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Does anybody know what Reggie and Iwata do every day? I can imagine some funny skits with Will Ferrell playing Reggie and Gilbert Gottfried playing Iwata. I'd pay anything to see them on the big screen.
Just because it reminded me of this Final Bosman episode...


Reggie preparing for the VGX Awards @11:20 :p



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You know what else Rare made? A certain game called Conker's Bad Fur Day.


Undoubtedly the best looking N64 game and definitely the funniest game I've ever played. And then there was the multiplayer.......:D


Not sure if its been mentioned on here before, but the man behind Conker's Bad Fur Day now works at Gory Detail, and is actually working on a Wii U/3DS eshop game at the moment called The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup.

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Not sure if its been mentioned on here before, but the man behind Conker's Bad Fur Day now works at Gory Detail, and is actually working on a Wii U/3DS eshop game at the moment called The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup.


Yeah I saw some stuff they showed for it a few months ago...so excited! I've heard it's going to be a very mature title in the same vein as Conker's :)

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I'm shit at internet and I figure you guys are probably a better bet than Google anyway: Anybody know if there's been anything said about a Metroid game on the Wii U/ 3DS?


Pretty much nothing I'm afraid :( With Wii U they've only focused on games that sold loads to the expanded Wii market (Donkey Kong, NSMB etc) so I'm not sure if it's something that they are interested in atm :(

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That really sucks man, just played Echoes again, and I'd fucking kill for another 3D Metroid game. It's weird, I've talked about how good the last seven years or so have been for getting rid of obtuse design in games, but I really think that's going to hurt the Metroid series. They rely so much on opaqueness, and you could see modern design eating away at the edges of MP3 with the voice overs and the unnecessary secondary characters.


Maybe it's for the best that they aren't making a new 3D Metroid. Maybe they'll get another ten years down the line and just remake Super Metroid again like they did for Prime :heh:

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We technically already got that within Nintendoland as the mini-game was basically Metroid with Mii's.


I do like the term 'Miitroid' though, either way a new Metroid game is definitely needed, personally I'd like the idea of Retro making a new 3D Metroid but in the meantime I don't see why we couldn't have a 2D Metroid either on the Wii U eShop or on the 3DS... perhaps even both with some way to link them both up for extra suits etc.


Yeah... I'd settle for *anything decent with the Metroid name attached to it right now... :p



...and no that does not include a *Metroid Other M sequel ;) as good as it was at least some of the time, that's an experiment that really shouldn't be repeated.

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We technically already got that within Nintendoland as the mini-game was basically Metroid with Mii's.
... oh god... that was the Wii U's Metroid and F-Zero wasn't it.


...and no that does not include a *Metroid Other M sequel ;) as good as it was at least some of the time, that's an experiment that really shouldn't be repeated.
Too right! Gave up on that terrible game.
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Metroid, Mario and Zelda.


NINTENDO's 3 gaming franchises that have defined genres and certain games in the franchise are insanely highly critically acclaimed.

They know, they know.


Trust me, it's coming.

If anything, The GamePad will be used as Samus's visor. I'm counting on Miyamoto to push for this idea.


... oh god... that was the Wii U's Metroid and F-Zero wasn't it.


I've always looked at it this way:


It's either what you say it is, or it is NINTENDO trying to get more awareness regarding these franchises in order to reintroduce them.


I mean, It's still pretty interesting NINTENDO chose Takamura's Castle and F-Zero over the likes of Kirby and Star Fox when it comes to getting a minigame in Nintendoland.

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I mean, It's still pretty interesting NINTENDO chose Takamura's Castle and F-Zero over the likes of Kirby and Star Fox when it comes to getting a minigame in Nintendoland.
Probably just because Nintendo had a finger throwing tech demo sitting there that they needed a character skin for :p Edited by Retro_Link
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Decent watch as a discussion topic...




It's true Rocksteady would be an awesome developer for Metroid! :)

Especially to develop that third person, Dead Space style Metroid game.


But yeah, although there actually have been First person single player only story games lately (the bloke who mentions them implies there haven't), with Bioshock and Far Cry 3... another First Person Metroid does seem quite unlikely just from the vibes you get from Nintendo atm.


Although especially on PC, First Person single player games seem to be the in thing, in many genre's, be they adventure, horror, puzzle, or point and click story.

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I don't want a first person Metroid. It should be 3rd person on TV combined with 1st person on the gamepad. I think that would give the best of both worlds and has the potential to be amazing.
I can't see that as being anything other than extremely distracting/disorientating?


Surely you would just end up playing it exclusively in which ever view you prefer?... well I would want to anyway. I'd be first person all the way.


Also I think it's extremely difficult to come up with level design that works for both views simultaneously. The 3D view of 2D platform environments could end up looking extremely dull.

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