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Posted (edited)

Details on the PS+ edition: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=79403849&postcount=1714


- The PS+ Edition of DRIVECLUB will be available well into the new year, so no need to worry.

- There will be a discount to upgrade to the full digital edtion from the PS+ edition, but prices won't be announced for a few more weeks yet.

- When you upgrade from the PS+ Edition you get the full digital edition which doesn't require a PS+ subscription.

- You can earn the platinum trophy in the PS+ Edition, remember its the full game minus a few cars/tracks.

- Rear-view mirrors as you've seen in the latest direct feed footage just show the environment - you'd be surprised how limited the visibility in the mirrors are for a lot of these cars and for gameplay purposes we want to give the best visibility.

- We are working on a photo mode, but that's all I can say about it right now.

- No Split-Screen I'm afraid.


I rarely get round to using all the cars and tracks in games like this, so it sounds perfect for me.

Edited by Cube
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It looks fucking GORGEOUS. As they release new details and footage I'm looking forward to this more and more. Really don't know how I'm actually going to be able to concentrate on racing with all that landscape porn.


Amazing to think it's all dynamic so you can race any time of day and have stunning effects like that.


Really hope they hit 60fps. From their Facebook page it looks like they're really hoping to but not prepared to commit.


God daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn




Night footage coming later


Can't stop watching this one. This gif alone makes me a graphics whore.




Edited by Daft
Automerged Doublepost
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


I wonder if the glass can be broken?! That would be awesome to see a much brighter external world suddenly appear through the tinted window.


That might be breaking one of the rules of DriveClub.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

From pushsquare.com


This Clip of PS4 Racer DriveClub Will Make Your Jaw Hit the Floor


Prepare to drool


Lights and sounds


Do not underestimate the power of the PlayStation 4. Sony may have decided to push Evolution Studios' next generation racer DriveClub out of the system’s launch window, but it looks like the decision was worthwhile, as the game seems to get better every time that we set our stunned optics on it. Just check out the video embedded below to see what we mean.


The clip was uploaded to the Runcorn-based studio’s official Facebook page earlier today, and shows 12 seconds of gameplay footage captured directly from a PS4. If the snowy setting doesn’t impress you, then keep an eye out for some of the lighting effects – at about nine seconds in, the brake lights of a passing vehicle illuminate the cockpit of the primary car, and reflect in its chrome door handle.


There’s still no date attached to the ambitious social racer, but we truly believe that with the added polish of the delay, this could lead the pack when it comes to next generation visuals. Are you itching to get behind the wheel now that you’ve seen the progress that Evolution Studios has made?



One slight thing and anyone who wants to correct me can....I hate how driving games cockpit views the drivers rigidly keep their hands in the 9 and 3 o clock positions....let's face it in reality that is not how everyone drives. I'd like to see them loosen it up a bit...would help add that extra bit of realism especially when you have such wonderful touches as fingers flexing.

  • 2 months later...

YouTube link.




When are we going to get new info on this? They were making so many improvements up until the delay was announced, I can't imagine what an extra 4+ months would let them do.

  • 1 month later...

Possible April 9th release...




Driveclub may be released on April 9 if a message reportedly tweeted by Evolution Studios is to be believed.


A PlayStation Nation user called 100mph posted a screengrab of the supposed tweet, which was then allegedly deleted.


While tweet reads "Mark your calendars 9.4.14", the assumption is that this refers to April 9 rather than September 4, as Evolution Studios is a British-based developer. We've been unable to verify the tweet's legitimacy, and Sony told us it wouldn't comment on rumour or speculation.


Hmmm...three weeks after Infamous and with only a month's hype. Kind of doubt it massively. Had it been the end of the month, then I might have believed it. Guess they've got to time it to be released on Plus, too.


We'll find out in two weeks whether this is being reintroduced to show off Sony's headset.

Posted (edited)

Let's keep abreast of Driveclub!




Possible April 9th release...


Please be true!




Hmmm didn't they say Octodad was out in April?


*Just checked* the plot thickens!


Octodad: Dadliest Catch on PS4 delayed to April


Developer "thinking about" an Xbox One version


Octodad: Dadliest Catch has had its PS4 release date pushed further back.


So has Octodad been delayed?


Originally due for release in March on the console, the game will now be coming out in April, according to the game's developer Young Horses.


So has Octodad been delayed?

Edited by Cookyman

Well... at least they're doing a good job on it. :)


It's a relief to me as I thought for some reason that it was coming out a week before Mario Kart - I don't know why - but with inFamous Second Son out this month I'm more than happy anyway. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's out officially within 8 months!


Sony has committed to a 2014 release for Evolution's PlayStation 4 exclusive racing game Driveclub.


Some had expressed concern about the status of the project after Evolution suffered a round of layoffs alongside Guerrilla Cambridge and Sony London Studio.


But in a PlayStation Blog post today, Sony popped Driveclub down in the list of games due out on PS4 in 2014. Also included is Ready at Dawn's The Order, Sony Online Entertainment's Planetside 2, Ubisoft Massive's The Division and Avalanche's Mad Max.


It's a list of all the PS4 games due out this year that have been announced so far, so could change come E3 and Gamescom. We count 118.



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