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Wii U General Discussion


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I don't understand why anyone would buy Wii Fit U when there are much better ways to get fit at home with less expensive equipment (such as P90X). Of course, those types of programmes weren't available back when the original Wii Fit came out, which may explain the lack of interest Wii Fit U is getting.

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So nothing being released after DKC:TF until late May.


That can't be right, Reggie said it wouldn't happen again...


“The way we’re going to be different is, we’re gonna certainly have a steadier pace of games – both for Wii U and for 3DS.”


“The marketing activity is going to be constant throughout the entire year. You tease me a little bit that ‘boy the first half [of 2013] was a little quiet,’ and y’know what, you look back and it was. We’re not going to be making that same mistake in 2014.”



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It depends how you view 2013 too and what you're after...


Surprised how well 2013 turned out while compiling the list, but yeah, one has to look behind the numbers: Luigi U is an expansion pack, Wii Fit U and Wii Party U are cheap to make successors and Wind Waker is a remake. Only Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World required significant development resources over several years.

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I don't understand why anyone would buy Wii Fit U when there are much better ways to get fit at home with less expensive equipment (such as P90X). Of course, those types of programmes weren't available back when the original Wii Fit came out, which may explain the lack of interest Wii Fit U is getting.


How is it expensive for people who already have the balance board? Also; the game is FUN!! I hate exercises if I'm not playing sport, but I love wii fit u because it's fun, and easy. I presume a lot of people think like this.

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How is it expensive for people who already have the balance board? Also; the game is FUN!! I hate exercises if I'm not playing sport, but I love wii fit u because it's fun, and easy. I presume a lot of people think like this.
Yeah tbh whilst I might use it for some Yoga or something, the mini-games and the island based sports activities were the best part. Some fun multiplayer games can be had with Wii Fit.
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How is it expensive for people who already have the balance board? Also; the game is FUN!! I hate exercises if I'm not playing sport, but I love wii fit u because it's fun, and easy. I presume a lot of people think like this.


Yeah but you still have to buy the freakin' console lol. It was always going to flop imo.


Fair enough if you find it fun, but I don't find it fun enough to compete against actual games or enough of a workout to substitute it for exercise.

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I don't understand why anyone would buy Wii Fit U when there are much better ways to get fit at home with less expensive equipment (such as P90X). Of course, those types of programmes weren't available back when the original Wii Fit came out, which may explain the lack of interest Wii Fit U is getting.


Something on Dragon's Den the other day totally hit the nail on the head about this. From what I can remember, one of the dragons remarked how separate fitness devices that didn't hook up to smart phones/tablets were dead (now, as opposed to then). Now people want smart connectivity as phones are generally the centre of their attentions and something most people carry with them at all times anyway.

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After being burnt by both Wii U and 3DS, I definitely won't be getting another Nintendo console, certainly at launch anyway.


Man, can't believe I'm saying that :(


I'm the same after all their empty and broken promises. They sold me a sheep in wolfs clothing. Yes I've got that right way round. 6 years late and it's barely if at all more powerful than the PS3/XBOX360. I'll get it, just not at launch(1st time) and I'm not alone. They burnt a lot of people with Wii U and that won't be forgotten

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I remember us talking at autosports about what else you could have spent that money on :p


I could have saved and got a PS4...or even put that money towards a gaming PC :( Or a trip to Spa :D


I'm the same after all their empty and broken promises. They sold me a sheep in wolfs clothing. Yes I've got that right way round. 6 years late and it's barely if at all more powerful than the PS3/XBOX360. I'll get it, just not at launch(1st time) and I'm not alone. They burnt a lot of people with Wii U and that won't be forgotten


Reminds me of the Sega Saturn situation for Sega, which was made worse after they had released Sega CD and Sega 32X for the Genesis...How do you build those bridges again? At a minimum, I expect a full VC and intergration with the next handheld, but more important I need new I.P to justify to investment. I can't buy a console for the same old experiences again and again (apart from maybe Smash...) :hmm:

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I could have saved and got a PS4


A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.

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A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.


There's 100 games confirmed as coming out this year on PS4 (according to Sony and presumably includes downloadable games).

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There's 100 games confirmed as coming out this year on PS4 (according to Sony and presumably includes downloadable games).


Well there's over a 100 games on Wii u if it includes downloadable games :)


But the argument was there's a drought now and people should've waited, but the ps4 is the most lacklustre console on the market now for games, so just don't understand how kill zone, knack, resogun, infamous, thief, metal gear is meant to be better than mario, mario, mario, mario, mario, Zelda... I kid I kid (sort of), pikmin, w101, zombi u, donkey kong, mario kart... Especially to nintendo fans.


I guess the the impression of positive opinion had a huge effect on the brain.


Makes a lot of sense actually, that console has third party support.


But we're specifically talking now and the drought up to maya rent we? As we have no idea what's coming out after... What's coming out for ps4 3rd party. Metal gear and thief, a glorified demo and a game meant to be average. I'm not knocking someone who'd prefer that. But it's not LOADS better, plus it doesn't have the back catalogue, and it's more expensive. And they were talking about the money they could've saved... Just don't understand the logic. Other than feeding off the negativity of the Wii u and the positivity of the ps4.

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A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.


Metal Gear isnt £50

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Well there's over a 100 games on Wii u if it includes downloadable games :)


But the argument was there's a drought now and people should've waited, but the ps4 is the most lacklustre console on the market now for games, so just don't understand how kill zone, knack, resogun, infamous, thief, metal gear is meant to be better than mario, mario, mario, mario, mario, Zelda... I kid I kid (sort of), pikmin, w101, zombi u, donkey kong, mario kart... Especially to nintendo fans.


I guess the the impression of positive opinion had a huge effect on the brain.



There feels like more variety on the PS4 to me. Platformers are nice, but it feels like the only genre being given place at the moment. I know obviously there is much more, but it feels that Nintendo's eggs are all in one basket (be that Mario or platformers).


The true winners are people with both consoles obviously.

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There feels like more variety on the PS4 to me. Platformers are nice, but it feels like the only genre being given place at the moment. I know obviously there is much more, but it feels that Nintendo's eggs are all in one basket (be that Mario or platformers).


The true winners are people with both consoles obviously.


As someone with both if someone asked me what I would recommend I could never honestly advise someone to buy a Wii U unless they only love Mario.


Trying to sell the Wii U to someone is very very hard work. It's a tough sell to the 18-35 year old male demographic.

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A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.


Well there's over a 100 games on Wii u if it includes downloadable games :)


But the argument was there's a drought now and people should've waited, but the ps4 is the most lacklustre console on the market now for games, so just don't understand how kill zone, knack, resogun, infamous, thief, metal gear is meant to be better than mario, mario, mario, mario, mario, Zelda... I kid I kid (sort of), pikmin, w101, zombi u, donkey kong, mario kart... Especially to nintendo fans.


I guess the the impression of positive opinion had a huge effect on the brain.




But we're specifically talking now and the drought up to maya rent we? As we have no idea what's coming out after... What's coming out for ps4 3rd party. Metal gear and thief, a glorified demo and a game meant to be average. I'm not knocking someone who'd prefer that. But it's not LOADS better, plus it doesn't have the back catalogue, and it's more expensive. And they were talking about the money they could've saved... Just don't understand the logic. Other than feeding off the negativity of the Wii u and the positivity of the ps4.


I'm not sure I follow your logic here.


If I had a PS4 at launch I would have been able to get some great launch games, and the best looking versions of those games as well. Those games would have included Need For Speed (The Wii U game was great but ruined by digital acceleration/brake), Assassin's Creed and Lego Marvel. On top of that (and more importantly) I would have been able to get exclusive titles for next few years as well as guaranteed 3rd party support. Games like The Evil Within and Driveclub alone would make 2014 for me. New experiences and titles are why I buy a console. Okay, not all of those games would have been available at launch but it would have been a solid investment, even if there were droughts.


I'm struggling to get excited about Donkey Kong and Mario Kart. Yes, they look amazing (and I'm sure I'll love Donkey Kong) but it's the same freakin' game I played last year on the 3DS and on the Wii when it came out. Mario Kart, graphically, looks amazing but is it that different from the previous games? I struggle to get excited about the same games again and again, although maybe that's just me getting older and appreciating the variety of games I get on Steam, Playstation or even the 3DS.


Yeah, the drought sucks..it sucks ass. But if Nintendo think Donkey Kong and Mario Kart are going to make a shred of difference, they're in for a surprise. Even the Wii, which disappointed a lot of people, came out with a lot of unique software...The only hints of that I saw with Wii U were Nintendo Land and Zombi U and since then it's just remakes of the top selling Wii games which not much else. At this point, I couldn't recommend the Wii U to anyone (although Bayonetta and X may change that).


(I appreciate I've gone OT compared to your original point but I'm just talking about my own feelings regarding the Wii U here).

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But we're specifically talking now and the drought up to maya rent we?
I think @Goron_3 was simply saying instead of spending £300 on a console at launch that wouldn't get games and feel like a bad investment, he could have spent £350 on a console at launch that would get games and feel like a good investment.


EDIT: Oh that ninja has beaten me to my post.


Metal Gear isnt £50
What is it in the UK £20 for the digital PS3 and £30 for the digital PS4 version.


Still ridiculously expensive though. It should be £10 on both console... why should you have to pay more for the version of the game that the experience is clearly being built around anway?


Or ideally they should have given it away with Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2 to get people to buy that game.


What they're doing with this game is setting a really bad precedent for the future.

Edited by Retro_Link
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