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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Last day at work today, been told my leaving present is Wind Waker!...only problem is got to wait til Sunday to have it, at which point my Wii U will already be moved out, have to wait another week to play it!!


It's not going well, don't worry it will be worth the wait believe me.

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Totally side tracked in this evenings session, haha.


Even though I know I'm supposed to go back to Forsaken Fortress I completely put it off and just did some side quests and filling my Nintendo Gallery :D (Outset Island room complete), picked up like 5 or 6 heart pieces :D Got a total of 9 hearts now :)


Must try and get an afternoon session in tomorrow and take on the return to Forsaken, prolly won't get a chance tomorrow evening with the football on and might be away Saturday/Sunday :heh:

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Even though I know I'm supposed to go back to Forsaken Fortress I completely put it off and just did some side quests and filling my Nintendo Gallery :D (Outset Island room complete), picked up like 5 or 6 heart pieces :D Got a total of 9 hearts now :)


I've been putting it off myself as well. Having too much fun exploring.


I'm missing 3 figures from Outset Island. I'm guessing one is Link,


Jabun? Guess I need to get a legendary photo from whathisname.



But not sure who the 3rd one is, but these are the ones I'm currently missing:



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I've been putting it off myself as well. Having too much fun exploring.


I'm missing 3 figures from Outset Island. I'm guessing one is Link,


Jabun? Guess I need to get a legendary photo from whathisname.



But not sure who the 3rd one is, but these are the ones I'm currently missing:




Some guesses as to "who" you might be missing



Yeah Jabun is one, you need to go talk to Lenzo in his shop at Night, the legendary photo he sells changes depending on the moon cycle. Just talk to him and he'll tell you who's picture he is selling, he'll only sell a picture after Link has encountered that character too.


If he doesn't sell you a pic or it is not the one you want/need, just go outside and use the song of passing twice to get to the next night and try again.


I've been fairly lucky and he seemed to have exactly who I wanted on first go after meeting the character and going to Lenzo's shop.



Anyway other possible pictures/figures you might be missing (didn't compare my "room" to your screen shot yet) I'm guessing could be the animals?

The crab, Seagull and Wild Pigs all give figures (only found this out when I took a random pic of a crab and got a "good" mark on it, haha)




Just had a little session and did the "return to Forsaken Fortess" section :D


Now gotta find the two temples, of course ending up putting that off and doing a few more side quests and taking pictures :D Got the 4th Empty bottle, WOOT.


New Selfies in Spoiler tag



Knell before me, my New Apprentice



I feel like Chicken Tonight!



*Oh crap Tetra's here.... ok, keep calm, take a breath and open your eyes and talk to here*....Hi Tetra....*hey where'd she go?*




So this is my house, don't mind the rubble on the ground, just some renovation work going on








Oh and question, this tower seen in the distance from the Castle.... looks familiar is it from another game? I don't recall it from OOT?



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@Mokong X\-C Tbh none of the underwater area looks like that of Ocarina of Time, as annoying as it may be.


I don't know bout that, looks a bit like the path to the castle from the town area, allowing for some changes in the land due to the passing of a a few hundred (or a thousand) and the total rebuliding of the castle after OOT :heh:

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Tbh - I can't remember what stumped me. For any of the games. But it's the fact that not one Zelda game goes by where I'm not actually stumped - and that kinda bugs me a little bit. I know the games are built around puzzles (to an extent), but too often am I having to resort to using a guide. It might just be me - but I know others I've spoke to who have said the same, but it's not deterred them in the same way it has me. Maybe my patience levels are a little shorter than most haha.


As for the DS games - I can't ever really remember being stumped. But they weren't as big (obviously) as the home console games and therefore didn't have as many open areas. It was a pretty set path. That's the kind of game I like though - I like the ones where you can't be too far removed from the task in hand, or the end goal. As I'm sure you can imagine - open world games are my least favourite kind!


I always find something satisfying about Zelda games though, when I actually did break a puzzle without cheating. :laughing:

That sexy little chime that confirms you've just done something right - I love it. I just too often have to look elsewhere to find out how to do it - so the effect isn't quite as rewarding! Lazy Aneres! I need to tell myself that cheaters never prosper when playing WW. :D


@aneres I'm in your camp. Have played and loved numerous Zelda games but actually only finished Wind Waker and OOT on 3DS. My advice would be that Wind Waker is much easier to complete than others. That f*****g water temple in OOT was beyond infuriating.


My personal view on the cost of Wind Waker HD is if you did not play the original then £40 is fair enough. I personally won't be buying it at that price. Zelda games don't have much replay value, so I'm sure there will be plenty of used copies available before too long.

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Got back home today and popped on the game after dinner.


Had a bit of a 50/50 session between getting on with the "mission" and getting side tracked.


Got the Fire and Ice arrows... kinda by mistake. I knew I needed them but forgot where they were I remembered I am now able to visit the Queen of the Fairies so thought I'd pop over and see what she says forgetting she gives the arrow power up :D


So I then used those new powers to get the Iron Boots and Power Bracelets, met both the Sage ghosts but then got distraced again by taking pictures for the Nintendo Gallery.


Picked up a few new Heart Pieces too... up to 11 hearts now


And found my first Triforce Chart (even though I wasn't planning to find it, but I was near the island and figured why not).... the one from the Birds Peak Island I think it was called (west of Forest Haven)



Completed two more Gallery Rooms too so including Outset that makes 3 rooms finished (and should be enough of the gallery filled to stop distracting me now so I can actually get on with saving the world :D)


Selfies in completed rooms :D


Outset Island Room




Windfall Island Room



Forest Haven




I just need Prince Komali to complete the Dragon Roost Room but can't seem to find where the hell he is????? :heh:

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I just need Prince Komali to complete the Dragon Roost Room but can't seem to find where the hell he is????? :heh:


He reappears after the Earth Temple. But be careful as a different Ruto disappears but you probably have him.


I spent of my weekend doing side quests, did the big Traders side quest. Didn't remember it being so long. But mostly doing some exploring and completing the Nintendo Gallery.mostly


I have Outset, Windfall and Dragon Roost complete. Forest Haven I need a few more Koroks who I haven't found yet. The Deku Tree said he marked them on my map but I can't see them.


But all that's left is pretty a few enemies and the remaining boss from the last few areas.


Finally decided to progress the story and finished off the Earth Temple. Wind Temple next!

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He reappears after the Earth Temple. But be careful as a different Ruto disappears but you probably have him.


A cheers


I have Outset, Windfall and Dragon Roost complete. Forest Haven I need a few more Koroks who I haven't found yet. The Deku Tree said he marked them on my map but I can't see them.


Did you not do the side quest involving bringing forest water to the Koroks for the trees they planted?


If not bring an empty bottle to Forest Haven, talk to Deku Tree ask him about the Water then use Bottle to pick up some (you need to stand where it is waist high), you have 30mins to get the water to them all and pour some on each tree (the bottle won't empty you don't need to refil it unless you run out of time). When you leave Forest Haven and check you're map you'll see all the areas marked for where you need to go.

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If not bring an empty bottle to Forest Haven, talk to Deku Tree ask him about the Water then use Bottle to pick up some (you need to stand where it is waist high), you have 30mins to get the water to them all and pour some on each tree (the bottle won't empty you don't need to refil it unless you run out of time). When you leave Forest Haven and check you're map you'll see all the areas marked for where you need to go.


I didn't start the quest so that's why they weren't showing up on the map. Makes sense.




I've mentioned this a couple of times on here but one (well two) of my favourite moments from Wind Waker is awakening the Master Sword.


One of the things I was looking forward to in Skyward Sword was the origins of the forging of the Master Sword however in the end it was quite a let down and doesn't match Wind Waker's awaking of a new sage, the old sage appearing in spirit and Link conducting the song. It still gave me shivers seeing it now.



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If not bring an empty bottle to Forest Haven, talk to Deku Tree ask him about the Water then use Bottle to pick up some (you need to stand where it is waist high), you have 30mins to get the water to them all and pour some on each tree (the bottle won't empty you don't need to refil it unless you run out of time). When you leave Forest Haven and check you're map you'll see all the areas marked for where you need to go.


The Swift Sail made this quest a heck of a lot easier, as i discovered.


I've been doing some of the Windfall trading quests getting the items for the stall chap (can't remember his name). Got a little annoying when i forgot which order to visit the Islands to get the trades from.

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I've mentioned this a couple of times on here but one (well two) of my favourite moments from Wind Waker is awakening the Master Sword.


One of the things I was looking forward to in Skyward Sword was the origins of the forging of the Master Sword however in the end it was quite a let down and doesn't match Wind Waker's awaking of a new sage, the old sage appearing in spirit and Link conducting the song. It still gave me shivers seeing it now.



Agree 100%, both fantastic moments in the game.


Conversely, Skyward Sword was such a let down, there really is no comparison.

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The Swift Sail made this quest a heck of a lot easier, as i discovered.


Indeed, I hardly explored much on the GC cause I was so put off with how slow the Sailing could be even with the Ballad of Gales to warp it still felt such a bore/chore.


But with the Swift Sail I'm finding it hard to not get side tracked :D


I've been doing some of the Windfall trading quests getting the items for the stall chap (can't remember his name). Got a little annoying when i forgot which order to visit the Islands to get the trades from.


Ha, I forgot about that Trading Side-Quest..... looks like I found another reason to put off continuing the story this evening :heh:

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So managed to do both the Trading side quest and the Earth Temple this evening :)



Trading shop fully stocked.... still need to put things in all the town pots..... does it matter what you use? like could I just do all town flowers so it doesn't cost as much?




Things get a little weird between Link and Meldi








Dragon Roost Island Gallery Room finished :awesome: That is all the "village" rooms done now, just Great Sea, and both Enemy rooms to finish. The Small Enemy room is missing just one figure, I'm guessing/hoping it is something inside the Wind Temple



Going to need a few rupees for this, i think about 500 should cover it. The ocean has more than enough to cover.


Ah yes the ocean provides all :).... I find shooting the fishmen is a good way to get a few quick rupees :)

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Dragon Roost Island Gallery Room finished :awesome: That is all the "village" rooms done now, just Great Sea, and both Enemy rooms to finish. The Small Enemy room is missing just one figure, I'm guessing/hoping it is something inside the Wind Temple


Remember that the Mini-Boss for the Wind Temple has an unique figurine. Don't skip it!

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