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So tell me, which specific piece of software is accountable for the PS4's massive success?


Not sure what the PS4's pathetic library of games has to do with anything. One piece of software turned around other Nintendo consoles, Iwata was simply stating the same could be true for the Wii U.

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Not sure what the PS4's pathetic library of games has to do with anything. One piece of software turned around other Nintendo consoles, Iwata was simply stating the same could be true for the Wii U.


That's a rather feeble fanboy retort, but what the hey.


If you got my drift, you'd know the point I was making.


Betting on a single game to turn your fortunes around is the same as spending a fortune on lottery tickets. It's a bit of a fool's errand, and really the opposite of putting graft into making a great console that is well supported. Something that you know can be achieved (listening to what gamers/devs want), as opposed to something you're gambling to try and achieve. It's an incredibly out of touch way of thinking. We're not even talking about great games being made here (as the Wii U has these), but revolutionary ones. You can't bank on those at all.

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That's a rather feeble fanboy retort, but what the hey.


If you got my drift, you'd know the point I was making.


Betting on a single game to turn your fortunes around is the same as spending a fortune on lottery tickets. It's a bit of a fool's errand, and really the opposite of putting graft into making a great console that is well supported. Something that you know can be achieved (listening to what gamers/devs want), as opposed to something you're gambling to try and achieve. It's an incredibly out of touch way of thinking. We're not even talking about great games being made here (as the Wii U has these), but revolutionary ones. You can't bank on those at all.


The PS4 is selling because of the brand, not the games.


Obviously Nintendo weren't banking on one piece of software from the very beginning. Of course that would have been a flawed strategy. The Wii U is a great console with great games, all Iwata is saying is that one piece of software can build enough hype for it to (deservedly) start selling.

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The PS4 is selling because of the brand, not the games.


Obviously Nintendo weren't banking on one piece of software from the very beginning. Of course that would have been a flawed strategy. The Wii U is a great console with great games, all Iwata is saying is that one piece of software can build enough hype for it to (deservedly) start selling.


Yes and the brand isn't built out of thin air. The brand is associated with a lot of things, including the games linked with it. Everybody knows that a Playstation machine will contain games such as FIFA, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc. A lot of PS4 owners will buy the machine because they know that certain games will appear in the future, just like Nintendo fans buy Nintendo machines for Zelda and Mario.


If the brand wasn't worth buying into, then the brand would die. It can take years to build it up but it can be easily destroyed.


Not sure what the PS4's pathetic library of games has to do with anything.


There is something pathetic about this comment, but it's definitely not the PS4's library. ;)

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The PS4 is selling because of the name, not the games.


The PS4 is selling because it's actually a pretty great console with some great games already out for it - but more importantly, an awesome lineup. It gets most games currently being made by non Nintendo companies (through fostering relationships with third parties, and building a console they could get behind). It's also more powerful (and was priced cheaper) than its closest competition. That's why it's selling.


It's not selling because of the name. It's not a fashion accessory like a Gucci bag!


Obviously Nintendo weren't banking on one piece of software from the very beginning. Of course that would have been a flawed strategy. The Wii U is a great console with great games, all Iwata is saying is that one piece of software can build enough hype for it to (deservedly) start selling.

The fact he would come out and say this suggests that he is a dreamer. The Wii U isn't going to be saved by a piece of software; you know it, I know it. The most telling thing here is that he places faith in such a possibility, rather than suggesting the many ways in which Nintendo can aim to please gamers with their next console.

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Madness. How long will he claim this to be the case.


The 3DS wasn't selling until Kart and 3D Land


You are forgetting the major price reduction of the hardware playing a huge part.


There is no denial that one game can do special things but as Sheikah pointed out simply wishing that to be the case rather than producing a piece of hardware that gamers and developers actually want seems crazy. Produce a console offering a diverse library of software and the services which people have become accustomed to rather than relying on one game to save the day.

Edited by liger05
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It absolutely is selling because of the name. People bought a PS4 because of the brand, and the expectation that top quality are on the way. Still waiting....


(The Order: "cinematic" shooter #132 + lots of quicktime events, doesn't count)


There's nothing currently planned or announced for Wii U that will be the "silver bullet". So unless he has an ace up his sleeve, he's talking b0110x.


How is it b0110x to say that one piece of software can change a console's fortunes? It's stating a fact. Just because you don't like some of the games they have announced doesn't mean what he says isn't true.

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It absolutely is selling because of the name. People bought a PS4 because of the brand, and the expectation that top quality are on the way. Still waiting....


That's not selling because of the name then, is it?


Let's try break this down into smaller, easily digestible pieces.


Buying because of the name - "That bag says Gucci! I must have it!"

Buying because of a reputation and existing facts - "The PS4 is a more powerful console than the Xbone, and it has confirmed support from third parties whose games I enjoy. It also has several games already on it that I want.


Saying you're buying because of the name is plain stupid. What are people doing, buying it then wearing it? I can tell you this sunshine, everyone I've added here plays their PS4 ridiculous amounts. Every time you say something like this, literally everyone here knows you to be someone with just a Nintendo console without a clue about anything else.


How is it b0110x to say that one piece of software can change a console's fortunes? It's stating a fact. Just because you don't like some of the games they have announced doesn't mean what he says isn't true.


It's the fact he's stating it that is the problem. People don't just say things for no reason. Here's how I read it - I genuinely think that Wii Sports has gone to his head. Hence why they went with the Gamepad, thinking that a gimmick (that one thing) would be the pivotal draw for the console. He's saying this either because he's convinced himself of it, or that's genuinely his angle when it comes to selling a console. That being, a game helps shift a console, rather than a console helping shift games.

Edited by Sheikah
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"Mario Kart can turn it around."

"Smash can turn it around."


These were the 2 games that had any chance, we all thought so. There's not going to be any other game that turns it around, no way. The only thing that can make it sell is a drastic price-cut, sub £150, for it to start doing any decent sort of numbers.

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"Mario Kart can turn it around."

"Smash can turn it around."


These were the 2 games that had any chance, we all thought so. There's not going to be any other game that turns it around, no way. The only thing that can make it sell is a drastic price-cut, sub £150, for it to start doing any decent sort of numbers.

And doing so would destroy their bottom line. Sales for the sake of sales is not good business if it seriously cuts into your finances.

Edited by Serebii
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"Mario Kart can turn it around."

"Smash can turn it around."


These were the 2 games that had any chance, we all thought so. There's not going to be any other game that turns it around, no way. The only thing that can make it sell is a drastic price-cut, sub £150, for it to start doing any decent sort of numbers.


Those games were never going to turn it around. Apart from the Pokémon example, which I think was unique. What turned the Wii and DS were tat games, Wii Fit, Wii Play, Wii Sports Resort, Brain Training, Nintendogs.

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Those games were never going to turn it around. Apart from the Pokémon example, which I think was unique. What turned the Wii and DS were tat games, Wii Fit, Wii Play, Wii Sports Resort, Brain Training, Nintendogs.


Tat games to you, but they sold millions of software and hardware, and probably saved Nintendo's fortunes.


I see.


Thank god Nintendo's highly praised games turned the Wii U's situation around, then.


I said we're still waiting for a great PS4 exclusive. Then mentioned the Order wasn't it, that's all.

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I’m not sure about the whole drop the Wii U price tag and sell more software argument?


A firesale will see an initial surge but long term would it be beneficial? I’m not convinced people would go and buy plenty of software. If people wanted the console they would of got it already rather than all sitting and waiting for a further £100 price drop.


The GC went down to £99 and what difference did it make?


The best thing Nintendo can do is just ride the generation out and make a small profit or a small loss. There is no turnaround on the horizon and I think Iwata and Co and fully aware of this and are just trying to ride the generation out the most cost effective way possible.

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I got a Wii U today and i've been having loads of fun with it. It's a nice change to the PS4. BOTH are good consoles with great games.


I got MK8, SSB, SM3DW, Wii U Party and Nintendoland. I've been looking at getting Wind Waker soon, what other must have games do people recommend?

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I got a Wii U today and i've been having loads of fun with it. It's a nice change to the PS4. BOTH are good consoles with great games.


I got MK8, SSB, SM3DW, Wii U Party and Nintendoland. I've been looking at getting Wind Waker soon, what other must have games do people recommend?


You've already got the big ones but Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 deserve your money too :)


Teslagrad and SteamWorld Dig are also terrific eShop titles.

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I got a Wii U today and i've been having loads of fun with it. It's a nice change to the PS4. BOTH are good consoles with great games.


I got MK8, SSB, SM3DW, Wii U Party and Nintendoland. I've been looking at getting Wind Waker soon, what other must have games do people recommend?


The Toki Tori games, Shovel Knight, Stealth Inc. 2 and Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition are other great indie games.


Pikmin 3, MH3U and Darksiders II are other great retail games.

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