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Batman: Arkham Origins


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Why the frack are they leaving it out of the Wii U? That makes no sense. There's over a dozen online Wii U games, so it's not like the architecture isn't there


Clearly it's a conspiracy to sabotage the Wii U version and give their investors an excuse so as to not support the console in the future :p


If this was EA we were talking about, I might not be so sarcastic here though!


Evidently they feel that the investment just isn't worth it, considering the userbase size. The multiplayer mode is basically an entirely seperate game, made by a completely different team, so there's a substantial cost involved in porting it to Wii U.


Although, they really should be charging a lower price for the Wii U version to compensate... The Wii U version is being sent to die as it is...

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I agree that this is another example of online being shoehorned in but its disappointing that its cut from the WiiU version... but not like Nintendo have taken the lead here; I can think of half a dozen games in the last year where Nintendo should have included online but didn't. Publishers don't see Nintendo taking online seriously, so why should they put effort in?


Reap what you sow, Nintendo.

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It's a fucking joke. It won't sell. They'll moan and anyone with a brain will be shouting - WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN!!!!!?


They think its worth putting a gimped version out, but not that little extra to give it parity to the other consoles... How bad must wii u's online infrastructure be for companies not to do it? It must be atrocious it's the only explanation. Though with us having to go out of games, go into the eshop, download the DLC, then go back into the game we should have guessed it was utter crap

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I smell Deathstroke DLC all over again...


Can't for the life of me understand why this stuff is happening.


Probably to do with the cost of maintaining the servers when the online activity could be low.


I thought EA were really alarmed by how low the online activity was on madden and that’s why they did what they did.

Edited by liger05
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@david\.dakota makes a good point though. If Nintendo are not going to put Online into their games to build a user group... why should Third Parties spend their money doing so for them?


It's things like this that come back to bite Nintendo in the ass. The Wii U version may be gimped now, but is that the devs fault?


Come on Nintendo!!... crack on!! maybe EA's online help might not have been such a bad thing after all.

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@david\.dakota makes a good point though. If Nintendo are not going to put Online into their games to build a user group... why should Third Parties spend their money doing so for them?


It's things like this that come back to bite Nintendo in the ass. The Wii U version may be gimped now, but is that the devs fault?


Come on Nintendo!!... crack on!! maybe EA's online help might not have been such a bad thing after all.


I tend to agree with this. Nintendoland and Pikmin 3 for instance should have online multiplayer.

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Two doses of bad news. Firstly that every developer feels the need to shoehorn multi-player into every game. Secondly that the Wii U gets the shaft again.


I do think this is partly Nintendo's fault though. Nintendo Land, NSMBU and Pikmin 3 all needed online. Nintendo Land and Pikmin 3 would have been particularly ideal for online. So when Nintendo can't be arsed, who else should be arsed?


Still, I really don't think multi-player fits the Arkham series. Loved the first two games and never thought once that they were let down by a lack of multi-player.

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Batman: Arkham Origins publisher Warner Bros. has explained its decision not to include a multiplayer mode in the game's Wii U version as it had decided to focus its efforts on the platforms with a sizable multiplayer audience.


"MP will be available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC," a Warner Bros. spokesperson told Eurogamer. "The team is focusing development efforts on platforms with the largest MP audience."



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And here we go again. It's true that the Arkham games are not about multiplayer, but still...I mean I was gonna buy the Wii U version, and now I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe this isn't the only thing that will be gimped in the game? Most importantly, why should I pay a full price for the Wii U version if I can get more features with buying the 360 version?


Seriously, this is getting ridiculous...

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Some reviewer, can't remember his name, said the frame rate on the wiiu version is the best. And if itmatches the gamepad function the that will be a time saver for side quests and laying down markers and such. Im pissed off. But I'll still get the wiiu version. But this attitude needs to stop,nintendo are just getting shit thrown at them every day now.

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Why should Nintendo have to "push" online when the infrastructure is there? You don't see Sony pushing "look, you can play games online", or Microsoft.


Maybe it has a substantial amount to do with the support they receive or how accommodating those online systems are?


Also I don't get why everyone is upset about this. It's standard business practice to cut where you have to if there are budget restrictions. The game is coming to Wii U because the engine has already been optimised for the Wii U (and I'm sure some kind of deal was made to get Arkham City on it in the first place).


The multiplayer engine will need to be designed from the ground up and if there are budget restrictions then the Wii U version's development is going to be the first one to get axed.

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Why should Nintendo have to "push" online when the infrastructure is there? You don't see Sony pushing "look, you can play games online", or Microsoft.


But they push online in their games, that's the point. Why would any third party take online on the Wii U seriously when Nintendo don't? Outside of Mario Kart and Smash Bros I cant see them do anything else with an online mode on the Wii U and that's a damn shame.


Nintendoland would of been great with an online mode, even Pikmin 3 could of done with it. Super Mario 3D World could seriously do with an online mode but it wont have one. They'll come out with some bullshit excuse but really we know they just cant be fucking arsed.


*queue the Nintendo games are only for friends around the sofa play excuses*

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If the infrastructure is there for the single player to be on Wii U, how hard is it really to put the multiplayer on it? Surely it is essentially the same engine? It just smells like laziness to me, and completes a self-fulfilling prophecy: small userbase -> less effort and missing features; less effort and missing features -> userbase doesn't buy game, no more games come to console.

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If the infrastructure is there for the single player to be on Wii U, how hard is it really to put the multiplayer on it? Surely it is essentially the same engine? It just smells like laziness to me, and completes a self-fulfilling prophecy: small userbase -> less effort and missing features; less effort and missing features -> userbase doesn't buy game, no more games come to console.


No. Each system has a different online infrastructure and just like developing for different rendering architectures in a graphics engine, each online system will require it's own development SKU and testing.

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God damn. Can the Wii U catch any break? Warner Bros. won't be getting my money again. I bought Arkham City, I'm annoyed but I can sort of understand their decision. @liger05 makes a great point, the Wii U version should be cheaper but we all know it won't be.

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