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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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First post is pretty epic, well done Retro! I'm not going to be on this for a few weeks, hopefully you guys won't leave me behind or anything. The fact it'll have gamepad-only play makes me think I might get more playtime out of it too so I'm hoping to catch up(most likely shan't be 3DSing). How/did you really manage 700+ hours Retro?! That's like..mental!!

You mean Hero.


Racist. ;)

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(This may be the stupidest question ever - but in the 3DS demo does the R button do anything/anything important? I don't think mine works and I just wanted to check)


In the Wii U version the Right Shoulder button is used to run, so assuming this is the same in the 3DS version it's a pretty important function.

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Damn, had no idea about the charm tables before.


Though if you got a random different one on Tri everytime you played I guess it wouldn't make much difference.


Having you set to a certain table FOREVER seems a silly move.

If you could trade charms maybe then it wouldn't be so bad. (Though I don't think you can from what I remember of Tri)



Hopefully something they can patch and change later *fingers crossed*




Not sure if I'll bother messing with it though. When I get the game I'll liekly jump straight online and barely touch the single player mode for a while anyway (seeing how you seem to have to use single player to work out your table)


Plus given the time it could take and the taking of chances in deleting a character and hoping for the best to end up the wrong table and doing it all again.

I won't have the spare time to waste restarting over even once.


I'm just gonna go online and hope for the best. Even if I end up with shitty charms there's still a good amount you can do if you just gem your armour slots properly.


(This may be the stupidest question ever - but in the 3DS demo does the R button do anything/anything important? I don't think mine works and I just wanted to check)



When your weapon is not drawn out you hold R to run. You can't run while holding your weapon.


Some weapons use R for special abilities or attacks.

Eg: Switchaxe, R switches between Axe and Sword modes

On the Longsword it is used to do your "Spirit Combo" attack (need to fill spirit gauge by using and landing normal attacks... when full you can do a 5 hit combo by pressing R five times in a row (I think it 5?)

For the Sword&Sheild and Lance I think R brings up your shield to block?

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I had no idea this even existed, i never really got far enough in the previous game for charms to make any real impact on my guy but since im planning on spending hundreds of hours playing id better make sure i spend some time doing this correctly. Thanks for the heads up!


They're really for making as efficient combinations for any situation as possible. Some people don't even care about armour skills that much, they just get an armour they like and that's it. Then there are people like me, who have excel sheets full of different combinations : D So just a matter of preference...


So it seems that everyone is saying if you dont know what table to chose, to go for table 10, would everyone agree with this?
This is what I picked up from the tables:


(000) = 3 slots

[value of charm]



-Handicraft+5, Evade+4; [9]



-Handicraft+5, Hearing+3; [8]

-Handicraft+4, Sharpener-3, (000); [8, if you want sharpener 6)


-Handicraft +5, Evade Dist. +3; [8]

-Handicraft+4, Hunger+1, (000); [8 + 1 hunger]



-Handicraft+4 (000); [8]



-Handicraft+5, Free Element+7; [12!]

-Handicraft+5, Evade+4; [9]


For a Blademaster (melee fighter), handicraft+15 is probably the most wanted skill, as it increases your sharpness and damage to maximum. So if we look for the most versatile charm helping you get that skill with customising room for other skills, HC+4 with 3 slots (bolded) is just that. You can easily get HC+8 with that, or cram other jewels in the 3-slot to get for example Evade+4, Hearing+4 etc. Very nice.


Table 10 is notable for the ridiculous HC+5, FE+7 jewel that easily surpasses all the other charms in value. Still, FreeElement+15 is a skill that is only useful with weapons that have no element, and at least in Tri, it wasn't really worth the hassle...


Evade is another popular skill, and there are a few value 9 charms there to help that. Still, there's no flexibility, if you want anything else...


So yes, I'd say tables 4 and 6 have the best overall charms for adding hc+15 and whatever else you want. Good luck getting it, though xD

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You mean Hero.


Racist. ;)


I have spent so many years carefully avoiding making that mistake. Now, I am the biggest idiot ever.


When your weapon is not drawn out you hold R to run. You can't run while holding your weapon.


Some weapons use R for special abilities or attacks.

Eg: Switchaxe, R switches between Axe and Sword modes

On the Longsword it is used to do your "Spirit Combo" attack (need to fill spirit gauge by using and landing normal attacks... when full you can do a 5 hit combo by pressing R five times in a row (I think it 5?)

For the Sword&Sheild and Lance I think R brings up your shield to block?


In the Wii U version the Right Shoulder button is used to run, so assuming this is the same in the 3DS version it's a pretty important function.


Thanks to ye both, seems I was missing out on something somewhat crucial! I'll need to send the 3DS for repair again soon I guess.

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I'm not going to attempt getting a specific Charm Table, but I'll no doubt be far too temped to check what I'm on, and if it turns out that I've got one of the cursed tables (11, 12, 15, 16 or 17) I'll certainly consider restarting to to avoid them. Especially table 16, which by the looks of things is the absolute worst! icon13.gif

And the only table that has a 0% chance of getting a 3 slot charm! :shakehead

Edited by RedShell
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I'm not going to attempt getting a specific Charm Table, but I'll no doubt be far too temped to check what I'm on, and if it turns out that I've got one of the cursed tables (11, 12, 15, 16 or 17) I'll certainly consider restarting to to avoid them. Especially table 16, which by the looks of things is the absolute worst! icon13.gif

And the only table that has a 0% chance of getting a 3 slot charm! :shakehead


Where did you find the probabilities? (or just via the über charm google docs spreadsheet?)

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I downloaded the tool from here:



And then set the search criteria to 3 Slots. At which point, table 16 was completely empty! :o


Yeah, I downloaded it too, great tool. You were exactly right, table 16 has no 3-slot charm. Also, the cursed tables are really sucky, as they only have a max of 8 3-slot charms, whereas the normal tables have up to 202 variants... >_>


Btw, the program's help section had this little tidbit about how to get the table you want:

How can I get the table I want?


Your charm table is determined by the current system time of your 3DS or WiiU. By changing the system time and carefully waiting the correct amount of time, you can control which charm table a new character will be assigned to. You first need to set your 3DS/WiiU system date to Jan 21, 2012 at 00:00 (Midnight; all times are AM). Then, use a watch or timer to keep an eye on the system time as you load up the game. You need to select "New Game" during the following times:


Table 1: 00:14:11 to 00:14:13

Table 2: 02:14:39 to 02:14:42

Table 3: 00:11:28 to 00:11:30

Table 4: 00:05:47 to 00:05:49

Table 5: 00:56:43 to 00:56:45

Table 6: 00:42:17 to 00:42:20

Table 7: 01:43:58 to 01:44:01

Table 8: 09:25:48 to 09:25:51

Table 9: 07:09:58 to 07:10:01

Table 10: 00:14:43 to 00:14:45

Table 13: 00:07:46 to 00:07:48

Table 14: 00:17:02 to 00:17:05


I won't list the cursed tables here, though times are available if you search online. These times were obtained from the Japanese version of the game and may not work for NA/EU versions. If they don't, then the only way is to keeping making new characters, playing through the story until you unlock the Fishmongress, then using the Moga Coast fishing results to find your table.


Doing this usually takes 30-45 mins per run, so you will probably have to spend many hours doing this if you want to land on a specific table (unless you get lucky).


If you simply want to avoid the cursed tables, chances are you won't have to restart at all, because they seem to be fairly rare. If you do need to restart though, you are very unlikely to need to do so more than once or twice.

Should be a lot faster than trying it randomly...


Anyway, I think I'm going for table 6. It has:


-Rapid Fire+4, Guard Up-1 (000); great for a gunner

-Hearing+4 (000); great for a hammer user

-Handicraft+4 (000); great for any blade weapon


Btw, the best fate charm is in table 13, fate+4 (000).

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Man, the likening to PSO makes me want this. I also like to grind in games...


I take if I was to buy the 3DS version, if I one day bought the WiiU I could transfer my character? I am bummed about needing a WiiU to go online, but might still pick up the 3DS version.

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Man, the likening to PSO makes me want this. I also like to grind in games...


I take if I was to buy the 3DS version, if I one day bought the WiiU I could transfer my character? I am bummed about needing a WiiU to go online, but might still pick up the 3DS version.


Yeah you can. I believe you have to download a tool for your 3DS but then you can move your character between the two at will. If I didn't need the Wii U to go online, I'd be tempted by the 3DS version myself but as I find single player too much of a grind, I'll be passing. Maybe if I get a Wii U in the future I'll consider that version but then hopefully there will be an all new, built from the ground up, MH game in the making for it.

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I really wish they had brought online to the 3DS version if that's the case. Is completely soloing it unenjoyable then?


No, you will have two AI companions to play with still. The single player is ok, but the multiplayer just adds a ton of fun to it all...

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So, i'm reading about the charms table now and to be honest I don't think I will bother trying to fix the table I get. Sure they are handy but they aren't a game breaker. As long as I have good armor and a good weapon i'm usually set, especially when you have the ability to eat and boost your stats. This whole charm thing just seems like a lot of hassle.


Out of interest, those who are going for a certain table, which one are you aiming for?

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So, i'm reading about the charms table now and to be honest I don't think I will bother trying to fix the table I get. Sure they are handy but they aren't a game breaker. As long as I have good armor and a good weapon i'm usually set, especially when you have the ability to eat and boost your stats. This whole charm thing just seems like a lot of hassle.


Out of interest, those who are going for a certain table, which one are you aiming for?

Seeing as it's possible (and by the looks of things, really easy) to just choose a table, using the time trick that Ville posted I'm going to do it.

Not so much to get a certain table, but simply to avoid the cursed ones. :shakehead


I'm thinking table 1 is a good all-round set, has the most 3 slot charm probability too. ;)

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Normally stuff like this would put me off (*flashbacks of Pokemon RNG*) but it seems pretty easy to pull off, they give you a couple of sections to hit your table.


Thinking of using the bow, liked it in the demo so need a gunner table, but will probably also need some other skills in case I need to switch weapon.

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Yeah, I downloaded it too, great tool. You were exactly right, table 16 has no 3-slot charm. Also, the cursed tables are really sucky, as they only have a max of 8 3-slot charms, whereas the normal tables have up to 202 variants... >_>


Btw, the program's help section had this little tidbit about how to get the table you want:

Should be a lot faster than trying it randomly...


Anyway, I think I'm going for table 6. It has:


-Rapid Fire+4, Guard Up-1 (000); great for a gunner

-Hearing+4 (000); great for a hammer user

-Handicraft+4 (000); great for any blade weapon


Btw, the best fate charm is in table 13, fate+4 (000).


Hold up so if this time thing works do HAVE TO set the time to midnight and wait? Could you not set it to like 5 mins before the time you want it to be so you don't have to wait like 40 odd mins if I wanted to try for table 6?



Also looking at the Charm Table document @Ville posted I assume the skills listed in each table are just the "important" ones that you could find.... there would still be other types of charms you could find (albiet not as good at those "important" one) yeah?





Just realised there is only like a 3 second window in which to press New Game to get the table you want.... gonna have to sync up my watch to the milisecond :p

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This charm table lark is far too much a ball-ache to bother with! I'll just start and get hunting right away, screw the tables!


Despite my major disagreement with them being fixed and you possibly ending up on a sucky one, I'm kinda thinking the same - espesh as a total newb to the game.

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Knowing nothing about charms and tables and such; this is all sounding like an unnecessarily retarded decision. Is it something to worry about? Ultimately what would the worst charm table do to me and what would the best one do?


I *think* the worst ones give you less customization options on weapons; and the best give more options. Anyone confirm/sum it up for some laymenz?

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