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No more EA support for Wii U!


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Ultimate Team only on Xbox. Will Sony fans now join us in an EA boycott ... ... or is that daft question? lol, Wow... when are MS going to make the buy out official?


Huh? When did they say this? All I heard was when they said exclusive extra content for Ultimate Team.

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I thought they said Fifa 14 was at first!! Yeah, think it's UT though... I'm sure they'll include a revolutionary slide pad function to make up for it and justify charging the same. Because, you know, EA are just really kind like that.


If EA do similar with Sony on the PS4 on the used game front (Sony "up to the developer... shhh, EA made us do it"), THEN, I'd understand where a falling out/disagreement came about and no support, between them and Nintendo. Also would fit in with all the excuses some of their key 'figure heads' have come out with, with the baseless spec, engine 'gimped version' sales numbers spiel.


EA really are something else.



EDIT: Looks like the penny has dropped with others too. Just noticed someone start a thread with the same theory on neoGAF : http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=560639

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Although after seeing the XBOX One reveal I do worry even more for the future of Nintendo, the fact that Nintendo are still there doing it their way makes me smile.


Both Sony and MS are already doing their best to block used games, personally I think it's scandalous and both companies should be ashamed. Once you have purchased a game it should be yours, end of story.


When I sell my car the original manufacturer doesn't get a cut, neither should a game developer when I sell my used games. Simple.


Respect for Nintendo for not going down this murky road.

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Although after seeing the XBOX One reveal I do worry even more for the future of Nintendo, the fact that Nintendo are still there doing it their way makes me smile.


Both Sony and MS are already doing their best to block used games, personally I think it's scandalous and both companies should be ashamed. Once you have purchased a game it should be yours, end of story.


When I sell my car the original manufacturer doesn't get a cut, neither should a game developer when I sell my used games. Simple.


Respect for Nintendo for not going down this murky road.


Lucky for us that the Xbox One reveal looks to be a complete disaster on almost the same level as Sony's E3 2006's presentation, so hopefully EA will go down with the sinking Xbox ship. Good riddance to the both of them I say! : peace:

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Electronic Arts is developing games for the Wii U, but not as many as the company is developing for Sony and Microsoft's consoles, EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen said today during the Stifel Nicolaus 2013 Internet, Media and Communications Conference.



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EA are basically snakes.


They have floated between all three console manufacturers whispering in their ears and trying to get them to adopt their anti-consumer practices.


When Nintendo didn't play ball, EA publicly dumped them and tried to damage them through several acts of sabotage - including bare bones ports, late ports and games sent to die (ME3).


They then partner with MS (who go out on a limb and openly support EA's horrible business practices), and when the conference they goes down badly they slither away and announce they will still be working with Nintendo.


I have nothing for contempt for EA.

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Yeah I missed the conference yesterday so @RedShell gave me the run down on it while playing MH3U. When we started talkin bout the 'pay fee for used games' it hit me then what if this is the reason EA turned away rrom Nintendo. As it is now it seems more likely than the Origin stuff... or maybe a bit of both? Maybe EA planned to use Origin on WiiU to implement the used game lockout and Nintendo wised up :heh:

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Does make slightly more sense that that would be the reason for the lack of support from EA rather simply because Nintendo didn't want to use Origin. Presumably, they wanted Origin as the main online infrastructure, thus meaning that all online titles would come with single use online activation codes and lock out those buying it second hand unless they paid the £10 or whatever to get a new code. Definitely sounds like something which wouldn't sit well with Nintendo and would be enough for EA to retract support in light of Nintendo saying "No".


Those codes are gone now though so perhaps explains why someone from EA said yesterday that they do have some stuff in the pipeline for the Wii U.

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I'm glad Nintendo didn't use Origin regardless if that caused the fallout or not, I would rather avoid EA as much as possible.


It's getting a little clearer now. It isn't Origin per say, it's not having a used games policy inbplace that's done it. With EA dropping online passes, the xclone reveal, Sony's message on it. It's clear Nintendo is the odd one out.


Of course I respect Nintendo for not doing as well, absolutely, but it all depends on where people vote with their money. If enough people don't care and buy EA regardless, Ethernet EA will force, as they know full well, everyone to follow.


Don't buy EA, don't buy Xclone, tell your mates, post it on Facebook. Buy Xone and EA and you are a supporter of disposable games with minus 100% resell or share value.


Don't think he heard wrong. We all heard them say UT would be exclusive to XBox One. So then why apologise for the confusion if the guy heard wrong?




I'm questioning myself now.

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My concern is that if we are paying £49 for a game and have to jump through hoops to play it on other systems, what's gonna happen with £15 DVD/Blurays in the future? Surely a £49 RRP price point is price enough for using the content in the way you deem appropriate? They want 'more' money??


It's all about control. MS now have a box that can manipulate your spending habits. It's very iTunes-esque in some ways.

Sure, it's good for the developers on the one hand as they will see money from pre-owned content but what about retailers and gamers? They will be the ones who ultimately suffer.


Final thoughts: I think this is a bad move all around. In an effort to extrapolate more money from the consumer they are biting the hand that feeds them.

Edited by tapedeck
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