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Sorry I should have made it clear that I meant Microsoft and Sony have provided the ability for companies to use them. I know Microsoft have Project Glass, and Sony has the PSN app, but I meant rather games can use them (Beyond, AC4 etc).


Yeah, with the One I can check my stats on Ryse and see what collectables I've missed. Dead Rising 3 also had some cool features like calling in air strikes and getting extra missions and extra weapons.


I think Knack has an app as well.

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Ah I see. Didn't Uncharted 2 start it all with being able to tweet progress? And that was (relatively) quite a while ago too.


I don't know, but it reminds me that Tearaway uses social media perfectly. You're able to share your photos and even print your character models and make them.

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In all fairness though how much of that is sony and MS and how much is the developers?!


Though I do love the features. Being able to change squads and tactics on my phone for fifa and such, and arrange kit and armour etc on monster hunter for example would be amazing,

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You can patronise as much as you like. But who's agreeing it's a bad console? You THINK it's bad, and in your criteria that's fine. But I certainly don't think it's a bad console, in fact I think it's a great console. I have a problem with Nintendos services more than the console itself.


Then under what criteria is the console itself good? I am saying the software can be good, but the hardware and OS/networking associated with the console is duff.


No need to get heated over it.

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I don't know, but it reminds me that Tearaway uses social media perfectly. You're able to share your photos and even print your character models and make them.


That does sound good!! Still need to get that game


Then under what criteria is the console itself good? I am saying the software can be good, but the hardware and OS/networking associated with the console is duff.


No need to get heated over it.


Not heated, just get bored with how this goes. I want discuss the Wii U, and what nintendo can/should do.


And how is it good? I thought consoles were only as good as the games? How is it good? It's cheap(ish), the gamepad is great, although it can be better the virtual console is good, the shop has some great titles and looks to be getting loads more this year, again it can be better but the online is free; and before you inevitably come back with its rubbish. I can play online. It's free. The stuff around it are poor but how is this a bad thing? My friends and family wouldn't pay a monthly fee for online, I can play cod with them, monster hunter, wiisports, mario kart etc HOW IS THIS A BAD THING?! Miiverse is a great social network.


The services around the console need a lot of work, but it's not bad.

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In all fairness though how much of that is sony and MS and how much is the developers?!


Though I do love the features. Being able to change squads and tactics on my phone for fifa and such, and arrange kit and armour etc on monster hunter for example would be amazing,


Oh yeah it's developers, but MS and Sony provided the option (and sometimes use it themselves). That was more my point, it just probably wasn't clear as it's Friday :p


That does sound good!! Still need to get that game


It's a superb title, can't recommend it enough.

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It's cheap(ish)


WiiU + Windwaker = 250€

PS3 + GTAV/Last of US/a different game = 300€

Xbox360 + Game = 210€-250€


Yes, I'm comparing.




Going for value, I'd say you get much more of it when buying an Xbox or PS3, i.e. I don't consider WiiU's price as cheap/good/reasonable.


But I may be alone with that opinion.

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That does sound good!! Still need to get that game




Not heated, just get bored with how this goes. I want discuss the Wii U, and what nintendo can/should do.


And how is it good? I thought consoles were only as good as the games?


Yes, a console is only as good as the games. But at the same time you can judge the actual console itself from a hardware/OS/networking point of view. That's what most people here are criticising and not the quality of Nintendo games. In this case the console itself being substandard has had a major impact on it getting good games, making the point pretty relevant.


Nintendo are clearly in dire straits, so people comparing it to the stronger competition in terms of 'they should do this thing to compete' is entirely reasonable. You take Nintendo criticisms far too personally...


Is it hard for you to understand...


Or struggle to comprehend


Perhaps saying you were getting heated was wrong. More like downright rude.

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That does sound good!! Still need to get that game


Not heated, just get bored with how this goes. I want discuss the Wii U, and what nintendo can/should do.


And how is it good? I thought consoles were only as good as the games? How is it good? It's cheap(ish), the gamepad is great, although it can be better the virtual console is good, the shop has some great titles and looks to be getting loads more this year, again it can be better but the online is free; and before you inevitably come back with its rubbish. I can play online. It's free. The stuff around it are poor but how is this a bad thing? My friends and family wouldn't pay a monthly fee for online, I can play cod with them, monster hunter, wiisports, mario kart etc HOW IS THIS A BAD THING?! Miiverse is a great social network.


The services around the console need a lot of work, but it's not bad.

Dazzybee that is what people are doing, just because you don;t think Nintend should release there games on other consoles doesn't mean it isn't a discussion point/option for Nintendo who are having somewhat of a mini crisis atm.


You can'y deny it would bring them a lot of money, they wouldn't have to spend on R&D (which clearly they are doing atrociously at, or at least they very slow at catching up/reading the market).


Also it's not a bad thing atm. But will you be playing the next COD etc... online with your friends? It's hard to say, and that IS a bad thing. Where as the other consoles are future-proofed for the next 5-6 years. So there is a problem which will need addressing.

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Yeah, with the One I can check my stats on Ryse and see what collectables I've missed. Dead Rising 3 also had some cool features like calling in air strikes and getting extra missions and extra weapons.


I think Knack has an app as well.


Like you can/could on the Gamepad, that is being roundly panned as pointless. But it is good if you have a £500 iphone/pad to do it on?? :wtf:


Not trying to be defensive, just makes me giggle.


My PS4 owning make told me the rigmarole he had to go through to get his AC4 app... seemed like a lot of work for not much benefit?

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Like you can/could on the Gamepad, that is being roundly panned as pointless. But it is good if you have a £500 iphone/pad to do it on?? :wtf:


Not trying to be defensive, just makes me giggle.


My PS4 owning make told me the rigmarole he had to go through to get his AC4 app... seemed like a lot of work for not much benefit?


It's optional and it doesn't hike up the price of the console.

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Like you can/could on the Gamepad, that is being roundly panned as pointless. But it is good if you have a £500 iphone/pad to do it on?? :wtf:


Not trying to be defensive, just makes me giggle.


My PS4 owning make told me the rigmarole he had to go through to get his AC4 app... seemed like a lot of work for not much benefit?


The gamepad has come at a huge cost though; not only has it given us a weak system lacking features, it's cost Nintendo a lot financially and given them few options in regards to the consoles future.

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In defence of the gamepad, it is fantastic.

And on the optional front... optional accessories are quirks, they rarely if ever get used.

hmm. Point :D.


I think the main problem is that this is the Wii DS. Touch screen and a secondary screen is a 10 year old idea. It was ground breaking then, but no more.


I dislike the idea of ditching the gamepad, from a personal stand point, because I can think of some awesome ways it could be used to make fun games unique to the Wii U. Ditch it from a basic console, and basically it may as well be ditched full stop as far as developers are concerned.

What I would far prefer to see would be good use of the game pad from second party developers, and Nintendo themselves.


I mean, playing Nintendo land, there are starts of games there that Nintendo should make into full IP's. That Ninja game, I can see potential in that. Either as a one player game, or even as a mmo game.


The plane in Wii sports resort.. that was fun, dog fighting. look up the game "hunt for the red baron" (it has a different name now I believe).

Mix that with sports resort plane = awesome game.

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I think the main problem is that this is the Wii DS. Touch screen and a secondary screen is a 10 year old idea. It was ground breaking then, but no more.


A good idea is a good idea in any age. How old is the d pad, analogue sticks, shoulder buttons? It has been proven on the DS and 3DS, it just needs to be done so on the Wii U. I've said before a problem is that only one person gets to use the gamepad at a time, everyone else has to use another control scheme. DS/3DS players each have their own personal screen. That's just 1 of about a 1,000 problems with the Wii U.

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Anyone else think the Gamepad would be successful is it was just a stand alone product for £79.99 or something?


Have it on the coffee table, pack it full of traditional puzzle games, board games, sports games like pool/table football/hockey etc...


Put the likes of Brain training, professor layton on it for families to sit with and share, give it dedicated games like Mario Party for families to pass round and have fun with on a night in...


Have educational software on there, books, features like that Louvre tour guide etc...

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If Nintendo sell out to anyone it'll be Sony.


I'd think possibly Disney. Why would Nintendo sell to Sony? If anything it would be a merger, Nintendo are worth as much as Sony. Sony have their own problems, just reverse handheld with home console. I never want to see Nintendo go 3rd party, I think the day that happens is the day I quit gaming.

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Anyone else think the Gamepad would be successful is it was just a stand alone product for £79.99 or something?


Have it on the coffee table, pack it full of traditional puzzle games, board games, sports games like pool/table football/hockey etc...


Put the likes of Brain training, professor layton on it for families to sit with and share, give it dedicated games like Mario Party for families to pass round and have fun with on a night in...


Have educational software on there, books, features like that Louvre tour guide etc...


I think that would just put it in direct competition with regular tablets and while they are more expensive than you are suggesting they would also be more powerful and sleek with better screens etc. It would need a redesign as well to lose the "fisher price" look.

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In defence of the gamepad, it is fantastic.

And on the optional front... optional accessories are quirks, they rarely if ever get used.

hmm. Point :D.

Nada. As a direct comparison to this, the Vita can play every PS4 game on it, but it's an optional device. The way it should be.


Had they made the gamepad optional, Nintendo could have still allowed every game to stream over it / support it, just as Sony did. And then the Wii U could have been higher spec for the same price.

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Anyone else think the Gamepad would be successful is it was just a stand alone product for £79.99 or something?


Have it on the coffee table, pack it full of traditional puzzle games, board games, sports games like pool/table football/hockey etc...


Put the likes of Brain training, professor layton on it for families to sit with and share, give it dedicated games like Mario Party for families to pass round and have fun with on a night in...


Have educational software on there, books, features like that Louvre tour guide etc...


Those ideas are great but these ideas could and should be implemented without making the gamepad a stand alone product.

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Those ideas are great but these ideas could and should be implemented without making the gamepad a stand alone product.
Well yeah but for some reason it's not happening :p


Just thinking how they could re-position it.


The e-shop should be flooded with Nintendo micro games, mini games and board games. Why not put all the games in Wii U Party up as individual £1.99 impulse buy downloads or something? that sort of thing.


I think the device would be far more attractive as more of a gaming tablet. And having the Layton games pre-installed and things like NES Remix to download to give it a Nintendo differentiator.

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