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There's a Wii U Premium Pack (the 32gb one with Nintendo Land, launch version I suppose) for 229€ at a store near me, and I just figured the best excuse to get one: I need Wii Fit U. I failed with Wii Fit Plus 3 years ago because I felt it was such a hassle, I didn't want to always change the disc when playing something else and I simply didn't have room for the balance board. But now I could buy it digitally, use off-TV play and also use the Fit Meter so even if I forget to play the actual game on Wii U at least it will give me progress with my regular walks. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go for it!

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There's a Wii U Premium Pack (the 32gb one with Nintendo Land, launch version I suppose) for 229€ at a store near me, and I just figured the best excuse to get one: I need Wii Fit U. I failed with Wii Fit Plus 3 years ago because I felt it was such a hassle, I didn't want to always change the disc when playing something else and I simply didn't have room for the balance board. But now I could buy it digitally, use off-TV play and also use the Fit Meter so even if I forget to play the actual game on Wii U at least it will give me progress with my regular walks. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go for it!

Wow, never imagined Wii Fit U as a system seller :indeed:


But good for you, have fun with it! :)

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I'd guess it's upgraded from the 3DS version, it could even be the Gamecube game but I doubt it. Possible Wii U port could be possible? It mightn't be hard to do, it would sell well and we need games.

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Some nice and totally justified Wii U love from IGN. 13:05 in...


Especially liked them commenting on the PS4's barebones library of games and how the Wii U clearly has the best catalogue of games of the three new gen systems.


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This is why I hate Reggie. Just listen to the BS:


Reggie on DLC, third-parties, mobile, new hardware, digital sales


Re/code recently caught up with Reggie Fils-Aime for a new interview. The Nintendo of America president discussed DLC, third-parties, mobile, new hardware, digital sales, and more.


Head past the break for some excerpts from the interview. Check out this link for the full thing.


Reggie on whether DLC is the “new norm” for Nintendo…


I wouldn’t quite frame it as “the new normal.” But what I would say is this: Where our developers see a strong value for the consumer in having additional downloadable content, we’ll make that available. Let’s take Fire Emblem, which launched last year for the 3DS. There was extensive downloadable content that extended the story, it added a lot of value to the Fire Emblem game because of the nature of that software. Mario Kart, we’re making available a tremendous amount of content for a very low price. That’s the way we think about downloadable content. If it makes sense for the game, and it makes sense for the consumer, we’ll make it available. It’s not that every single game in the future now will have DLC.


Reggie on third-parties…


In the end, what third-party companies want is a large install base to sell their games into [and] a wide demographic footprint that they can target their games to. They also want a robust connected environment so that they themselves can explore downloadable content or digital sales. [For] the Wii U business, year-to-date versus last year, our install base is almost doubled. We’re building that footprint for developers, with a range of games from Bayonetta 2 to Mario Kart. In the North American territory, just about every Wii U is connected to the Internet.


Reggie on whether it’s a problem that the Wii U doesn’t have the new Call of Duty and doesn’t have games like PlayStation and Xbox…


I would answer the question in a couple ways. Third parties are bringing multi-platform content to our platform — Watch Dogs from Ubisoft, as an example. I would love to have Call of Duty on our platform. I would love to have any of the big blockbuster, multi-platform titles. But I have to say, more specifically, I want games that provide a differentiated consumer experience. If you look at the other two competitive platforms, fundamentally, what’s the difference?


But interestingly, when you look at either one, either by themselves doesn’t have a lot of exclusive content. They have a lot of shared content. Look at it from the standpoint of, what don’t they have? They don’t have our games. They don’t have Mario and Zelda. I’d much rather be where Nintendo is, with a differentiated platform, differentiated set-up experiences that we can provide uniquely to the consumer. Let those other guys battle it out over, you know, which visual representation of Call of Duty is most compelling. I like our chances of having a differentiated console and a differentiated series of experiences.


This business is built on a year-and-a-half or two-year planning cycles, especially for the home console space. Products that they’re thinking about today are not going to come into the market until two years down the road. By doing a great job today in the here and now, that’s what’s going to feed the pipeline of great new third-party content coming onto our platform. For us, that’s the long game that we’re trying to play.


On whether The Pokemon Company’s experiments with mobile changed anything for bigger Nintendo…


It hasn’t changed our philosophy, which continues to be that we believe that it’s best for the gamer and the consumer to have gaming experiences that are unique and differentiated, and part of the way we deliver that is with our unique and differentiated hardware. That is our fundamental, core belief. But having said that, we’ve also said we’re looking to experiment in the broader digital space — selling our games direct to consumers digitally, downloadable content, the full range of alternatives. And we’re going to continue to explore those.


On Nintendo’s next hardware…


Our mentality is, fairly soon after we launch new hardware, we already begin thinking about what’s next. That’s an ongoing process for us. In the end, what galvanizes us to move is when our developers have a great gaming experience that can’t be done on the current platform. We’re not there yet on the Wii U. The experiments that Mr. Miyamoto showed at E3 show that there’s a lot of innovation to be mined with Wii U. We showed off the beginnings of a Zelda game coming to Wii U. We have a lot more content to create for the Wii U, but we’re always thinking about what’s coming next.


On digital sales…


Retail still is the majority of the business for us. But what’s interesting is, game by game and at different points in time, you see a different consumer reaction. Smash Bros. for 3DS, consumers wanted that game immediately. They didn’t even want to spend the time to get in their car and drive to retail to get it, so our digital percent for that game is quite high — about 20 percent of the games sold here in the U.S. were digital, which is a pretty significant piece. Compare that to Bayonetta 2. That’s a huge game, and could take up a large part of the memory in the 32-gig Wii U. That’s a game with a digital percent on the lower side, today about 10 percent or so. Our mentality is, we want the consumer to have the choice based on what makes sense for you, what makes sense for the type of game it is.






He's an out and out liar! Sometimes I feel like I want to Smash him in the face.

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I think he pasted the wrong thing.


Sure, he skirted the third party question by comparing exclusives, but he didn't really lie and even says that part of the problem is the Wii U's demographic (and that they're hoping that games like Bayonetta 2 will help).

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This is why I hate Reggie. Just listen to the BS:






He's an out and out liar! Sometimes I feel like I want to Smash him in the face.


Is it time to be strapped into your special chair and for your mum to give you your tablets??


I don't see any lying in what he has said. Plus, the likelihood is, he would smash your face in, the guy is huge and would likely pulverise you.

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That's not all of it, that's hust what nintendoeverything quoted, the rest is at the second link. But from this section:


Reggie on third-parties…


In the end, what third-party companies want is a large install base to sell their games into [and] a wide demographic footprint that they can target their games to. They also want a robust connected environment so that they themselves can explore downloadable content or digital sales. [For] the Wii U business, year-to-date versus last year, our install base is almost doubled. We’re building that footprint for developers, with a range of games from Bayonetta 2 to Mario Kart. In the North American territory, just about every Wii U is connected to the Internet.


They also want a console powerful enough going forward to deliver their ambitions. To say we've doubled last years, well that's easy, last years sales were sh1te. Again with smoke and mirror tactics, percentages and doubling and trebling. That's why we had a reel of indie games last night instead of major third party support. A range of games? Ya, that's missing loads of genres and release at a rate like a dripping tap.


Reggie on whether it’s a problem that the Wii U doesn’t have the new Call of Duty and doesn’t have games like PlayStation and Xbox…


I would answer the question in a couple ways. Third parties are bringing multi-platform content to our platform — Watch Dogs from Ubisoft, as an example. I would love to have Call of Duty on our platform. I would love to have any of the big blockbuster, multi-platform titles. But I have to say, more specifically, I want games that provide a differentiated consumer experience. If you look at the other two competitive platforms, fundamentally, what’s the difference?


What a great opening line, Watch Dogs? Where's our third party support after that?


But interestingly, when you look at either one, either by themselves doesn’t have a lot of exclusive content. They have a lot of shared content. Look at it from the standpoint of, what don’t they have? They don’t have our games. They don’t have Mario and Zelda. I’d much rather be where Nintendo is, with a differentiated platform, differentiated set-up experiences that we can provide uniquely to the consumer. Let those other guys battle it out over, you know, which visual representation of Call of Duty is most compelling. I like our chances of having a differentiated console and a differentiated series of experiences.


What's the difference he asks between the competition? Eh, they're selling far better than the Wii U for starters. Here's another novel idea. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't we have the best of both worlds?


Let those other guys battle it out over, you know, which visual representation of Call of Duty is most compelling.


Didn't mind trumpeting that Blops II was best on Wii U when it launched. When it wasn't. Remember the furore over that. Now he's changed his tune.


This business is built on a year-and-a-half or two-year planning cycles, especially for the home console space. Products that they’re thinking about today are not going to come into the market until two years down the road. By doing a great job today in the here and now, that’s what’s going to feed the pipeline of great new third-party content coming onto our platform. For us, that’s the long game that we’re trying to play.


So we've to wait 2 years from now that's provided the console sells well for the competition to come back. What was happening 2 years ago or more? Where's those games, surely they're ready now? They f###ed up long before the Wii U launch.


On Nintendo’s next hardware…


Our mentality is, fairly soon after we launch new hardware, we already begin thinking about what’s next. That’s an ongoing process for us. In the end, what galvanizes us to move is when our developers have a great gaming experience that can’t be done on the current platform. We’re not there yet on the Wii U. The experiments that Mr. Miyamoto showed at E3 show that there’s a lot of innovation to be mined with Wii U. We showed off the beginnings of a Zelda game coming to Wii U. We have a lot more content to create for the Wii U, but we’re always thinking about what’s coming next.


There's games out now on the competition that can't run on the Wii U. Only going to get worse. "Our developers". Yes to hell with what 3rd parties want. They gave us a console from 2006.


On digital sales…


Retail still is the majority of the business for us. But what’s interesting is, game by game and at different points in time, you see a different consumer reaction. Smash Bros. for 3DS, consumers wanted that game immediately. They didn’t even want to spend the time to get in their car and drive to retail to get it, so our digital percent for that game is quite high — about 20 percent of the games sold here in the U.S. were digital, which is a pretty significant piece. Compare that to Bayonetta 2. That’s a huge game, and could take up a large part of the memory in the 32-gig Wii U. That’s a game with a digital percent on the lower side, today about 10 percent or so. Our mentality is, we want the consumer to have the choice based on what makes sense for you, what makes sense for the type of game it is.


Bayonetta 2 takes up a large part of the hard drive. They knew things like this would happen and they still gave us only 32GB of memory. If space wasn't a problem I'd bet that 10% would be higher.


Edit: Here's that interview with Reggie on CNN about Black Ops, more specifically the Wii U. Looking back now it's even more cringy and embarrassing.




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What Reggie says about third parties and the offerings of the XB1 and PS4 is straight BS.


He seems to think it should be a choice between Nintendo software and multi platform 3rd party software when in reality it doesn’t have to be like that.


There is no reason why Nintendo cannot produce a console which gives consumers the great 1st party content as well as the great 3rd party content but as usual 3rd parties are seen as an added bonus and not that important.


Would love someone to ask him one time ‘why does third party content sell so poorly on Nintendo home consoles and what Nintendo do to change that’?

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It doesn't HAVE to be like that, but it IS like that. So what else is he going to say? And I agree, I said it the other day, the ore consoles are missing out in far more in my opinion.


He admitted he'd love all those games, but he has to promote the strengths as of now, it is a unique console different to anything out there. And that's a great thing.


Do people not think they know they've made some huge mistakes? That they're not trying to rectify them? And trying to rests list relationships with third parties etc?

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It doesn't HAVE to be like that, but it IS like that. So what else is he going to say? And I agree, I said it the other day, the ore consoles are missing out in far more in my opinion.


He admitted he'd love all those games, but he has to promote the strengths as of now, it is a unique console different to anything out there. And that's a great thing.


Do people not think they know they've made some huge mistakes? That they're not trying to rectify them? And trying to rests list relationships with third parties etc?


I would be surprised if they are. History suggests Nintendo’s attitude towards third parties is poor and they don’t see them as key players in ensuring that their own hardware is successful.


I think it would be more surprising to assume Nintendo are trying to fix things with 3rd parties when the same people who have ignored them for so long are still the ones in the head positions at Nintendo.

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That's not all of it, that's hust what nintendoeverything quoted, the rest is at the second link. But from this section:


They also want a console powerful enough going forward to deliver their ambitions. To say we've doubled last years, well that's easy, last years sales were sh1te. Again with smoke and mirror tactics, percentages and doubling and trebling. That's why we had a reel of indie games last night instead of major third party support. A range of games? Ya, that's missing loads of genres and release at a rate like a dripping tap.


Well he hasn't lied. They have doubled sales. Whether that is as good an achievement is something different. Secondly, he is spot on, developers want a large user base. The key thing is sales - devs don't give a shit how powerful a console is, they care about making money as they are primarily a business. That's why games like Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are on the 3DS and not the Vita.


What a great opening line, Watch Dogs? Where's our third party support after that?


Again, not a lie. The Wii U is getting Watch Dogs and very limited 3rd party support. He also goes on to say he would love to have COD on the platform.


What's the difference he asks between the competition? Eh, they're selling far better than the Wii U for starters. Here's another novel idea. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't we have the best of both worlds?


He is pointing out that the sales of the XBO and the PS4 are driven by shared content not exclusive content. Again not a lie.


Didn't mind trumpeting that Blops II was best on Wii U when it launched. When it wasn't. Remember the furore over that. Now he's changed his tune.


The features the Wii U had made it stand above other versions. Being able to play multiplayer shooters with both players having different screens is a big step up. Also, the map on the pad and other features differentiated the game. He is clearly saying that those differences are more important than minor differences like resolution or which shadows look slightly better!


So we've to wait 2 years from now that's provided the console sells well for the competition to come back. What was happening 2 years ago or more? Where's those games, surely they're ready now? They f###ed up long before the Wii U launch.


Again, he hasn't lied. He is correct, what is planned now takes 2 years (sometimes more) to get to the market place. A statement of truth.


There's games out now on the competition that can't run on the Wii U. Only going to get worse. "Our developers". Yes to hell with what 3rd parties want. They gave us a console from 2006.


I honestly don't think you've actually read what he is saying. From the minute a console is released a new one is in development. He also even admits that things haven't come together as well as hoped on the Wii U.


Bayonetta 2 takes up a large part of the hard drive. They knew things like this would happen and they still gave us only 32GB of memory. If space wasn't a problem I'd bet that 10% would be higher.


And? He hasn't lied, he never said that you would fit 20 copies of Bayonetta 2 on a Wii U internal memory. Plus, as we all know you can get any cheap HDD and plug it in if you want to go digital.


You post like an insane child who has flipped out and needs medicating. The guy gave a pretty frank and down to earth interview - even going as far to acknowledge problems with the system and saying he wants to win back the big franchises.


You have a typical shit-fit over it like a child!

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Well he hasn't lied. They have doubled sales. Whether that is as good an achievement is something different. Secondly, he is spot on, developers want a large user base. The key thing is sales - devs don't give a shit how powerful a console is, they care about making money as they are primarily a business. That's why games like Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are on the 3DS and not the Vita.




Again, not a lie. The Wii U is getting Watch Dogs and very limited 3rd party support. He also goes on to say he would love to have COD on the platform.




He is pointing out that the sales of the XBO and the PS4 are driven by shared content not exclusive content. Again not a lie.




The features the Wii U had made it stand above other versions. Being able to play multiplayer shooters with both players having different screens is a big step up. Also, the map on the pad and other features differentiated the game. He is clearly saying that those differences are more important than minor differences like resolution or which shadows look slightly better!




Again, he hasn't lied. He is correct, what is planned now takes 2 years (sometimes more) to get to the market place. A statement of truth.




I honestly don't think you've actually read what he is saying. From the minute a console is released a new one is in development. He also even admits that things haven't come together as well as hoped on the Wii U.




And? He hasn't lied, he never said that you would fit 20 copies of Bayonetta 2 on a Wii U internal memory. Plus, as we all know you can get any cheap HDD and plug it in if you want to go digital.


You post like an insane child who has flipped out and needs medicating. The guy gave a pretty frank and down to earth interview - even going as far to acknowledge problems with the system and saying he wants to win back the big franchises.


You have a typical shit-fit over it like a child!


You've talked rubbish right from the off just like Reggie. Shows how much you know. Monster Hunter came to the Wii exactly because it was weak hardware. Capcom didn't want to spend the money making a new engine for it. I don't deny Monster Hunter 3 was great, it was brilliant, in the top 3 Wii games easily. But look at the Wii U version, it's still the same, just HD. If Vita had got Monster Hunter, things would be drastically different in Japan. Monster Hunter is a beast.


Nintendo spent money to get Dragon Quest exclusive. That worked out well didn't it? Took a lifetime to arrive as the bell tolls were ringing out for the Wii and never came West.


Where was our Street Fighter, our Resident Evils(cheap onrail shooters don't count), our Final Fantasies, our Mass Effects, our Metal Gear Solids, our Grand Theft Autos, and on and on and on?


"devs don't give a shit how powerful a console is"
Utter b0ll0x! That tiny line alone and you've failed straight away.


Wii was number one but we got cheap, lazy a$$ games for the most part to fund their big brothers brethren.


I didn't deny the other reasons. I said

"They also want a console powerful enough going forward to deliver their ambitions."
Is that highlighted enough for you now? That's just your first paragraph. I'm not dealing any longer with someone so inept at reading properly what I said. All your other paragraphs are equally full of crap.
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well I'm pretty pissed at Nintendo that I've got to fork out for a PS4 so I can play FIFA, PGA, COD etc going forward. As a Wii owner all I wanted from Wii U was the same again in HD. And whilst the Wii got some fairly downgraded versions of these games at least it got them.

But's what even more annoying is that I know whilst COD on PS4 will look better it won't play nearly as well in local multiplayer due to split screen. So I'm going to spend £400+ to get a worse experience than what I'm getting now, just because Nintendo sold us a pup when it comes to 3rd party support.

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well I'm pretty pissed at Nintendo that I've got to fork out for a PS4 so I can play FIFA, PGA, COD etc going forward. As a Wii owner all I wanted from Wii U was the same again in HD. And whilst the Wii got some fairly downgraded versions of these games at least it got them.

But's what even more annoying is that I know whilst COD on PS4 will look better it won't play nearly as well in local multiplayer due to split screen. So I'm going to spend £400+ to get a worse experience than what I'm getting now, just because Nintendo sold us a pup when it comes to 3rd party support.


You could buy a Vita to imitate the Wii U second screen aspect?


#MoMoney #MoProblems #MoeTheBartender

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