high price of the 'rare' original. : peace:


You might want to hold off ordering until after tomorrows Nintendo Direct though, as more official ones could be on their way to stores or even going onto the Stars Catalogue for all we know. ::shrug:

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As amazing as 1080 Snowboading, Wave Race, F-Zero and Excitebike 64 are, they only really cater to a small niche of the market.. which is a real shame :sad: I love these franchises and I much prefer these types of racers to things like Gran Turismo and DiRT.


At this point, I'd take HD updates of these N64 and GC classics.. even if I'd prefer some new instalments :heh: I can obviously understand why they're not around these days as they are unlikely to sell in the numbers required but that doesn't make me want them any less..

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- I argue "what if they released a comparable game with their own franchises glued to it" (for example): Metroid, Zelda, F-Zero, Starfoxs?

- That would be very cool, I love the more "serious" Nintendo franchises! But still, I wouldn't buy a WiiU because it has no (see earlier third party franchises)


Star Fox? Serious?



This image always makes me laugh. Command is a very odd game.


Star Fox is many things, but serious is not one of them.


It's so famous for it's cheesiness, that even Google can't help but do a barrel roll when you search "Press Z or R twice"


I know that's not the point you're trying to make, but I literally snorted Lucozade out my nose at that thought.


And for that I thank you.

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I think people are lacking an understanding of why diversity is important on a console.


Yes, whilst F-Zero, Waverace and 1080 may not sell as well as other franchises, they are games which help the console appeal to Western audiences. Extreme sports titles are very popular and there's certainly an audience for them, particularly in the states. If you showed the average western gamer a game like Waverace or 1080, he'd be much more interested in that than another platformer.


If Nintendo want to do better in the west, it's a combination of producing a console that excites games (which unfortunately the GC didn't do in the West..it had a very child friendly image compared to the N64) as well as producing appropriate software.



Exactly. Not every title will be a sales blockbuster selling the millions but that's not the point. Nintendo don't need every title to sell 1 mil + to be a success but what they do need is a more diverse library which appeals to a wider audience.


I'm not buying the excuse games won't sell so no point releasing them. Nintendo have to start somewhere in showing consumers they are more than what people think they are. It won't change attitudes over night but unless they start this kiddy image won't go away.

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Nintendo have to start somewhere in showing consumers they are more than what people think they are. It won't change attitudes over night but unless they start this kiddy image won't go away.


If their non-kiddy games were going to dispel the kiddy image, wouldn't it have done so before the WiiU even came out?

It's never gonna happen, they could make the most violent, gory game ever, and people would still see them as "kiddy"

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