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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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Once the supermarkets get in on the act and the price is driven down by about £50 it will hit more of a sales sweet spot. They do need some solid announcements between now and E3 though to appeal to core gamers and Nintendo fans who haven't bitten yet. Things like the OS speed boost and the beginnings of the VC will also make it seem like a more robust prospect. Gradually marketing needs to ramp up too and clarify what hell this "U" thing is for folk who are less clued up.


I don't think we need to worry about another Vita scenario just yet!


So it seems that Nintendo had to drop their initial TV ad for Wii U in the UK, after only 1 complaint! (Sony or Microsoft? :heh:):


A TV ad for the Nintendo Wii U games console included the claim "Say someone wants to watch TV when you're halfway through a game ... do both, and everyone's happy". The player was shown switching from playing on the TV screen to playing on the built-in screen of the GamePad controller.


The complainant, who believed that the option to switch gameplay to the GamePad controller would not be available on all games, challenged whether the ad was misleading.

This seems silly, but maybe it's a fellow Nintendoid trying to do them a favour! ;) The ads need a revamp!

Edited by Lens of Truth
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Patterns and trends have nothing to do with a console having no games being released. There is no excuse for such a barren schedule.


You remind me of people this time last year who said the vita would be fine and there was no problem etc etc. 1 year later sales still in the gutter. It's not a good look.


To be fair, Wii Fit U and Game & Wario at the very least are both due for release in the next 2 months.


They should both shift some hardware.

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Not that I care about sales data (especially from Japan).


But anyone moaning about 'Vita level sales' etc. should (like Serebii) look at the trend. EVERY console went down on the previous week's sales by one third...


This is not a 'Wii U sales drop off to near Vita levels' story, this is a 'console sales in Japan after Christmas and New Year fall to 33% of previous week' story!

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To be fair, Wii Fit U and Game & Wario at the very least are both due for release in the next 2 months.


They should both shift some hardware.


No confirmed dates.


But anyone moaning about 'Vita level sales' etc. should (like Serebii) look at the trend. EVERY console went down on the previous week's sales by one third...


This is not a 'Wii U sales drop off to near Vita levels' story, this is a 'console sales in Japan after Christmas and New Year fall to 33% of previous week' story!


And your explanation for last week when 3DS sales increased, PS3 sales increased, PSP sales increased and even the Vita sales increased. Everything saw week 1 New Year bump apart from the Wii U.

Edited by liger05
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No confirmed dates.




And your explanation for last week when 3DS sales increased, PS3 sales increased, PSP sales increased and even the Vita sales increased. Everything saw week 1 New Year bump apart from the Wii U.

1. The Wii U is four weeks old

2. There are no sales and price reductions on the Wii U due to #1

3. Install bases grow over time

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1. The Wii U is four weeks old

2. There are no sales and price reductions on the Wii U due to #1

3. Install bases grow over time


There are no price reductions on the Vita or PS3 in Japan either but the sales still got a bump in Week 1.


Install bases do grow over time, but like I said look at the Vita was released holiday season 2012 and cant even shift 20k a week so there is no guarantee of that. The only thing which increases install bases is software. When the Wii U has a constant stream of compelling software then I expect the to see the install base to rise but until then the sales are going to tank.


I hope the third parties are on board but I do wonder if the lack of titles suggest they are not.

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There are no price reductions on the Vita or PS3 in Japan either but the sales still got a bump in Week 1.


Install bases do grow over time, but like I said look at the Vita was released holiday season 2012 and cant even shift 20k a week so there is no guarantee of that. The only thing which increases install bases is software. When the Wii U has a constant stream of compelling software then I expect the to see the install base to rise but until then the sales are going to tank.


I hope the third parties are on board but I do wonder if the lack of titles suggest they are not.

Price reductions on the retail side, not the industry side. It happens in Japan just like it happens here

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I do hope we're not heading towards a future where NINTENDO thinks they need to rectify a weak launch with more Marios, Zeldas and Pokémons in order to get momentum going.


I'm wondering whether we'll ever get to see another new franchise coming out of NINTENDO which will take its place amongst the NINTENDO greats. They've been doing it on a smaller scale now with eShop games, but what could eventually be that heavy-hitter for the WiiU that is new, and fresh and, dare I say, risque?


With their latest BIG new franchises being casual homeruns (Wii Sports, Wii Fit) I wonder if they still have it in them to go all out with a big-budget on a special project directed towards gamers, because it looks as if year in year out gamers get the same franchises over and over again from NINTENDO.

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I do hope we're not heading towards a future where NINTENDO thinks they need to rectify a weak launch with more Marios, Zeldas and Pokémons in order to get momentum going.


I'm wondering whether we'll ever get to see another new franchise coming out of NINTENDO which will take its place amongst the NINTENDO greats. They've been doing it on a smaller scale now with eShop games, but what could eventually be that heavy-hitter for the WiiU that is new, and fresh and, dare I say, risque?


With their latest BIG new franchises being casual homeruns (Wii Sports, Wii Fit) I wonder if they still have it in them to go all out with a big-budget on a special project directed towards gamers, because it looks as if year in year out gamers get the same franchises over and over again from NINTENDO.

See, I don't get this. Having a launch filled with games like that would be very, VERY bad. It's saturate the market place and cause weaker sales for games that would typically sell 5-10 million minimum.


It'd also create fragmentation with the third parties who wouldn't want to release stuff against known powerhouses.

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Probably because I seem to be the only one here who can see patterns, trends etc.


I see your point and love your optimism. But surely you see this isn't just following a trend, it is a dire situation. That coupled with even announcements today of a JAPANESE game not coming to the wii u. Things are bleak and Nintendo aren't filling us with any confidence.

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I think the main problem is that we've had nothing like THIS at launch:



It's early days yet, and I'm sure as soon as Nintendo start pumping out some great first party content, good times will be had.


...It's just I don't know if that first party content exists. I was a fan of the original Pikmin, but Pikmin 3 looks so dull. Wii Fit U also doesn't get my pulse racing. Bring on E3 I say.

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I don't think that they can afford to wait all the way until E3 before announcing big future titles mind you. They need to drum up some excitement long before then in order to give the Wii U some momentum!


Couldn't agree more. GDC in March will probably be big this year, with a first look at Microsoft and Sony's new consoles. I personally think Nintendo should grasp the bull by the horns sooner rather than later and announce as many games as possible.


Next week we could see 10 – 15k and then the Wii U is at the same level as Vita which has no doubt been a sales failure. Once the 3DS was tracking below 50k Nintendo were panicking.


I just do not understand why the software schedule is so barren. Maybe they didn’t manage to get the third parties onboard and that explains why there are no games on the horizon.


They knew the situation but still instead of using the E-shop or having a Wii U VC to help fill the gap there is nothing.


I thought Iwata learned from the 3DS launch that a steady stream of content is paramount. 3 months with no significant releases is just crazy unless they just thought Nintendoland and NSMBU will carry the console.


Yep, all good points. I think the fact they said they'd learned from 3DS was one of the things that made people assume E3 would be a lot different than it was. To me, the 3DS had a much better launch, had more buzz, had better games at launch and better games on the way.


I suppose Nintendo did the logical thing (on paper) by prioritising a "Mii" game and an NSMB game for Wii U, and they have been somewhat vindicated by the attach rates for those titles, but I think their focus on those two blurred the whole picture for them.


I do hope we're not heading towards a future where NINTENDO thinks they need to rectify a weak launch with more Marios, Zeldas and Pokémons in order to get momentum going.


I'm wondering whether we'll ever get to see another new franchise coming out of NINTENDO which will take its place amongst the NINTENDO greats. They've been doing it on a smaller scale now with eShop games, but what could eventually be that heavy-hitter for the WiiU that is new, and fresh and, dare I say, risque?


With their latest BIG new franchises being casual homeruns (Wii Sports, Wii Fit) I wonder if they still have it in them to go all out with a big-budget on a special project directed towards gamers, because it looks as if year in year out gamers get the same franchises over and over again from NINTENDO.


Probably not. I think it's as you say. They only have so many studios (I was just reading a blog post about it actually), and those titles like Wii Fit and Wii Sports do take up some of their biggest teams.


I do think Nintendo needs to rely on the old favourites, but partly because they offer something that newer IPs don't. With Zelda and Metroid (Prime) you get to explore 3D worlds. If a new franchise looked as good as Zelda, I think people would be just as excited about it, but a new IP often means puzzle, tower defence or experiments in controls. If they could get Kid Icarus, Raven Blade or whatever to offer the same appeal as Zelda/Metroid, then that'd be great.

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I do hope we're not heading towards a future where NINTENDO thinks they need to rectify a weak launch with more Marios, Zeldas and Pokémons in order to get momentum going.


I'm wondering whether we'll ever get to see another new franchise coming out of NINTENDO which will take its place amongst the NINTENDO greats. They've been doing it on a smaller scale now with eShop games, but what could eventually be that heavy-hitter for the WiiU that is new, and fresh and, dare I say, risque?


With their latest BIG new franchises being casual homeruns (Wii Sports, Wii Fit) I wonder if they still have it in them to go all out with a big-budget on a special project directed towards gamers, because it looks as if year in year out gamers get the same franchises over and over again from NINTENDO.


Yes, I sure want a new IP. But to be honest, I want Nintendo to start up a bunch of new studios and spoil us for choice. Or cancel everything casual and spoil us. Promise us that the Wii U will have a new entry in ALL their franchises (that's right, EVERYTHING, including Stunt Race FX and Wild Gunman), plus a new franchise every year.


Yeah, I know, wishful thinking, but still.

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I see your point and love your optimism. But surely you see this isn't just following a trend, it is a dire situation. That coupled with even announcements today of a JAPANESE game not coming to the wii u. Things are bleak and Nintendo aren't filling us with any confidence.


Yup. Add that to the list of the new Splinter Cell, which got a release date trailer yesterday but no mention of a Wii U version and Aliens, which has a release date for every version (12th Feb) bar the Wii U one and you have to start wondering just what the hell is going on with 3rd party software.


Some of these maybe under some magical NDA and if that is the case then it's borderline insane at this point. Sure, NDAs are fine for launch games but Nintendo need to give gamers a reason to buy their product and when you get other consoles getting games announced and the Wii U not even getting a mention, it's just flat out weird.


I will say it doesn't really bother me as I usually get all my multiplatform releases on the 360 but for those who just game on the Wii U it's a kick in the nuts.

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I can't remember where it leaked from (probably Linked in), but supposedly a Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklisted is in the works for Wii U.


With Ubisoft being bestest buddies with Nintendo though, it shouldn't really come as a surprise.


Also, it seems that an NDA is still in place for 3rd party titles... The Wii U version of F1 Race Stars was constantly denied to exist when the publisher was asked about it. Fast forward a few months and it suddenly & magically appeared on NOE's Q1 release list...

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I can't remember where it leaked from (probably Linked in), but supposedly a Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklisted is in the works for Wii U.


With Ubisoft being bestest buddies with Nintendo though, it shouldn't really come as a surprise.


Also, it seems that an NDA is still in place for 3rd party titles... The Wii U version of F1 Race Stars was constantly denied to exist when the publisher was asked about it. Fast forward a few months and it suddenly & magically appeared on NOE's Q1 release list...


This whole NDA thing is a joke at this point. Yes, keep your 1st party titles secrets if need be, but 3rd party titles should be getting announced the same time as the other consoles versions if they are in development.


Game development takes time. Final devkits didn't get out to developers until Spring/Summer last year. As such, many developers would likely rather build something new from scratch rather than do a last minute port


New games are all well and good but I'm sure many on here would like ports of DmC, Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Dead Space etc. on the Wii U.

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This is the thing, I don't see a game that has just got announced getting a Wii U release being a shoddy/simple port. Black Ops 2 didn't get labelled that, Injutsice for all and aliens aren't. It's EXPECTED!!! All games from now will be expected to get a wii U release rightly or wrongly. And I think it is a very worrying state of affairs that a lot of 3party miltiplatform games are ignoring the wii u. Hide behind the "they only get dev kits last spring" all you want but that excuses is getting cheaper and cheaper by the day.

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Game development takes time. Final devkits didn't get out to developers until Spring/Summer last year. As such, many developers would likely rather build something new from scratch rather than do a last minute port


You can port a game pretty easily within 6 months. The fact that game development takes time is the reason we won't be seeing loads of new games as of yet.

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See, I don't get this. Having a launch filled with games like that would be very, VERY bad. It's saturate the market place and cause weaker sales for games that would typically sell 5-10 million minimum.


It'd also create fragmentation with the third parties who wouldn't want to release stuff against known powerhouses.


I don't know if you understand what I said, Serebii.


What do you mean with 'games like that'?

I take it you mean known powerhouses such as Mario or Pokémon, because you use that term later on.

And I never said anything about launching with the NINTENDO greats, though I won't deny that those franchises will sell the system...


What I was getting at is that it looks as if, when the chips are down, NINTENDO immediately has a team or 3 ready to give us the regular Mario Kart, Mario Brothers, Wii(U) *titel*, etc. In fact, they're probably already working on those franchises in order to have a back-up.


Here's my ideal situation:


NINTENDO should have a few divisions which should be trusted with these games that sell millions, but that isn't to say that these franchises can't be given to another developer from time to time for something fresh.


Other divisions can 'go all out' so to speak, for they can rely on the fact that those other games will sell enough for them to try out some new stuff. Who knows, those new games might actually also sell well and all will be good :)


I think the main problem is that we've had nothing like THIS at launch:


You know, the mere Idea of Smash on a powerful HD system such as the WiiU, and seeing Kirby in HD :D, is just too damn awesome I think, because my brain seems determined to keep it out of my thoughts because it would probably explode.


Oh shit, too late.....

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This whole NDA thing is a joke at this point. Yes, keep your 1st party titles secrets if need be, but 3rd party titles should be getting announced the same time as the other consoles versions if they are in development.


Its silly. Take COD: Black Ops. Annually the biggest selling franchise in the West and it took forever just for this game to be confirmed as getting a Wii U release. Why delay that?


There could be a bunch of 3rd party stuff coming out but not letting people know this only creates negative thoughts. 6 months ago I was basically thinking that the only 360 titles I would be getting were the exclusive games and all multi platform titles I would get on the Wii U. I don’t think this is going to be the case though we still don’t know what games defiantly have a Wii U release date and which ones do not as the whole NDA thing with 3rd parties causes nothing but more questions.

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