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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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I don't quite get how they work, you literally use them to stamp all over your miiverses?! But only within mario obviously. What's the normal image and then the stamps, don't understand their connection


Instead of drawing on a blank canvas on Miiverse, you can stamp a pre-determined pic anywhere you want in the drawing area, and then draw/write around it.

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That artwork, especially the ginormous res 9000 pixel across version, is beautiful, but I don't really like the white background. Would have preferred it to be cloudy maybe, anything but the photoshop transparency pattern. Still, glorious piece of art.

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Aw man I had a voucher code to pre order this for £35 from Zavvi but I forgot to use it and now it's expired :( I don't wanna pay any more than that for this game, why's it so expensive on every website?


Does every game thread have to slip into a moan about pricing? How cheap can you be, this is a AAA first party Nintendo game, probably the best they'll publish this year. Plus the fact that it looks amazing.

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It's funny with this game, as I almost keep forgetting about it. Like when I think about the upcoming games I was hugely excited for Wind Waker, can't wait for Pokemon, massively wanting Sonic Lost World, and even games that have been pushed back like DK, Mario Party etc are all still on my radar.


But this, just keeps slipping off it. Then I remember it, and realise what a silly silly boy I am. :laughing:


As much as it isn't holding my attention much before release, I know I'm gonna absolutely love it. The Wii U's christmas is looking pretty fun packed and I reckon this ones gonna be the star of the show! :)

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Does every game thread have to slip into a moan about pricing? How cheap can you be, this is a AAA first party Nintendo game, probably the best they'll publish this year. Plus the fact that it looks amazing.


If it was any other publisher no one would be saying this.


I think f00, along with everyone else is entitled to their own opinion and if he thinks it's too expensive, then it's too expensive.


It's ludicrous to suggest that Nintendo should be charging anything less than £40 for this. It's somehow become trendy to suggest that Nintendo are the an evil greedy company that over charge for their games.


Did anyone complain that The Last of Us was too expensive? Or GTA V was too expensive? Is anyone complaining that the new FIFA game is too expensive?


So why all of a sudden are Nintendo's AAA releases a rip-off? A new 3D Mario comes along once or twice per generation, to devalue such a piece of software and claim it should be a budget title is delusional.

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I have actually just done a quick check for Fifa 14 prices. Full game is 40 quid at shop to. Will sell by the bucket loads and the game is released every chuffin year and then sits in the top half of the charts for 6 months. EA doesnt seem to be criticised for cashing in on a franchise that basically has an updated player roster every year.


I know people that would buy CoD for 50 quid and would not moan. Again another franchise that has a new game released every single year.




Nintendo releases AAA title, prices it at 40 quid and is deemed to be the money grabbing dirty capitalist of a company that is playing us all.


I dont see why people moan about pricing all the time. It gets boring. If you dont want to buy it at the advertised price then dont. You may be waiting a while for nintendo titles to drop in price. In other news, I cant wait for the game and will be buying it at the cheapest price I can find and if that is at full price then so be it.

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We all have different income at the end of the day. If someone finds it expensive then it's expensive to them. No need to flame.

He only said that he didn't want to pay anymore than £35 for it, no mention of Nintendo being greedy or whatever. I guess he'll have to wait a while till the price drops, but that's his choice.



Mario 3D World £37.98 pre-order from Zavvi. (Amazon / Game still have it up for £44.99)


Edited by Nintendo Fan
price drop
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If it was any other publisher no one would be saying this.




It's ludicrous to suggest that Nintendo should be charging anything less than £40 for this. It's somehow become trendy to suggest that Nintendo are the an evil greedy company that over charge for their games.


Did anyone complain that The Last of Us was too expensive? Or GTA V was too expensive? Is anyone complaining that the new FIFA game is too expensive?


So why all of a sudden are Nintendo's AAA releases a rip-off? A new 3D Mario comes along once or twice per generation, to devalue such a piece of software and claim it should be a budget title is delusional.


I didn't know you and Ronnie have review copies of this game. Presumptious much? I'd prefer to wait until the game is finished. While I can't stand FIFA and I'll never get to play GTA 5 owning only Nintendo consoles just look at their respective advertising campaigns. It's wall to wall, non stop. GTA 5 reportedly cost $150 million to make. 3D World will absolutely pale in comparison both advertising wise and budget wise. I still haven't seen a single ad for The Wind Waker. Never saw a single Wonderful 101 ad, Mokong said he seen them on during his sons TV programmes. Good one Nintendo.

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What does the advertising and development budgets have to do with anything? Great that Nintendo can make such outstanding games on a more limited budget. And there's nothing presumptuous about believing this is a major Nintendo title, is there really much doubt it'll be an excellent game?

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I've no doubt it'll be very good but I still have a few niggling doubts and I'd wait for the game to come out before calling it AAA.


FIFA is a perfect example of a franchise that's not the best but it's heavily promoted and it sells like wildfire regardless of how each iteration changes. There's a reason they've all the big stars in their ads and have players promoting it at various stores. All that doesn't come cheap.


I know it's not quite the same but why don't indie developers charge £40 for a game on the Wii U shop? It is annoying that developers think just because it's a physical game sitting on a shelf they're entitled to charge the same as AAA titles. I'm talk about games like Turbo: Super Stunt Squad Wii U and Just Dance Kids 2014 Wii U.

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Hey I'm not complaining about the price here, in fact I normally don't. I think £40 is just fine considering the experience that I'm going to get out of it.


In short I was alluding to the fact that different people have different budgets for many different reasons, so when someone says it's too expensive for themselves what else could they do about it?


Besides posting his opinion here may serve a purpose too. If someone manages to come across a slightly better price in the run up to release they might remember f00had's post and link him towards the deal.

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It's a new game and as such £40 is industry standard. If this had been a port/remake then I can understand the outcries. If people are complaining about paying £40 for a new game, I hate to see that they think at the £55 that is being charged for PS4/XBOne games.


There is also nothing wrong with looking for a good deal though.

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Calm down guys it's not like I'm saying that Nintendo are ripoff merchants for selling a new game at a standard RRP, it's just that personally I've never paid more than £36 for a game on its own (which was Resident Evil 6 and had a RRP of £45) and hey what's wrong with trying to save a pound here and there to put towards other games instead of blindly paying the highest price?

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Based on what I played today (both multiplater and singleplayer): if you like NSMB Wii/U and 3D Land, you'll probably love this.


I personally hated them, and this. The singleplayer is like 3D World but with a limited degree of camera control, and still has an isometric look to it. Although with how the levels are designed, a fully adjustable camera wouldn't really work.

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Based on what I played today (both multiplater and singleplayer): if you like NSMB Wii/U and 3D Land, you'll probably love this.


I personally hated them, and this. The singleplayer is like 3D World but with a limited degree of camera control, and still has an isometric look to it. Although with how the levels are designed, a fully adjustable camera wouldn't really work.


Well this is terrifying news... :) The NSMB games are great, for what they are, but they're no galaxy!! And 3D land was also great, for a handheld game. Those caveats are important. I want this to compare with galaxy not those games!

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Based on what I played today (both multiplater and singleplayer): if you like NSMB Wii/U and 3D Land, you'll probably love this.


I personally hated them, and this. The singleplayer is like 3D World but with a limited degree of camera control, and still has an isometric look to it. Although with how the levels are designed, a fully adjustable camera wouldn't really work.


But...but...Serebii said I can control the camera however I please! And he knows everything about anything when it comes to Nintendo! I think you probably just didn't try hard enough, Cube.

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The thing is, the levels are designed with the camera placement in mind. There are a couple of parts where the camera does come closer for a more behind-the-character views, but it does it when the gameplay need it.


There are a lot of vertical section in the levels, and navigating these with a more traditional 3D Mario camera would be immensely difficult. The gameplay, levels and camera are designed to work together. It wasn't until near the end of the level that I even thought about the camera - there wasn't any need to try and adjust it.

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