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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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Super Mario 3D World's file size is 1.6GB. For comparison Super Mario Galaxy was 3.28GB. It's so small it could almost fit on a Gamecube disc.




We aren't back to file size = quality again are we?


Really? Does it matter how big the file size is? Other than if there is a mandatory install and gamers are worried about the space the game takes up on a HDD I don't see how the file size of a game makes the slightest bit of difference to the quality.


In before not next gen!

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We aren't back to file size = quality again are we?


Really? Does it matter how big the file size is? Other than if there is a mandatory install and gamers are worried about the space the game takes up on a HDD I don't see how the file size of a game makes the slightest bit of difference to the quality.


In before not next gen!


Who said anything about that? 32GB of storage is measly so it is important if you're going digital. Compressing is great but it does come at a cost. I don't see why with so much room on the retail disc why it can't be uncompressed. Take the orchestrated music for example, compressing can reduce its quality. Will we suffer to keep it's size down digitally?

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That's because they have virtually no variety in the textures they use and use massive block colours. Compression? There's basically nothing to compress.

Also, Mario Galaxy had a decent amount of voice work and FMV.


Any developer would tell you that FMVs and voice recordings are the files that take up the most space in a game


Who said anything about that? 32GB of storage is measly so it is important if you're going digital. Compressing is great but it does come at a cost. I don't see why with so much room on the retail disc why it can't be uncompressed. Take the orchestrated music for example, compressing can reduce its quality. Will we suffer to keep it's size down digitally?

Nintendo compress because it's better to compress than to just leave it open like many other developers do, especially in this day and age of digital downloads. Nintendo's compression techniques have never deteriorated the quality of any aspect in the game. Chill.

Edited by Serebii
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Who said anything about that? 32GB of storage is measly so it is important if you're going digital. Compressing is great but it does come at a cost. I don't see why with so much room on the retail disc why it can't be uncompressed. Take the orchestrated music for example, compressing can reduce its quality. Will we suffer to keep it's size down digitally?


They haven't reduced the quality of any of their assets with any of their already released games and neither has any 3rd party developer. Of course they wont.


BTW, all audio on Wii U is uncompressed LPCM anyway (in fact, it's the only format the hardware supports!), so there's no need to worry about developers compromising the audio quality.

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Nintendo compress because it's better to compress than to just leave it open like many other developers do. Nintendo's compression techniques have never deteriorated the quality of any aspect in the game. Chill.


How is compressing good? It reduces quality. The only advantage I can think of and I could be wrong but I'm thinking that it could be quicker to read from the disc if the laser has less disc to read but then that could be countered by the hardware having to uncompress and convert the data. Can you tell the difference between a compressed MP3 song versus uncompressed? I can. Anyway, I was going to say they know what they're doing but then again they've proven they don't always. Meh. The game has bigger issues.

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Compression does not necessarily mean a reduction of quality. You're thinking along the lines of JPEG compression. That's not how it works.


Nintendo have been compressing the hell out of their games for years. It's a necessity in this industry, especially the way it is going.

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How is compressing good? It reduces quality. The only advantage I can think of and I could be wrong but I'm thinking that it could be quicker to read from the disc if the laser has less disc to read but then that could be countered by the hardware having to uncompress and convert the data. Can you tell the difference between a compressed MP3 song versus uncompressed? I can. Anyway, I was going to say they know what they're doing but then again they've proven they don't always. Meh. The game has bigger issues.


Another day, another ridiculous argument. From what I've seen of this the game looks great. It looks colourful, fun and full of Mario goodness.

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Literally no one said it was rubbish. Have no idea where your 'blood, guns, realism' comment came from either. You are unreal and your comments hurt to read.


Funny, if this kind of terse response was directed at someone who was being critical of Nintendo there would be a load of butthurt and crying about the use of inappropriate language.

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The only slight concern I'd have over hefty compression is the quality of the recorded music. But there are plenty of lossless or virtually lossless compression techniques that could have the whole soundtrack down to less than 200MB. Probably be less still if it's at all like Galaxy, with the big band stuff alternating with sequenced music.


Looking absolutely sumptuous!

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Funny, if this kind of terse response was directed at someone who was being critical of Nintendo there would be a load of butthurt and crying about the use of inappropriate language.


Inappropriate language? Really? Is this a joke or are you being serious? Your post looks to me like it's made to intentionally bait or inflame a situation which, quite frankly, doesn't even seem to exist yet. Don't do it, it's not helpful nor conducive to these boards. Don't reply to this post in this thread either - if you wish to continue this conversation I'm happy to do so via PM, or if preferred in the public domain, via our visitor walls. I don't mod these boards but I see this descending quite quickly into a petty squabble - let's all please avoid that.


(Serebii, if you read Daft's post quite literally - it explains itself. Nobody said the game was rubbish. Similarly, he appears to have absolutely no idea where your blood guns realism point comes from, it's out of the blue, a complete non-sequitur(I identify as I see no cause for it myself). Even your edgy scenes "quote" is completely irrelevant. There is no indication he thinks you are being serious, either, more that he feels your post makes no sense.)



Long story short; Please don't continue this petty discussion here. This thread is still supposed to be a thread about this game - not arguments around arguments around it.


Just to follow up on H-O-T's screenshot, you'll find them all here:




My favourite from the bunch is probably




So much shine. Looks like there's a good few new enemies, well new to me unless they were in 3D Land. It looks beautiful.


Whilst I'm still not too fussed about the game atm, I must admit it does look lovely. My old workmate's said he's gonna be getting it so I might have the opportunity to pop round at some point and actually try it out - looking forward to such before I make my mind up solidly on it.

Edited by Rummy
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Super Mario 3D World Is Around 8 hours Long And Is “Fairly Easy”


Josh Thomas from the BitBlock is reporting that Super Mario 3D World will roughly take the average user around eight hours to finish the main storyline. Thomas also says that the game is fairly easy, which means that the majority of players will probably breeze through it. Super Mario 3D World launches on November 22nd in North America and November 29th in Europe.


Update: Josh had the following to say on Twitter: I should clarify, I casually responded to someone’s question about my personal play time. This obviously differs by person.




This is what I've worried about this game. It's not definitive yet as it's only 1 opinion. But it looks way too easy and really short levels. It looks beautiful but I want some challenge from this game. Any time Nintendo talk about this game all I hear is "family", "Family", "FAMILY"!

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This is what I've worried about this game. It's not definitive yet as it's only 1 opinion. But it looks way too easy and really short levels. It looks beautiful but I want some challenge from this game. Any time Nintendo talk about this game all I hear is "family", "Family", "FAMILY"!

He then noted that he rushed through it and other reviewers are saying he is incredibly wrong.





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The story did say 8 hours for the main storyline. He completed it quicker than 8 hours, he rushed it, the 8 hours time is for the average gamer. I don't remember either Galaxy being this short. They certainly weren't for me.

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