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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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Delaying the release of a game on a system until people stop caring about said game/it is no longer new is never a good idea.


It really doesn't seem like the kind of game that would do well on a Nintendo console either.


says the man who always waits a few months to buy a game when the price has gone down. :shakehead

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it's better to sell to an audience of 7 million than 6 million.

By that logic, it is better to sell CoD4 now, to the far greater number of 360 and PS3 owners, than it was all the way back then.


Do you not see the problem with what you're saying? The game won't be new anymore. And it'll be cheaper on the other consoles.

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it's better to sell to an audience of 7 million than 6 million.

The game my well have been delayed to factor in gamepad functions, but I'm sure there was an element of UBI plating the numbers game. If you owned a PS4 and Wii U and they came out at the same time then I'm sure the very large majority would buy the PS4 version anyway, so I don't think the delay will cause any significant drop in sales, unfortunately it appears that most Wii U owners just don't buy adult themed games.


It's really not as a simple as that though is it. The Wii had an install base of 100 mil. Still didn't stop many a game flopping on the platform.


The 3DS has over 30 mil and again some games bomb. A high install base is nice but more important is an active audience that has bought into the ecosystem and purchases games on a regular basis. The Wii U audience so far has shown its not really like that hence the 3rd party bombas.


Sales of the console went up over 600% with Mario Kart. We'll see where it goes from there.


That doesn't really mean anything though does it. When Windwaker was released sales also went up over 600%. Without solid numbers its just guessing.


We will get a better idea today on how many extra units it shifted in Japan and the NPD results in a couple weeks will see the effect in the US (Which I think will be where the greatest increase will occur).

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It's really not as a simple as that though is it. The Wii had an install base of 100 mil. Still didn't stop many a game flopping on the platform.


The 3DS has over 30 mil and again some games bomb. A high install base is nice but more important is an active audience that has bought into the ecosystem and purchases games on a regular basis. The Wii U audience so far has shown its not really like that hence the 3rd party bombas.


Only very few third party efforts ever get great sales on Nintendo systems.

It's usually the third party casual games that score on Nintendo platforms.


That's why I'm so surprised when I see people acting surprised that Nintendo misses a big third party "adult" game. Surely it's been like that for ages? Since Sony and (a generation later) Microsoft joined the stage at least. :blank:

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By that logic, it is better to sell CoD4 now, to the far greater number of 360 and PS3 owners, than it was all the way back then.


Do you not see the problem with what you're saying? The game won't be new anymore. And it'll be cheaper on the other consoles.


it will be new on the Wii U and anybody with PS4/XB1 would have bought that version regardless so how does delaying it on Wii U damage sales? Bottom line is it will sell badly anyway, the majority of Wii U owners are either families who don't but adult games or gamer who own another console and will buy that version.

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it will be new on the Wii U and anybody with PS4/XB1 would have bought that version regardless so how does delaying it on Wii U damage sales? Bottom line is it will sell badly anyway, the majority of Wii U owners are either families who don't but adult games or gamer who own another console and will buy that version.


Anyone with a PC, PS4, X1, PS3 or 360 could have bought it. That's most gamers. I'll bet you far more families have an Xbox or do PC gaming for their kids to have Minecraft and the like.


Previous Wii U port sales show that there's not really any business there. Why pay £40 or whatever for a game that's now like 15-20 elsewhere? And when there are superior versions elsewhere?

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The alarming thing for me was that I popped into ASDA to get some vegetables the other day and had a browse through the games section. Forgetting the fact that the Wii U section only had accessories, not games, there was a big box that promoted Watch Dogs to customers. At the bottom of the box, it listed all of the consoles/platforms that the game would appear on. Wii U logo was nowhere to be seen.


By delaying it and leaving out the logo, etc, you're making consumers believe that the game isn't available on the system. You can understand the third party's dilemma because if the game does flop on Wii U, where's the incentive for them to put the game on the system in the first place? If the game is delayed and barely advertised for the Wii U, where's the incentive for the gamers to wait for the Wii U version? Nobody wins. If the game has a chance of selling on the system, it needs to be there at the same time as it arrives on the other systems. Delaying it sends out the wrong message.


Let's also look back at the Rayman Legends situation. Was going to be Wii U exclusive, then got delayed before being multiplatform. Are any other console games going to suffer the same fate, where it benefits the Wii U? Would the tables ever be flipped in this instance? Most probably not.


It's a shame. I was overjoyed when I discovered that this would be coming to the Wii U.

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My next biggest concern is - what if the Wii U version just isn't all that? It may come out, I'll have waited, and it turns out it might be weaker than the previous - I'm gonna have a ready-made supercheaper alternative on any other system of my choice, with lots of feedback and reviews to go on too. Universal cross-platform releases really are important for a grand number of reasons, imo.

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It may be a bit like supermarkets, dropping the price of goods about to go past their sell by date. Better to sell some for 50% loss than sell none and incur a 100% loss.


Or in Ubisofts case, better to release and sell a few copies, than not release and sell none.

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It's already embarrassing, it's past embarrassing and it might be one of only a handful of 3rd party games that they could show. The trailer showed nothing and still a vague 2014 date. And, when I say handful, it could be the only real significant game.

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Nintendo just uploaded this exclusive trailer



A fucking CGI trailer?!


Aha. I hope that means they'll actually show off some footage of the gameplay from the Wii U version tomorrow, otherwise this just comes across as pathetic.

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Was just about to post the price before @S\.C\.G got there.


Think the DedSec editions on PS4 are around £75. No way will this cost £130 if it comes to WiiU. Seems just like a complete guess with the price point.


Also, Amazon STILL haven't got a date for the WiiU version and there's no price for the WiiU DedSec edition.

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LOL Grattan is a catalogue though (as in flexible payments, high cost) - thats not the right price. ;)


High cost being double what the price will probably be. You sure it's not just a place holder, brah? Who in their right mind would pay that?!


Just looked at some of their prices for WiiU games. Pure lol. Maybe the catalogue will charge that after all. :o

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High cost being double what the price will probably be. You sure it's not just a place holder, brah? Who in their right mind would pay that?!


Just looked at some of their prices for WiiU games. Pure lol. Maybe the catalogue will charge that after all. :o


Bwahahaha! Yes brah, thats usually the price point of catalogues. The catch is that you pay nothing now.... But pay an extortionate price longer term. A Wii U on some other catalogues were at about £400!

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Bwahahaha! Yes brah, thats usually the price point of catalogues. The catch is that you pay nothing now.... But pay an extortionate price longer term. A Wii U on some other catalogues were at about £400!


Just looking at it, I think it's even worse than that.


There's two prices quoted.




104 weeks @ £1.68...making the total payable £174.72.



So, I assume the 130 price is the "pay it now price" and the other option is you pay £1.68 over 104 weeks. Wow.

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Just looking at it, I think it's even worse than that.


There's two prices quoted.




104 weeks @ £1.68...making the total payable £174.72.



So, I assume the 130 price is the "pay it now price" and the other option is you pay £1.68 over 104 weeks. Wow.


Yeeeeah, as a poor lad I used to fall victim to the GET IT NOW FO' FREE 'selling point'.


When will the other consoles get this special edition? Surely that would be a great opportunity to release simultaneously for the Wii U too?

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