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If we're going to be ridiculous and insulting, then I'd say the comparison would be


Nintendo: Star Wars Original Trilogy. Good fun, tech's a bit out of date but is boosted every so often

MS/Sony: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Too much focus on visuals. Some decent stuff here and there but overall soulless and buggy.


Terrible comparison, if that were true then the new trilogy would be more popular than the old. Whaaa?

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It's not arbitrary. It's very relevant. Nintendo won't embrace voice chat fully and use better technology. Just because something was the norm back then doesn't mean we should keep the status quo.


Arbitrary to compare it to Star Wars (or any other media) because for every comparison you could make, someone could make one that argues with it.


I agree that voice chat constantly being ignored is becoming more irksome.

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If we're going to be ridiculous and insulting, then I'd say the comparison would be


Nintendo: Star Wars Original Trilogy. Good fun, tech's a bit out of date but is boosted every so often

MS/Sony: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Too much focus on visuals. Some decent stuff here and there but overall soulless and buggy.


Yep much better analogy.


The only thing is, with Nintendo you'd have to watch the original trilogy without sound.


Voice chat is more akin to subtitles

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Subtitles being a form of allowing people with hearing impairments to be able to enjoy the entertainment at hand. Is that really what you want to suggest Nintendo is - a company that doesn't try and be inclusive?


(just kind of proving my previous point to Wii here)

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I argue that they embrace online quite well. Yes it's not shoehorned into every title and there still are things that need ironing out, but to say they are backwards and behind is erroneous.


There is still no party chat. The bloody Xbox had party chat back when Halo 3 (yes, THREE) launched.


The topic of shoe-horning online isn't the problem; the problem is simply that games which would benefit from online don't have it. I genuinely think a lot of this is because there isn't a party chat option and so the experience will suffer (i.e. Nintendo Land with randoms online wouldn't be as effective).


Edit: There is also no way of inviting people to play a game. You can only join a game if the person you want to play with is online and has created a lobby in the game you want to play.


Finally, there's no on screen notification when people come online. Every now and then a light appears on the Gamepad but you have to bring up a menu to see what it means. Really weird, although it makes sense given that, according to 3rd party dev's, Nintendo weren't aware of what Xbox Live was like on the 360.


At this point, would it be fare to say Nintendo are currently where Microsoft were in 2001 with the original Xbox? What can the Wii U do that the Xbox original couldn't? Obviously they are a long way behind the 360 but what about the OG?

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Arbitrary to compare it to Star Wars (or any other media) because for every comparison you could make, someone could make one that argues with it.


I agree that voice chat constantly being ignored is becoming more irksome.


I don't think you understand. It's comparing old with new. Low technology, silent movies versus well Star Wars is irrelevant, I could have chosen any modern movie with the latest special effects and Surround Sound(another feature they made a balls of), I only chose it because of the interest. Sure the comparison is extreme but I thought it made the point.


Nobody watches black and white TVs anymore. We all I'm sure own some form of HD TV. Which was another argument when they made the Wii that not enough people owned them or would own one by the end of the generation. They are too slow to adapt.

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I don't think you understand. It's comparing old with new. Low technology, silent movies versus well Star Wars is irrelevant, I could have chosen any modern movie with the latest special effects and Surround Sound(another feature they made a balls of), I only chose it because of the interest. Sure the comparison is extreme but I thought it made the point.


Nobody watches black and white TVs anymore. We all I'm sure own some form of HD TV. Which was another argument when they made the Wii that not enough people owned them or would own one by the end of the generation. They are too slow to adapt.


It's not arbitrary. It's very relevant.



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I don't think you understand. It's comparing old with new. Low technology, silent movies versus well Star Wars is irrelevant, I could have chosen any modern movie with the latest special effects and Surround Sound(another feature they made a balls of), I only chose it because of the interest. Sure the comparison is extreme but I thought it made the point.


Nobody watches black and white TVs anymore. We all I'm sure own some form of HD TV. Which was another argument when they made the Wii that not enough people owned them or would own one by the end of the generation. They are too slow to adapt.


I know it's not really the point you were trying to make, but:


"Over 13,000 people in the UK enjoy black and white TV"



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On it now mate, thanks for the heads up.


Edit - £26 refund negotiated.


I think I'll buy Smash bros with that.


So £209 for a WiiU+MK8 bundle? That really isn't too bad given what the price is! I do think(as I always have) Premium+Game bundles should be racked at £199, with an optional Pro Pad included for £15 on top, but yeah...WiiU's a good price at that! There's a lot of games out there that are going quite cheap too, so it's a fairly affordable console in that sense if you can find them. Nintyland(I see you said you got for a fiver?) is some great local mutliplayer funs, it's a shame we haven't seen more of its ilk or new DLC games for it or something along the way.


As for Smash, not sure the cheapest atm but recently saw it in in-store at Game for £35 in their sale? If you can get for same or cheaper elsewhere I'd advise it, but if you're after a GC adapter...well, you've probably somewhat of a wait to go atm.


Super Mario 64 and Sunshine shared a similar level design ethos with plenty of exploration.


I found Galaxy and 3D World to be very similar in the way they were focused on smaller environments and tasks.


The clamp hit on Sunshine. Galaxy was an extension(or contraction?) of it. On Sunshine you could mostly only get planned shines(except a literal few exceptions) BUT you could explore somewhat along the way. Galaxy was incredibly linear in comparison, but even the jump between SM64 and Sunshine was notable for me. I sometimes feel that even SMW was more open than Galaxy in some ways with its secret exits, goalposts, star roads etc. For me that was a great aspect of Mario(seen a little in some of the 'new' series with cannons, warps etc but still not quite as good) and I really wanna see it go back there.


Strangely having said that, Yoshi's Island(one of my favourite Marios ever) was incredibly linear in a sense of it just being a start to finish stage - but the collectables and secrets WITHIN the stages recreated the feeling for me really nicely. I think Sunshine aimed for it with blue coins, but went too broad for it to feel as...motivating?


That's probably the cringiest post I've ever read on here, I truly despair at gaming when reading things like the above. If speaking to mates is more important than the game itself, maybe a mobile phone is more your thing, it has games on it too.


So...have you played Nintendoland? If so, will you be doing it again? If yes...try it next time without speaking to anyone at all.


It's totally going to work.


The key concept for Nintendoland and the Wii U itself was all about asymmetrical game play and that's only possible with local muliplayer. It's a shame it's not online but you can understand why they wanted to concentrate on local fun and not confuse the message.


Why, exactly, is this only possible in local multiplayer? Why is it NOT possible online with voice chat?


Nothing beats gaming online with your mates on a decent game. It is the reason why I enjoy gaming so much. I don't really game local multiplayer as its not often I have friends round to game that much. Online therefore is the only way.


Hmmmmmmmmm. I can't help but think there's something relevant in this post but...but...I JUST CAN'T SEE WHERE THE ISSUE LIES.


EDIT:Nvm my posts Ronnie - I see others brought up the exact issues, you doubled-back, and from what I see didn't address the points. I would still love if you WOULD tell me why Nintendoland isn't possible in local multiplayer and if yes, you WOULD play it locally in silence next time, though.

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@Wii did you honestly just say that new movies are better than old ones because of the special effects?


By your warped logic the Star Wars Prequels are masterpieces and the original trilogy is outdated and can't be enjoyed due to the fact the effects aren't up to today's standard!!


Special effects and technology do not make a movie, and the same is true with games.


I would like online in more Nintendo games, I'd also like voice chat in them too. But even without those things, I'd still rather play Nintendo games because when it comes to polish and gameplay, they knock it out of the park!

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@Wii did you honestly just say that new movies are better than old ones because of the special effects?


By your warped logic the Star Wars Prequels are masterpieces and the original trilogy is outdated and can't be enjoyed due to the fact the effects aren't up to today's standard!!


Special effects and technology do not make a movie, and the same is true with games.


I would like online in more Nintendo games, I'd also like voice chat in them too. But even without those things, I'd still rather play Nintendo games because when it comes to polish and gameplay, they knock it out of the park!


No I didn't say that. I'm saying if there's better technology out there, use it. Laurel & Hardy are funny and classic in any age.

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No I didn't say that. I'm saying if there's better technology out there, use it. Laurel & Hardy are funny and classic in any age.


In fact, funny you would even use Star Wars in your example, because it was actually the reliance on blue/green screen and CGI that made those prequels so terrible and soulless (well that and the appalling script, piss poor plot and mythos wrecking shite).


What I'm saying is, look at games like Shovel Knight and compare it with games like The Crew and Assassin's Creed Unity. Shovel Knight is a game that arguably doesn't use technology to its limits and it is a joy - where as the later two games are made to push modern technology to their limits and they are shite.


Technology is great when used correctly, but once you start to rely on technology and pushing things to their 'limits' instead of pushing actually gameplay, story and 'fun' you lose out.


To go back to our initial anology - to suggest The Phantom Menace is anywhere near the film a New Hope was is laughable. One has memorable characters, a great and intriguing plot and through out the film you root for the antagonists, identify with them and feel involved with their world. The other is sterile, has poor characters that are badly written and you feel nothing for and their world is a jumbled mess that despite the technical achievement doesn't feel real.


Technology is all well and good, but clearly developers are going the way of film makers and forgetting what actually makes the medium so rewarding and there is a transition to the soulless big budget messes that Hollywood has embraced.

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It would be quite cool to have a huge, open world Mario, where all the levels are joined together and transition from one to the next seamlessly, and you can go anywhere and do the stars in any order.


Now that I've typed that, I have no idea how it would work...

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It would be quite cool to have a huge, open world Mario, where all the levels are joined together and transition from one to the next seamlessly, and you can go anywhere and do the stars in any order.


Now that I've typed that, I have no idea how it would work...


I like the idea of that in a Zelda game, after all, The Legend of Zelda on the NES was very much like that. Your exploration was more limited by your skill to conquer and explore with less hearts than it was simply by needing an item to progress.


However not sure how it would work in a Mario game. One thing I do like though is how every single main line Mario game (with the possible exception of Galaxy 2) has felt so different from the last.


I really enjoyed 3D World, but would like to see where Mario goes next and a return to a 64 style game would certainly be welcome.

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I've just been watching YouTube videos of Mario 3D World, my god that game was outstanding. Gaming perfection.


It certainly is a great game. Given the push for multiplayer I just wish it had online in it.

Still, even as a single player game it's fantastic!

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It would be quite cool to have a huge, open world Mario, where all the levels are joined together and transition from one to the next seamlessly, and you can go anywhere and do the stars in any order.


Now that I've typed that, I have no idea how it would work...


Perhaps, find the warp pipe in the new area and it'll let you revisit any previous areas discovered.


Don't like 3D World at all. Don't need to play it, the videos are enough to know it's the Skyward Sword of Mario games for me. Maybe not that extreme. A return to a 64 or Galaxy type of game would be preferable.

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I recently watched the speed run world record for Super Mario 64...That game, along with Melee, is why I loved old Nintendo. The skill floor was low so the game was accessible to all but the skill ceiling was incredibly high, making the game a joy to perfect and master. World record runs on tick-tock clock are incredible..It's incredible just how perfect that got 3D Mario on the first attempt.

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Don't like 3D World at all. Don't need to play it, the videos are enough to know it's the Skyward Sword of Mario games for me. Maybe not that extreme. A return to a 64 or Galaxy type of game would be preferable.


We have a new winner for cringiest post ever written on here.



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Don't like 3D World at all. Don't need to play it..


I'm sorry, sir.. you DO need to play it :heh:


What I will say about it is that the initial levels are actually quite boring, but that stems from them basically acting as tutotial levels for new players to cut their teeth on Mario. They can't just throw us all in at the deep end, as much as we may want them too :indeed:


It definitely improves, though, with some great levels and a final stage that will test your skills to the limit : peace:


Each to their own, though. There are plenty of games I know I don't want just by looking at them..

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Just beating some of your own to the title eh? ;)


Wow and I only beat your cringiest post EVER according to him from yesterday. I wonder what tomorrows winner will be? Must be the easiest title to win. Way to drama tRonnie!

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Don't like 3D World at all. Don't need to play it, the videos are enough to know it's the Skyward Sword of Mario games for me. Maybe not that extreme. A return to a 64 or Galaxy type of game would be preferable.




This has got to be one of the best posts you've ever done!


Someone should do a compilation of your tripe and we should all vote on which is the stand out nonsensical post.

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Rich coming from the biggest drama queen on here. Do yourself a favour and play what most sites were calling a GOTY contender, a game that's got a 9.3 on metacritic. Open your eyes and go in with an open mind for once, you might just love it as everyone who's played it does.

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Maybe you lot can get a new hobby and quit bullying Wii. I don't know (nor to be frank do I care) what is going on in your personal lives, but taking it out on someone by bullying them is as unacceptable online as it is in a physical face to face situation.

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