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Given they have no third party support, I think they've done a pretty good job getting diversity like Bayonetta 2 > Captain Toad > Mario Kart 8 > Xenoblade > Mario Maker> Pikmin 3 > Splatoon. Seven WILDLY different games, as just a few examples. The third parties would have padded each genre out, but sadly it's been Nintendo more or less on it's own this gen.

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I genuinely can't think of any instance on this board when someone had laughed at the sales of a PS4 game over a Wii U game, but anyway.


When most multiplatform games are announced, I've seen plenty of "when's it out on Wii U?! ;)" "Wii U release confirmed?! :p" etc posts.


The difference is the members who don't take an interest in the other consoles don't bother turning up to defend/argue points in there.


There is no problem with people falling out of love/ losing their passion for Nintendo here. Christ, I've been on the brink more than once and Nintendo haven't endeared themselves to many this generation.


But why do people who clearly don't like Nintendo still feel the need to come back in here and get upset about things and defend Bloodborne or whatever? Focus on what you enjoy playing rather than getting upset because some one is happy to see Nintendo games selling well!

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Given they have no third party support, I think they've done a pretty good job getting diversity like Bayonetta 2 > Captain Toad > Mario Kart 8 > Xenoblade > Mario Maker> Pikmin 3 > Splatoon. Seven WILDLY different games, as just a few examples. The third parties would have padded each genre out, but sadly it's been Nintendo more or less on it's own this gen.


Nintendo themselves have done an ok job, but let's not ore tend they could t do better. Where's Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP..?!


Also, my point was that within genres games can be very different, ie; CoD, Battlefield and Battlefront are all very different from each other. Throw in other FPS games and there's more difference. There's variety within genres because of the quantity of games in each genre... which is where it's lacking with Nintendo.

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When most multiplatform games are announced, I've seen plenty of "when's it out on Wii U?! ;)" "Wii U release confirmed?! :p" etc posts.


The difference is the members who don't take an interest in the other consoles don't bother turning up to defend/argue points in there.


There is no problem with people falling out of love/ losing their passion for Nintendo here. Christ, I've been on the brink more than once and Nintendo haven't endeared themselves to many this generation.


But why do people who clearly don't like Nintendo still feel the need to come back in here and get upset about things and defend Bloodborne or whatever? Focus on what you enjoy playing rather than getting upset because some one is happy to see Nintendo games selling well!


Really, nobody is upset about it. It was just a really poor comparison dude - I don't think the people who pointed this out are in any way getting riled about his comment.


I also don't think there's one person here who dislikes Nintendo. I'm willing to bet most people you could probably name have a current Nintendo system of some sort.

Edited by Sheikah
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I made a comparison, one big flagship exclusive vs another. It really wasn't anything to get up in arms about. It was a nothing comment, praising Nintendo, on a Nintendo message board.


Nintendo themselves have done an ok job, but let's not ore tend they could t do better. Where's Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP..?!



You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101? As for the rest, Nintendo have a huge array of IP Playstation and Xbox would kill for, why not use them!


Yes it would be amazing to have Nintendo develop all the games they have thus far and throw in Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP, but then you're like a kid at Christmas who just wants everything. Realism has to kick in at some point.


I made a comparison, one big flagship exclusive vs another. It really wasn't anything to get up in arms about. It was my point of view, praising Nintendo, on a Nintendo message board.


Nintendo themselves have done an ok job, but let's not ore tend they could t do better. Where's Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP..?!



You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101? As for the rest, Nintendo have a huge array of IP Playstation and Xbox would kill for, why not use them!


Yes it would be amazing to have Nintendo develop all the games they have thus far and throw in Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP, but then you're like a kid at Christmas who just wants everything. Realism has to kick in at some point.

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You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101?


There are people who don't like Splatoon, Captain Toad and Wonderful 101 (like me). Those people want Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, etc.



Yes it would be amazing to have Nintendo develop all the games they have thus far and throw in Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP, but then you're like a kid at Christmas who just wants everything.


No, I'm not a kid who wants everything. I want Nintendo to release new installments of my favourite games.

That's why they've lost a lot of gamers (there are more reasons, of course).



The WiiU has been the only gaming-related purchase that I've ever regretted. Literally nothing I've played on this system made me think: "Money well spent."

I can't say for sure that it would've been different, if Nintendo released a new Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero. But with them being my favourite Nintendo IPs I'm pretty sure my opinion would be different..

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You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101? As for the rest, Nintendo have a huge array of IP Playstation and Xbox would kill for, why not use them!...


I certainly do mean like them, but it feels it's still nowhere near enough unfortunately.

Nintendo really should be pulling from their library to appease the fans that have stuck with them or they risk losing them bit by bit, more and more with each generation as they have been doing.


Also, I didn't mean for it to sound like I'm up in arms. There's nothing wrong finding it funny that Splatoon outsold Bloodborne. As I said in an earlier post, based on the marketing I'd have thought Bloodborne would've been seen as the more appealing game to the masses.

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I totally disagree on Bloodborne.



A specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service:

'he believes he has found a niche in the market'

'smaller cooperatives must find and develop a niche for their speciality product'.


Bloodborne had a development cycle of between 3 and 4 years. It will have had sizeable development costs. It has sold in excess of 2 million units in less than a year and has had a massive marketing push with TV spots. It has also been sold in places like TESCO and Sainsbury.


This isn't some niche title made by a tiny studio and on a limited budget, tight development cycle and given a limited release, advertised only on specialist gaming sites and released through specialist outlets.


A niche title is something like Rodea The Sky Soldier, Tatsunoko VS Capcom or Maiden of Dark Water - a game that outside of people who read dedicated gaming sites, no one would have heard of.


Bloodborne maybe be difficult. It might be different. It might be a long and arduous experience. But it certainly isn't 'niche'. Just because something isn't COD or FIFA doesn't make it niche. Once you've got a game that is selling multiple millions of units and has had such a big marketing push, it can't really be called anything other than mainstream - despite its difficulty.


Yes, Bloodborne and Splatoon are obviously very different games - but neither are niche titles, they're both games aimed at the mainstream which have both has big pushes in the mainstream media and outside of gaming sites by their respective publishers.


The reason they were being compared is because they were both big new IPs and both seen as AAA titles.

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...The WiiU has been the only gaming-related purchase that I've ever regretted. Literally nothing I've played on this system made me think: "Money well spent."

I can't say for sure that it would've been different, if Nintendo released a new Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero. But with them being my favourite Nintendo IPs I'm pretty sure my opinion would be different..


I must admit, I feel exactly the same!

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I must admit, I feel exactly the same!


I imagine there's a few on here who feel the same.


The fact that people on a Nintendo site have had to buy another machine to get their gaming fix speaks volumes. I've always been a multiformat gamer but people like Rummy, Fierce Link, lostmario etc. have really jumped ship this generation. I can check my PS app at anytime of the day and see a lot of the N-E community playing games on their Playstations.

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I can check my PS app at anytime of the day and see a lot of the N-E community playing games on their Playstations.


Yeah, in the evening there are rarely less than 10 people of my friends list online playing a game or using certain apps like Netflix, Spotify, etc.


The fact that people on a Nintendo site have had to buy another machine to get their gaming fix speaks volumes.


For me it was the other way around. I bought a Wii U after the PS4. Because I thought: "Nintendo can provide me with what I may or may not be missing."

As it turned out they couldn't.


I only need one machine to get my gaming fix (two if you count the Vita), because Nintendo is no longer part of my gaming needs...it's rather sad :(

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Yeah, in the evening there are rarely less than 10 people of my friends list online playing a game or using certain apps like Netflix, Spotify, etc.


For me it was the other way around. I bought a Wii U after the PS4. Because I thought: "Nintendo can provide me with what I may or may not be missing."

As it turned out they couldn't.


I only need one machine to get my gaming fix (two if you count the Vita), because Nintendo is no longer part of my gaming needs...it's rather sad :(


They are still a large part of my gaming life but their influence on me has really started to wane this generation, especially last year. You just have to read the end results in the 2015 Gaming Diary thread to see how the ratio of games played on what platforms has shifted to my other consoles.

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For me it was the other way around. I bought a Wii U after the PS4. Because I thought: "Nintendo can provide me with what I may or may not be missing."

As it turned out they couldn't.


It does depend, but there more people like you, for sure.


I could choose between spending 100 euros on an XBOX 360 which was also modified so I could be able to play pirated games (forget now about the moral thing; and I live in a country where downloading such content isn't a problem), but I could also switch it off to play online games, and spending 275 euros on a Wii U, with no option for cheap games, not even second hand and I have still decided to get the Wii U as there are the games I like.


The other games I like are games like Civilization so I need the PC anyway, while shooters I want I also play on my PC and I can get great deals on Steam.


The only problem is that my PC isn't powerful enough so I can't play new games, but I don't have time for that anyway (still haven't finished/started playing some FPS I have started/bought).

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I imagine there's a few on here who feel the same.


The fact that people on a Nintendo site have had to buy another machine to get their gaming fix speaks volumes.


On a somewhat related topic, I wonder how many people have actually abandoned non-Nintendo consoles in favour of PC only, like I have...


Cause really, there's practically nothing that non-Nintendo consoles provide that PCs don't anymore for me (I don't care for Destiny or most of Sony's 1st Party titles and a large chunk of MS' ones are coming, or have already come, to PC as well)

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On a somewhat related topic, I wonder how many people have actually abandoned non-Nintendo consoles in favour of PC only, like I have...


Cause really, there's practically nothing that non-Nintendo consoles provide that PCs don't anymore for me (I don't care for Destiny or most of Sony's 1st Party titles and a large chunk of MS' ones are coming, or have already come, to PC as well)


The PC side of gaming has certainly become more mainstream, especially as its become a lot easier to port games over due to the consoles having similar architectures. Personally, i'll never touch the PC side of gaming. I prefer having my consoles.

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The PC side of gaming has certainly become more mainstream, especially as its become a lot easier to port games over due to the consoles having similar architectures. Personally, i'll never touch the PC side of gaming. I prefer having my consoles.


Shame really, there's a lot of great exclusives that are PC only (and many of them are actually designed for a controller/comfy couch even!)


Lethal League, Speedrunners, Half Minute Hero 2 (English), Undertale (well... for now...), Mushihimesama (English), One Finger Death Punch etc...


Pretty crazy that none of those are on consoles, but there ya go! :p

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Shame really, there's a lot of great exclusives that are PC only (and many of them are actually designed for a controller/comfy couch even!)


Lethal League, Speedrunners, Half Minute Hero 2 (English), Undertale (well... for now...), Mushihimesama (English), One Finger Death Punch etc...


Pretty crazy that none of those are on consoles, but there ya go! :p


I haven't heard of most of those, but, as I said, I have zero interest in the platform. Just as well really, as i'm having a hard enough time trying to keep up with the release schedule of the PS4 at the moment. :D

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Weirdly I've become MORE nintendo this generation than any other. Just shows everyone is different. We buy and play what suits us. I realise we're here to express our opinions about companies not providing us what we want; just sometimes i feel we have the same debates over an dover and over again.


What makes it more frustrating is we absolutely utterly know the situation with 3ds and wii u. What they provided, what services they do and don't have. We get it. The NX is coming out this year, we know nothing about it, can't we wait until then until we start slamming nintendo for the same shit we've been slamming them for for the past 5 odd years?


At least then it'll be fresh and relevant.


Like I've said before, personally, given the choice, I'd take a wii u over a ps4/xbone all over again in the next generation. But please nintendo, combine the two for the absolute best experience.

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Weirdly I've become MORE nintendo this generation than any other. Just shows everyone is different. We buy and play what suits us. I realise we're here to express our opinions about companies not providing us what we want; just sometimes i feel we have the same debates over and over and over again.


Wait, you still play games? :heh:


We do have the same debates over and over again, probably because Nintendo still manage to annoy people over and over again. :D

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They are still a large part of my gaming life but their influence on me has really started to wane this generation, especially last year. You just have to read the end results in the 2015 Gaming Diary thread to see how the ratio of games played on what platforms has shifted to my other consoles.


Same here. I've always purchased Nintendo consoles and it was only last generation that I decided to get the other offerings too (mainly because I got them second hand and VERY cheap), but within a year of owning a Wii U I purchased a PS4 with Bloodborne. My backlog on that console is insane - I can't see myself turning the Wii U until Zelda finally comes out.

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Same here. I've always purchased Nintendo consoles and it was only last generation that I decided to get the other offerings too (mainly because I got them second hand and VERY cheap), but within a year of owning a Wii U I purchased a PS4 with Bloodborne. My backlog on that console is insane - I can't see myself turning the Wii U until Zelda finally comes out.


I still turn mine on for the classic stuff. I'm on playing Donkey Kong Country at the moment, due to the recent Gaf discussion on Tropical Freeze.


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It's the newer experiences that the console is lacking.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Wait, you still play games? :heh:


We do have the same debates over and over again, probably because Nintendo still manage to annoy people over and over again. :D


haha, I play a lot actually; finished 7 games this year already!


I know nintendo annoy people over and over but they're sort of trapped in a rut, of course they're going to annoy people, they aren't just going to add party chat, 3rd parties aren't going to make games for it, they can't make every single game every on the planet wants.


That's why I think when we learn about the NX at least then there'll be cause to re-ignite the moan (or not) about what they are doing.

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I love Nintendo, and when I play Nintendo games they still draw me in. I've had a great time with the Wii U this generation.


I think it's one of the most under appreciated consoles ever released, especially considering it's catalogue of games - which I think is fantastic.


My only real grip is Nintendo's backwards stance on online and social aspects.


My Wii U collection is huge and the variety and range of titles is phenomenal. I honestly wouldn't have time for another console.

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haha, I play a lot actually; finished 7 games this year already!


I know nintendo annoy people over and over but they're sort of trapped in a rut, of course they're going to annoy people, they aren't just going to add party chat, 3rd parties aren't going to make games for it, they can't make every single game every on the planet wants.


That's why I think when we learn about the NX at least then there'll be cause to re-ignite the moan (or not) about what they are doing.


I'm really intrigued to see if they have learnt any lessons from this generation. Game droughts, meh launch line up and shoddy online features really need to be a thing of the past for them.

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I'm really intrigued to see if they have learnt any lessons from this generation. Game droughts, meh launch line up and shoddy online features really need to be a thing of the past for them.


Surely!! My Nintendo is certainly a promising, almost perfect start. I think the game drought situation will be sorted even without 3rd parties because it'll be a hybrid :) Would there be game droughts if the wii u and 3DS were merged? Launch Line up - well their main studios have done nothing for a few years so again it would be mental if it wasn't amazing. Throw in Zelda U and Smash NX....


As for online features, well isn't all that's left is party chat? Who knows on that front. I think so; but none of us would be that surprised if there wasn't :)

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