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Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)


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Seeing the last few seconds of that trailer where it shows one of those 'things' next to Wizeman from NiGHTS made me think, why didn't they just use the bosses from that game in the first place instead of having them as DLC? :p


Would have been a lot better, plus they could have shoe-horned it into the story somehow. :laughing:


The bosses don't look quite as bad in context but they are still rather poor designs.

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18 mins of new footage from the latest demo!



Looks brill! Lots of variety, great & innovative ideas and you can clearly see that they've put some real thought into the level design this time around! (in particular, they really nailed that core aspect of the level design of the MD games, where you have multiple paths to choose from that feature different levels of difficulty and different rewards of extra speed, plus red stars in this case, that all lead towards the same way)


I can't see anything to fault in it. It seems that they may well have nailed it at last! The only thing I have to really note is that it's a lot slower paced than the other games (and even seems a fair bit slower than when in early demos - so I can see some people taking issue with that), but it just looks so fun! :D


Nice and challenging too. There are some good challenging platforming moments there (and you lose ALL of your rings when you get hit again! - none of this only-lose-30ish-rings-when-hit nonsense like in the newer games). I am SO looking forward to this! I've been waiting for a great 3D Sonic game since Sonic Adventure (and the promises it held) and it seems that I'm finally gonna get it! :D I can hardly believe what I'm looking at! :o

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Watched bits since I don't want to spoil to much and I agree, it looks great.


Greatest thing is seeing the old Badniks returning, keep spotting "new" ones returning which brings back the floods of memories.


Almost wish it was out sooner, but don't want it too close to Wind Waker HD. ;)

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So the reason I'll be needing a hard drive pretty soon - as mentioned in the Wii U thread - is because I'm currently downloading this game! :D


Best of all the 'embargo' clearly states that I can talk about any part of the game just so long as the review isn't posted until a certain date, in preparation for me playing the game tomorrow - it's still going to take a while to download - I figured it would be good to open my playing of the game up to the forum. :)


If you have any questions about the game - just so long as you don't ask me about the score etc - then post them here and I'll try my best to get back to you after I've played the game for a few hours, obviously if it's anything that relates to the story/extras then I will spoiler-tag it but yeah, anyway.


Ask away! And I'll get back to you either tomorrow or over the weekend at some point. : peace:

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Ah yeah, the Wii U version is about 8GB, right?


Around 6.5GB... still rather sizeable for a Sonic game, :)




All I need to know is...


Is it as good as the Megadrive classics?


That is all.


Even I'm not holding out that much hope :p


The Megadrive games are still the best no matter how many Sonic games are released but if you're asking me 'is this the best modern Sonic game since Colours?' then I'd say that there's a good chance but time will tell when I play it tomorrow. :D

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Just let us know if the whole game is as creative and interesting as the demo levels they showed off so far, or if they run out of ideas before it's over.


Oh and if the controls hold up and if the level design keeps with the Megadrive concept of multiple-paths-with-different-rewards-that-lead-to-the-same-exit that all the demo levels have shown so far, across the whole game.


And of course, ultimately if you're just really enjoying the game (jammy git...)


Also, did you get the 3DS version as well? Really curious about that one as it looks WAY too good for a Dimps Sonic game, looking suspiciously lacking in the BS enemy encounters, BS spikes and BS bottomless pits that their games are known for...

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I just want to know if Sonic handles well in the 3D worlds. I love most of the 3D games but a lot of the times Sonic handled terribly and you ended up falling to your death.


How heavy is the story in the game? Is it loaded with cutscenes or is it basically one at the start and then you can get on with the game?




I think i'll delete Sam from my friends list, that way I don't have to see him play on this when I sign in. :D

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Played this at Eurogamer yesterday. I think I was too close to the screen to appreciate it fully, but I found the pace was a lot slower than other 3D Sonic games. He can still fly along, but there are a lot of platforming sections to navigate.


The issue from previous Sonics where you might fall off/through the level and die has been reduced.


The 3DS version seemed alright too, but I found the controls a bit too twitchy if that makes sense?

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And of course, ultimately if you're just really enjoying the game (jammy git...)


Also, did you get the 3DS version as well? Really curious about that one as it looks WAY too good for a Dimps Sonic game...


@Cube is covering the 3DS version, I'm covering the Wii U version.


I think i'll delete Sam from my friends list, that way I don't have to see him play on this when I sign in. :D


Harsh... :(



...but fair. :weep:


(please re-add me after the game comes out though)


I plan to start playing it after breakfast so hopefully I will post some brief impressions at around 12PM so I'll try and cover the topics that you have specifically asked. :)

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I just want to know if Sonic handles well in the 3D worlds. I love most of the 3D games but a lot of the times Sonic handled terribly and you ended up falling to your death.


On the 3DS version, beautifully. You can to 90 degree turns at full speed with ease, run around in figure eights and all sorts. Jumping and landing is also very precise, creating some platforming sections where aiming is more important than reflexes (but you can still do them at full speed if you're good enough).


The controls in previous games were built for moving forward all the time - these are built for moving in all directions.


I was worried when I was informed about camera controls (just "centre behind Sonic" on the 3DS), but the camera is pulled back enough that you don't actually have to fiddle with it that much.

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Right, impressions!


(Based on playing the entire first Zone, all four acts)


With regards to the story it's a quick cut-scene to set the tone and then straight onto the first act, after that the scenes are after every act but they are short and loaded with really amazing humour that has carried over from Sonic Colours. :D


Sonic controls really well thanks to the new parkour system as for most of it you will find yourself holding the right-trigger, this makes Sonic run faster also it means that he will automatically climb over obstacles and run up walls while you hold the button down so all you need to do is keep on running and sometimes jump/change direction, you will have the odd death by falling off the edge but not due to the camera which is spot on, it will be just down to experimentation. :)


Visually the game looks stunning, really showing off what the Wii U can do at high speeds, load times are barely noticeable which is a plus but yes... I'm really loving the art-style as the world around you and the classic badniks plus Sonic himself all look amazingly detailed. The music so far has been spectacular, I would describe it as the perfect mix between old and new with no sign of any lyrics yet, the quality of the actual audio is crystal clear in surround too.


Stages seem like an even split so far between 2D and 3D which is very pleasing, the early boss battles are good enough, even though I said I don't like the Deadly Six from the moment I saw their designs they do make a bit more sense in context. Plenty of things to unlock too including mini-games for collecting all the red star coins which are a challenge to find inside the levels so expect to be replaying them a lot so that you can also explore all the various paths too of course.


Overall I'm quite impressed so far, I won't get to play it until later tonight now :( -work - but I will try and keep reporting back after each new Zone. : peace:

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