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Predictions for Nintendo in 2013?


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I'd take Wii U Music over another NSMB.


I don't know if you're taking the piss or not... but I completely agree! :yay: Sort out the song list and they could make something truly beautiful (though I worry the name is already to tarnished too win many people over)


I have no idea what Nintendo have planned for this year. I hope they throw a few games in our faces like they did last year. Boom Street literally came out of nowhere, Mario Party 9 was revealed like what, a month or two before it got released? I'm pretty sure the same happened with Project Zero as well, but perhaps I just wasn't very up with my releases ::shrug:


Anyway, the best thing, obviously, would be a new 3D Mario. That would blow my mind, but I can't help but think that might be a while off yet. Considering we had two New Super Mario Bros. games last year and Mario 3D Land in late 2011, they might want to give the big guy a break. As long as the wait isn't as bad as 64 to Sunshine, I won't mind.


I really hope the Diddy Kong Racing rumour is true, but I know it most probably won't be, so I'm trying my hardest not to get excited. Other than that, bring on the new experiences. The games I loved most on Wii were all so experimental and new, I want Nintendo to start surprising us again.


Or just include Mii dogs in some games, they were so cute.



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I'd take a new Wii Sports over another Mario game right now.

If you're talking about another NSMB or some weird Mario sports title, I'll say it's like picking between a worldwide plague and nuclear winter.


However, if you're actually implying that you'd rather see another c**p Wii Sports, then all I have to say to you is:

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No way we will see another NSMB game. Those titles now need to be put to bed for a minimum of 2 years if not more.


The 3DS title is close to hitting 2 mil in Japan alone and will continue selling until the 3DS is dead. They don’t need another NSMB game.

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No way we will see another NSMB game. Those titles now need to be put to bed for a minimum of 2 years if not more.


The 3DS title is close to hitting 2 mil in Japan alone and will continue selling until the 3DS is dead. They don’t need another NSMB game.

They have said that it's one NSMB game per platform so rest easy

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Damn I loved that open ending of Advance Wars: Dual Strike.


What I'd like is for Intelligent Systems to bring the old and the new together with Hawke also having survived the apocalypse of Days of Ruin (assuming it's on the same planet, otherwise, ....spacewars!!!) and perhaps infiltrates the newly set up colonies of the survivors of that game. Or just flat out attack them.


Intelligent systems can only start with a new IP once they've done me a favour and give us an Advance Wars for the 3DS!!!

Or better yet, ON THE WIIU!

Edited by Fused King
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1. Nintendo unveils Zelda 3DS at GDC in March. If they don't, alarm bells will ring.


2. E3 disappoints once again. Fans say: "E3 is no longer aimed at us, wait 'til Nintendo Direct."


3. Nintendo Direct disappoints. Fans say: "Nintendo Direct isn't aimed at us, wait for E3." ;)


4. Nintendo's "big" game of 2013 is Wii Sports U. When fans are underwhelmed, Reggie reacts by saying "You insatiable buggers!!"


5. The big "bridge" game of 2013 is Mario Kart U (Zzzzzzz...)


6. GameCube titles will not be available on the Virtual Console, due to lack of analogue triggers. Nintendo's explanation is "Shucks, we didn't think of that."


7. In November, Nintendo suddenly remembers a number of "boring" games they've been working on that they didn't think anyone would be interested in, and subsequently unveils Wind Waker 2: The New Land, a 2D Metroid that makes the SNES one look pants and Twilight Princess 2: What Link Did Next.

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My dream prediction:


1) Nintendo go on a shoping spree, purchasing a bunch of developers.


2) Nintendo buy a bunch of IP's. Among these are Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark and Conker.


3) A previously unknown first party dev team shows off a Gran Turismo competitor at E3. The game has 500 licensed cars and the developer announces to be planning on adding another 200 as DLC.


4) The original teams behind Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been employed by Nintendo and are working on Perfect Dark 2.


5) First details abour Smash Bros 4 are announced. Just a quick video showing the level of detail on a couple of characters, but nothing playable.


6) Nintendo announce tha 2-in-1 lineup. A system that enables players to buy 3DS games and using software wizardry enables players to play them in HD on their TV screens.


7) Activision decide not to renew the Bond license and for an astronomic sum, Nintendo buy the permanent rights to making games based on the Goldeneye movie. Goldeneye Director's Cut is announced as the launch title for the 2-in-1 system. The game is slated for a release before PD2.


8) New 3D Mario game anounced. Level structure and camera system are more reminiscent of Mario 64 than Galaxy.


9) Metal Gear: Zero Grounds, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect 4, Star Wars 1313, GTA 5 and other high profile games confirmed for Wii U.


My horror prediction:


1) Nintendo only announce one game of interest during the whole year. And it doesen't show off the Wii U's capability.


2) A bunch of games with "Wii" in the title are announced. Wii Sports, Wii Music and Wii Fit are the talk of the day during E3.


3) The Wii U Zelda is displayed late during the year. And it's Cel Shaded. "It's art". It doesen't show off the consoles performance at all, instead causing even more bad press.


4) The garbage ports make Nintendo to make stricter demands on developers. Several devs, including EA are officially confirmed to stop supporting the system.


5) By the time of the PS3 and Xbox 360 announcements, Nintendo haven't shown off a single game that looks better than an average Xbox360-game. Any hope of creating buzz around the console is now dead. Causing christmas sales to be disastrous. A few days after christmas, Nintendo announce they'll pull out of the home console market if the first party content already in development won't be able to to turn it around.

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With the "dream" predictions of purchasing Rare's franchises, Nintendo would also have to set up a new UK studio to make them. their franchises simply wouldn't be the same without British humour.


Well, for some franchises like Conker and Banjo, I agree. Not so much regarding the likes of Perfect Dark though.

But my dream is for the original devs to get reunited and then get help from brilliant tech and graphics people from Crysis or some other high-end dev.

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