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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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Played this some more over the last few days. Currently sitting at 20 hours playtime and I've explored a lot of Velen.


There are still so many undiscovered locations, though...and I haven't set foot into Novigrad, yet. I might have to, though because I've run out of quests from notice boards in Velen...the few quests in my log are way over my level (I'm at 12).

There are, however, four notice boards in the vicinity of Novigrad, so before I finally go there I will take a look at them and see if I can take on some quests :)


Here's what I did the past 5 hours of playtime:


Took roach for a ride and explored several areas to destroy monster nests, discover treasures in a cave and free small villages from bandits.

After that I investigated several witcher contracts, some of which had incredibly sad stories...Then I took a break from all the serious stuff and played "a few" rounds of Gwent. When I managed to beat the final player of a quest line I took a hike to a village where a fist fight was waiting for me. During that hike I slayed some pirates and stole their loot which in turn opened up a quest to search for witcher gear. It led me to a sunken ship where I had to fight of some monsters in order to peacefully search that ship.

After I found the blueprint I continued my way to the village and came across some weird dude who wanted to fight me just for the fuck of it...I kicked his ass...

Later I finally reached that village and beat the shit out of one guy in a fist fight and won some money.


And now...well, now I'm on my way to the aforementioned notice boards near Novigrad.



This game...


Edit: Entered Novigrad, read all notice boards in Velen and Novigrad. Holy shit, there is so much to do...Most importantly, of course, more Gwent :D

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Just wait until you get to Skelliga, the sailing around is just awe inspiring. Honestly, you can spend hours just sailing around.


I didn't want to go there until I've done everything in Velen and Novigrad, but I had to just now because of a side quest.

When I've reached Skellige I was in awe. It looks so beautiful.


I ignored everything except that sidequest, though, and headed straight back to Novigrad after I completed my task :laughing:


Think I'm getting closer to the point where I stopped playing months ago. I remember certain quests I'm doing but the memories become more and more hazy.



Everytime I complete a sidequest I can't believe how well thought out they are. They have meaning in itself and don't just act as a means to elongate the game. They make exploration interesting because they aren't just "solve this puzzle and get an item", or "fetch these materials", or "defeat monsters to acquire gear". Each quest has a story to it which can be simple or rather complex. It's astounding.


This and a world that is so rich in secrets and so diverse and beautiful in every aspect (limited, of course, to the fantasy setting) makes The Witcher 3 not only a technical achievement but from a gameplay and interaction perspective a new standard in video gaming.

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I didn't want to go there until I've done everything in Velen and Novigrad, but I had to just now because of a side quest.

When I've reached Skellige I was in awe. It looks so beautiful.


I ignored everything except that sidequest, though, and headed straight back to Novigrad after I completed my task :laughing:


Think I'm getting closer to the point where I stopped playing months ago. I remember certain quests I'm doing but the memories become more and more hazy.


Everytime I complete a sidequest I can't believe how well thought out they are. They have meaning in itself and don't just act as a means to elongate the game. They make exploration interesting because they aren't just "solve this puzzle and get an item", or "fetch these materials", or "defeat monsters to acquire gear". Each quest has a story to it which can be simple or rather complex. It's astounding.


This and a world that is so rich in secrets and so diverse and beautiful in every aspect (limited, of course, to the fantasy setting) makes The Witcher 3 not only a technical achievement but from a gameplay and interaction perspective a new standard in video gaming.


I don't think i went to Skellige until i was level 26/27 (recommended was 16 (i think)). It is a beautiful landscape, loved it and spent hours just either sailing or listening to the ambient music.


I do love how certain side-quests and activities affect how other quests go about and how some characters can behave. Certainly shows just how well thought-out this game was.

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I just completely adore this game. I am part way through my second play through on New Game + after starting it the other week. Its been over 6 months since I finished it the first time. I'm coming close to finishing every side quest in novigrad and will be departing soon. I'm level 50 at the minute.

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Temporarily went back to the older parts of the map to collect the rest of the Gwent cards and do the big tournament, I was getting annihilated in Toussaint. Is any particular deck supposed to be better than the rest, or am I fine sticking with Northern Realms?

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Northen Realm is the in my opinion best because of the number of spy cards. Should be four I think. Use all of them. Use at least one decoy and a horn. Also I don't use any regular cards below 7 except and Dandelion and those who double each others iirc.


If you are talking about the tournament in Toussaint, it requires you to play with the Skellige deck.

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After looking around a bit, the only notable card I added to my Northern Realms deck was Geralt of Rivia. Apart from that I just added all the spy cards and ditched a few lower scoring ones.


The gwent tournament in Novigrad was easier than I was expecting, I found the hardest bit was the fist fight in between! Managed to get a really high scoring round against the second opponent, rarely see so many cards all played at once.




After that I started taking on opponents in Toussaint and had one very close game.


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The lady right? See she has given you four spy cards. When I played her we threw around so many spy cards and decoys then when she placed her last spy she didn't get any cards, she had already emptied her entire pile :p


The fist fight was the worst. Played the game on death march and had no chance. Had to turn down the difficulty for a fist fight in a gwent tournament...

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God, I hope the new Zelda has a card game. :laughing:


Jokes aside, it looks like The Witcher 3 is just not for you (duh). Go get Overwatch.


Oh I'm enjoying it still, just not loving it. It may yet grab me as I'm still only a tiny bit into the game... but I don't feel like I need to put it on whenever I've spare time.

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Oh I'm enjoying it still, just not loving it. It may yet grab me as I'm still only a tiny bit into the game... but I don't feel like I need to put it on whenever I've spare time.


Have you gotten to the Baron questline, yet?

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Currently doing it at the mo.

I've just had a fist fight with him and I'm about to go to the grave of his child.


Tell us what you think when you're done with the questline.


It's regarded as one of the best questlines in gaming history (rightly so) and shows what makes The Witcher 3's quest so great. The writing is incredible.


If you don't fall in love with the game after this you will probably never fall in love with it :p

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I'm still powering on with the Blood and Wine expansion and I'm going to be absolutely gutted when I get to the end of it and that moment of realisation hits that I've reached the end of the game. I must have sat down for hours yesterday and barely moved from the sofa. The additions they've made with the mutations are excellent and I spent most of yesterday running around the beautiful world of Toussaint using Aard on enemies to freeze blast them. One enemy was frozen and then proceeded to explode on site with his limbs shattering off into different directions. It's glorious. Fucking glorious.

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I'm nearing the end of The Bloody Baron quest-line (I think)

I'm just heading with him to get his wife from the Crones of Crookback Bog (think it's called that).



Now I'm all for a good story but I'm finding there are too many cutscenes and that they're too drawn out, I still find myself skipping through them once I've read the subtitles... and in some conversations I'm just skim-reading to see if there's anything important in there and not taking in all the chatter as I don't care for a lot of it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm very much enjoying the game, but would rather less cutscenes and cutting of dialogue and that there be a little more gameplay in there.

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You should never play a Metal Gear Solid game :laughing:


Yeah, I've played MGS, a bit of MGS2 & 3... I hate them. Seriously think they're the most overrated tripe out there!


The Witcher is still a very good game and I'm enjoying it, but I just feel the flow of the game is broken far too often.

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Yeah, I've played MGS, a bit of MGS2 & 3... I hate them. Seriously think they're the most overrated tripe out there!


Ah, I didn't know that you are still stupid played MGS. Well, with this series I think it's either "love 'em" or "be kav". :p


but I just feel the flow of the game is broken far too often.


Never had that feeling when I played the game. Think I struck a good balance between quests which involve lots of dialogue and other stuff, i.e. exploration, Gwent, fighting monsters, etc.


But I can see how you'd feel that way.

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