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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Haha I was utterly stumped, just doing circles, ended up back at base at one point! Also getting trampled by Rathian and managing to send you guys "hi! How are you?" chat messages whilst hammering the buttons to free myself was bonkers too, great fun. Some of you guys are out of this world at this, absolutely dominating the monsters!


So me, Dem0 and Blade defeated the Lagiacrus last night, which was a pretty epic fight, and got me to HR2. I then left the room, went out of the game to transfer data to 3DS and get to bed...before thinking balls to it and went back in for another fight with those boys and Mokong! This game has me already :D

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Been doing some single player missions, really struggling to capture the bear thing.i waited until it was absolutely fucked, trapped it and threw two tranquilliser bombs at it, and still nothing... I know I was close to the kill because when the trap ended iDVD a few swings and he died!


Also. Selling stuff or getting rid for resources, is there a list of useful and useless items? I don't want to sell stuff I coud maybe use for armour or weapons or something. I presume those steel eggs are useless so sell, but what about the mendalions and other bits and pieces like that?

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Been doing some single player missions, really struggling to capture the bear thing.i waited until it was absolutely fucked, trapped it and threw two tranquilliser bombs at it, and still nothing... I know I was close to the kill because when the trap ended iDVD a few swings and he died!


Also. Selling stuff or getting rid for resources, is there a list of useful and useless items? I don't want to sell stuff I coud maybe use for armour or weapons or something. I presume those steel eggs are useless so sell, but what about the mendalions and other bits and pieces like that?


Just about everything is used for something in this game. :D The steel eggs you mentioned are safe for selling though. You need to sort out what armour and weapons you want and then if you do need to sell something then you can just keep the goods you need for your wep/armour.


To be fair you shouldn't be needing to sell anything at the moment. Just aim for a good weapon and a decent armour set and the rest of the cash should just be for potions, herbs etc.

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So I beat the offline portion of the game tonight, at least that's what I would be saying if this were Monster Hunter Tri, but it ain't... it's obviously so much more, more than I even anticipated. :o


Yep, repelling Ceadeus doesn't get you the staff credits like it did in Tri, instead it opens up the floodgates for loads more monster hunting mayhem!


My first taste of this was against the Royal Ludroth subspecies...


...and my word, what an epic battle it was!





Took me 42 minutes, and I'd feinted twice so was proper on edge towards the end. The bugger just wouldn't die! :heh: Eventually I managed to kill it, but damn, if this is just the beginning of high rank questing offline I think I'm gonna be in serious trouble later on. :shakehead

Have to say though, the first new location (Misty Peaks) is absolutely stunning. :love: Can't wait to discover/explore the others.


Anyway, I'll hopefully start to get into the online a bit more now. Pretty sure I need to, as low rank weapons/armour aren't going to cut it from now on. ;)

Pretty amazed that I managed to get through to this point with just standard Jaggi armour and only 2 pretty basic weapons (War Hammer & Drill Lance). :awesome:

Definitely time to start forging and collecting some decent gear.

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Mine has arrived! I've done the one star and some of the two star offline quests, I'm looking for useless players to play this with on Wednesday evening from 6pm lol!


I don't want to play online with anyone too far above me, as I want a challenge, so all you useless players - JOIN ME!!!

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Mine has arrived! I've done the one star and some of the two star offline quests, I'm looking for useless players to play this with on Wednesday evening from 6pm lol!


I don't want to play online with anyone too far above me, as I want a challenge, so all you useless players - JOIN ME!!!


You old charmer!... Well I am useless. I also have tomorrow off and plan to play it most of the day. So count me in for useless shenanigans if there is room going :)

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You old charmer!... Well I am useless. I also have tomorrow off and plan to play it most of the day. So count me in for useless shenanigans if there is room going :)


Well, I'm still warming up with offline quests at the moment - then tomorrow I'll be online! I played a lot of MH3 on the Wii but really rusty. So I'm building up to Wednesday night which will be my big online return haha.


So I'm looking to party up with a good number of people who are a similar low level to do some Royal Ludroths and the like so I'm back in the swing of things lol!

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Mine has arrived! I've done the one star and some of the two star offline quests, I'm looking for useless players to play this with on Wednesday evening from 6pm lol!


I don't want to play online with anyone too far above me, as I want a challenge, so all you useless players - JOIN ME!!!


I have exactly the same feeling; playing with people who are powered up makes it really easy and you don't barely do anything. I want to feel the pain and struggle of fighting monsters with people who are the same level as me :) And people who don't know exactly where nests are and where monsters will be spawning and all their attack patterns... I look forward to playing with the experts, just not yet.

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I played the game last weekend (got both Wii U and 3DS version, it's so great that you can continue your save on the run too) and I'm having so much fun with it!


I hadn't played Tri in a very long time, so I had to do some relearning about the basic stuff. Now I have almost completed all the *** - star quests in single-player mode.


Somehow I feel that this game is easier than Tri was. I remember that I use to have so much trouble taking e.g. Barroth down, but now I can beat him just fine. I have been doing some grinding and upgrading my weapons and armors, so maybe it's just that. I've been using the lance.


So far this game haven't had any of those subquests that Tri had. You only have one objective per quest. I wonder why they decided to drop them.

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Mine has arrived! I've done the one star and some of the two star offline quests, I'm looking for useless players to play this with on Wednesday evening from 6pm lol!


I don't want to play online with anyone too far above me, as I want a challenge, so all you useless players - JOIN ME!!!


I am utter toss at this game right now, so ill join your fail-owship this Wednesday

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I am utter toss at this game right now, so ill join your fail-owship this Wednesday


hahahaha I love it! The FAIL-OWSHIP!


From around 5.30pm this Wednesday all MH3U failures will meet online, sign up now and we'll try to get one or maybe even two hunting parties formed!


The fail-owship will rise! haha

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Do you need to bother with the boring offline quests to HR up ?


Can you hr up online only ?


You can HR up either online (obviously) or going to the "offline Port Tanzia" which lets you do the online quests while offline either solo or with local multiplayer if you have some mates with 3DS' and the 3DS version.


You don't HR up doing story mode quests.


Though the HR system is VERY DIFFERENT from Tri anyway.


There are no EXP points to be earned anymore.


The HR rank is done by the quest tier (star level) you have access to.


Ie: You start at HR1 and can do 1 star quests.

After you've done the "key quests" you then get your "Urgent" quest.

Complete the Urgent quest and you then become HR2 and gain access to 2 star quests.


Which means at whatever star level the quests max out at so too will that be where teh HR maxes out at. :(


This and a few other changes seem to be an unfortunate by product of the game being originally made on the 3DS and they were trying to make it more "handheld friendly". Obviously it wasn't till after they released the 3DS version in Japan did they get the idea to make a Wii U version too (so they could add online for the Western market... online not much of a big deal in Japan)


Same goes for how the Event quests are done, how you have to download them from the DLC menu now instead of them just hotfixing the game on the fly to update the Event quests list when people go online. They had to keep it the same as the 3DS set up in order to not complicate things for the "Save file transfer" between the systems.

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With the servers being busted I decided to crack on with the single player mode. After a big session I have finally unlocked the 9 star quests.


You have to solo Jhen on your way through your quests and man it took some doing. I actually failed the quest the first time by 3 mins as I had forgotten to pick up the binders and my timing was off with various attacks. The second time I held my own and hit all the gongs and dragonators at the right time. I managed to repel him and will probably need to upgrade my weapon before I can actually kill him.


Soloing Punchy was also a bit of a nightmare. He took me ages to finally finish off due to him moving around all over the place and planting slime on me. I managed to work it so he hit a couple of those exploding rocks, which did some massive damage on him.


The last urgent I beat was Zinogre and the start of the fight is cheap as hell. He starts the fight in full super saiyan mode! With me being a LS user it was hard to get him to flinch. Surprisingly my Cha-Cha actually managed to get him out of rage mode the first time by smacking him over the head. :grin:


I was hoping to reach G Rank online today but with the servers being down I have been denied. I already had my next weapon and armour spied but not being able to nab them I had to make do with what I had. I've only just unlocked the monsters needed for my gear in the 9 star quests.

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I was hoping to reach G Rank online today but with the servers being down I have been denied. I already had my next weapon and armour spied but not being able to nab them I had to make do with what I had. I've only just unlocked the monsters needed for my gear in the 9 star quests.


The lack of online did not stop me from getting the gear I was after.


New Armour Get!



how do hunt in sandy plains without doing quests?


where is the entrance?


You have to take up a quest from the counter. The only way to have a look around without having to do anything is to do a Paw Pass quest. These quests are essentially there for you to just gather materials and once you are done then you just deposit the ticket you get into the red box.

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So while the website for checking which Charm table you're on remains offline, there is actually another way to find out.


If you download this program, and input the charms you've collected, eventually it will tell you which table you've got. :smile:


It's a bit of a faff though as you need to add quite a lot of charms before it can narrow it down. I had to add just over 30 before it would give me a result.

Anyway, it seems that I'm on Table 2 which is cool.

I'm just happy to have avoided a cursed table. :yay:

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