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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I almost bought a PS4 on Friday. Put it in the virtual shopping basket and everything. Money isn't really a barrier, I'm just fairly sure I'll find myself second guessing my decision if I'm not buying it for that one (or more) must have game. Bring on that Watch Dogs embargo lift, bring on E3, bring on Destiny... Then I'll take the plunge :D

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Sweet! The more the merrier when playing online. Any idea what games you might get with it?


I almost bought a PS4 on Friday. Put it in the virtual shopping basket and everything. Money isn't really a barrier, I'm just fairly sure I'll find myself second guessing my decision if I'm not buying it for that one (or more) must have game. Bring on that Watch Dogs embargo lift, bring on E3, bring on Destiny... Then I'll take the plunge :D


Same as Shorty, really. There's lots of games that I want but there isn't really one killer title yet that's forcing me to get it NOW. I'm looking forward to trying Watch Dogs, Destiny, Alien Isolation, Tomb Raider and The Last of Us. Oh, and Infamous. It's only going to get better, too.

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WAAAAAA!!!! You get to play The Last of Us for the first time!! I'm excited for you.


Recommendations on indie games if you're interested; Resogun and Transistor are brilliant. Seriously, do not hesitate to get them (especially as Transistor uses the DS4 wonderfully). For local play, Towerfall Ascension is up there with Smash Bros.

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Since I probably won't be rebuying The Last of Us or Tomb Raider, if flink's getting both of those that's definitely a reason to jump in sooner than me. I have resogun already thanks to PS+ and will buy Transistor on day one because Bastion was just that good. I'll also be picking up Assassin's Creed IV which I've essentially 'saved' for the next gen.


I just need that one new, killer title at this point to tip me over the edge. I thought that was going to be Infamous but... not quite.

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WAAAAAA!!!! You get to play The Last of Us for the first time!! I'm excited for you.


Recommendations on indie games if you're interested; Resogun and Transistor are brilliant. Seriously, do not hesitate to get them (especially as Transistor uses the DS4 wonderfully). For local play, Towerfall Ascension is up there with Smash Bros.


I'm excited about The Last of Us. Big time.


Personally, I'm excited to be trying out some of the gritty games that you just don't get on Nintendo's systems, or that are extremely rare to come by. I'm actually looking forward to having a powerful machine, a good operating system and all of the online features. It's a bit like comparing my old Sony Ericsson K800i with my Moto G...


Also, no more bullshit over, "will this third party game come? In what way will it be gimped for Nintendo's systems? what features will be missing?" Can't fucking wait. Tired of that particular bullshit.


If the PS4 was backwards compatible with the PS3, I would have purchased it already. :p

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Well, I've had my PS4 for just over a week now, and I absolutely love it so far!


The controller is amazingly comfortable, and one of the best I've ever used, the UI is slick, pretty and incredibly fast. Plus the share function has to be one of the best innovations in gaming for a while, I seriously have no idea how gaming has coped without such a function!


In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this is quickly becoming my favourite console of all-time. It's still early days yet though, so I'll hold off saying that for now, but everything has just resonated with me so well.


Oh, I also appreciate the fact that you're able to download updates in the background whilst still playing. Such a feature has been long overdue.

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What are the chances of it hitting £300 with a couple of games before the end of the year?


I guess Christmas at a stretch, but even then it'd probably be too soon. The PS4 still hugely popular right now, and I don't see the hype dying out any time soon, especially if they have a good showing at E3 (which I expect they will.)

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It has begun. My electric drum kit fund has now become the PS4 fun. 200 quid already. Hoping for some sweet deals after E3/Summer-time/Christmas. I'm ready to believe. :D


(unless Sony have a dreadful E3...)


Dude, fuck that, get the drum kit let's start an N-E post rock, shoegaze band.

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Dude, fuck that, get the drum kit let's start an N-E post rock, shoegaze band.


You have no idea how much I want to do that. :D


Funny enough, shoegazing was the genre I loved at uni. Post rock is what I'm into right now.


Post-shoegaze...could it be?

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Fuck fuck fuck, there's a deal for a PS4 at Shopto/Ebay. Liiiiink. £299!


Incredible self control needed. I'm going to regret this I think but...I'm going to wait til after E3. I'm convinced that good bundles/better deals will come.


But, fuck, that's a great price.

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I'm coming back to UK earlier than expected so a ps4 is becoming more of a possibility sooner! Anyone know what games are coming out this year? Heard the order is delayed to next year. And that ubisoft game... There's a few multiplatform games that could be good, resogun looks like the best game for me, and infamous will undoubtedly be good fun, but what else? Or is it a case of wait for e3?

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I'm coming back to UK earlier than expected so a ps4 is becoming more of a possibility sooner! Anyone know what games are coming out this year? Heard the order is delayed to next year. And that ubisoft game... There's a few multiplatform games that could be good, resogun looks like the best game for me, and infamous will undoubtedly be good fun, but what else? Or is it a case of wait for e3?


Plenty of multiplatform stuff but in terms of exclusives it's a case of waiting till E3.

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£299 for a ps4? oh boy i will have a hard time resisting that


I've got a holiday in Spain for two weeks at the end of June. Had it not been for that, I'm pretty sure I would have bought it right now. I'm being a tight git and going to wait. I'm convinced there's going to be some sort of supreme deal coming soon, I can feel it. There's been too many good deals lately. It's all pointing to something.


Fuck...299. So hard not to dive in. I've got 200 saved up...

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Fuck fuck fuck, there's a deal for a PS4 at Shopto/Ebay. Liiiiink. £299!


Incredible self control needed. I'm going to regret this I think but...I'm going to wait til after E3. I'm convinced that good bundles/better deals will come.


But, fuck, that's a great price.


Damn, that's good. At £50 off I seriously doubt you'll get better than that for a good while (demand for PS4 is still pretty good). I'd say you're hoping for a miracle there, bite before it's gone!


At best I can imagine a deal would be 350 with game, which will mean this is still cheaper.

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I don't think the price is that great... It's been £339 with AC IV for a while at base.com, which you can't get for under much less than £40. At best its £10 cheaper than the typical bundle offer that's been around for the likes of Watch Dogs, CoD or Wolfenstein. But then you have to ask why this is on eBay when they could sell on their own site and pay no eBay fees....


Edit: Really the thing killing this deal is the price of games, they're all close to full RRP, Watch Dogs is £44 everywhere, AC IV is at best £36.16 at Amazon and it's 6 months old.


If you're like me you want to start your console's life with at least two great games. And if they're not outstanding games, you don't really want to pay £40+ for each one.

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