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you'd just claim it on your insurance and re-download them.


I had a ps2 with a hd full of games that was stolen and I claimed for every game on the hd.


It's some time ago but I recall my old insurer NOT covering digital purchases and not all insurances will cover you for damage/loss outside home; it's probably worth checking.


And no insurance will be able to replace hours and hours of saves; back ups should be a prerequisite to modern consoles with HDD. It's moronic not to have this on Wii U not because the competition have it but because people spend hours on games and don't wish to loose this data.

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That's the thing. If your console gets nicked you have no chance getting your content back if you were to buy another one.


This happened to my Wii.


If you send Nintendo a copy of the police report and the serial number/console code of your old console, then they will transfer it to the new one.

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This happened to my Wii.


If you send Nintendo a copy of the police report and the serial number/console code of your old console, then they will transfer it to the new one.


Which is all well and good but surely a much easer solution is just to tie purchases to an account and not the hardware so one doesn't need to go through the process of obtaining a police report just so they obtain games they already paid for.

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Well it's because the games still sell at these prices, really. People still buy them.


Yeah, the games sell, which in itself is a good thing. Still, it doesn't do an awful lot to persuade people to go digital for the games though, due to the price and the points that @Miharin made. I wonder if having Nintendoland pre-loaded onto the WiiU for the Premium version right at the start would have been a decent idea.


Also, I think @Mokong had some sort of issue with Monster Hunter on the Wii, if I remember right. I think he lost all of his saves and didn't get that back. Either that, or he managed to get it back, I can't remember which. Pretty sure it was the first one.

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It's some time ago but I recall my old insurer NOT covering digital purchases and not all insurances will cover you for damage/loss outside home; it's probably worth checking.


And no insurance will be able to replace hours and hours of saves; back ups should be a prerequisite to modern consoles with HDD. It's moronic not to have this on Wii U not because the competition have it but because people spend hours on games and don't wish to loose this data.


can't you back up your saves and/or digital purchases to an SD card or usb device?

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If you report it as stolen, insurance claim etc etc, couldn't you contact Nintendo and they could sort something out? disable the stolen console and move all your content to the new 3DS/Wii U?


I was under the impression that this is what Nintendo do for theft cases? The software is tied to your account, but they will only let you download it onto a new machine if you didn't transfer from the last one if you show the police report.

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I've just had a look around the web and I think I understand it now.


Wii saves can be backed up to an SD Card only

Wii U saves can be backed up to a USB device only.


However, there is something I have seen that confuses me. Apparently, you have to format the USB device to work with that WiiU. But, the device can only be used with that WiiU in its current state. If your WiiU gets erased or you buy a new WiiU, then...the USB device will need to be reformatted again. Apparently. Is this right? So, the games and data gets lost?

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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you'd just claim it on your insurance and re-download them.


I had a ps2 with a hd full of games that was stolen and I claimed for every game on the hd.


You mean a PS3 instead of 2? Those digital games where already safe and sound tied to your account.

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I've just had a look around the web and I think I understand it now.


Wii saves can be backed up to an SD Card only

Wii U saves can be backed up to a USB device only.


However, there is something I have seen that confuses me. Apparently, you have to format the USB device to work with that WiiU. But, the device can only be used with that WiiU in its current state. If your WiiU gets erased or you buy a new WiiU, then...the USB device will need to be reformatted again. Apparently. Is this right? So, the games and data gets lost?




I didn't realise you could back up WiiU saves to USB but you're right, USB media is formatted for a single Wii U - you can't use it on another Wii U without formatting it first - which along with the non-transfer of NNID forces you to use Nintendo repair centres (which presumably charge a fortune) to transfer the Wii U system ID. This is 2014 and we should just be able to buy a new machine and have the ability to transfer our data from an old to a new machine.


Like the 3DS, Wii U back ups are pretty much useless in a most reasonable circumstances.

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I don't want to post this somewhere else as I don't want it to be an argument or anything, I'm just curious - @Hero\-of\-Time, @Fierce_LiNk,and others who are moving away from Nintendo and have other machines.


What is it about them. I have just bought a ps4 and I don't get it. I find the OS really cumbersome (finding stuff, no customisation etc) I genuinely think the Wii u is simple, but effective - function over form, ps4 seems to be form first. The software library doesn't seem to be in the same league, I love resogun, infamous seems pretty good, but is there much else? Kill zone appears dull... I don't get the fuss over the pad, I've always hated dual shock, I don't hate this, but it isn't amazing either... All the social stuff isn't really for me, is it really that appealing? It's fucking weird there's a specific stand by mode to get it to download stuff rather than it just always doing it like the Wii u.... I don't know. I just genuinely think the 100% does things better - simple user interface, small QUIET machine, downloading and auto installs etc quick start mode, customising the screens, miiverse makes more sense as a gaming social media than just facebook/twitter integration.... And it has loads and loads more games...


I think this about expectation, after all the hype and people saying how much it pisses over other stuff and is so slick etc I was expecting it to be incredible, and it isn't, or maybe it's just not to my tastes...


So what is it? Quite simply 3rd party support and more online modes and voice chat? The fact it's more powerful? (Another thing that hasn't blown me away - though resogun, tower fall and kill zone aren't the best examples).


It's fascinated me more now I have one as it's not this huge leap in tech, design or software that I was expecting.


Ultimately I don't care. I love resogun and I'll probably love infamous, and I can't wait for alien and batman, that's all the matters. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

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No offense but I knew you wouldn't like it. I seen it coming from a mile off. Daft even asked why you were bothering to get one as nothing has really changed since launch. I think you need to question why you bought it in the first place. I mean you knew what software was out and you know that the pad was a modified version of the dual shock. The social connecting and networking is a big part of the console and again it was never a factor for you in buying the console. The question is, why did you buy it despite not really being thrilled about what was on offer?


Another thing is you always appear to have a shedload of games to get through but never appear to finish a bunch of them. Granted its none of my business but surely it would be better to finish what you've got rather than buying another console and adding to the backlog?


As for your question, I love the thing! Everything is so fast and slick. The interface is easy to use and has a clean look.


The touch pad is such a brilliant feature that doesn't distract you while playing as it's essentially another button ( can work as two buttons depending in where you hit it ).


Graphically the games look stunning.


It has instant messaging, party chat and 3rd party support.


I can check what people on my friends list are playing, what trophies they've earned and a bunch of other details.


"Free" games every month and seeing as I own a Vita, PS3 and PS4 I gets maximum games each month.


More story focused games.


Online gaming is a lot bigger on the other consoles. I honestly can't wait for a few peeps on here, like Blade, lostmario and Kav to get a PS4. Playing something like CoD or Destiny will be a whole lot easier to set up rather than having to post on a forum and hope someone sees it.


This isn't a case of me abandoning Nintendo as I had all the consoles for the past few gens, nor is it me favouring Sony. A lot of these points apply to the One as well. I just like to play the best games no matter the platform. Yes, Nintendo will always have a special place in my gaming heart but that doesn't mean I will stick by them exclusively when other games are to be played on other consoles.


Basically, I go wherever the games I want to play are.


Quick question to you. What made you pick a PS4 over a One?

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Why most people are picking PS4? At a guess, it is (was) cheaper than the only alternative, the X1, yet is quite some way the higher spec, so it's a no brainer if you're mostly in it for multiplats. As well as that though, if you look at the last gen, PS3 had more exclusive by the end, whereas the 360 kinda petered out, and I think people remember that. And you've also got Plus (so you get something more for your money), Sony having backed things like Destiny better, and Sony not having pissed fans off by trying to get gamers go down a path they didn't want. So there's quite a lot of reasons really why I think it's doing well.


Regarding the OS...Wii U OS is super sluggish compared to the PS4's. If you play with the pro controller then you don't do the quick boot which means it's pretty slow, and going through any basic menu options often brings up text on the screen, followed by a load, followed by the thing coming up. It just ain't fluid (nor is loading up the eshop).


Regarding the quietness, my PS4 is as quiet as my Wii U (don't notice either), which is pretty good considering the power difference.


As for the display list of games on PS4, I tend to play maybe 2-3 games at the same time so the fact some older ones get purged to the right doesn't really affect me. Everything else though is pretty great, especially the friend list/notifications.

Edited by Sheikah
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I don't want to post this somewhere else as I don't want it to be an argument or anything, I'm just curious - @Hero\-of\-Time, @Fierce_LiNk,and others who are moving away from Nintendo and have other machines.


What is it about them. I have just bought a ps4 and I don't get it. I find the OS really cumbersome (finding stuff, no customisation etc) I genuinely think the Wii u is simple, but effective - function over form, ps4 seems to be form first. The software library doesn't seem to be in the same league, I love resogun, infamous seems pretty good, but is there much else? Kill zone appears dull... I don't get the fuss over the pad, I've always hated dual shock, I don't hate this, but it isn't amazing either... All the social stuff isn't really for me, is it really that appealing? It's fucking weird there's a specific stand by mode to get it to download stuff rather than it just always doing it like the Wii u.... I don't know. I just genuinely think the 100% does things better - simple user interface, small QUIET machine, downloading and auto installs etc quick start mode, customising the screens, miiverse makes more sense as a gaming social media than just facebook/twitter integration.... And it has loads and loads more games...


I think this about expectation, after all the hype and people saying how much it pisses over other stuff and is so slick etc I was expecting it to be incredible, and it isn't, or maybe it's just not to my tastes...


So what is it? Quite simply 3rd party support and more online modes and voice chat? The fact it's more powerful? (Another thing that hasn't blown me away - though resogun, tower fall and kill zone aren't the best examples).


It's fascinated me more now I have one as it's not this huge leap in tech, design or software that I was expecting.


Ultimately I don't care. I love resogun and I'll probably love infamous, and I can't wait for alien and batman, that's all the matters. It just wasn't what I was expecting.


There's quite a lot here to discuss, so I'll spoiler tag it and split it up into sections to hopefully make it easier to read.


As a system, I far prefer the PS4 and it's only just going to get better in terms of features and games. The software library at the moment is very sparse, much like the PS3 was when that started out. But, as you say, that'll get better and it is getting better.


For me, what I love about it is that it just feels complete and I like that it's linked in to other forms of media. The video-sharing/editing is great fun, I had a great time mucking around with this when playing Watch Dogs and Tomb Raider. Being able to upload those videos to Youtube or facebook easily, being able to link my facebook to my profile so my trophies can get posted there/profile picture being linked. It's not essential stuff, but then a lot of the stuff that Facebook does for example isn't "essential". It just makes the experience better. I'm actually enjoying the trophies aspect, it's rewarding that if you spend tons and tons of hours in a game, it's recognised in another way as well as you just enjoying the game. Plus, it's competitive.


Having more power is a huge, huge plus. Especially when you add in the fact that developers haven't got to split hairs trying to find a way to include the gimmicky GamePad. It's just simply "here's a console, make games for it." I had a Wii last gen and whilst a lot of the games looked great, I also want to see cutting edge games graphically and in terms of sound. As Nintendo fans, we've been treated to this for so long. Anyone who spouts the "it's not about graphics" bullshit is talking out of their arse. As Nintendo fans, I can safely say that we were the worst in that regard. We hyped up the N64 and pissed on Playstation fans when Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark were shown. We destroyed our friends when showing them footage of Rogue Leader, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, etc. We used to live for the graphics and cinematics. Somehow, Reggie in particular convinced us that having a less powerful machine would actually be a good thing.



For the PSN store, I'm enjoying that a billion times more than the eShop. Fucking hate it. It's horrible to navigate and find anything, slow, just the opposite of what it should be. I find it easier to get around on the PSN store. Linked in with that, I've already got around 6 free games on PS+. If Nintendo had something like that, I'd have lapped it up. Free games! One of those games is Trine 2, which I'm looking forward to having a go at.


I've played a bit of Watch Dogs online but not a great deal yet due to not owning much. But, I've been keeping up with what others have been playing when looking at the "who's online" section, seeing the updates and trophies that they've achieved in that...home menu bit/status us (what's that called? can't think, eating malteasers) It's been easy finding games on Watch Dogs, there's been voice chat, the ability to mute people if I wanted, etc. It's just easy. Keeping up with stuff on the Playstation App is also useful.


When the bigger games come, it's just going to be easy. Finding games when you own a Nintendo system is a chore. I remember I took FIFA08 online a few times on the Wii and struggled to find games. No issues with voice chat, no worrying about missing features, no worries about online modes being omitted. It's all there.



The controller is great. I much prefer it to the GamePad for a multiple of reasons. Firstly, the GP is far too big due to the screen. It's not ergonomic and it's a pain in the arse to hold for hours and hours. I played around 5 hours of WatchDogs today with hardly any breaks (I know...don't judge me) and felt no cramp whatsoever with the DS4. The build quality is high, the analogues are smooth as fuck. I don't miss having a screen right in the middle of the control pad, it's not needed. I wasn't a fan of the GP when it was shown and (aside from ZombiU) nothing has come along and improved on it.


Personally, I feel that Nintendo have spent too long trying to make the GP into more of a swiss army knife kind of gadget rather than trying to serve it's primary function; to be a games controller. No analogue shoulder triggers is bad. Racing games are going to be less intuitive, which is a shame because the whole point of the GP is to be more intuitive. It makes a huge difference for me during Watch Dogs when driving, I've pulled off some insane corner turns thanks to the buttons. I didn't know a great deal about the touch pad but it's been useful so far. It's been used in Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs to get to the map. It's very seamless and it's less disorientating than having to switch between the tv screen and GP screen consecutively and often, because that brings issues in itself.



Here's the most important aspect: The games. Nintendo have released Mario 3D World, NSMBU + Luigi U, Wind Waker HD, Wonderful 101, ZombiU, Lego City, Mario Kart and Smash will be here soon. For me, what will the future hold? We've already had a Mario Kart, so that's that as far as that is concerned, we're not going to get a better one until next gen. For me, I'm tired of seeing Mario's face on everything. The last Zelda was terrible. There's not a great deal in the pipeline aside from Smash and, importantly, the third parties have gone. Aside from Smash and Bayonetta, Xenoblade is the one title I want.


The PS4 has barely got started, but there is tons and tons more to come. I need some variation and want to play more games that are narrative driven. I wouldn't watch romantic comedies all the time, so I wouldn't play platformers all the time. What I need the third parties for on Nintendo's systems is for them to create games that Nintendo won't. ZombiU was great, a great start. If there was even more of that, an even wider range taking their cue from that, I'd have stuck with the WiiU solely. But, no Alien, no Batman, no Battlefield Hardline, no Destiny, Watch Dogs being pushed back, no Tomb Raider, no Assassin's Creed Unity, no The Witcher 3, no FIFA. Just...these are big games that I want to play and I won't get to play them on a Wii U. Plus, there's the Sony exclusives like The Last of Us which I'm really excited about playing.


I don't see a good future for the Wii U. To me, Nintendo aren't that exciting company any more who would make cutting edge games. Where's the Metroid Prime or F Zero GX of this generation? Even then, do we give Nintendo too much credit for those games? Retro and Amusement Vision/SEGA are the ones we should be thanking more for those games. Thinking back on it, my other favourite game on the GameCube was by Silicon Knights: Eternal Darkness. I need something deeper and although Nintendo can make great platformers and decent adventure games (to an extent) there's no depth to the narrative, no characters to truly empathise with, no dialogue to grip you. Right now, I want that and I just can't get that on the Wii U.


So far, I've played 2 retail PS4 games and I've already found what I'm looking for. Tomb Raider is one of the finest games that I've ever played. Couldn't put it down. I'm playing Watch Dogs for 5 hours a day, probably more. It's got me hooked in because there's this massive world to explore, so much to do, so many options, different ways to approach the missions. No Wii U release date for that either, still! It's a joke. I'm far more excited for Alien, Destiny, The Witcher 3 and The Last of Us (didn't play it, went Wii only last gen) than I am for the next Zelda. Years ago, we used to criticise the other consoles for making games that were shallow and without charm. To me, I feel this way about Nintendo's games these days.



A lot of this won't make sense, as I've been eating Maltesers and watching The IT Crowd whilst trying to type this. Haven't proof read. If there's anything you're unsure about or if you feel I didn't explain something, ask away. Personally, I'm delighted with it so far and I know it's just going to get better and better.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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... It has instant messaging, party chat and 3rd party support...


...Online gaming is a lot bigger on the other consoles. I honestly can't wait for a few peeps on here, like Blade, lostmario and Kav to get a PS4. Playing something like CoD or Destiny will be a whole lot easier to set up rather than having to post on a forum and hope someone sees it...


This is why I'll be buying a PS4, the highlighted parts especially!


I cannot wait to play Destiny with you guys, I've been telling Blade how awesome it would be!



MK8 would be an infinitely better game if there was voice chat in-game and a proper system where you could invite each other and jump into global/regional lobbies as a party!


Nintendo for me are slowly becoming all the about Zelda, Metroid, Mario and any MonolithSoft RPGs like Xenoblade. I'd say Retro's games too but the DKCR games, whereas great, aren't system sellers for me.

If Nintendo embraced online like their competitors then Smash Bros, MK, Waverave, F-Zero and others would become system sellers to me, but with their current online stance they're just not.

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Nintendo for me are slowly becoming all the about Zelda, Metroid, Mario and any MonolithSoft RPGs like Xenoblade. I'd say Retro's games too but the DKCR games, whereas great, aren't system sellers for me.

If Nintendo embraced online like their competitors then Smash Bros, MK, Waverave, F-Zero and others would become system sellers to me, but with their current online stance they're just not.


I wish that people would stop referring to the likes of 1080, Wave Race and F Zero as staple franchises. We haven't had any of them since the Cube. No DS games, no 3DS games, no Wii and no Wii U (so far). Even Metroid is sidelined to an extent, no DS (fuck you, Hunters) and no 3DS. It pains me. Replace Wave Rave with Animal Crossing, exchange F Zero for Fire Emblem and it's a bit more accurate. Not that there's anything wrong with those, it's just more accurate.

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I wish that people would stop referring to the likes of 1080, Wave Race and F Zero as staple franchises. We haven't had any of them since the Cube. No DS games, no 3DS games, no Wii and no Wii U (so far). Even Metroid is sidelined to an extent, no DS (fuck you, Hunters) and no 3DS. It pains me. Replace Wave Rave with Animal Crossing, exchange F Zero for Fire Emblem and it's a bit more accurate. Not that there's anything wrong with those, it's just more accurate.


Oh I wasn't referring to them as staple franchises, given that they haven't been around for so long as you've said... just that if they were and Nintendo embraced online, for me they would be system sellers.


It's exactly why I'm going off Nintendo to an extent.

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Oh I wasn't referring to them as staple franchises, given that they haven't been around for so long as you've said... just that if they were and Nintendo embraced online, for me they would be system sellers.


It's exactly why I'm going off Nintendo to an extent.


I know, I wasn't really referring to just you but all Nintendo fans. Myself included. A typical list of franchises we see on each Nintendo system now are:


Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Kirby (what is it with all of these Kirby games, so many!) and Donkey Kong. That's a typical list of their franchises these days. Metroid should be there, too. The days of F Zero, Star Fox, 1080 and Wave Rave being "in the pipeline" are numbered, imo. 1080 and Wave Race are dead. We're probably more likely to get an ExciteTruck/Bike/Bots than either of those, not that that would be bad because I freakin' loved ExciteTruck. Get that, make it online, more tracks, more vehicles, winner.

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I know, I wasn't really referring to just you but all Nintendo fans. Myself included. A typical list of franchises we see on each Nintendo system now are:


Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Kirby (what is it with all of these Kirby games, so many!) and Donkey Kong. That's a typical list of their franchises these days. Metroid should be there, too. The days of F Zero, Star Fox, 1080 and Wave Rave being "in the pipeline" are numbered, imo. 1080 and Wave Race are dead. We're probably more likely to get an ExciteTruck/Bike/Bots than either of those, not that that would be bad because I freakin' loved ExciteTruck. Get that, make it online, more tracks, more vehicles, winner.


It seems that Nintendo are just making decisions like any other business does and are producing products that are likely to sell. 1080 and Wave Race aren't big sellers so Nintendo may be making a business decision. Yes it may exclude the fans but when times are tough (ie the current situation with the Wii U) Nintendo have chosen to be conservative with the franchises it has selected for it.


I'm not defending their position, just citing what I believe the reasons why they rely so heavily on their "core" franchises...they make £££. MK8 for example is doing very well, as expected.

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Nintendo don't advertise enough. Sure F-Zero GX didn't sell great but it's still an awesome game. There wasn't a single ad for that game. However, look at the likes of Animal Crossing or Mario games, they get massive marketing campaigns in comparison. If these niche titles as they're referred to got more publicity then they mightn't be niche anymore.


How many times have we known before a game released that it was going to bomb because we knew they they were being sent out to die with no marketing? I do think that in this day and age that with the advent of social media that games like F-Zero GX would have stood a slightly better chance now.

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There's quite a lot here to discuss, so I'll spoiler tag it and split it up into sections to hopefully make it easier to read.


As a system, I far prefer the PS4 and it's only just going to get better in terms of features and games. The software library at the moment is very sparse, much like the PS3 was when that started out. But, as you say, that'll get better and it is getting better.


For me, what I love about it is that it just feels complete and I like that it's linked in to other forms of media. The video-sharing/editing is great fun, I had a great time mucking around with this when playing Watch Dogs and Tomb Raider. Being able to upload those videos to Youtube or facebook easily, being able to link my facebook to my profile so my trophies can get posted there/profile picture being linked. It's not essential stuff, but then a lot of the stuff that Facebook does for example isn't "essential". It just makes the experience better. I'm actually enjoying the trophies aspect, it's rewarding that if you spend tons and tons of hours in a game, it's recognised in another way as well as you just enjoying the game. Plus, it's competitive.


Having more power is a huge, huge plus. Especially when you add in the fact that developers haven't got to split hairs trying to find a way to include the gimmicky GamePad. It's just simply "here's a console, make games for it." I had a Wii last gen and whilst a lot of the games looked great, I also want to see cutting edge games graphically and in terms of sound. As Nintendo fans, we've been treated to this for so long. Anyone who spouts the "it's not about graphics" bullshit is talking out of their arse. As Nintendo fans, I can safely say that we were the worst in that regard. We hyped up the N64 and pissed on Playstation fans when Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark were shown. We destroyed our friends when showing them footage of Rogue Leader, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, etc. We used to live for the graphics and cinematics. Somehow, Reggie in particular convinced us that having a less powerful machine would actually be a good thing.



For the PSN store, I'm enjoying that a billion times more than the eShop. Fucking hate it. It's horrible to navigate and find anything, slow, just the opposite of what it should be. I find it easier to get around on the PSN store. Linked in with that, I've already got around 6 free games on PS+. If Nintendo had something like that, I'd have lapped it up. Free games! One of those games is Trine 2, which I'm looking forward to having a go at.


I've played a bit of Watch Dogs online but not a great deal yet due to not owning much. But, I've been keeping up with what others have been playing when looking at the "who's online" section, seeing the updates and trophies that they've achieved in that...home menu bit/status us (what's that called? can't think, eating malteasers) It's been easy finding games on Watch Dogs, there's been voice chat, the ability to mute people if I wanted, etc. It's just easy. Keeping up with stuff on the Playstation App is also useful.


When the bigger games come, it's just going to be easy. Finding games when you own a Nintendo system is a chore. I remember I took FIFA08 online a few times on the Wii and struggled to find games. No issues with voice chat, no worrying about missing features, no worries about online modes being omitted. It's all there.



The controller is great. I much prefer it to the GamePad for a multiple of reasons. Firstly, the GP is far too big due to the screen. It's not ergonomic and it's a pain in the arse to hold for hours and hours. I played around 5 hours of WatchDogs today with hardly any breaks (I know...don't judge me) and felt no cramp whatsoever with the DS4. The build quality is high, the analogues are smooth as fuck. I don't miss having a screen right in the middle of the control pad, it's not needed. I wasn't a fan of the GP when it was shown and (aside from ZombiU) nothing has come along and improved on it.


Personally, I feel that Nintendo have spent too long trying to make the GP into more of a swiss army knife kind of gadget rather than trying to serve it's primary function; to be a games controller. No analogue shoulder triggers is bad. Racing games are going to be less intuitive, which is a shame because the whole point of the GP is to be more intuitive. It makes a huge difference for me during Watch Dogs when driving, I've pulled off some insane corner turns thanks to the buttons. I didn't know a great deal about the touch pad but it's been useful so far. It's been used in Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs to get to the map. It's very seamless and it's less disorientating than having to switch between the tv screen and GP screen consecutively and often, because that brings issues in itself.



Here's the most important aspect: The games. Nintendo have released Mario 3D World, NSMBU + Luigi U, Wind Waker HD, Wonderful 101, ZombiU, Lego City, Mario Kart and Smash will be here soon. For me, what will the future hold? We've already had a Mario Kart, so that's that as far as that is concerned, we're not going to get a better one until next gen. For me, I'm tired of seeing Mario's face on everything. The last Zelda was terrible. There's not a great deal in the pipeline aside from Smash and, importantly, the third parties have gone. Aside from Smash and Bayonetta, Xenoblade is the one title I want.


The PS4 has barely got started, but there is tons and tons more to come. I need some variation and want to play more games that are narrative driven. I wouldn't watch romantic comedies all the time, so I wouldn't play platformers all the time. What I need the third parties for on Nintendo's systems is for them to create games that Nintendo won't. ZombiU was great, a great start. If there was even more of that, an even wider range taking their cue from that, I'd have stuck with the WiiU solely. But, no Alien, no Batman, no Battlefield Hardline, no Destiny, Watch Dogs being pushed back, no Tomb Raider, no Assassin's Creed Unity, no The Witcher 3, no FIFA. Just...these are big games that I want to play and I won't get to play them on a Wii U. Plus, there's the Sony exclusives like The Last of Us which I'm really excited about playing.


I don't see a good future for the Wii U. To me, Nintendo aren't that exciting company any more who would make cutting edge games. Where's the Metroid Prime or F Zero GX of this generation? Even then, do we give Nintendo too much credit for those games? Retro and Amusement Vision/SEGA are the ones we should be thanking more for those games. Thinking back on it, my other favourite game on the GameCube was by Silicon Knights: Eternal Darkness. I need something deeper and although Nintendo can make great platformers and decent adventure games (to an extent) there's no depth to the narrative, no characters to truly empathise with, no dialogue to grip you. Right now, I want that and I just can't get that on the Wii U.


So far, I've played 2 retail PS4 games and I've already found what I'm looking for. Tomb Raider is one of the finest games that I've ever played. Couldn't put it down. I'm playing Watch Dogs for 5 hours a day, probably more. It's got me hooked in because there's this massive world to explore, so much to do, so many options, different ways to approach the missions. No Wii U release date for that either, still! It's a joke. I'm far more excited for Alien, Destiny, The Witcher 3 and The Last of Us (didn't play it, went Wii only last gen) than I am for the next Zelda. Years ago, we used to criticise the other consoles for making games that were shallow and without charm. To me, I feel this way about Nintendo's games these days.



A lot of this won't make sense, as I've been eating Maltesers and watching The IT Crowd whilst trying to type this. Haven't proof read. If there's anything you're unsure about or if you feel I didn't explain something, ask away. Personally, I'm delighted with it so far and I know it's just going to get better and better.


Great post that sums up much better how I feel. I was trying to type my response on my phone while watching Scrubs and I don't think my points came across as well as yours. :D

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