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Launch nights!


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Well it may be 10 months away (possibly) but I'm already planning my trip form Shetland to London for the Revolution launch. :yay: I'm saving up my dimes and was wondering has anyone here been to a big launch party? Like the Cube's or the Dreamcast's?


I'm sure it's not that much of a party, just stores wanting to cash in... but I've seen an artical about the Dreamcast's launch and it looked freekin' sweet. Anyone had an experience of these or slept outside a store to wait?

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I keep asking my mum but thee is no chance my mum is taking me at midnight to get it, i should get my mate lewis around. He's pretty much a ninty fanboy.


It'll be in my msn name etc tho, msn space etc.


Link to the arcticle u were reading??

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Well as soon as it is possible too I will be pre ordering my Rev, as I don't want the worry of the shortages like with 360. When I do I don't know whether to pre order from Gameplay.co.uk or a shop. Gameplay are VERY reliable etc. but then buying a new console on impulse is a special feeling, especially on launch day. I'd probably pre order from a shop then go buy it from them on launch day rather than stay up at 12. I'll wait and see.

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I dont wanna pre-order from GP, because it wont fit through the letter box uso ill have to go to the post office to get i, that'll be thenext day because it wont be there. Ill pre-order from gamestation. unless hte realease date is on a school holiday,in that case. Gameplay, straight away

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My mum would never let me stayhome from school, shes damn cool, but not soooo cool that she'd let me do that. I want to go at midnight to GS but she wont take me :(, talkin to sarka on smn. Lucky bastard stayin at his grans with sarkas_girly palyin revo on a 42" plasma. Ill have to wait till after school to go get it no doubtt, unless eh'll take me at like 5 in the mornin

No games
ah! but we DO knwo that there'll be SMB and MArio because Iwata has said tha he's pressuring Shigzy to get Mario for release (or zelda, i forgety).
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Still not sure whether im getting one but if I do I'll just put one buy at work and reap in discountal benefits. Although I will be at uni so I'll get someone else to do it for me. Could be a fun game, "whose travelled furthest to buy it?"

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I want to queue outdoors for days without food or showering. However, I can't. So I'm ging to queue up for a good few hours then get one at midnight. Go to sarka_girly's Granny's house and play it on her huge TV's! Sounds like plan to me.


And the Dreamcast launch report was in the Dreamcast Magazine.


EDIT: I'm pretty sure I'll win that one Ashley, as I live slighty more norht than Sarkas_girly and according to my Dad it's 950 miles from my house to London. :kiss:

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i could go to the midnight launch, will take me half hour to get to the hmv on oxford street, but im trying to apply for a job there...who knows, maybe i might sell u the revolution. ill need some ID tho

Hey good lcuky with that man, hope you get it..now erm.. how much would you get free? ill pay for postage ;)

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i could go to the midnight launch, will take me half hour to get to the hmv on oxford street, but im trying to apply for a job there...who knows, maybe i might sell u the revolution. ill need some ID tho


I was in London some weeks ago.. Me and my dad used about £350 on the Oxford street HMV... "I bought the last Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Controller! Moahahah"

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I'll be there. Was at Virgin for the DS release although i didn't have the money to get one bu that was ver fun. The release for Nintendogs was soooo much better though; lots of show dogs and a weird mega sized demo pod in the hape of a bone!!


I would say to people if you wanna be in the queue then arrive at the very least 5 hours early. I will probably be there before that but if people wanna hook up thats cool...

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Well I don't know, I want my Revolution as soon as possible.


So if I pre-order from Gameplay.com I could recieve it a day early although I might get it days after the launch but then if I pre-order from GAME or Gamestation then I would get it at midnight and enjoy the atmosphere so I dunno how am going to get it yet :P

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Fro the first time since the N64, I'll be there at midnight for the Revolution launch. Even with 10 months to go, I'm still ridiculously excited about it despite knowing next to nothing about any of the games. Haven't felt like this since well...the run up to the N64! I'll be reserving as soon as a date is announced at one of the major game shops in London (GAME on Oxford Street for example), and it would be rather nice to see some of you guys there in line with your DSs. The money's been set aside for a while, only 10 months to go :)

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In Austria are no big launch parties, actually there aren't any launch parties at all :(

I'll pre-order mine at a games shop. They usually sell the items when they have them in stock (if you pre-ordered them); I got MK DS two days before the official release that way and hopefully this will also apply to the Revo.

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