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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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It looks like that S-E title that is set to be announced at PAX is indeed Deus Ex, just as EVERYONE suspected.






Ultimate Deus Ex: Human Revolution experience : take advantage of a multitude of improvements, features and additional content that bring this already critically-acclaimed adventure towhole new levels


Tap into the Wii U's GamePad true potential: Adam Jensen's newest augmentation, the Neural Hub, offers an immersive and empowering experience, right at the tips of your fingers


Absolute fusion of action and role-play: A unique combination of action-packed close-quarter takedowns and intense shooting, offering a vast array of augmentations and upgrades for the many weapons at your disposal


Multi-solution structure: Choose how to accomplish each mission using combat, hacking, stealth or social mode to create a customized experience to suit any gaming style


Diverse customization: Engage in combat and challenges utilizing deep, specialized character augmentations and weapon upgrades

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Woop Woop. A 2 year old game is coming to the Wii U.


No Tomb Raider but Deus Ex.


Well, I'm buying it! As for Tomb Raider, I don't have any interest what-so-ever in Tomb Raider games, I never have.


Let's see what additional content is offered, what the performance is like and crucially the price point before we all start complaining!


The one shocking thing about this game being re-released on the Wii U is that whilst is broke a million on both 360 and PS3, it certainly didn't perform as well as expected and considering the series' pedigree and the quality of the game I'm sure some were disappointed by its sales. Which makes it a strange choice for a Wii U port.


Although I can't recommend this highly enough, I can't see it selling well and will no doubt be another 'disaster story' and a reason for much internet condemnation of the console itself.

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Well, I'm buying it! As for Tomb Raider, I don't have any interest what-so-ever in Tomb Raider games, I never have.


Let's see what additional content is offered, what the performance is like and crucially the price point before we all start complaining!


The one shocking thing about this game being re-released on the Wii U is that whilst is broke a million on both 360 and PS3, it certainly didn't perform as well as expected and considering the series' pedigree and the quality of the game I'm sure some were disappointed by its sales. Which makes it a strange choice for a Wii U port.


Although I can't recommend this highly enough, I can't see it selling well and will no doubt be another 'disaster story' and a reason for much internet condemnation of the console itself.


We know the price point.


Price: $49.99


The console is struggling as it is and expensive ports of old games do nothing to help the situation the wii u finds itself in right now.


The game is currently avaliable on the 360 for £10

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We know the price point.


Price: $49.99


The console is struggling as it is and expensive ports of old games do nothing to help the situation the wii u finds itself in right now.


The game is currently avaliable on the 360 for £10


It was also free on PS Plus a few months ago.


I'm quite baffled why S-E chose to port this rather than Tomb Raider. It's the same as the Kingdom Hearts HD Collection being a PS3 exclusive when many of the games are on Nintendo platforms.


These 3rd parties that are just releasing ports and then complain that their games don't sell on the Wii U want shot. Ports of newer games are very welcome but when a company hypes up 2 year old games and then expect people to pay top dollar for it they can just go to hell.

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We'll have to see exactly how special this is, but given the choice I'd go for this over Tomb Raider. I think it is showing core gamer commitment on Nintendo's part. If this tips the scales of a worthy reinvent, and uses the 'full potential of the GamePad' (whatever that means) then it's win win. Let's give it a chance before you start pissing and moaning. Let bit-part interactive movie games stay on other consoles, Wii U is looking more like a gamer's console IMO.


EDIT. I think full RRP would be a piss-take though.

Edited by madeinbeats
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It was also free on PS Plus a few months ago.


I'm quite baffled why S-E chose to port this rather than Tomb Raider. It's the same as the Kingdom Hearts HD Collection being a PS3 exclusive when many of the games are on Nintendo platforms.


These 3rd parties that are just releasing ports and then complain that their games don't sell on the Wii U want shot. Ports of newer games are very welcome but when a company hypes up 2 year old games and then expect people to pay top dollar for it they can just go to hell.


They dont even give the titles a chance. At a minimum they should release them for £20 - £30 max.


If they port new games and they bomb I can understand them being cautious to release games on the wii u but sending old games out to fail is just baffling.


We'll have to see exactly how special this is, but given the choice I'd go for this over Tomb Raider. I think it is showing core gamer commitment on Nintendo's part. If this tips the scales of a worthy reinvent, and uses the 'full potential of the GamePad' (whatever that means) then it's win win. Let's give it a chance before you start pissing and moaning. Let bit-part interactive movie games stay on other consoles, Wii U is looking more like a gamer's console IMO.


I think Nintendo HQ would much prefer if if 3rd parties were releasing new games like tomb raider on the wii u!!

Edited by liger05
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Well I'm extatic as i've got my 360 on ebay along with this game, so i can now replace it for WiiU and live through the masterpiece again......

HOWEVER i do wish this had been announced as a sort of side project and that the big SE game had been Tomb Raider


Announced this directors cut, and that it included HD ports of both Deus Ex and Invisible war, THAT right there would have sold systems, after all every time you mention Deus EX someone re-installs it

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In my eternal quest for positivity, they must have a great reason for wanting to bring this over, will be excited to see what they have planned for Wii U and the game pad, heard nothing but great things from my mates about this game :)


Edit: Just to troll, $49.99 by today's conversion rate is £33.07... if we got a £29.99 price point I would be over the moon, lets hope some common sense is involved or it's almost an unrecognisable game to warrant a full price release!

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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We know the price point.


Price: $49.99


The console is struggling as it is and expensive ports of old games do nothing to help the situation the wii u finds itself in right now.


The game is currently avaliable on the 360 for £10


While there has been widespread reports that Nintendo's console is underperforming, its sales figures after four months compare favourably to other console launches.


After a similar period of time on the market the PlayStation 3 had sold just 2.4 million units worldwide, whereas the Xbox 360 had sold only 2 million units.


The problem is people aren't willing to drop that much money on a games console. It's too expensive.


I've said this numerous times before, but the PS3 and 360 struggled until they both managed to achieve a price point that the mass market were willing to accept.


Full price for this would be out of order, but I'd certainly be willing to drop £25 on this.

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This is becoming an absolute joke. It's port city of incredibly old games; they'll bomb and the idiot publishers will say nothing sells on the wii u?!?! Fucking irritating. This won't sell because it's a few quid on the other devices and old. Need for speed comes out this week; I can't wait, I've preordered it, but you can buy it for around a tenner on the machines. The same for Batman at launch and other games. It's just ridiculous!!

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I think Nintendo HQ would much prefer if if 3rd parties were releasing new games like tomb raider on the wii u!!


It still would have released a few months after the other consoles and people would have moaned about that too 'everyone's already played it on ps360' you'd say. Wii u is getting a reboot of a cult classic - let's all moan it isn't getting Tomb Raider. Have you got a Wii U yet Liger?


We have to see where Wii U stands on ports when the other companies join next-gen, because at the moment, Wii U is like the 4th console where development is concerned.


Personally, I think could sell better than Batman and ME3 on Wii U, even though it's older.


Let's just wait and see what it offers in features and value.

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S-E are just continuing Eidos' tradition. They did the same thing back on the Gamecube where they released Hitman Silent Assassin almost a year late and then used its inevitably poor sales as an excuse to bash the console publically and not support it.


Joke's on them this time though for me because I'm in the market for this game. It's supposedly a quality game that I've never played and I'm itching for new Wii U games. Gimme at least Off-TV Play and you've got a sale (unless Eidos find some other way to fuck the port up...)

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It still would have released a few months after the other consoles and people would have moaned about that too 'everyone's already played it on ps360' you'd say. Wii u is getting a reboot of a cult classic - let's all moan it isn't getting Tomb Raider. Have you got a Wii U yet Liger?


We have to see where Wii U stands on ports when the other companies join next-gen, because at the moment, Wii U is like the 4th console where development is concerned.


Personally, I think could sell better than Batman and ME3 on Wii U, even though it's older.


Let's just wait and see what it offers in features and value.


Yes I have a Wii U and thats why I'm pissed. I fully expected games like Tomb Raider, Bioshock, MGR, etc to get same day releases as the 360/PS3 versions.


I really wasn’t expecting to see 2 year old games get ported. Now I pretty much accept I have a console which will be great for Nintendo games but anything else is a lottery.

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Jokes on them this time for me though because I'm in the market for this game.


Exactly the vibe I've been picking up on.


Yes I have a Wii U and thats why I'm pissed. I fully expected games like Tomb Raider, Bioshock, MGR, etc to get same day releases as the 360/PS3 versions. .


You should have known better mate ::shrug:

Edited by madeinbeats
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It's supposedly a quality game that I've never played and I'm itching for new Wii U games. Gimme at least Off-TV Play and you've got a sale (unless Eidos find some other way to fuck the port up...)


Its a freaking masterpiece, one of the best games i've ever played, i don't think it could be any better, and no game has ever left me craving a sequel like this


The deus Ex games are like somebody mashed Blade Runner, unicorn blood and the hopes of ever childhood gamer

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Its a freaking masterpiece, one of the best games i've ever played, i don't think it could be any better, and no game has ever left me craving a sequel like this


The deus Ex games are like somebody mashed Blade Runner, unicorn blood and the hopes of ever childhood gamer


Are you taking pre-orders!!!!

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I've got the PS3 game; put me in the camp that is pissed off with this and would prefer Tomb Raider and newer games that could genuinely tempt people to buy a wii u. This isn't one.


Nintendo have cocked things up even worse than the 3DS after saying they would learn from the mistakes. Nintendo need to have an incredible E3 and release world class software this year to get a userbase to finally give publishers the confidence in making games for the Wii U. I think it's a bleak bleak situation as is!

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Exactly the vibe I've been picking up on.




You should have known better mate ::shrug:


Well Nintendo did say prior to release that 3rd parties were going to be more important this time around so was expecting the relationships between nintendo and those to be better.

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Well Nintendo did say prioro release that 3rd parties were going to be more important this time around so was expecting the relationships between nintendo and those to be better.


Yeah, but the proof's in the puddin' mate, a lot of it isn't even Nintendo's decision. You know, a lot of these games were being made for release right on Wii U's launch window, which makes a lot of them not worth the financial bother. All these studios are use to concentrating on just 2 consoles as well.


I think you need to wait until next-gen development cycle is in full swing before guaging Wii U multiplat potental.

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I can also say that this game is one of the few non-Wii games that really griped me last generation.


It is AMAZING, if you haven't played it, you should be extremely hyped for this game.


The only game I'd love a port of more would be Fallout 3, that game was just a masterpiece and has amazing replay value!

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Yeah, but the proof's in the puddin' mate, a lot of it isn't even Nintendo's decision. You know, a lot of these games were being made for release right on Wii U's launch window, which makes a lot of them not worth the financial bother. All these studios are use to concentrating on just 2 consoles as well.


I think you need to wait until next-gen development cycle is in full swing before guaging Wii U multiplat potental.


It isn’t all Nintendo’s decision but historically Nintendo hasn’t had the best of relationships with 3rd parties. Whether it was the bigger royalty fees charged in comparison to sony or the N64 cartridge when CD format was preferred Nintendo just doesn’t seem to get it when it comes to 3rd parties in the West. Nintendo can’t carry a console by themselves and 3rd parties are key.


I would agree we don’t know for sure about next-gen development and how that effects the wii u but I’m defiantly in the pessimistic camp and not expecting games unless 360/PS3 ports also happen which will eventually stop.

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360 and ps3 ports is what is holding Wii U back. With Wii U it means there are 3 different CPUs and architectures to develop for, next Gen cycle they'll be 2 different CPUs and 3 similar architectures. That's a much better position for Wii U . Nintendo still has work to do with the Wii U developer environment and Wii U sales, but that's as much as they can do. The Unity engine deal, Indie deals, free patches and updates, these are all positive moves.

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