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Summer Summer Summer time!

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Fuck the sun, bring back winter.


I hope you're happy with yourself!


Well jarred with this week down here, been grey, cloudy, rainy - absolute shite tbh. Like we just had that one bank holiday of good sunshine and now it's all over again until a sporadic heatwave in the middle of october maybe :(

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I am really starting to hate the English weather haha. It really doesn't help the stereotype that it always rains in England. =P


I swear it saves up for the weekend sometimes too. Is it that much better in belgium? You're not *that* far away!

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I swear it saves up for the weekend sometimes too. Is it that much better in belgium? You're not *that* far away!


From what I hear from my family (and have seen in pictures), they have had more good weather than we have had here, with quite a few days going over 20 degrees. It has not been an amazing Spring yet in Belgium either, but it has been better than the weather here.


I think in the 14 months I have lived here, I have had about 20 "warm/sunny" days or something, if that. =P

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Apparently it's been out coldest spring since 1979, where's all this bloody global warming eh*! Apparently not too great for Belgium either @Eenuh!


I was thinking today, as I've been having some training that I had two years ago - in the middle of april, it was well sunny and baking - today was absolutely shit for it! I'm hoping that we really really get a pickup in the weather/summer this year, I don't think I can handle another non-existant one.



*Note, I do not actually want to know where all this global warming actually is, nor how it's actually making it colder.

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Apparently it's been out coldest spring since 1979, where's all this bloody global warming eh*! Apparently not too great for Belgium either @Eenuh!


Yeah my mom was complaining about the weather too, seems it is mostly rain there too now. Though they did have one warm day last weekend as suddenly everyone was posting pics of sunshine and tanning outside haha.


I really hope we get some sun soon, as it is getting quite depressing now. It is almost June and yet it still feels like Autumn or something. =(


Apparently it has actually snowed in Scotland in May, just found the video on BBC. This is just ridiculous. =O


Edited by Eenuh
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Apparently it's been out coldest spring since 1979, where's all this bloody global warming eh*! Apparently not too great for Belgium either @Eenuh!


*Note, I do not actually want to know where all this global warming actually is, nor how it's actually making it colder.


Does pointing out "global warming" is a misnomer help or hinder?

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*Note, I do not actually want to know where all this global warming actually is, nor how it's actually making it colder.


Well i'm going to tell you anyway!


The globe is actually warming overall (because of all the carbon and whatnot) but the effect of this is not always warmer weather for everyone.


The greatest effect that warming the globe has is the melting of the ice caps. As they melt, they release lots of fresh water into the oceans - resulting in the sea levels rising (something you may also have heard of, and why certain low-lying islands are a bit worried).


However, putting loads of fresh water into the oceans not only increases the depth of the oceans, it also changes the make-up of the ocean. Because the oceans are salty, adding fresh water to them actually makes them less salty (the amount of salt stays the same, but the water is increased, similar to watering down a glass of squash).


You would have thought that slightly less-salty oceans wouldn't be a bad thing, seeing as pretty much everything in the ocean works hard to remove the salt from it and fresher water is a good thing.


Nope! Changing the salinity of the water also changes it's density and therefore how warm and cold water react to each other.


Now, the reason why Britain has such a mild climate compared to other countries at the same latitude (such as Russia) is because of the Gulf Stream. This is a huge flow of warm water that flows up from the tropics in the Atlantic Ocean and dumps a lot of warmer water around the UK. It also brings with it some of the warmer weather that we are used to and explains why we are used to winters with an average temperature of 0C rather than -20C like Russia does.


The changes in salinity and density of the oceans is messing up the flow of the Gulf Stream, breaking it down and giving us shitty weather. This is most probably going to be permanent.


It is lame.

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Well i'm going to tell you anyway!


The globe is actually warming overall (because of all the carbon and whatnot) but the effect of this is not always warmer weather for everyone.


The greatest effect that warming the globe has is the melting of the ice caps. As they melt, they release lots of fresh water into the oceans - resulting in the sea levels rising (something you may also have heard of, and why certain low-lying islands are a bit worried).


However, putting loads of fresh water into the oceans not only increases the depth of the oceans, it also changes the make-up of the ocean. Because the oceans are salty, adding fresh water to them actually makes them less salty (the amount of salt stays the same, but the water is increased, similar to watering down a glass of squash).


You would have thought that slightly less-salty oceans wouldn't be a bad thing, seeing as pretty much everything in the ocean works hard to remove the salt from it and fresher water is a good thing.


Nope! Changing the salinity of the water also changes it's density and therefore how warm and cold water react to each other.


Now, the reason why Britain has such a mild climate compared to other countries at the same latitude (such as Russia) is because of the Gulf Stream. This is a huge flow of warm water that flows up from the tropics in the Atlantic Ocean and dumps a lot of warmer water around the UK. It also brings with it some of the warmer weather that we are used to and explains why we are used to winters with an average temperature of 0C rather than -20C like Russia does.


The changes in salinity and density of the oceans is messing up the flow of the Gulf Stream, breaking it down and giving us shitty weather. This is most probably going to be permanent.


It is lame.


Originally, I didn't want to know but this was actually quite informative! Good job bob!


On the plus side, apparently the summer's finally arriving - I can tell because I'm being slowly roasted by my mentally designed heat retaining/resistant bedroom. Not fun times.

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I'm melting in the office, the aircon only works in the winter. We've got dehumidifyers, which again work wonders in the winter but in the summer it's a no no.


At home, it's cool in my room. White walls, windows open and letting air circulate. Been sleeping fine over the past few days, plus i got a desktop fan to add to the coolness.

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I'm melting in the office, the aircon only works in the winter. We've got dehumidifyers, which again work wonders in the winter but in the summer it's a no no.


At home, it's cool in my room. White walls, windows open and letting air circulate. Been sleeping fine over the past few days, plus i got a desktop fan to add to the coolness.


How can you have an aircon and dehumidfyers that only work in winter? Isn't that rather counterproductive to the intent?

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How can you have an aircon and dehumidfyers that only work in winter? Isn't that rather counterproductive to the intent?


Windows are never open, health and safety risk apparantly. There is 1 window per wing that opens. I've not seen the dehumidfyers on this week, and it's been border 20-21 degrees outside (add another 6 for the inside). The aircon we do have works once in a while, due to the size of the office they shutdown often as they seem to be overworked.


Someone didn't anticipate the size needed.

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I feel your pain Jimbob. Am currently sitting in a room stuffed with close to 100 people and computers. We have no airconditioning at all. They just installed one portable unit here, which is tiny and does not even seem to work (when they turned it on before, it seemed to only be blowing out hot air).


So everyone is complaining about being hot. And the dress code forbids us to wear shorts or even shorter trousers (calf length). Dresses are allowed though, but not many people will/can wear a dress. =P


I am happy about there being sun though. I just sat outside eating my lunch, arms are getting a bit of a tan now, yay.

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The dress code allows us to wear what we want to work, as long as it isn't inappropriate. So no provocative t-shirts or slogans etc. We can wear shorts and vests if we want in the summer. There is a fan in the office, but they are only given if you suffer from heat strokes or something. So unless you sit near the person who has the fan, you ain't getting any cool air.


And if the office is hot, wait until the rest area. It's closer to 30 in the summer, maybe warmer. I suppose it's lucky there is the grassy area outside so you can eat outside, the only other area which has seating outside is the smokers pit.

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- Sun was out on the weekend.

- Wore shorts.

- Have done this a few times during the week when getting back from work early.

- Checked my body yesterday. Have tanned legs from the knee down and am whiter than the cast of Twilight from the knee up.

- Feelsbadman.jpeg.

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