Domstercool Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 It certainly looks better than it did before back at E3.
Guest Jordan Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Woah, its really coming on. My faith is restored Lets just hope it plays as well as it looks eh?
Matt Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 I don't really have complete faith in Rare anymore. It LOOKS fantastic - but I'm more concerned about it still feeling like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark did. I don't think it will.
Beanie Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Yeah, I wonder if the handling feels like GE and PD. From what I've read of a scanned preview, it does seem to be coming along better than I've thought. There seems to be a good amount a strategy in the multiplayer with all these sci-fi weapons. I hope the single-player is like GE and PD in that there's cheats to unlock for completing levels within a time limit. That feature added so much to the game.
xino Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 so some pictures, it works just like the Metroid Visor, with some scope where when you turn off it shows enemey that can;t be seen, but when you turn it on, you can see their skeleton how cool is that?
Charlie Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Looks a lot better than E3. Is it still expected for a launch day release?
Domstercool Posted September 16, 2005 Author Posted September 16, 2005 So say Microsoft anyway. They keep pumping us with "THIS IS A LAUNCH GAME"
BenB17 Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 "we would hardly compare this to Halo" "if you need a good multiplayer fix until the next halo comes out" Such ashame this game is just thought of as something to play whilst you wait for the next Halo. I think this game looks awesome, I'll definately be buying it.
rokhed00 Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 So say Microsoft anyway. They keep pumping us with "THIS IS A LAUNCH GAME" They better not be fucking us about with that, there'll be hell to pay if they are.
Cheapshot Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 WOW! Joanna Dark doesn't look like a lesbian anymore. Great looking game too - much improved.
evad_lhorg Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 what do you mean up to rares standards? they have none any more. all the people who made goldeneye and perfect dark are now Free radical and making timesplitters games.
Android18a Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Hmm. Looks awfully current gen to me...
Hellfire Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Could be a great game, but it doesn't seem like Perfect Dark :x
Babooo Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Agree with HellFire. I'm not too sure of the approach that Rare are taking to the Perfect Dark franchise. Doesn't suit the image.... Nevertheless, looking good...
BenB17 Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 what do you mean up to rares standards? they have none any more. all the people who made goldeneye and perfect dark are now Free radical and making timesplitters games. I thought only a few people from the Goldeneye team went off to form Free Radical? The Timesplitters games certainly don't seem up to the standards of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark..
rokhed00 Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 You're correct, I believe the only significant member that left the team was Martin Hollis, who yeah, works at FreeRadical now. (Or is it Zoonami?) What about Dave Doak?
Dark Wolf Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 Wow, it looks good, but it seems to miss the "darkness" of Perfect Dark.
CoolFunkMan Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 It looks a lot better than it did at E3, fantastic! Methinks I'll be getting this with my 360 when I get round to getting it. It should be good but I just hope it lives up to at least some of the hype.
R-w!|\|8r Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 It better be good. Microsoft has spent a lot of money on Rare so far, and the only game they released on Xbox was 'grabbed by the goolies' Not bad, but not a Rare classic as we were used to on N64
Android18a Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 It better be good. Microsoft has spent a lot of money on Rare so far, and the only game they released on Xbox was 'grabbed by the goolies' Not bad, but not a Rare classic as we were used to on N64 Actually, they recently released Conker for Xbox, albeit as an N64 port with an online mode added.
Tarantino Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 I still stand by sayng that PD0 will be spectaclar. Although most of the DEV team at Rare have changed since there "glory" days there should still be a fair amount off talent there that can create a spectaclar game.
Hal_9Million Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 Looks far better than it did at E3. The explosions look really amazing. I also like the way the co-op is working out. I still don't think it quite looks what I would call next gen. I mean all of this has been done before on PC.
Owen Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 I'm having doubts this will make Launch day you know, it be out in 2005 without a doubt but i reckon we will see it a couple of weeks after launch just before Christmas! Which is ok, but annoying because Microsoft keep saying it's out at launch. I know the console is out December 2nd (I wanted it in November) but what are the launch games?
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