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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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you say that like its a bad thing, hype is hype and translates to sales

Hype last year for Nintendo didn't translate into sales. It's erroneous to assume it always does.


I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but Nintendo seemed to forget that it appears to be what people want to see at E3. Sony did it to sugarcoat the fact that the have practically nothing for this year whereas Nintendo showed things for this year (and the Wii U does have a solid lineup for the year) but nothing for beyond that.


Both need to find a middleground and Microsoft had that.

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FFXV has also been in development for a while. It was shown in what, 2006? Where is it now? When is it coming? Just because it has been "in development for a while" is in no way an indicator that it's imminent


The anniversary of the game is 2017. Makes sense that's when the remake will hit.


My only conclusion is that the development of this game is in trouble. With the recent delay and omission of footage and comments like this, I'm getting more and more convinced it's having a total overhaul for some reason(either it wasn't good enough or that it's being dual-devved for NX).


No no. They have new ideas to freshen up the game and need more time etc. etc.

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Either way, would you like some salsa for that chip on your shoulder? :indeed:


Could you please not prod people like that? You know what this sort of comment leads to.


My only conclusion is that the development of this game is in trouble. With the recent delay and omission of footage and comments like this, I'm getting more and more convinced it's having a total overhaul for some reason(either it wasn't good enough or that it's being dual-devved for NX).


Much like Twilight Princess, I'm guessing this is the case. I remember interviews about TP: "Each dungeon will have a motif around a specific animal!" ; "Puzzle rooms will have a top-down camera, while battle rooms will have the traditional 3D perspective!"


Of course, none of that came to fruition after all the delays.

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The anniversary of the game is 2017. Makes sense that's when the remake will hit.


Hope so. That's still two years away.


I've said before that Sony had a fantastic E3, but it was a year early. The stuff they showed would have made for a fantastic E3 2016, but in 2015, the stuff that generated all the hype and the "Oh my god, Sony has won E3" statements is just too far away.

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FFXV has also been in development for a while. It was shown in what, 2006? Where is it now? When is it coming? Just because it has been "in development for a while" is in no way an indicator that it's imminent


FFXV has been a victim of personnel changeover (and it used to be a FFXIII game); it is by no means a normal case. Similarly TLG has probably not been worked on for a long time, yet now we've just come to know it still exists, yet it's coming next year.


You could be right, I could be right. But that doesn't mean you can just say "it's coming 2 years later" because really, you don't know that.

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The anniversary of the game is 2017. Makes sense that's when the remake will hit.


If a game happened to be ready, I'm sure they'd release it sooner. Doesn't make sense to me to delay something for the purpose of the number being a coincidence. :heh:


Either way, we don't know!

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Hype last year for Nintendo didn't translate into sales. It's erroneous to assume it always does.


I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but Nintendo seemed to forget that it appears to be what people want to see at E3. Sony did it to sugarcoat the fact that the have practically nothing for this year whereas Nintendo showed things for this year (and the Wii U does have a solid lineup for the year) but nothing for beyond that.


Both need to find a middleground and Microsoft had that.


Last year Nintendo showed Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Starfox and Yoshi. Those were all 2015 games (at least in the West). If Sony got it wrong this year then Nintendo also got it wrong last year.


(I disagree on both)

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Could you please not prod people like that? You know what this sort of comment leads to.


Excuse me? Serebii was being rather unnecessarily bitter about games that many of us are excited about, and I made light of that.


If we're making requests, would you kindly stop picking at my posts every time a discussion starts to happen? I've noticed it a bit recently and frankly it's becoming rather fucking annoying.

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@Serebii, I take it you disliked the January Direct Nintendo did in 2013? I remember you praised it back then despite the fact that most games were 2-3 years away. You seem to love it back then and claimed that it proved that the Wii U had loads of games :D

That was because it had to be proven.

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That was because it had to be proven.


What had to be proven? Most of those games still haven't been released over here (Yoshi, SMT x FE, Xenoblade).


Sony won E3 by a mile for me and the fact that their Third Party relations team is working on a list of games that fans want to be kickstarted is incredible..but that's off topic.


On topic:


If we do get Zelda U next year I HOPE that we get it early (i.e. before Summer). Nintendo need the following Zelda to come out within the first couple of years of their hardware release. Nintendo consoles seem to fall off a cliff by year 4-5; I'd hate to see another Zelda came practically miss the generation.


On a brighter note, I hope this means we get a Zelda Direct early next year :)

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Last year Nintendo showed Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Starfox and Yoshi. Those were all 2015 games (at least in the West). If Sony got it wrong this year then Nintendo also got it wrong last year.


(I disagree on both)

Xenoblade was out in the 12 months. I agree it shouldn't have had a big focus at this E3, and thankfully it hadn't.


Yoshi is out next week so it's just out of the 12 month period of E3. Again, it shouldn't have had a big E3 segment, especially one that long. Yikes.


Mario Maker is 2015, sure, but it was originally Early 2015 and then got delayed.


What had to be proven? Most of those games still haven't been released over here (Yoshi, SMT x FE, Xenoblade).


Sony won E3 by a mile for me and the fact that their Third Party relations team is working on a list of games that fans want to be kickstarted is incredible..but that's off topic.


Who cares who won E3? That's such an Internet fanboy bullshit thing. It should be one company showed this, it was awesome, another showed this, it was also awesome. Why does one have to "win".


Also, the kickstarter thing isn't incredible, it's fucking diabolical and disgusting. The Shenmue Kickstarter at the conference left a horrifically bitter taste in my mouth, despite the fact Shenmue is awesome.

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I think that the argument that Sony and MS showed games that are some way off is a bad thing is pretty silly. E3 has always been about blowing people's socks off with big reveals and new footage.


If Nintendo had shown F-Zero for 2016 and Metroid for early 2017 as well as maybe Battalion Wars with no date, people would have been far happier than seeing games that already had release dates and we've seen countless times before.


If they had shown those games, along with everything else I don't think there would nearly have been such a negative reaction. I also doubt very much that the internet would have been up in arms over the dates of their releases.


But when you show games like Xenoblade, which is already out in Japan and Yoshi which is out next bloody week and we've seen a million times before, there's problems!


Finally, it is true that Sony has a poor line up of first party titles for the rest of the year - but they have a massive range of third party titles that people are hyped for.


Nintendo have no third party support and seem to be doing very little - if anything - to turn the situation around. I said this over in the Metroid thread:


"I feel Nintendo simply do not know what they are doing - they almost seem like a fish out of water. But what is worse is they don't seem to be doing anything about the problems - they almost seem to be going further into their shell.


We all know the Gamecube struggled, but up until the end of the console they seemed to fight. They supported it, they had strategic partnerships with other companies. Sega developed F-Zero, Fire Emblem came to the West, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was an exclusive, Capcom developed games exclusively for the system and took over the development of handheld Zelda titles, Namco put Link in Soul Caliber and brought the Tales series to the GC. We saw Sonic and Phantasy Star Online come to the system. We even saw Metal Gear Solid on the GC!"


I look at my most memorable E3s and they were all up until now great moments! That first Twilight Princess trailer. That awesome Wii E3 when Nintendo announced EVERYTHING - new Goldeneye, new DK, Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey... they just kept coming. Last year, Splatoon, Yoshi, Xenoblade, that awesome Zelda trailer where link sat on Epona in that epic field with the grass swaying lazily.


However this E3 must rank up alongside those, but for all the wrong reasons. I will never forget it, it feels like the E3 where Nintendo died.

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Who cares who won E3? That's such an Internet fanboy bullshit thing. It should be one company showed this, it was awesome, another showed this, it was also awesome. Why does one have to "win".


Whaaat. That's like implying news revealed at E3 stays at E3 and doesn't trickle out to the public.


People know TLG is coming. People know FF7 remake is coming. People know Shenmue is coming, and that UC4 looks awesome. Ok, these things together "won" E3. But by the same token, and not in an unrelated way, this news also sways people. You can see that happening even on this forum. People are practically gagging for these games. The way they wowed at E3 was a pretty good indicator of how people outside of E3 would take the news, too.


Also, the kickstarter thing isn't incredible, it's fucking diabolical and disgusting. The Shenmue Kickstarter at the conference left a horrifically bitter taste in my mouth, despite the fact Shenmue is awesome.


lol, "diabolical and disgusting". How dare they offer us the chance to pay £18.22 for this game in advance! I want the Nintendo way; to pay a full £40, 2-3 years after release! Who gives a whoop whether more than one company is funding this? Happens in lots of games, at doesn't really strike me as shady; Sony just aren't willing to bankroll for full exclusivity/development. I get some people may not want to pay up front, but hey, you can buy the game when it is released!

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Whaaat. That's like implying news revealed at E3 stays at E3 and doesn't trickle out to the public.


People know TLG is coming. People know FF7 remake is coming. People know Shenmue is coming, and that UC4 looks awesome. Ok, these things together "won" E3. But by the same token, and not in an unrelated way, this news also sways people. You can see that happening even on this forum. People are practically gagging for these games. The way they wowed at E3 was a pretty good indicator of how people outside of E3 would take the news, too.




lol, "diabolical and disgusting". How dare they offer us the chance to pay £18.22 for this game in advance! I want the Nintendo way; to pay a full £40, 2-3 years after release! Who gives a whoop whether more than one company is funding this? Happens in lots of games, at doesn't really strike me as shady; Sony just aren't willing to bankroll for full exclusivity/development. I get some people may not want to pay up front, but hey, you can buy the game when it is released!

God, you're such a fanboy it's ridiculous. You can't see that the Kickstarter thing was horrific anda very dangerous precedent to set?


I also didn't say E3 news doesn't trickle out. I said that the idea of "winning E3" is ridiculous.

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God, you're such a fanboy it's ridiculous. You can't see that the Kickstarter thing was horrific anda very dangerous precedent to set?


1. For you to call me "such a fanboy" is ridiculous, especially in this setting. Even Ronnie has acknowledged the disaster that was Nintendo's E3 this year; you still believe it wasn't!


2. It's a great precedent. Games that would never have seen the light of day due to companies not willing to take risks in funding them entirely can now be made. It must be that, because if Sony saw this as a great investment/very profitable/not much of a risk, they would have just bought the company (if they were willing), no? And there would not have been a kickstarter. Via the kickstarter route, I can buy into for a fraction of the price of a normal retail game.


How anyone can think that is bad is, frankly, beyond me. What difference does it make to you and I? We part with our money for our games, as before. But LESS money. Or - you buy at release, as you would normally. How can you complain? Don't like it, don't back it. Simple as that.


I also didn't say E3 news doesn't trickle out. I said that the idea of "winning E3" is ridiculous.


No it's not. You "win" E3 by having a great show. Having a great show, by the same hand, brings in the customers.

Edited by Sheikah
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I don't think it's a stretch to say that Sony's way of announcing games was much more effective than Nintendo's this year. Not even close.


Sure Sony's major reveals might be no more than smoke and mirrors of things that don't even exist yet, but it works; time and time again.


E3 is all about building hype for the future. Even if the announcements themselves are ultimately hollow, if they succeed at building hype then they've done the job.


Nintendo's strategy of only announcing stuff that's coming out within the year was clearly a bust. They really should've shown a trailer for Zelda U, even if it was a BS CG trailer.

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Sony Is Helping Make Shenmue III


There’s something curious about Shenmue III on Kickstarter: it’s only asking for $2 million. It took $47 million to build the original game. What’s the deal? As it turns out, Sony’s partnering with its development.


When the Shenmue III bombshell was dropped during Sony’s press conference last night, it wasn’t clear if Sony was simply giving Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki a huge platform to announce the crowdfunding project, or if there was something...more.


Sony director of third party relations Gio Corsi was on the PlayStation live show today, where he joined Suzuki to discuss one of this week’s biggest surprises.


“We hit our goal in under 24 hours,” said Corsi.




Apparently, Sony met with Suzuki at the Game Developers Conference in 2014, the same year he presented an extensive postmortem on Shenmue’s development, which reignited fan interest.


With Shenmue III, the rest of the money seesms to be coming from Sony. How much? No idea.


“Sony and PlayStation is definitely a partner in this game,” said Corsi, “and it’s going to be run through third-party production. We’re going to help Ys Net get the game done, we’re going to be partners on it the whole way, and really excited to see this thing come out in a couple of years.”




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Where did I say Nintendo's E3 wasn't bad? I have agreed that they missed the mark. Yeesh. Just because I'm not jumping on the toxic vitriol train you guys and the rest of the Internet is does not mean I think it was good.


Also it is not a great precedent to set. It really is horrible for it to be a massive focus at an E3 conference. It's terrible and indicative of how the industry is failing, despite Kickstarting games being a fantastic thing.


Also, again, "winning" as a concept that people keep throwing around every E3 is utterly moronic.


Exactly. That's the point I'm making. They should have just said that from the get go, not just go with the kickstarter bull

Edited by Serebii
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Nintendo are obviously is a weird transitional lull between Wii U and NX, and they're choosing to show off games coming out in the near future. I'd rather that than the Sony/Microsoft way of revealing games three years before release. That's just frustrating. Sure maybe 1 nice reveal that's a long way off but not a conference full of them.


It was a disaster E3 but it was a clear indication they've given up on Wii U, and rightly so I guess. What pissed me off more than anything is their choice of games, mulitiplayer Zelda, terrible-looking Starfox, a Metroid co-op game that no one asked for, Animal Crossing board game. If Starfox had looked amazing, they were giving us a traditional Zelda game on 3DS, no mention of that Metroid game at all and maybe one big Wii U reveal (that wasn't Tennis)... I think a lot of people would have been far happier.

Edited by Ronnie
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Xenoblade was out in the 12 months. I agree it shouldn't have had a big focus at this E3, and thankfully it hadn't.


Yoshi is out next week so it's just out of the 12 month period of E3. Again, it shouldn't have had a big E3 segment, especially one that long. Yikes.


Mario Maker is 2015, sure, but it was originally Early 2015 and then got delayed.




Who cares who won E3? That's such an Internet fanboy bullshit thing. It should be one company showed this, it was awesome, another showed this, it was also awesome. Why does one have to "win".


Also, the kickstarter thing isn't incredible, it's fucking diabolical and disgusting. The Shenmue Kickstarter at the conference left a horrifically bitter taste in my mouth, despite the fact Shenmue is awesome.


I said they won it for me, as in I thought they had the best conference and got me excited for their vision of the Playstation. Can you please calm down and relax - you're coming across like you're in physical and mental anguish. Relax :)


The kickstarter thing is a great way of supporting games that would otherwise not come into development due to budgets. Sony are spending a lot of $$$ on it too, remember.


May I suggest taking a break from the internet and going for a walk? You need to take your Nintendo fanboy hat off for a while.

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