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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I said they won it for me, as in I thought they had the best conference and got me excited for their vision of the Playstation. Can you please calm down and relax - you're coming across like you're in physical and mental anguish. Relax :)


The kickstarter thing is a great way of supporting games that would otherwise not come into development due to budgets. Sony are spending a lot of $$$ on it too, remember.


May I suggest taking a break from the internet and going for a walk? You need to take your Nintendo fanboy hat off for a while.

My issue is Sony presenting it as a kickstarter at their conference. If they had said "Look, Shenmue 3 and we're funding it", I'd be "Oh that's awesome.", but the way they went about it is what I have issues with. The kickstarter was un-necessary.


I'm not being a fanboy here. I'm actually very level headed, just not jumping on the toxic hate train doesn't make me a fanboy.


I mean hell, look at the like/dislikes on the Steamworld Heist video on Nintendo's Youtube. The toxicity is out of control and indies are being hit by it just because people are grumpy they showed a Metroid spin-off. It's that toxicity that annoys me. Nintendo messed up with E3, yes, but this is beyond ridiculous and is bleeding over to here, as if this place wasn't toxic enough already.

Edited by Serebii
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Why's it 'not a great precedent to set'? Not that I even think it's setting that much of a precedent anyway(this isn't no court of law). Also - I think by people using the colloquial term of 'winning' E3 they clearly mean 'best showing' or 'best event' and not that they're about to nip down the post office to send them off a first price for first place.


Tbh the only thing coming across utterly moronic here is yourself Serebii. If you can't handle the criticisms and discussions being made without getting so riled up them I'd suggest considering taking a step back from the forum. I've alluded to it a couple times but some of the vibe you're bringing is doing more to bring down the atmosphere than the actual 'negativity' of people about the thing. By all means try and be positive, and post positive, but you're coming across as if you're being personally slighted, here.


My issue is Sony presenting it as a kickstarter at their conference. If they had said "Look, Shenmue 3 and we're funding it", I'd be "Oh that's awesome.", but the way they went about it is what I have issues with. The kickstarter was un-necessary.


Why? Why's it any different to getting another investor involved in a product to help fund it?



EDIT: Wow, I hadn't even seen Goron's post when I made mine - but at least I know it isn't just me getting this vibe here.

Edited by Rummy
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Why's it 'not a great precedent to set'? Not that I even think it's setting that much of a precedent anyway(this isn't no court of law). Also - I think by people using the colloquial term of 'winning' E3 they clearly mean 'best showing' or 'best event' and not that they're about to nip down the post office to send them off a first price for first place.


Tbh the only thing coming across utterly moronic here is yourself Serebii. If you can't handle the criticisms and discussions being made without getting so riled up them I'd suggest considering taking a step back from the forum. I've alluded to it a couple times but some of the vibe you're bringing is doing more to bring down the atmosphere than the actual 'negativity' of people about the thing. By all means try and be positive, and post positive, but you're coming across as if you're being personally slighted, here.




Why? Why's it any different to getting another investor involved in a product to help fund it?

So because I'm not being all "waaaaa Nintendo sucks", I'm "bringing down the atmosphere"? Nice.


I do admit, I am getting fed up with some of the people here, and it's interesting how people came out of the woodwork just to be negative after all the positivity Nintendo has had the past year.


Also nice to see a staff member resort to personal insults when none were utilised by me in doing so. Great showing there. I'll probably get banned for pointing this out, too.

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So because I'm not being all "waaaaa Nintendo sucks", I'm "bringing down the atmosphere"? Nice.


I do admit, I am getting fed up with some of the people here, and it's interesting how people came out of the woodwork just to be negative after all the positivity Nintendo has had the past year.


Also nice to see a staff member resort to personal insults when none were utilised by me in doing so. Great showing there. I'll probably get banned for pointing this out, too.


He never said you were. Stop putting words in his mouth. Good lord. Start a seperate thread about kickstarters if you wish but this isn't the place.

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Lets not all jump on Serebii, he does agree it was a bad show, he's tying to find the silver lining of something but obviously becoming defensive of other bits


In a way he cold have a point with the Shenmue kick starter, now assuming they have the same budget as Shenmue (47 million) then only 2million is from the kickstarter, so that could mean Sony have put up 45million or potentially pledged it, if shenmue hadn't reached that kickstarter goal would the project be shelved? its a reasonable question. if it was going to be funded anyway why the kickstarter? was it just a massive pre-order interest gauge?



that said if Square came out with a kickstarter for Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain/Soul reaver franchise tomorrow, i'd pledge like there was no tomorrow

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In a way he cold have a point with the Shenmue kick starter, now assuming they have the same budget as Shenmue (47 million) then only 2million is from the kickstarter, so that could mean Sony have put up 45million or potentially pledged it, if shenmue hadn't reached that kickstarter goal would the project be shelved? its a reasonable question. if it was going to be funded anyway why the kickstarter? was it just a massive pre-order interest gauge?


Yeah, I smelled a rat with the Shenmue Kickstarter. At first, I thought it was great, and even better that a large publisher was stepping in. But then when looking up the series, I saw that the games were hugely expensive, something like the 47 million you mentioned. There's no way that the Kickstarter means anything, as two million wouldn't be anywhere near enough for a modern game of this size and scope. Just look at the costs of most open world games.

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So because I'm not being all "waaaaa Nintendo sucks", I'm "bringing down the atmosphere"? Nice.


I do admit, I am getting fed up with some of the people here, and it's interesting how people came out of the woodwork just to be negative after all the positivity Nintendo has had the past year.


Also nice to see a staff member resort to personal insults when none were utilised by me in doing so. Great showing there. I'll probably get banned for pointing this out, too.


One of your problems is you struggle to comprehend and to read posts. Nowhere did I say that. I'll highlight it for you however, as you missed the crux;


I've alluded to it a couple times but some of the vibe you're bringing is doing more to bring down the atmosphere than the actual 'negativity' of people about the thing. By all means try and be positive, and post positive, but you're coming across as if you're being personally slighted, here.


Plain and simple English. Do you speak it?


And yes, I said your posts are coming across as moronic, notably using the term to parody your own earlier comment - that isn't to say I'm saying you are specifically a moron, but how your comments and posts are coming across to me right now. The difference is subtle, and with your failing comprehension you may not grab it, but you'll have to take my word for it there.


Additionally if you think we, or particularly I, would be petty enough to throw a ban at you for criticising my manner just because I am a moderator that's disappointing. It's further testament to your own delusion and explains why you never seem to understand moderation actions nor the seperation of them and personal actions. I don't moderate on any sort of personal basis - but if you have concerns that I am there's both the other moderators and admins to raise the issue with - I have no worry about my mod actions being under scrutiny. A general point for everyone btw, not just yourself.


Anyhow, this has turned into a derailment about Shenmue and Kickstarters - one actually it appears started by yourself @Serebii. Your frustrations tend to lead to topics going off topic - and I'll further suggest that if you can't handle the discussions to take a step back from the place rather than have that negative impact, even if it's just for an hour or so.


That said, it's an interesting discussion and nothing else is really going on here but it isn't the place for it - talk about Zelda!!

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I mean hell, look at the like/dislikes on the Steamworld Heist video on Nintendo's Youtube. The toxicity is out of control and indies are being hit by it just because people are grumpy they showed a Metroid spin-off. It's that toxicity that annoys me. Nintendo messed up with E3, yes, but this is beyond ridiculous and is bleeding over to here, as if this place wasn't toxic enough already.


I suggest you look at that list again.




6 of the top 10 are indie games. Steam World Heist is the lowest placed indie game on the list. It's the only stand out game faring badly of all the indie games. And that probably stems from putting Steam World in the title when it's nothing like the first game. Similar to the hate for Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

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Why? Why's it any different to getting another investor involved in a product to help fund it?



Because they'r not getting investors, they're getting the public to pay for it with no investment back. I agree the kickstarter approach has a really disgusting taste to it and can't believe people are applauding it and sony for it.


Only skimmed the past 2 pages, but it's clear nintendo fucked up the whole conference, even the build up was a cock up, such a great build raised everyone expectations more. It was borderline awful, but I also don't think it means that machine the grans scheme of things and it will just be a nice memory for most people in the same way Twilight Princess is a great memory.


I'm not saying that's not valid, i wish nintendo blew us away with zelda and metered and thought sony and ms did a great job, but I don't think it means nintendo have killed themselves or that sonys disastrous first party line up for the few years of the ps4 isn't a problem, it's just this e3, this month, sony nailed it, nintendo fucked it.


Nintendo went for a different approach, made a bad decision. But in terms of the next 12 months for all the consoles, e3 doesn't tell much of a story.

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Nintendo went for a different approach, made a bad decision. But in terms of the next 12 months for all the consoles, e3 doesn't tell much of a story.


I dont know, a lot of the games coming out this year were shown in some capacity at E3. Im at work so dont have the time to write up a list but just having a quick look at this wikipedia page shows them.



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I dont know, a lot of the games coming out this year were shown in some capacity at E3. Im at work so dont have the time to write up a list but just having a quick look at this wikipedia page shows them.




Oh I know, but the "story" of sony's e3 is Shenmue, Last guardian, Uncharted and Final Fantasy, surely you agree with that.


Also, reading reports that Sonys booth is pretty much all indies with none of their big games on show. Don't know how true it is though.

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Oh I know, but the "story" of sony's e3 is Shenmue, Last guardian, Uncharted and Final Fantasy, surely you agree with that.


Yeah I've got no problem with agreeing that. E3 is to show what games are coming, those games are coming. Other games are also coming and they were either shown, on the show floor or have been shown in previous years.

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I still say the writing was on the wall when in March they announced Zelda would neither be at E3 nor be released this year. How can a game that they insisted would have a 2015 release now be too primitive to show? Even if it's not ready until Christmas 2016, it would still have been OK to show at this year's E3 because that would be exactly the same gap as originally intended (June 2014-Christmas 2015; June 2015-Christmas 2016). I'm afraid the only conclusion is that Nintendo are back to being their most dishonest and calculating.


My theory is that the game is being reworked for NX, and is therefore the lead format. The Wii U will eventually get a port, but it will be based off the NX version (just like GC Twilight Princess was affected by the Wii).


The problem is (and I'm only speculating here) that we know very little about NX. It could be a handheld and be less powerful than Wii U. So, for example, imagine that NX is powerful enough to run a facsimile of what they intended, it still may only be possible by simplifying the game. As a rough example, perhaps the Wii U version originally had a very complex town or village that was only possible because of the Wii U's (relative) power. The town could be simplified in secret and, say, the NX runs it at 480p and the Wii U 720p. As we haven't seen any more of the game since, we would have no idea that the game had been simplified.


I do realise that paragraph was highly speculative, but I'm just trying to get across the general idea of why I think they don't want us to see Zelda until they can re-present it as an NX game. The current explanations just don't fit.

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I imagine they either underestimated how much work was needed to make a good openworld (the Game Awards feedback about how empty and lifeless the world seemed probably helped) or the direction of the game has changed and they had to make some major revisions.

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Perhaps they've changed the visual style of Link, there were complaints that it seemed less animated than previous iterations of him

I suspect perhaps they've had some issues and have held back showing it so as not to make it look unimproved


Or maybe Miyamoto came along and did a TP and decided to shoe horn gannon in

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I do suspect Ganon was always meant to be in this one. Last time we saw the game, it looked like the "Full Hyrule" experience rather than anything more alternative. Good news, I think, purely because it's the first HD Zelda.

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I still say the writing was on the wall when in March they announced Zelda would neither be at E3 nor be released this year. How can a game that they insisted would have a 2015 release now be too primitive to show? Even if it's not ready until Christmas 2016, it would still have been OK to show at this year's E3 because that would be exactly the same gap as originally intended (June 2014-Christmas 2015; June 2015-Christmas 2016). I'm afraid the only conclusion is that Nintendo are back to being their most dishonest and calculating.


That's the exact same sort of ideation that comes into my mind. I know I keep comparing to XCX but the fact those guys could manage to stay somewhat fairly on schedule with such a large game and Zelda mysteriously disappears into oblivion indicates either a major issue or a major overhaul to me - and it annoys me how Nintendo then go cagey and spin little lines about it that just seem unbelievable.


The question is - what does it mean for us, and for the game we'll get? We now possibly know very little about it(compared to the little we already knew, but if it's overhauled then it could be even less). How long was the eventual delays/delay points for TP? Like how often did it get hinted at and then pushed back?

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That's the exact same sort of ideation that comes into my mind. I know I keep comparing to XCX but the fact those guys could manage to stay somewhat fairly on schedule with such a large game and Zelda mysteriously disappears into oblivion indicates either a major issue or a major overhaul to me - and it annoys me how Nintendo then go cagey and spin little lines about it that just seem unbelievable.


The question is - what does it mean for us, and for the game we'll get? We now possibly know very little about it(compared to the little we already knew, but if it's overhauled then it could be even less). How long was the eventual delays/delay points for TP? Like how often did it get hinted at and then pushed back?


I think it was delayed a year and even when it was ready it was held back again to launch simultaneously on both the Gamecube and Wii.

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How long was the eventual delays/delay points for TP? Like how often did it get hinted at and then pushed back?


The delay was announced in August 2005. To the best of my knowledge, it then disappeared and was only revealed as a Wii game at E3 2006.

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Monolith Soft Would Work On Zelda Wii U If Needed


Today we have found out that Monolith Soft were one of the teams to help Nintendo out with Splatoon. Now the company says they would work alongside Nintendo to help out on The Legend of Zelda title for Wii U, if they were needed. Tetsuya Takahashi, the director of Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenogears and Xenosaga, says that his team is always on hand for support if required.


So with the team’s experience now in the open-world genre, I’m curious if you can offer any tips to the Zelda Wii U team? Is there some knowledge that can be transferred there? I know Monolith helped work on Skyward Sword.


Yokota: So as it turns out, in the development of this game we had a lot of opportunities to prepare reports and feedback on the technology and the different kinds of problems that we encountered. When we’re able to share those documents internally, they’re going to go to all the other teams so they’ll be able to draw from them and I hope that those guys working on that game will be able to benefit as well.


Is there any chance that you’ll be supporting that team once again after this project is fully done?


Takahashi: I mean I suppose it’s possible, but we haven’t heard anything. I would want to say that Monolith Soft is always available and we would love to help anytime people ask us.


It must be refreshing for the team to work on something from Nintendo to cleanse the Xenoblade out of your system every once a while.


Takahashi: Sure, absolutely. It would be nice.






It's a pity they weren't given more control over Skyward Sword instead of being a lackey. It would have turned out well had they held the reins.

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