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Zelda and Xenoblade are the only definites for me and I'd imagine they'll be late 2015. There may be a couple of others depending on how they turn out e.g. Splatoon and Yoshi but it's a depressing list. So in the next 16 months there's 4 retail games I'll buy, Smash, Bayonetta 2, Zelda and X.

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Captain Toad, Zelda, Xenoblade, Starfox, Yoshi, Kirby, Splattoon, Mario Maker, Miyamoto's games + whatever else is announced for next year is "barren". Riiiight. As if it wasn't obvious enough Nintendo just can't win on here.


It depends what games interest you. I imagine a lot of the fall line up on the other consoles does nothing for you, yet many on here are gonna be struggling to keep up with everything.


I like a lot on that list but I can see why people aren't excited for anything other than Xenoblade and Zelda.


Mario Maker is like LBP to me. It may be a good game but I buy a game to play, not to create.


Yoshi and Kirby are both 2D platformers, which the Wii U already has enough of.


Miyamotos games looked rough as a badgers behind at E3.


Starfox we have zero idea on how this is going to turn out.


Splattoon hinges on whether the online aspect is any good. Can you talk to your team mates?

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I just find it sad that people call that list of first party titles "depressing" and "barren", when it's clearly not and will no doubt get added to. I was equally puzzled after E3 2013 when they announced 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash and Donkey Kong all at the same E3, yet still people complained. The amount of cynicism on here has really risen the past year or so. That's what's depressing, reading though this forum at times. Oh well.


Mario Maker is like LBP to me. It may be a good game but I buy a game to play, not to create.


Just think of the thousands of user created levels you get to play then.

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Well, I think the Nintendo line up for the rest of this year and next year is excellent. What's more, that won't be all of it. There will still be unannounced games and stuff that will come out as surprises at E3.


The sad state is third party support.


However, there is a limit to how many games I can play in a year. I've still got a back log of Wii U games to clear as some are still sat in their factory seal.

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As if Resident Evil Revalations is not coming to either Nintendo console. I find that a bit of a piss take to be honest.


I thought Capcom had a decent relationship with Nintendo, so the fact this isn't coming to their consoles is pushing me further to that PS4 purchase now.


Damn me and my love of RE. :(

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Looking like a seriously good 2015 already :)




2015 looks dry. Very little to look forward too.


As if Resident Evil Revalations is not coming to either Nintendo console. I find that a bit of a piss take to be honest.


I thought Capcom had a decent relationship with Nintendo, so the fact this isn't coming to their consoles is pushing me further to that PS4 purchase now.


Remember it's not a charity. The first revelations obviously bombed so hard on wii u Capcom see no point releasing the 2nd installment on wii u. Even if one was to argue the 3DS version was a major reason for that Capcom can look at sales of other 'adult' games and it paints a bleak picture.


A 3DS version would of been nice but that's a hard game to sell when there is HD versions for big tv's being released as well.

Edited by liger05
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I was in contact with GAME this morning about Resident Evil Revelations that never turned up. They told me before that I'd have to wait 45 days before I could get a refund. But I think it was @Cube who said I'd only have to wait 30 days under European law. Anyway I told them that and this was their response.


"Due to your delivery address you qualify as an international customer and as such have to wait the extended period of time before we can count the order as lost in post I'm afraid."


I said I'm in Ireland, you're in the UK and that ye must be bound by European law. I got nowhere with them. So I've to wait another 2 weeks. Never again GAME shall I darken your door with my money.

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2015 looks dry. Very little to look forward too.




Remember it's not a charity. The first revelations obviously bombed so hard on wii u Capcom see no point releasing the 2nd installment on wii u. Even if one was to argue the 3DS version was a major reason for that Capcom can look at sales of other 'adult' games and it paints a bleak picture.


A 3DS version would of been nice but that's a hard game to sell when there is HD versions for big tv's being released as well.


I would ask for 'figures and spreadsheets' supporting the 'bombed hard' comment like lots of others love to do on here to emphasise a point, but I couldn't really care less about all that. :P Although I guess it would be interesting to see how the re-make for the HD consoles sold!


I just think it would have been good to have seen the game make a Wii U appearance. Whilst I understand that maybe hardware limitations would prevent it running as well as on the other consoles, I'd have thought Capcom would want to continue the series on a Ninty platform. :confused:


Ah well. :(

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Capcom I swear to f*ck. You need a drop kick in the b0ll0cks. Alright, meh, whatever about Wii U but no 3DS version? This annoys me no end. I want this on Wii U.


This reminds me, GAME are getting an earful from me later today. Revelations never turned up and it's been a month.

We already knew this.


What you thought the official reveal would suddenly add the Wii U/3DS to the list?


I don't really feel we need the negative news constantly reposted.

Ok you're fed up with the Third Party Nintendo situation, it's not gonna change, but you won't go and buy a PS4/XboxOne to get all these games? You can't mind that much then.

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We already knew this.


What you thought the official reveal would suddenly add the Wii U/3DS to the list?


I don't really feel we need the negative news constantly reposted.

Ok you're fed up with the Third Party Nintendo situation, it's not gonna change, but you won't go and buy a PS4/XboxOne to get all these games? You can't mind that much then.


I live in hope. Nintendo are meant to have a good relationship with Capcom. The first game did start on 3DS. It wouldn't have been the first time that a late announcement of a version would be happening. No I will never buy a PS4/XboxOne to get all these games and yes it bothers me a lot but there's not a lot I can do as a Nintendo only owner.

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We already knew this.


What you thought the official reveal would suddenly add the Wii U/3DS to the list?


I don't really feel we need the negative news constantly reposted.

Ok you're fed up with the Third Party Nintendo situation, it's not gonna change, but you won't go and buy a PS4/XboxOne to get all these games? You can't mind that much then.


Also, it's not constant reposting. The news only went up on that site early this morning and it's official confirmation. I'll gladly post positive news. Do you know of any? Missing out Resident Evil is really annoying because it's a franchise I've a lot of time for.

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Well because Sony and Microsoft are scum.


Mate, they're just companies. Same as Nintendo. They're not football teams.


Do you own or have you ever owned a PC with Windows? Have you ever bought a CD? My guess is that the answer to both of these questions is yes.


In all likelihood, you have knowingly bought products or services from Microsoft and Sony. If both companies are scum, should your boycott not extend to everything they offer and not just the game consoles?


Your hatred is misplaced. What have they ever done to you? If you drop this brand loyalty bollocks and start to shop around a bit more, you will be a much happier consumer.

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I found most of them on LBP to be rubbish. Saying that, with RedShell at the helm, Mario Maker could be worth picking up. :D


It doesn't help that LBP itself is rubbish though; that's it's problem, not the creation, it's just a terrible terrible game to play!


Mario Maker is an eshop game in a box, but it'll still be amazing I'm sure!

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Oh right so it was a joke. So you do have or intend to buy a PS4, XB1 or PC then?


I'm trying to understand your aggravation if it was a joke, since you'll still be able to get all these games.


No I'm not buying a PS4 or Xbox1. They may not be scum but I've no time for them. I have a PC but it wouldn't be capable of playing new releases.

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