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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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I just hope that with the merging of servers the online doesn't become full of people that take the game really seriously and freak out when they or others feint. Can't stand gamers like that. :nono:



Anyway, was just wondering, what's everyone's favourite monster themes in the game? I think the music is something that tends to go largely unnoticed/unappreciated in MH, probably because it only plays during the hunt, at which point most of us are far too focused on hunting to pay attention to anything else. :heh:


But now that I've been fighting the same monsters several times, I'm starting to pick up on the music a lot more. I think the Brachydios theme is absolutely amazing:

Broadcast Yourself


Epic as you like. :o

But I really love Nargacuga's theme too:

Broadcast Yourself


It's got a 70's detective/spy movie vibe going on. :D

Very cool. icon14.gif

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The tune after the dragonator hits during the Jhen battle is still my fav, purely because its the original MH theme.


I started rocking my Kelbi Bow last night. I still need to finish off my armour for it though as I need a few normal and gold Cedeaus parts for my chest piece. The bow it's self is insanely powerful and just as cheap as everyone said it was.


We fought Ivory Lagi last night and after a couple of charged shots his horns were already broken. The same goes for Uragaans chin. :D


I don't feel so cheap using it though. I've already conquered every beast in the game and feel I have earned the right to have a little bow fun. :)

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Currently on the five star quests and growing tired of two retarded midgets serving as my only quest companions. It may finally be time to take this bad boy online.




I'm aiming to so some of the HR1 quests over the next few days, so please feel free to fire me a friend request if you fancy joining this potential disaster of a hunting adventure.

Edited by Guy
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Currently on the five star quests and growing tired of two retarded midgets serving as my only quest companions. It may finally be time to take this bad boy online.




I'm aiming to so some of the HR1 quests over the next few days, so please feel free to fire me a friend request if you fancy joining this potential disaster of a hunting adventure.


Hey those guys are awesome! Kawamba knocked over my first Duramboros, just went up and smacked him and went over like it was ordinary while waddling back over to me, Cha-Cha had none of this and couldn't lose to his rival so ended up flooring a Purple Ludroth later in the day and doing a dance after to celebrate with his AH HA HA!!!


Lets quest sometime br0!

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Currently on the five star quests and growing tired of two retarded midgets serving as my only quest companions. It may finally be time to take this bad boy online.




I'm aiming to so some of the HR1 quests over the next few days, so please feel free to fire me a friend request if you fancy joining this potential disaster of a hunting adventure.


Yeah sure I dont mind.

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I decided to try some new weapons and absolutely love the long sword weapons; BUT, the more powerful weapons look like shit - the chainsaw is funny. For five minutes. I don't want a chainsaw I want the damn katana blade! I don't want a fucking witches broom, I want a katana blade.


Basically, is there any way to get an all powerful katana blade without all the fantastical bullshit upgrades?!

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ShopTo have restocked and it's been shipped this morning. Here's hoping this is as awesome for me as it is for you guys!


Btw, has anyone found out whether those cursed table things are actually a genuine issue that occurs for people?

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ShopTo have restocked and it's been shipped this morning. Here's hoping this is as awesome for me as it is for you guys!


Btw, has anyone found out whether those cursed table things are actually a genuine issue that occurs for people?


From what seems to be the case it appears while the game code has "cursed tables" in it that the game won't actually put anyone on one.


But if you want to be sure if you go back to the start of the thread and find that "time change" trick thing Ville posted you can pretty much choose your table if you get it right. I aimed for Table 6 and when I checked I was on table 6 :D I prolly could have picked a better table if I studied the possible charms better but on quick glace Table 6 seemed to be a good all rounder table.

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Nah I'll probs just roll with what I get tbh, just wondered whether the cursed tables had actually become an issue. I'll look to see how to check which table I'm on though, and if it's cursed maybe I'll restart - otherwise being completely new to the game I'm not all too bothered.

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I've started to steam ahead in this now and I'm fighting pretty decent monsters. Cutting the tail of a Rathian or Rathalos is so fucking satisfying I want to print a picture of the severed tail off and eat it in a sandwich.


I've also reverted back to dual blades for most battles these days. I like using the switch axe in sword mode a lot, but adore the speed offered by the dual blades. They seem to work best for someone like me who likes jumping, striking and dodging around a lot. Probably gonna focus on those with the switch axe as an alt for those pesky Duramboros bastards who can absorb more damage than a Nintendo system and keep on going.

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Ive just threw my gamepad across the room after being disconnected for like the 5th time in a hour.


Thought id share this information with you all.


Still not got my top 3DS screen replaced after I cracked it by headbutting it when I lost on MK the other thursday.


But honestly the disconnections are pissing me off. Its not consistent either. I can have plenty of sessions online with no issues what so ever and then all of a sudden the chuffing thing just keeps disconnecting me. It must annoy other people that im playing with when I get disconnected which is my main concern. Dont want folk not to be play online with me :-/

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I finally got my two midget (but in no way retarded :heh:) companions to the max level! :yay:



And yep, the cap this time is Level 50, increased from 30 on Tri.

Here are the final stats for the top 5 Masks, but keep in mind this is also with the Shakalaka Rally armour skill:


Artillery Mask is still on Mastery 4 too, so that one should increase a bit at 5.

I checked out Tri to compare the final stats for Cha-Cha on there too, huge difference between the False Felyne Mask on Tri and Ultimate :o:



It was so weird playing Tri again after spending so much time with Ultimate recently. It looks like a PS1 game! :laughing: I'd forgotten how it doesn't even run fullscreen, there's borders on every single side of the picture.

If you've still got your Wii and copy of Tri around, give it a go. :D



In other MH news, I've also completed all of the high rank village quests. :cool:

So have unlocked Mark of a Hero. Decided to call it a day at that point though, will attempt that quest tomorrow. :)


Anyway, here's how my weapon usage is currently looking:



There should be stats for every type, but it doesn't keep track of weapon usage for free hunting in D.Island. ::shrug:

Interesting how the Hammer has been my most used weapon, especially as I never really got to grips with it on Tri. :blank: I expect Long Sword to shoot up on that chart now though, having recently acquired the awesome Dios Katana. ;)

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Just had a go at the Mark of a Hero quest...

Hahaha! No. :blank:

Yeah, that's not going to happen any time soon. :heh:


I take it they're G Rank equivalent monsters in this quest @Hero\-of\-Time? Must be, because on my first attempt, Ivory Lagi tore me to absolute shreds. Just 1 of his electrical attacks took 90% of my health bar!



So I upgraded my armour as best I could using Hvy Spheres, got it to 480 or so, and on the second attempt I managed to (just about) kill Ivory Lagi. Unfortunately though, that took me 26 minutes. :woops:

Then I was expecting Brachydios or Azure Rathalos to show up on their own, but no, they both arrive at the same time!! :eek:


I basically spent the remaining 24 minutes running around like a mad man, trying to lure them towards each other in the hope that they'd do my job for me. :laughing:

A cowardly tactic but it was kind of working, obviously though I ran out of time.

Don't think there's much point in me even attempting that quest again until I can get some decent G Rank armour/weapon sorted out. :hmm:

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Ive just threw my gamepad across the room after being disconnected for like the 5th time in a hour.


Thought id share this information with you all.


Still not got my top 3DS screen replaced after I cracked it by headbutting it when I lost on MK the other thursday.


But honestly the disconnections are pissing me off. Its not consistent either. I can have plenty of sessions online with no issues what so ever and then all of a sudden the chuffing thing just keeps disconnecting me. It must annoy other people that im playing with when I get disconnected which is my main concern. Dont want folk not to be play online with me :-/


Aggressive gamer :)


Have you thought about wiring it up see if that helps?

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I just took the 3DS XL out of the circle pad pro XL holder and jesus, was the system always this thin?


I appreciate the comfort of the circle pad pro, but the portability leaves something to be desired. Does anyone know of a good case for the system with the circle pad pro XL attached?

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I just took the 3DS XL out of the circle pad pro XL holder and jesus, was the system always this thin?


I appreciate the comfort of the circle pad pro, but the portability leaves something to be desired. Does anyone know of a good case for the system with the circle pad pro XL attached?


On that same note, im still running the original 3DS with the circle pad pro but i dont have anything big enough to put the combo unit in when im out and about. Its a pain to have to use the box it came in, anyone come accross a case that would hold both?


Anyone know where i get an S.Barioth Claw+ to upgrade the Tenbra? I take it i cant just farm it off a regular Barioth but that its some sub species i havent come accross yet..

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@lostmario where is your post about your epic exploits last night in the hunt?


See the online thread.


Just had a go at the Mark of a Hero quest...


I had a go earlier today, took down Lagi quite easily but Brach & Azue Rathalos, together... no no no no no no!!!


I had Rath limping but Brach (I really do hate him) decided to jump on me as I was about to finish him off.

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I had a go earlier today, took down Lagi quite easily but Brach & Azue Rathalos, together... no no no no no no!!!


I had Rath limping but Brach (I really do hate him) decided to jump on me as I was about to finish him off.

Yep, it's pretty insane. :hehe:


How much defence does the armour you're using have? It looks like anything under 500 is just asking for trouble on that quest. :blank:

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Yep, it's pretty insane. :hehe:


How much defence does the armour you're using have? It looks like anything under 500 is just asking for trouble on that quest. :blank:




I can handle the attacks of Lagi, its those two together than do me in. Theres no place to run to heal.

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Local multi with my bro, both at the point just after getting Katanba (Kawanba?) and also been doing the multi player quests (just done Urgent Quest on BOTH games and hit HR2). Been hitting the event and arena quests a lot too.


Last night I finally said "sod it, I'm upgrading". Yes, I'd still got chainmail set since forever... Got the complete Barroth set (including Carapace+ weapon), 5x Sharpening Decs (man, that's useful...one scrape and it's sharp!) and a Hunger charm to get rid off the sets minus hunger skill.


I want to use other weapons, but I find it hard to like them. It's the sword&shield's jumping lunge; it's too useful. I've become dependent on it and all other weapon styles feel alien. My bro's stuck using dual swords as well. I saved so I could use some money and resources (without saving after) to try some other high level weapons out, and quite liked the Horn made from Lagiacrus stuff. It felt as powerful as the slow stuff, but not too slow. Basically battered Great Jaggi around like a toy. I was surprised how quick he fell. Anyone have any tips for Horn?

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