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Was in a HMV today (Dundrum in Dublin for those few in Ireland wonderin which) and of course went to the games section, was expecting to see at least one MK8 poster or even a shelf with a line of display boxes. .. I found nothing :( not a single thing it was as if the game didnt exsist to them. There was barely even a WiiU section. Just a little corner of pre-owned games.


In the plus side I picked up Mass Effect 3 Wii U pre-owned for just 10euro! And the Club Nintendo code in it was unused.... Methinks they were just marking excess stock as pre-owned tryin to offload some .... Prolly wont get rpund to playin it for awhile though what with MK8 and all but will get to play it at some point :)


I went into Bluewater's HMV a few months ago when a good deal had popped up online - they'd completely wiped out Wii U from the shop then. I thought Bluewater was at least one of some note, so was suprised to have them tell me that when I asked. Tis a great shame.

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You can't really factor in the cost of the games, as you'd have to pay that anyway if it was released on Wii U. In terms of 'added cost' on top of what you would pay if it was released on Wii U, it's £80 less than that.


I also know you've often said how you got cheap bargains on the Wii U and games for under a tenner. Well, in the interest of balance, you should do the same here. If you've done the same for the Wii U, you shouldn't list full RRP games if you can wait a couple of months and get half price (especially since FIFA games plummet rapidly). Similarly, PS Plus is often cheaper than that in various deals. It honestly seems like you're deliberately trying to make the cost seem as high as possible. You're also getting the ability to play every FIFA/whatever for at least the next 6 years, so it won't be 'just 2 games'.


I can't get over the fact that you would literally only value those 2 games on the system. You would have the most powerful games console on the market and support from just about every third party developer there is. And you only want those two games? Why not try explore other games out there? With the PS Plus subscription you will get many games to try without paying any extra on top. Try it out!




Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet, Red Dead Redemption (I'm counting it), BioShock, Borderlands, Portal (technically), Demon's Souls, The Walking Dead, Journey, Ni No Kuni, Gears of War, Braid.


You may think of these as a very large chunk of what was both critically and commercially successful last generation.


They were all new IPs.


You shouldn't talk sense on this board mate.

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Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet, Red Dead Redemption (I'm counting it), BioShock, Borderlands, Portal (technically), Demon's Souls, The Walking Dead, Journey, Ni No Kuni, Gears of War, Braid.


You may think of these as a very large chunk of what was both critically and commercially successful last generation.


They were all new IPs.


Well done. You listed some new IPs. A handful of the massive amount that hit during the last generation.


Yes, new IPs are sometimes successful, but they are more often not successful.

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Well done. You listed some new IPs. A handful of the massive amount that hit during the last generation.


Yes, new IPs are sometimes successful, but they are more often not successful.

That's a weak retort.


What you have there is a ton of titles that show how darn necessary new IP is. Many of the critically successful games of last gen were new IPs (or sequels in a series new to that generation, such as successive Uncharted, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and BioShock games). It shows how important new IP is because it's often new IP that goes on to captivate people in new ways. There are some series that have stood the test of time as they have a sort of timeless quality, but many don't.


Can't believe I forgot Minecraft too.


Yes new IP can fail, but then if you're a good developer who knows what they're doing, it really shouldn't. Looking at failure rates of new IP across the board is hardly anything to go by, since you should expect Nintendo to be better than your average developer and they have a proven track record from many years past.

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Well done. You listed some new IPs. A handful of the massive amount that hit during the last generation.


Yes, new IPs are sometimes successful, but they are more often not successful.

I don't buy that at all. I mean sure any half-assed attempt can fail, but what precedents are you drawing from because I'm having trouble thinking of many/any that have been well produced and marketed. The fact that so many can be named from last gen alone tells a huge amount.


We're already seeing it this generation with WatchDogs being Ubisoft's biggest launch ever.

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That's a weak retort.


What you have there is a ton of titles that show how darn necessary new IP is. Many of the critically successful games of last gen were new IPs (or sequels in a series new to that generation, such as successive Uncharted, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and BioShock games). It shows how important new IP is because it's often new IP that goes on to captivate people in new ways. There are some series that have stood the test of time as they have a sort of timeless quality, but many don't.


Can't believe I forgot Minecraft too.


New IP is useful, but old IP shouldn't be discounted. Both have pros and cons.

As long as old IP is used to strengthen a game (rather than improve sales) it is a positive thing.

I actually think Nintendo have abroad enough range of IP's to not need a new IP, they just need a good idea to move those older unused IP's forward more effectively.


F-zero, Metroid, Kid Icarus, 1080, waverace, pilot wings, advance wars, ice climbers, excite bike, wrecking crew,punch out, urban champion, balloon fight. As yet none of these (afaik) are either out on the Wii U or in development. Given the right direction, and support, these IP's could give good coverage I would say. Sure, they need development, but Nintendo have the IP, they just need to use it, maybe outsource it to a third party like F-zero GX. I don't believe they lack IP, I think they have a lack of interest in developing the kinds of games the "new IP" people want.

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I actually think Nintendo have abroad enough range of IP's to not need a new IP, they just need a good idea to move those older unused IP's forward more effectively.


Why? I'm struggling to think how that would benefit absolutely anyone. What was so good about their IP that they made in the 90s that it deserves to be continuously reused, while no new IP need be created?


Nintendo pretty much support the Wii U single-handedly now, too. So that would pretty much condemn them to stuff you've seen before, even if the gameplay was tweaked.

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Why? I'm struggling to think how that would benefit absolutely anyone. What was so good about their IP that they made in the 90s that it deserves to be continuously reused, while no new IP need be created?


Nintendo pretty much support the Wii U single-handedly now, too. So that would pretty much condemn them to stuff you've seen before, even if the gameplay was tweaked.


Dude, it's not the IP, it's the games. THE GAMES. Would Mario bros U have been a better game if it had been a fir tree trying to save a seal who had been taken by a hungry Polar bear? exact same mechanics, just different main character sprites etc?


They have limited capacity to develop AAA games.

Familiar IP works much the same way as branded consumer goods. People buy what they already know, familiarity is comforting. SO familiar (old) IP = higher sales. It's a no brainer.




That's why old IP is released. So why release new IP?


1) Avoid damaging an established strong brand. Much like Nintendo did with 3DS, it wasn't the successor to the GBA.


2) Illusion of novelty. A new IP appears new, you can get away with releasing the same stuff you released before, but with superficial alterations.


3) To launch a new genre/sub genre. When a company want to release a new genre that doesn't fit an existing IP, they create a new brand.


They are the reasons I can see. My point was Nintendo have enough IP's from their past (actually some of those titles go back to the 80's I believe? although I may be wrong) to cover point 3. Point 2, no one wants, as it's not fresh stuff, it's pulling wool over people's eyes. Point 1 can be good, it can be due to a risky gamble that pays off. It can also be terrible, creating a game that shows that a new IP was a prudent choice, as a long standing IP has not been damaged.

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That's why old IP is released. So why release new IP?


How about Option #4; actual novelty?


You're now confusing IP with characters, I think, since I'm not just talking about characters but everything in the game too. If they made a totally new type of game but with an existing character then you could still argue it's a new IP (although to be honest, with previous main characters often you get familiar settings, themes, the return of other existing characters and, frequently, gameplay elements).


It's just the case that new characters in a new world lends itself better to new IP, since it has no baggage. If Nintendo went with your idea of only working with existing IP they would be shooting themselves in the foot. Even if you're doing something different in the game, it's hard to make a truly different kind of game if you're just using Nintendo's own stock. Take, for instance, Xenoblade. That kind of game wouldn't have worked with any other character's universe. The story and fighting revolved entirely around the unusual world and its inhabitants; no other existing Nintendo universe would have provided this. They needed a fresh start.


I'm not saying down with all old IP, it definitely serves a purpose and can print money (look at Final Fantasy and Zelda). But to say that they don't need new IP and can work with what they've got is way off.

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Dude, it's not the IP, it's the games. THE GAMES. Would Mario bros U have been a better game if it had been a fir tree trying to save a seal who had been taken by a hungry Polar bear? exact same mechanics, just different main character sprites etc?
No because new IP are built around new concepts and ideas, not put over an existing one.


Also, why would a Fir Tree be trying to save a seal?

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Yeah I didn't fancy paying £40. As tight as it is, I'd rather have got it for like £35 from ShopTo - I know it's only a fiver... :blush: bbuuuut their expensive enough as they are considering I don't need it.


Well... it is Princess Peach themed. So I guess I do need it. :laughing:


I'll mull it over! But cheers! : peace:

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Yeah I didn't fancy paying £40. As tight as it is, I'd rather have got it for like £35 from ShopTo - I know it's only a fiver... :blush: bbuuuut their expensive enough as they are considering I don't need it.


Well... it is Princess Peach themed. So I guess I do need it. :laughing:


I'll mull it over! But cheers! : peace:

Shopto is £36.85, that's a whole £3.15 :p


But you're right, it's still very expensive for what it is!

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From Reggie about MK8 sales


The early response to Mario Kart 8 demonstrates that the best days for Wii U are still ahead. This year’s E3 is just days away, and it will be all about the future games for Nintendo platforms. This milestone is a great place to start!


I'm excited now.

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I think it's just game specific. The Wii U is/will still get the Lego games from WB, where as MKX isn't really gonna shift many units with the consoles current user base where it is.


MKX isn't out until 2015. There's a chance the Wii U might get a definitive edition port or something way down the line, when the user base has grown that bit more with the release of Smash, Zelda etc...

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