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How the fuck does scrunching work? Do you just real off loads of paper and role it into a ball or like how you would screw up a piece of paper before throwing it away?.. How lame is that.


I for one am a folder, and a stander. So go ahead monopolyman 2, shoot me.


why wud u fold the paper? wouldnt it go really thin?


scrunchin is the way,


and why the fuck do you stand up and do it lol, that wud be a pain


Ah yes i remember this good ol' thread...


I personally fold my toilet paper to wipe my behind. Scrunching just waste's too much paper and thus kills more tree's. Using your hands is only for when you are at a Music Festival.


Im didn't realise there was more than one way of doing this :S


Sorry, but you're going to get it covered in shite there isn't really any ponit in taking the time.

Now, who wants to make a gallery of ourselves demonstrating this?


i used to scrunch, but after this threads first incarmnation i decided to try folding, and now its the number one method!

interesting fact: due to my wrist injury, there has also been a change of hand too!

im just a whole new wiper :)

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