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Too bad that there's absolutely nothing exclusive that's worth playing on PS4 :p


Even Xbone has a few decent looking exclusives, while PS4 has...


I mean, if you're into the typical multiplatform stuff then sure, there's no reason to get anything else instead, but if none of EA/Ubisoft/Activision/Take Two's stuff interests you, well...


That's not to say that I don't like any of Sony's own output - after all, I love the God of War series, as well as stuff like Puppeteer, Ico and SOTC - but there's nothing interesting looking on the horizon for me (especially since Santa Monica's new IP was cancelled, so we won't be hearing from them for a long while). About the only remotely interesting looking exclusive is Bloodborne, but I'm not a big fan of the Souls games so it probably won't be for me...

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Another thing is you always appear to have a shedload of games to get through but never appear to finish a bunch of them.


This is hilariously accurate.


Regarding the OS...Wii U OS is super sluggish compared to the PS4's.


I've got to agree with this. The Wii U OS is super sluggish compared to a snail on a bed of salt. I know @dazzybee likes the channel interface (woot, another grid of icons!) but I feel it's incredibly forgiving of him given the OS is that slow; at this point in the machines life it's not going to improve much. It is dreadfully slow, painfully and embarrassingly slow.


If you play with the pro controller then you don't do the quick boot which means it's pretty slow, and going through any basic menu options often brings up text on the screen, followed by a load, followed by the thing coming up. It just ain't fluid (nor is loading up the eshop).


I know plenty of people her jizz over the quick start menu but personally I'm simply not a fan of papering over the cracks. The OS shouldn't need a quick start menu, it's inclusion should be reinforcing the view that Nintendo are incapable of fixing the OS.


I do think having 4 or 5 icons on the PS4 home could be extremely limiting, however I think it was @Daft who mentioned excellent voice control on PS4 which fixes nearly every problem with navigation in modern OSs. With children's voices being notoriously difficult for use with voice control I can't see family friendly Nintendo implementing such a thing, but a search icon or a more dynamic, contextual again should alleviate some problems with their OS.


More story focused games.


This is exactly the reason I ended up buying a PS3 and will no doubt buy a PS4. Nintendo are great at what they do but it's no longer enough, Last of Us, Uncharted, inFamous; Nintendo have just left themselves behind, they're dangerously introspective and stuck in the past. The usual names here will post another list of new IP from Nintendo but very few have captured gamers' imagination like Sony's new IP.


Nintendo for me are slowly becoming all the about Zelda, Metroid, Mario and any MonolithSoft RPGs like Xenoblade.


So, so true. It's great that Nintendo have these characters but they're used at the expensive of new investment elsewhere. Yeah, we've got and are getting some great new IP it's still small scale. A company like Nintendo should be able to compete with the Uncharteds and Halos.


Quick question to you. What made you pick a PS4 over a One?


Darren has said a few times how he considers the Xbox One a better proposition at the moment.

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Too bad that there's absolutely nothing exclusive that's worth playing on PS4 :p


Even Xbone has a few decent looking exclusives, while PS4 has...


PS4 has infamous and FFXIV (for consoles, it's exclusive to PS3/4), which a lot of people including myself enjoy.


Really though, I've noticed a lot of the hardcore Nintendo fans make these comments about 'exclusives' being scarce on PS4, but that's a very narrow way of looking at it to make a point.


That's because you can can consider games like Destiny to be exclusives purely because they're not on the Wii U - the vast majority of gamers aren't going to buy both the X1 and the PS4 as well as the 30 pounds per year subscription for each.


So suddenly, an awful lot of games appear, for all intents and purposes, exclusive in the sense that you get them for the one console you've opted for. And in PS4's case, they often run better than on the One, so that's added incentive.


If you think about it - what does it matter if a game I want is also coming to X1? It matters not at all, because at least for a good while I have no interest in picking up an X1. To me, Destiny is as exclusive for my PS4 as Pikmin 3 is for Wii U.


As soon as you look at things more realistically, you realise that whichever next gen console you opt for has an awful lot coming to it.

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PS4 has infamous and FFXIV (for consoles, it's exclusive to PS3/4), which a lot of people including myself enjoy.


Really though, I've noticed a lot of the hardcore Nintendo fans make these comments about 'exclusives' being scarce on PS4, but that's a very narrow way of looking at it to make a point.


That's because you can can consider games like Destiny to be exclusives purely because they're not on the Wii U - the vast majority of gamers aren't going to buy both the X1 and the PS4 as well as the 30 pounds per year subscription for each.


So suddenly, an awful lot of games appear, for all intents and purposes, exclusive in the sense that you get them for the one console you've opted for. And in PS4's case, they often run better than on the One, so that's added incentive.


As soon as you look at things more realistically, you realise that whichever next gen console you opt for has an awful lot coming to it.


I did mention the multi-platform games in that very same post...


And I never said that the console had no exclusives, but rather that there weren't any that I am interested in personally.


As I said before, if you're not interested in the EA/Ubisoft/Activision/Take Two Quadfectia of the small spattering of other 3rd party multiplatform titles like Tomb Raider, then it's really slim pickings on PS4...

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Nintendo are great at what they do but it's no longer enough [...] Nintendo have just left themselves behind, they're dangerously introspective and stuck in the past.


Everybody knows it, but this sums up Nintendo perfectly. And every time I read something like that, it makes me sad :(


The usual names here will post another list of new IP from Nintendo but very few have captured gamers' imagination like Sony's new IP.


For me, what's even more baffling is the fact that a lot of indie developers have captured gamers' imagination more than Nintendo in the past years.


I mean...indie developers have given the gaming community so many creative, amazing, beautiful, imaginative games.


Antichamber, Gone Home, Hotline Miami (I still want everyone to play this game :D ), Rogue Legacy, Papers, Please (!!!), The Stanley Parable, Guacamelee. better than Mario


These are just a few.


Come on Nintendo. Show me what you got!

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Well you said none that are worth playing, which I found a somewhat amusing sentence since you generally have to play something (or witness shocking reviews, which isn't the case here) to truly know if it's worth playing.


You can also watch gameplay videos, read impressions and information to get a feel for how the games play...


You can also draw conclusions from these developer's previous output... (especially when a game is a direct sequel or obviously derivative of a previously released game - like much of Ubisoft's open world games and how they all follow the same general formula founded by the ACreed series. If you've played one of them, then you know what to expect from all of their other open world games...)


Hands on play and reviews are far from the only way to gauge the quality of a game :p (though that's not to say that I've not previously played the likes of Tomb Raider on PC anyway...)


For what it's worth, Trials Fusion is a fun little game that I would've bought on Wii U if it came to that console (got it on PC instead though), but that's the only multi-plat game on PS4/Xbone that interests me and I hardly need to shell out for a new console to play it (hell I could've just as easily have bought it on PS3 or 360 - not really a compelling reason to jump into either of those new consoles :blank:)


If the typical crop of multiplatform games doesn't interest you, then the PS4 isn't a good purchase ::shrug:

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You can also watch gameplay videos, read impressions and information to get a feel for how the games play...


You can also draw conclusions from these developer's previous output... (especially when a game is a direct sequel or obviously derivative of a previously released game - like much of Ubisoft's open world games and how they all follow the same general formula founded by the ACreed series. If you've played one of them, then you know what to expect from all of their other open world games...)


Hands on play and reviews are far from the only way to gauge the quality of a game :p (though that's not to say that I've not previously played the likes of Tomb Raider on PC anyway...)

You can watch all the hands on play you want, but until you've played it people are gonna rightly call you out for writing it off. Some games look fun but play garbage after a few hours, and some games get more and more fun as you go on.


You can also draw conclusions from these developer's previous output... (especially when a game is a direct sequel or obviously derivative of a previously released game - like much of Ubisoft's open world games and how they all follow the same general formula founded by the ACreed series. If you've played one of them, then you know what to expect from all of their other open world games...)


I would also like to say that this point generally highlights the weaknesses in your strategy. When I played ACIII, I hated it. It bored me the world over and I gave up on it.


I played ACIV and it was awesome. Still the same kind of mechanics, but with much better environments and the boat stuff.


If I said ACIV wasn't worth playing because of the previous game, I'd not only be put in my place on here but I'd miss out on a truly great game.

Edited by Sheikah
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What exactly do Microsoft have?


Killer Instinct (Classic KI Arcade too - the first time it has ever gotten a proper home release even! - Plus KI2 Arcade just got rated by the Korean ratings board, so that's coming too!)


Dead Rising 3 (ok that's coming to PC now, but it's still console exclusive)


Sunset Overdrive (Looks simply fun, right up my alley :) )


Scalebound (Kamiya + Platinum Games make this a no brainer for me)


Phantom Dust (while we haven't seen any gameplay yet, considering that the original director is involved and presuming that it follows the same kind of gameplay as its predecessor, it'll be one to look out for :) )


It might not be a huge list of games that interest me, but it's a hell of a lot more than the absolute zero that the PS4 has on the horizon...

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Drive Club, Little Big Planet 3, Bloodborne, SingStar, No Man's Sky, The Order, Abzu, Rime, Ratchet & Clank, Galak-Z? None of those interest you whatsoever? That incredibly diverse line up of games? Not to mention games that have already been released like Infamous, Resogun and Towerfall?


You've listed two games with absolutely no footage. Two launch games that are slightly above mediocre and Sunset Overdrive...which looks pretty good.

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It seems that Nintendo are just making decisions like any other business does and are producing products that are likely to sell. 1080 and Wave Race aren't big sellers so Nintendo may be making a business decision. Yes it may exclude the fans but when times are tough (ie the current situation with the Wii U) Nintendo have chosen to be conservative with the franchises it has selected for it.
But what's the reason 1080 isn't a big seller? when people can't get enough of SSX...


Surely it's down to marketing and game design.


Same with Waverace and F-Zero (especially in the absence of WipeOut). It's because of Nintendo's attitude to gaming that these aren't huge franchises.

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If the typical crop of multiplatform games doesn't interest you, then the PS4 isn't a good purchase ::shrug:


I'd also like to say, I have a very big problem with this sentence as this is the kind of assertion I've seen spoken by Nintendo fans before. The idea that the type of output is limited in that it is only likely to appeal to certain kinds of people just isn't true.


There really isn't a 'typical' multiplatform game. Even if one type of game (e.g. FPS) appears more frequently, the games on other consoles cover just about the entire spectrum of gaming. If someone were to say nothing on it interested them, I'd have to question whether they were actually interested in gaming.


Be it RPG, adventure, strategy, sandbox, platformer, puzzle, FPS, third person shooter, racer, quiz, sports, survival horror, dungeon crawler, MMORPG, beat 'em up, stealth, crossovers (e.g. Destiny), indie or otherwise difficult to assign a genre to, it has everything. Not just that, but it will have so many more games of those genres over time, too.

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Drive Club - Evolution Studios have yet to make a game I've enjoyed and I'm not generally a fan of realistic racers - PGR, Excitetruck/bots and Burnout were the only ones I liked and they're much more arcadey


Little Big Planet 3 - not exclusive - lost interest in the series


Bloodborne - not a fan of the Souls games, but I'm keeping an eye on it)


SingStar, - All Singstarred out and if I really want more Kareoke, I have Wii U Kareoke


No Man's Sky - Not exclusive, can play on PC


The Order - Not interested in "cinematic" movie games


Abzu - We've seen nothing about how it plays and I didn't like TGC's art pieces enough to want to buy a console just to experience them


Rime - Looks beautiful, but they've not shown off any real gameplay yet...


Ratchet & Clank - Not a fan of the series


Galak-Z? - Looks decent, but it's not exclusive - can play of PC or Vita


None of those interest you whatsoever? That incredibly diverse line up of games? Not to mention games that have already been released like Infamous Don't like the series,


Resogun - The one PS4 game I actually really like a lot, but it's not nearly enough to encourage me to jump in


And Towerfall? - not interested


You've listed two games with absolutely no footage But an impeccable pedigree behind them!


Two launch games that are slightly above mediocre KI is not mediocre! It's actually really fun! And of course the Arcade games are true classics! - Dead Rising 3 would be a bonus, not a must-have, but a decent laugh at least


and Sunset Overdrive...which looks pretty good.


Simple really. When something must-have hits the console that is exclusive, I'll get it. Until then, that price is just gonna keep dropping anyway, so why not wait it out? ::shrug:

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To be honest, Nintendo are in a difficult position. They only have so many resources to create games, and people want new IP, they want old IP like F Zero, Starfox and 1080, and they want your Zeldas, Marios and Metroids. When they're in a difficult position like the one they're in now, they go with the stuff that sells the most. The fact Nintendo have a long, successful history makes people expect a lot from them.


I think lots of people on this forum have maybe outgrown (maybe not the right word) Nintendo, but are still here/interested due to a sense of nostalgia. The majority of you are adults and want to play the games you did in your childhood, but also want more adult experiences. Nintendo aren't ever going to make the likes of The Last of Us - what Nintendo make is what they're good at.


It's the lack of third party software that makes the lack of more grown up experiences more noticeable on the Wii U.

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"Looks beautiful, but they've not shown off any real gameplay yet..."


Neither have they for some of the games you're commenting about for X1. :p


Difference is though that I KNOW that those games will be great because of the people behind them...


You know that a game is gonna be fantastic when Kamiya is the director. I don't even need to second guess that for a split second. You can't argue against a 100% batting average! :D

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Difference is though that I KNOW that those games will be great because of the people behind them...


No such thing. I've thought the same before, but it's never guaranteed. Good ideas don't always lead to the most amazing games.

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...So, so true. It's great that Nintendo have these characters but they're used at the expensive of new investment elsewhere. Yeah, we've got and are getting some great new IP it's still small scale. A company like Nintendo should be able to compete with the Uncharteds and Halos...


Don't get me wrong, I do still think the Zelda Metroid and Mario's are better than more or less any other games out there. For me, the best games last gen were the Galaxy's, the Zelda's, Metroid Prime 3 (Trilogy), Xenoblade and then CoD MW/BO and Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Followed by games like Batman Arkham Asylum/City, GTA V, Bioshock.


I've not played The Last of Us mind, but I have played the Uncharteds and think they're so overrated. Still not playing the Mass Effect games for some reason either... I know, my damn 360 red-ringing, haha. I do need to play them at some point.


Anyhoo, back to what I was trying to get at, as much as I love those Nintendo games, if they embraced online and released their other franchises like Waverace, F-Zero etc then I'd not have a problem with Nintendo. Online is the biggest thing for me though, voice-chat is simply a must for me.

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To be honest, Nintendo are in a difficult position. They only have so many resources to create games, and people want new IP, they want old IP like F Zero, Starfox and 1080, and they want your Zeldas, Marios and Metroids. When they're in a difficult position like the one they're in now, they go with the stuff that sells the most. The fact Nintendo have a long, successful history makes people expect a lot from them.
But Nintendo have so much money to potentially invest in new studios/buy studios/talent from studio closures.


Or failing that (although why they don't, I don't know) give more of their properties to studios who are talented at making such genres.

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