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Will Mario 'Universe' use Asymmetric Gameplay?


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So with the Wii, Nintendo didn't always practice what they preached so to speak.


They introduced the world to the Motion Controller, to Motion Gaming, and told everyone it was going to be the next big thing... and yet you could argue that they themselves actually didn't then go on to embrace it all that much. They were there at the beginning with Wii Sports and they were there at the end with Skyward Sword. Wii Sports Resort fell in the middle, but other than that...


Same could be said of the Balance Board. A decent piece of kit, but outside of Wii Fit the product got very little use or support.


You would have thought Nintendo would maybe use their First Party IP's to fully show off the capabilities of their new console hardware, but they seem tentative too. Franchises like Luigi's Mansion, Mario Tennis/Golf that seem like a perfect fit end up showing up on the 3DS instead.


Mario Galaxy's 'hook' wasn't the really the Wiimote itself, or motion controls... it was gravity. The pointer was very much a secondary mechanic and the entire game could have been played with a traditional controller.


Now with the Wii U, Nintendo have highlighted asymmetric gameplay as the next big way to play games. But Nintendo are struggling to sell the Wii U and its USP... you would imagine Mario U with Mario's pulling power could be the game to do so. Nintendo missed their chance to do so with NSMBU (again only using it as very much a secondary, non-essential feature with platform placement), will they take that risk with Mario U?


And if so... what might the Asymmetric gameplay be?

Edited by Retro_Link
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Isn't asymmetric gameplay only possible with two players in the first place (As in, one player has one control method, the other one uses another)? Or am I getting the definition wrong?

If that is the correct definition, then its inclusion in primarily single-player games matters little (and I'm pretty sure Mario Galaxy already did it).


If you're just talking about using the U Pad, I'm going to say yes. The games that use it so far seem to do it for things that 3D Mario could easily do.

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You're forgetting much of Mario Galaxy really. For starters, the camera system was designed in the way it was because the Wii Remote & Nunchuck lacked a second stick - so they wanted to create a game where the player wouldn't have to touch the camera once. That wouldn't have happened if they designed the game around a traditional controller.


Then there's all the gameplay mechanics that did use the Wii remote's capabilities (the pull stars, the shake move, the bubble blowing, the sticky flingers, co-star mode, the ball rolling, the vine climbing etc)


Whatever Mario game they decide to make for Wii U, it will be built around taking advantage of the Wii U Gamepad. Every single (non NSMB) Mario game ever made has been designed around taking advantage of the console's unique capabilities.


Super Mario World was designed to take advantage of the SNES' greater processing capabilities (Yoshi was something they wanted to do before, but the NES couldn't handle the sprite layering properly) and the extra buttons on the controller (spin jump, camera control)


Mario 64 is obvious (3D gameplay)


Mario Sunshine took advantage of the analog shoulder triggers, the c-stick for enhanced camera control, the extra face buttons (for the nozzle attachments) and the enhanced processing capabilities for more detailed environments.


Super Mario 3D Land took advantage of the S3D in order to create environments that wouldn't normally be easily playable without real depth perception (especially the top down stages). It also used Streetpass for the mystery boxes and the camera was zoomed in (in comparison to the console games) in order to accommodate the small screen.


The Wii U game will be no different in that respect. Whatever they come up with, it will use the two screens to create a new type of Mario game. I suspect that screen switching will play a big role, with certain enemies and parts of the environment only showing on one screen at a time (calling back to that unreleased Rollorama game)

Edited by Dcubed
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What @Dcubed said. I can't see Nintendo making a main 3D Mario into a multiplayer game (there's plenty of Mario games for that).


Super Mario Universe will focus on bringing the touchscreen into full use. So much that the game will not support GamePad-only play.

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I'd like to see the Upad being used as a second viewpoint more. Like your TV would show a first person view (or whatever) and moving the Upad around will show you more of your surroundings in a 3rd person view. So looking around your room with the Upad would look around the room in the game while the TV screen would still show your character in first person view.


It probably doesn't suit mario but for Metroid or Zelda it could be useful.

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It probably doesn't suit mario but for Metroid or Zelda it could be useful.


I imagine an extremely tense boss battle in Metroid Prime 4 where you have to point the GamePad at the scan point, scan and read the details in real time while avoiding the boss' attacks.

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I believe there will be a few touch screen elements as well as some motion control again. Maybe just for first person viewing.

But if Nintendo want their first party games to all have off-TV functionality perhaps this will be dumbed down slightly?

I honestly have no idea what Nintendo will do with the 3D Mario games from one to the next.

That's what makes it so exciting!

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i want this 3d mario game, to have voice acting like they did with mario sunshine, and a deeper story that explains the story about bowser mario and peach, and what is happening. and mario his powers has to be in this game, i liked the cape, fire/iceflower, metal mario, etc etc, and i really want to have like 2 or 4 player Co-op mario luigi toad etc


but i realy have NO idea what they will do with this mario, but i would love a deep story for this game, with beautifull graphics and awesomegameplay, i trust nintendo that they will blow us away with the upcoming first party titles which they will anounce.

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I want as many Nintendo games as possible to make use of two-screen gameplay, to the extent that the game simply wouldn't work without it.


The features of the console should be used for gameplay first.


Imagine if most of Nintendo's DS games only used the top screen.

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Personally, I want to play my 3D Mario alone. I have nothing against such a mode, but I want to be able to complete the entire game on my own.

The only solution to that which I can think of where a second player could improve gameplay is something similar to the star shooting mechanic in Mario Galaxy.

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I want as many Nintendo games as possible to make use of two-screen gameplay, to the extent that the game simply wouldn't work without it.


The features of the console should be used for gameplay first.


Imagine if most of Nintendo's DS games only used the top screen.


That's a ridiculous argument. The DS is ALWAYS a 2 screened experience. The Wii u you can separate the screens. Off Tv gameplay is as much of a feature as asymmetrical gameplay, or Zombi U functionality.

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That's a ridiculous argument. The DS is ALWAYS a 2 screened experience. The Wii u you can separate the screens. Off Tv gameplay is as much of a feature as asymmetrical gameplay, or Zombi U functionality.


It's a fairly rote feature though that doesn't add anything to the actual gameplay of a game, just another way of playing an otherwise standard game.


If your game includes Off-TV Play, then it cannot use the asymmetrical displays at a core, fundamental gameplay level because it needs to be playable on one screen.


A lot of us are more interested in seeing how the Wii U can generate all new types of games, like Nintendo Land and ZombiU. We want to see Nintendo break new ground and make a Mario game that could only be made on Wii U, with the two asymmetrical displays!

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It's a fairly rote feature though that doesn't add anything to the actual gameplay of a game, just another way of playing an otherwise standard game.


If your game includes Off-TV Play, then it cannot use the asymmetrical displays at a core, fundamental gameplay level because it needs to be playable on one screen.


A lot of us are more interested in seeing how the Wii U can generate all new types of games, like Nintendo Land and ZombiU. We want to see Nintendo break new ground and make a Mario game that could only be made on Wii U, with the two asymmetrical displays!


I think its an amazing feature and would sell the WIi U to a lot of people if it was focussed more on in all honesty.


I love both, I love Nintendoland and how Zombi U uses it. But there's only so much scope for it. And still think multiplayer and touch based gameplay will be its best use. If Mario Universe had a single player that had off screen play and a multiplayer mode of sorts that used the screen then that would be amazing!


We'll see. And I look forward to great uses of the screen, but I also look forward to many games having off tv play!

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I'd like to see the Upad being used as a second viewpoint more. Like your TV would show a first person view (or whatever) and moving the Upad around will show you more of your surroundings in a 3rd person view. So looking around your room with the Upad would look around the room in the game while the TV screen would still show your character in first person view.


It probably doesn't suit mario but for Metroid or Zelda it could be useful.


That's a good idea, although I'd swap it around so that the first person viewpoint is on the Upad and the third person/character is on the tv screen. Seems to make more sense that way? Probably works better for Metroid. A platforming Metroid with this ability would be sheeeeeeeeeeeeet hoooooot. :D


I have no idea what Nintendo are going to for Mario. I had no idea before Galaxy, and that turned out to be a beast. Maybe the touchscreen will be used to "grab" objects like the starbits. Maybe you could play just on the screen, although I doubt that'll be the key feature. I hope they allow you to be able to enjoy the game fully in single-player, and not HAVE to play in 2 player to really appreciate it.

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Leave my Mama alone, you bad man! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MAMA PEACH AWAY!






lol yeah here is the cutscene, that is why bowser kidnaps peach all the time, dirty dinosaur lol, bowser is just ashamed that he is the one laying the eggs lol

mario was like WTF! mama??


no but i liked the voice acting, it made the game feel like i was watching mario episodes lol

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