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Wii U General Discussion


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All depends what you are looking for from gaming these days I guess. My Wii U sits on my desk gathering dust unfortunately.


My Wii U is gathering dust too.. because I'm too busy playing games on it to dust it :heh:


There are certainly things which irritate me about it but I still have loads of fun with the console and have never wished I had something else instead!

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It has some gems on it, there's definitely fun to be had with the console. Unfortunately for me Nintendo haven't provided me with as much fun as their other consoles. It would've been great if they'd drawn from their rich catalogue of games to give us a little more diversity on the console though... namely Metroid and Waverace for me, I love them... but there are plenty more too of course.


I think what makes me feel so down about the WiiU is that I still feel the Wii was a lot better. It had better games, a bigger diversity in software, a bigger and better online community and better online features in Nintendo's own games and a bigger number of games from Nintendo's library. There were many more magic moments with the Wii than there have been with the WiiU!


In some ways I still feel I'm waiting for the successor to the Wii, the WiiU doesn't feel to be that and so I feel let down and a little ripped off by it.

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Tbh.. this forum is pretty positive about the Wii U, at least in comparison to the GC.. I recall the reaction to poor sales for the GC, which sold twice as many as the Wii U, and about half as much as it's predecessor.

The Wii U looks like it will struggle to sell a fifth as many as it's predecessor.

How many consoles had the GC sold 3 years into it's life cycle? something like 14 million? So assuming a similar life for the Wii U, 15 million looks like the cap after 5 years... with the NX maybe more of a 12-13 million target?

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Tbh.. this forum is pretty positive about the Wii U, at least in comparison to the GC.. I recall the reaction to poor sales for the GC, which sold twice as many as the Wii U, and about half as much as it's predecessor.

The Wii U looks like it will struggle to sell a fifth as many as it's predecessor.

How many consoles had the GC sold 3 years into it's life cycle? something like 14 million? So assuming a similar life for the Wii U, 15 million looks like the cap after 5 years... with the NX maybe more of a 12-13 million target?


This is different to what I recall. Cube-Europe was a great place to discuss the console, the GC was loved here! I don't recall bad vibes at all!

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Tbh.. this forum is pretty positive about the Wii U, at least in comparison to the GC.


Surely you're joking? This thread is nothing but complaints about the console. People are pretty positive elsewhere about the Wii U because it has great games.

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Surely you're joking? This thread is nothing but complaints about the console. People are pretty positive elsewhere about the Wii U because it has great games.




My Wii U is gathering dust too.. because I'm too busy playing games on it to dust it :heh:


There are certainly things which irritate me about it but I still have loads of fun with the console and have never wished I had something else instead!


The Wii U isn't flawless, there are some issues and third party support being missing damaged it, but I honestly have never been happier with a console than I am with the Wii U. It surpassed my expectations and brought my love of gaming back.


It has some gems on it, there's definitely fun to be had with the console. Unfortunately for me Nintendo haven't provided me with as much fun as their other consoles.


On just this page/last few posts. Careful with your overly blanket dismissive statements @Ronnie - it comes rather close to the trolling/baiting mark.

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This is different to what I recall. Cube-Europe was a great place to discuss the console, the GC was loved here! I don't recall bad vibes at all!


Hmm, I agree it was a great place, and the GC was loved, my point was more that the Wii U doesn't seem to be holding up anywhere near as well as the GC did, and not just in terms of sales. That's why I think it is less loved than the GC

So negativity is more justified for the Wii U, so relative to the justifiable negativity I think we are more positive overall about the Wii U...


Very subjective though. For me games that I think of with a lot of fondness:

GC: monkey ball, 1080, ssb:melee, burnout, f-zero gx

Wii: ...

Wii U: MK8, splatoon.


GC just had more standout games for me... there a few AA games I'm resisting adding onto the list that are coming to mind, with my Wii U I'd be struggling to add a lot onto that list. (and Wii.. yeah :P struggling to come up with A/B games at all!)


Personal view though, I do still like the console, I think MK8 and splatoon are about enough to justify it. Checked my logs and I've sunk 575 hours into the 5 most played titles (adding Hyrule warriors, smash and lego city)


Having said that, if I looked at a similar log for my GC I'm pretty sure it would make that look pitiful - I think I topped 300 hours on melee alone :D

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I think I topped 300 hours on melee alone :D


Lol...ridiculous :p


If I remember correctly my hours count for VS mode on Melee is at 896. :blank: Yes...almost 38 days of my life (and one of my best mate's life) have been spent playing Melee.


Those were the days...go to school for a couple of hours, go home, turn on the GC, load up Melee, play for 8 hours, eat in between, sleep, repeat.

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Melee was awesome. I've got good memories of spending hours in that game with @Goafer trying to unlock characters or taking my GameCube into college with me so we could all play it using the TV we "borrowed" from media studies. Such a shame I never really clicked with any of the Smash games after that. Granted I only rented Brawl but I still have Smash Wii U and after the initial week or so playing it I just never had that urge to go back.

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I've found the WiiU a mixed bag. At first it was happy with it, games were being released and they were fun, but as the WiiU's life continued droughts came about, 3rd Party released stopped, Nintendo made mis-steps with their multiplayer games and didn't relase enough of their catalogue to give the console diversity.


Nobody here is to blame for complaining. It's nobody's fault but Nintendo's that the console has gone the way it has. Still, when it first released I loved the console and was looking forward to games which unfortunately simply didn't live up to their potential for me.


Anyhoo, 10 million is a milestone for them, it's important it made it out of single million figures, but it goes to show that Nintendo's core fanbase is shrinking. They need to cater better to them to keep them onboard.

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You can't be serious. I'll be sure to point every other blanket dismissive statement by others to you, so you can condescendingly warn them as well.


Go through this entire thread and you'll see the ratio is about 90:10 complaints to praise.


That should be 9:1 Ronnie, simplify when possible ;)


It's kinda hard to define exactly what complaints are about. but I decided to have a quick look. I saw a lot of conversation... issues regarding the community on one or two occassions.. but around the Wii U I tended to find complaints were about balanced with praise. Sure the strength varies, but again it's all subjective. But hyperbole was distinctly missing, and by and large both praise and criticism were laid out in a way that the posters opinions were clear.


On the entire thread thing...I would hope no one on this board has enough free time to waste going through 400+ pages of posts and analyse each post on whether it was complaining or praising the wii u ;)


Melee was awesome. I've got good memories of spending hours in that game with @Goafer trying to unlock characters or taking my GameCube into college with me so we could all play it using the TV we "borrowed" from media studies. Such a shame I never really clicked with any of the Smash games after that. Granted I only rented Brawl but I still have Smash Wii U and after the initial week or so playing it I just never had that urge to go back.


Brawl < Melee but at least brawl had an entertaining single player mode which kept me with it. Wii U lacks that and is the reason I've spent so little time on it. Mostly it was my nephews that it appealed to, without them I'm not even sure it would have made it into my top 5 :|


I would gladly have enjoyed a smaller roster of characters in exchange for a single player mode. In fact I would pay for subspace emissary dlc at the drop of a hat.

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Taking everything into account I love the Wii u, definitely. And this generation more than any other as made me love Nintendo more. The ps4 bores me senseless, a few good games, hopefully lots more to come, up near 2 years in there's less than a handful of games I've enjoyed, and of all the many games I've never played, they just don't appeal to me anymore. Gone are the days I'll want to play everything. I have to be mich more selective, so weirdly, getting the ps4 moved me more towards Nintendo than ever before. With limited time to play, I'd just rather play Nintendo games! And the Wii u is housed to some classics! So I'm happy. There's too much for me to play so game droughts don't bother me.


Now if I played games like I used to? If I played games with my friends online a lot? Maybe I'd feel differently. I can only imagine how teenage me would've been with the online stuff in ps4 to be honest, I'd have been all over it.


I don't think I've turned my Wii U on in a year, I guess that tells you how I feel about it...


A year? So you haven't played smash? Or splatoon? Mario kart dlc? You could try giving it a go, sounds like youve made up your mind in it with nothing stopping that, I do t think it explains how you feel at all, maybe other than apathy. If youve played all the games and hate them that's much more revealing.

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I remember with my Wii I think I missed out on a few good games because by the time they were released I'd lost interest in the Wii and wasn't in the mindset to buy new games for it, so I can understand eddage really.

I was fortunate to pick up the Wii U at the end of 2013, Lego city kept me well entertained and I picked up quite a few bargain priced games for it on top of that. I haven't been without backlog since I had the console. I have 6 full games that I haven't gotten close to getting my moneys worth out of yet. Actually, I think I may give myself a bit of time away from splatoon and work on rectifying that right now!

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A year? So you haven't played smash? Or splatoon? Mario kart dlc? You could try giving it a go, sounds like youve made up your mind in it with nothing stopping that, I do t think it explains how you feel at all, maybe other than apathy. If youve played all the games and hate them that's much more revealing.


But Splatoon came out 2 months ago...


Yoshi a month ago...


Smash 8 months ago...


You're mad, sir :(


I had Mario Kart when it first came out, which was whilst I was at uni so could play local multiplayer, and it was great. The online I didn't like so much (and so sold it once I finished uni because it wasn't getting played), which is the reason I didn't bother with the DLC or Smash or Splatoon.


It really does boil down to Nintendo's piss poor online. The best way I can explain this is by comparing to Destiny. That game has many flaws, everyone knows that, but the fact a bunch of us from these forums can easily get online, start a party chat and play together is fantastic. No screwing around with Skype, etc. It all just works well, unlike on the Wii U.


Yoshi, well I don't really want to play 2D platformers at the moment so that's off the list.


The only two games I've been looking forward too are Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda. Proper games that I can poor hours and hours into, however I feel The Witcher 3 has probably ruined these for me. That game is spot on. It is the prime example of how to create a massive living overworld, something that I seriously doubt Nintendo will be able to match with Zelda (as much as I want them to be able to). As for Xenoblade that will have the same problem as the first - stuck on inferior hardware and so not being able to realise it's true potential. It will never be as pretty as something like The Witcher and that is a massive shame.


If you think this is bad I haven't played my 3DS since A Link Between Worlds, so roughly 20 months?


Unless they turn it around with the NX then I honestly think my days of Nintendo gaming are done, which makes me feel incredibly sad because I grew up with them and want to enjoy the games they're releasing.

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It will never be as pretty as something like The Witcher


re: The Witcher 3, I keep hearing about how amazing the overworld is, how pretty it looks, how many missions there are to do, how the scope and scale of it all is breathtaking. I never hear any comments about how much fun the gameplay itself is, something that Nintendo pride themselves and focus on. It's the same with a lot of these big AAA games, questionable substance behind all the visuals and huge overworlds. Destiny had you replaying the same 5 levels over and over and over again, in the hopes of finding better random loot drops. Personally I find that kind of gameplay so boring, and the antithesis of what Nintendo offer.


Case in point:


It really does boil down to Nintendo's piss poor online. The best way I can explain this is by comparing to Destiny. That game has many flaws, everyone knows that, but the fact a bunch of us from these forums can easily get online, start a party chat and play together is fantastic. No screwing around with Skype, etc. It all just works well, unlike on the Wii U.


You'd honestly choose a mediocre game because it lets you chat to your mates easily, over a brilliant Nintendo game that doesn't? I'll never understand that way of thinking.


I also don't agree the Witcher looks anything special. The game will look dated in five years, unlike say the Wind Waker to a slightly lesser extent Skyward Sword which just look timeless.

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re: The Witcher 3, I keep hearing about how amazing the overworld is, how pretty it looks, how many missions there are to do, how the scope and scale of it all is breathtaking. I never hear any comments about how much fun the gameplay itself is, something that Nintendo pride themselves and focus on. It's the same with a lot of these big AAA games, questionable substance behind all the visuals and huge overworlds. Destiny had you replaying the same 5 levels over and over and over again, in the hopes of finding better random loot drops. Personally I find that kind of gameplay so boring, and the antithesis of what Nintendo offer.


Case in point:




You'd honestly choose a mediocre game because it lets you chat to your mates easily, over a brilliant Nintendo game that doesn't? I'll never understand that way of thinking.


The point with The Witcher is that it's not just the gameplay that is amazing - it's everything else too.

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Give me a timeless Wind Waker art style over the Witcher any day. The latter will look dated by the end of the generation.


The point with The Witcher is that it's not just the gameplay that is amazing - it's everything else too.


Ok great, I just never hear how amazing the gameplay supposedly is. I hoped the game wasn't only relying on visuals + scale. Glad to hear the actual moment to moment gameplay is incredible too.

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It's not personally for me but I can appreciate how different it is. Certainly makes the game stand out.


I see.


Why do you think The Witcher 3's art style isn't pretty, though? It takes everything fantasy has and realizes it perfectly and beautifully.

Just because graphics will continue to get better the game's art style isn't timeless?


Wind Waker HD shows that the original art style can be improved upon and makes the GC version look dated.

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