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  lostmario said:
Just come across this on neogaf.


Sorry if its old.




So good. Just...what an idea. Too good, in fact. There is a god of the internet, and he has graced us with this.


  Cube said:
Or, in more realistic terms, a cheesy-looking game from a developer that's pretty much unknown to non-hardcore gamers (outside Japan, at least). I can see why they wouldn't put a lot of effort marketing it over here.


The idea of marketing is to sell the product. The aspects you mention would seem to be the things that don't help selling, which is exactly WHY it needs marketing. Everything starts somewhere!


Know why I picked up LttP to be bought as a kid? Because it was in a gold box and had some pretty looking colours/pictures on the back I think. I didn't know jack of what it was about. Or by who. Or what it was.


  Hero-of-Time said:
They should make a Streetpass App for smartphones and Wii U. You take your phone around with you, get hits and then bring them back to unlock puzzles and stuff on the Wii U.


Stuff like this would be cool. Also as mentioned, tying in 3DS(maybe gives more if 3DS). Tbh I'm stll astounded at how generally underused the 3DS pedometer is - a question I've been asking for a long time is why hasn't a 3DS port or imitation been made of that ds Walk with Me title? Mix it up into something with Wii U too?


from gaf


front page of the Sankei Shimbun




Choice lines include:

"Nintendo Shock"

"Wii U Ignored by Gamers Overseas"

"Failure to utilize online features"

"Specs that are a generation behind" -- "on the same level as PS3"


The article concludes:


The PS4 will be released in Japan on the 22nd of next month. It won't be easy for Nintendo to reverse the tide of "PS4 for gamers, smartphones for casuals."
  khilafah said:
from gaf


front page of the Sankei Shimbun




Choice lines include:

"Nintendo Shock"

"Wii U Ignored by Gamers Overseas"

"Failure to utilize online features"

"Specs that are a generation behind" -- "on the same level as PS3"


The article concludes:


Didn't even realise the PS4 still wasn't out there yet. It's going to be more bad news for Nintendo with every territory it releases in methinks, the sales are going to be devastating if they're anything like they've been already - which means more bad media for the Wii U, all of which doesn't exactly help it along :\

  khilafah said:
from gaf


front page of the Sankei Shimbun




Choice lines include:

"Nintendo Shock"

"Wii U Ignored by Gamers Overseas"

"Failure to utilize online features"

"Specs that are a generation behind" -- "on the same level as PS3"


The article concludes:


Glad to see a story like this printed.


It has now gotten old and should be ignored


Yet if it was a front page story which was positive about the Wii U you would be more than happy. Just because it doesnt fit the narrative you want it to does not mean it should be ignored.

  liger05 said:
Glad to see a story like this printed.




Yet if it was a front page story which was positive about the Wii U you would be more than happy. Just because it doesnt fit the narrative you want it to does not mean it should be ignored.

Can you provide proof that I'd be like that? Because that is completely contrary to how I am.

  Serebii said:
Can you provide proof that I'd be like that? Because that is completely contrary to how I am.


Why wouldnt you be if the information was factual?


I really dont see what the problem is unless the story is full of lies.


Are the choice lines false?


"Nintendo Shock"

"Wii U Ignored by Gamers Overseas"

"Failure to utilize online features"

"Specs that are a generation behind" -- "on the same level as PS3"


They look fine to me.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Renegade Kid have said they will show their 3DS FPS on Friday.


Possible Direct incoming? Hopefully.


Is that the shooter there was an engine trailer released of a couple of months ago?
  Retro_Link said:
Is that the shooter there was an engine trailer released of a couple of months ago?


I honestly have no idea as I haven't been following their work. I remember that 3rd person Gears looking game...IronFall was it? But I think that was a different company.


Renegade Kid did a tech demo of agate they are working on called Cult County. They're still working on that.

The trademark for Moon Chronicles has been announced but I wouldn't really call that a shooter. Plus Renegade Kid were tweeting about how they have finally have the rights to Moon again. If they wanted an announcement would they make it that obvious... But then, kind of seems like it is this...


This is a huge ask. But does anyone have a list, or know somewhere that does, of every single game Nintendo have released with some online functionality? Even if it's just home consoles not handheld.

  dazzybee said:
This is a huge ask. But does anyone have a list, or know somewhere that does, of every single game Nintendo have released with some online functionality? Even if it's just home consoles not handheld.


I found a few, but I think it includes any kind of online (so includes leaderboards)




3DS & Wii U


Good article.


The point that sticks out to me is this one.


Nintendo doesn’t need to go where its customers went; it needs to get them back or find new ones.


Can they win the expanded audience back and if not that just leaves gamers. Again though, a lot needs to change within Nintendo if they hope to recapture the Western audience and to a certain extent the Japsnese ones as well. I speak only of the Wii U as I think the 3DS is doing fine.

  Serebii said:
I maintain that the Virtual Console subscription idea is the best. It will get many players back and will make them a tonne of cash.


I was listening to NintendoWorldReport podcast on my way to work today and they were talking about things they would like to see this year. One of the guys said he would like to see DS software on the 3DS e-Shop. This got me thinking, why has this not been done yet? It would make a sweet amount of cash for very little work ( I assume ).


Many people are looking for ways to save the Nintendo within the Wii U itself, which is fine but there are other ways for Nintendo to make cash while riding out the Wii U storm.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I was listening to NintendoWorldReport podcast on my way to work today and they were talking about things they would like to see this year. One of the guys said he would like to see DS software on the 3DS e-Shop. This got me thinking, why has this not been done yet? It would make a sweet amount of cash for very little work ( I assume ).


Many people are looking for ways to save the Nintendo within the Wii U itself, which is fine but there are other ways for Nintendo to make cash while riding out the Wii U storm.

I believe it's due to licensing and classification. Until recently, Nintendo had their games classified by PEGI, BBFC, ERSB, USK etc. with the console they're on. Doing this means that, if they wish to re-release them, they'll have to go through the long process of reclassification which is a little costly, especially for a load of games.


There's also the issue of how the games work. The DS mode on the system is an isolated pocket of the console, rather than using the SD card. As such, they'd have to recode all the games to act like 3DS download software.

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