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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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Gamers need to stop putting expectation pressure on themselves for E3 to be this big Cirque du Soleil event for the benefit of gamers, then get depressed when it doesn't happen. E3 just isn't that show anymore and hasn't been for a few years. Even more so now NDs are here.


Yes, that sucks, but that's all there is to it isn't it? :hmm:


Nintendo Directs are great but the casual gamer doesn't watch them.


E3 announcements get reported by the BBC and newspapers such as the Sun & Mirror which the casual gamer will read.


The type of gamer that Nintendo need to be marketing the Wii U at is the casual gamer.


I, like many thought Nintendo would use E3 to showcase all the quality games that were in development for the Wii U and give the casual gamer a reason to go out and buy one.

Edited by lostmario
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Nintendo Directs are great but the casual gamer doesn't watch them.


E3 announcements get reported by the BBC and newspapers such as the Sun & Mirror which the casual gamer will read.


The type of gamer that Nintendo need to be marketing the Wii U at is the casual gamer.


I, like many thought Nintendo would use E3 to showcase all the quality games that were in development for the Wii U and give the casual gamer a reason to go out and buy one.


Casuals don't watch E3 man ... no way (or read gaming related news on news sites!) Casuals watch adverts and ride the waves of social buzz and Facebook posts. That's where Nintendo needs to drive.. when they have momentum building titles lined up.

Edited by madeinbeats
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I assume we won't be able to watch the press one online either live or afterwards?


It sounds like the press thing is for them to actually try the games not an actual show that will be streamed.


Seems like we're getting many directs though.

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I think we should give Nintendo a bit of credit, I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this. My first reaction is, what the fuck are you guys thinking, though.


Big shame, as I had hopes of this being one of Nintendo's best E3s for a long time. I don't see why they can't just have their private low-key meeting(s) as well as the live buzz-creating show.

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I think we should give Nintendo a bit of credit, I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this. My first reaction is, what the fuck are you guys thinking, though.


Big shame, as I had hopes of this being one of Nintendo's best E3s for a long time. I don't see why they can't just have their private low-key meeting(s) as well as the live buzz-creating show.

It still can be the greatest E3 ever


Look at last year.


Fantastic start. The E3 Direct was amazing, the whole internet was abuzz with positivity towards Nintendo.

Main conference on the Tuesday. Started off well, but died (so say most people)

3DS conference on the Wednesday. Just dire and had a guy with zero stage presence present it


This way, everything we get is modelled on the first. Hell, we never get disappointed with Directs

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I haven't finished reading everything in this thread (posting this from about halfway through page 4) but feel the need to put one point out there to all the people saying that this is a disaster because there will be no coverage from general press.


Go talk to anyone you know who is not a gamer about E3, they will probably have a vague idea of what you are talking about at best. If we are talking completely mainstream media (Radio 1's Newsbeat, tabloid newspapers etc) then all they will ever talk about gaming wise is any new hardware launch or franchises like Call of Duty or Fifa. The majority of people on here seem to be blinded by their own knowledge - because we as gamers know E3 to be this huge event that traditionally holds all the big announcements for the year we seem to think that it's a lot more widely known than it actually is. Yes it will get a mention to the everyday 'man on the street' but if you think anything other than the briefest of highlights will be covered then you are wrong!

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Nintendo Directs are great but the casual gamer doesn't watch them.


E3 announcements get reported by the BBC and newspapers such as the Sun & Mirror which the casual gamer will read.


The type of gamer that Nintendo need to be marketing the Wii U at is the casual gamer.


I, like many thought Nintendo would use E3 to showcase all the quality games that were in development for the Wii U and give the casual gamer a reason to go out and buy one.


I think even the Sheffield Star reports on E3 :p

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The Wii U is FÚ(KËD. It was from the get go. It has a list of problems as long as your arm. I've listed them all before. I took a tonne of abuse for saying what was coming but I see now some of the abusers have seen the light. This latest decision is just further icing on the cake. Those who think things can or will turn around are being delusional. This generation is a write off for Nintendo as far as the Wii U is concerned. It'll get by mostly on 1st party titles but it won't be pretty.

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I haven't finished reading everything in this thread (posting this from about halfway through page 4) but feel the need to put one point out there to all the people saying that this is a disaster because there will be no coverage from general press.


Go talk to anyone you know who is not a gamer about E3, they will probably have a vague idea of what you are talking about at best. If we are talking completely mainstream media (Radio 1's Newsbeat, tabloid newspapers etc) then all they will ever talk about gaming wise is any new hardware launch or franchises like Call of Duty or Fifa. The majority of people on here seem to be blinded by their own knowledge - because we as gamers know E3 to be this huge event that traditionally holds all the big announcements for the year we seem to think that it's a lot more widely known than it actually is. Yes it will get a mention to the everyday 'man on the street' but if you think anything other than the briefest of highlights will be covered then you are wrong!


BBC always report about E3 on their Technology page, so do a lot of other news sites... and they have plenty more people viewing them than gaming sites!

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Let's face it, Nintendo hates revealing information too early, and with E3 they're tempted to save material and show stuff even later. Nintendo E3's rarely ever lived up to their own Spaceworld's. I do however like the new Nintendo Directs. Expand them a bit more (maybe like a little TV Video Games Show?) along with all the new reveals. I think in this new age, lots of smaller events makes more sense than one huge event as it gives chance for more title reveals to get the spotlight.

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The Wii U is FÚ(KËD. It was from the get go. It has a list of problems as long as your arm. I've listed them all before. I took a tonne of abuse for saying what was coming but I see now some of the abusers have seen the light. This latest decision is just further icing on the cake. Those who think things can or will turn around are being delusional. This generation is a write off for Nintendo as far as the Wii U is concerned. It'll get by mostly on 1st party titles but it won't be pretty.


Like a bull shark down stream from fresh chum. Thanks for providing the super visceral version of this thread, Wii, hopefully it will help snap people out of their melt downs lol. Vintage Wii.


BBC always report about E3 on their Technology page, so do a lot of other news sites... and they have plenty more people viewing them than gaming sites!


Still not casual gamers and still nothing major in number. People who read tech news already know about the U. But there's still nothing preventing BBC or anyone else reporting on the Wii U, because Nintendo will still be there on the floor with new games, playable.


When is the last time anyone read a console/game story in a national newspaper, that wasn't sensational bollox and wasn't a couple of pages before the call a busty housewife ads? Exactly.


If it was THAT important, they wouldn't be jibbing it.

Edited by madeinbeats
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So your home console is struggling and you have the biggest gaming expo coming up in a couple of months, what do you do:


A) Put on an amazing 1 hour long press conference that showcases all the great games that will be released to gain the attention of the gaming world.


B) Don't bother with your yearly 1 hour long press conference and instead hold multiple low key events to showcase your games with most of them behind closed doors.


I thought this would be the E3 that they knocked it out of the park, major game shown one after another. Going to be a very interesting couple of months, thats for sure.


I choose A, A is the answer right? They're going to choose A? Oh, they chose B! That must be in line with not advertising the console and not getting supermarkets to stock it! The less people see it the more they want it???


I think we should give Nintendo a bit of credit, I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this. My first reaction is, what the fuck are you guys thinking, though.


Well they certainly knew what they were doing with the launch! [sarcasm]


At the moment Nintendo are running low on 'credit' as far as I'm concerned. They are royally screwing everything up and literally don't seem to have a clue what they're doing!

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However much I like the directs, I've never got as excited as one as I do about any E3 one. even the bad ones.


I just hope the smaller gaming one is pretty much an E3 conference just on games and smaller crowd. I don't think it will be we'll see. It could work. But we don't like change :)


Like others have mentioned, hearing and seeing peoples reactions from gaming announcements is an amazing feeling. Out of all th direct announcements I've never got the same buzz. There's no community or connection to it. Cold, pre recorded videos.


Now does it matter when I get my hands on Zelda LTTP 2 or whatever? Probably not, it goes beyond just playing the games; it's about building relationships and generating buzz etc Kind of basic modern marketing that Nintendo are in danger of messing up.


We'll see...

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I agree with Sessler but I'd also add that it's its not just the software line-up that isn't shifting the units, it's the lack of people realising its a new system and not just a Wii add-on.


I'm on my lunch at work and have just been chatting to the lads in my local Grainger Games, both love Nintendo. They're so disheartened with Nintendo just as others here are, yet another thing has been getting them down...they've said that the majority of people that have asked about the WiiU in store have still thought it to be an add-on for the Wii. Once told its not they keep hearing that its too expensive for what it is.


The lack of any decent advertising and information and the high price is contributing so much to the lack of sales.

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I agree with Sessler but I'd also add that it's its not just the software line-up that isn't shifting the units, it's the lack of people realising its a new system and not just a Wii add-on.


I'm on my lunch at work and have just been chatting to the lads in my local Grainger Games, both love Nintendo. They're so disheartened with Nintendo just as others here are, yet another thing has been getting them down...they've said that the majority of people that have asked about the WiiU in store have still thought it to be an add-on for the Wii. Once told its not they keep hearing that its too expensive for what it is.


The lack of any decent advertising and information and the high price is contributing so much to the lack of sales.


They admitted to some of these points in their investor meeting. I think it only costs too much for what it is when there aren't the games there people want to play. We'll have to see if it's too much for what it is when the others launch, then it might seem much better value compaired to a potential £400+ PS4, with 'no games', no BC, paywalls, etc.


A lot of this is down to them wanting to hide the box from sight and overlay it with images of the gamepad. Maybe an under estimation of how stupid the public are, though Nintendo have to take most of the blame; and maybe Sony are reconsidering their initial announcement with not even a notably different controller to standard barer their new console.


Two just so happens to rhyme with U, so that's as good a place to start as any with new ads.

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I'm on my lunch at work and have just been chatting to the lads in my local Grainger Games, both love Nintendo. They're so disheartened with Nintendo just as others here are, yet another thing has been getting them down...they've said that the majority of people that have asked about the WiiU in store have still thought it to be an add-on for the Wii. Once told its not they keep hearing that its too expensive for what it is.


The signs were there from the very start. Hell, a blindman on a galloping horse could see the confusion happening when Nintendo unveiled the console. Apart from a few people on here thinking it would be fine and the advertising would sort the problem out, everyone knew there would be problems.


It's weird because I assume they called it the Wii U to once again attract the expanded audience, but again, all the signs were there that this market had moved on during the twilight years of the Wii.


So, yeah, every man and his dog knew this was going to be an issue. Nintendo just decided to bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best.


This pretty much sums up what is going wrong...


I was expecting EVERYTHING to just appear on the screen. I was disappointed. :D

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The signs were there from the very start. Hell, a blindman on a galloping horse could see the confusion happening when Nintendo unveiled the console. Apart from a few people on here thinking it would be fine and the advertising would sort the problem out, everyone knew there would be problems.


It's weird because I assume they called it the Wii U to once again attract the expanded audience, but again, all the signs were there that this market had moved on during the twilight years of the Wii.


So, yeah, every man and his dog knew this was going to be an issue. Nintendo just decided to bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best.


The signs were there with the 3DS. Retailers were saying that people were buying 3DS games thinking they would run on the DS. As soon as that was occurring that should of been enough for Nintendo to make sure that there would be no chance of any confusion with the wii and the console that came after it.


However Nintendo operate in a bubble where they seem to think there way is the right way regardless and make the same mistakes again again hoping the result will be different.


When Reggie went onto Jimmy Fallon's with the wii u show Reggie again on that had to make the point that it wasnt a wii add on. The alarm bells were ringing way before the wii u launched yet nothing was done. It's not enough for a CEO to keep apologising when its the same mistakes.

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