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Which still doesn't change the fact that the studios who make such crap could of been used to something new for a change. This isn't 2006, time to move on from the wii already.


Damn Yoshida has tweeted PS4 has sold through 1m units in 1 day in North America.


Guess those who looked at the wii u and Vita sales proclaiming the industry was set for a crash and people don't want consoles anymore need to eat crow.


PS4 will surpass wii u in 1 year easily.

Yeah, how dare Nintendo try to go for a market other than the hardcore bro gamer. The swines.


Doing a sequel to a game that sold over 8 million? The bastards...they know nothing and should all be fired.

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In regards to DK, I'm still with those who said its delay was tactical. What else do Nintendo have early doors next year?


Nice PS4 numbers and it's yet to launch in other countries. It would crazy if it does a million in Europe as well. It could be snapping at Wii Us heels before the year is out. Of course the big test is whether it will continue to sell throughout early next year. Infamous will help keep the momentum, as will 3rd party releases.


Considering how popular Sony is in Europe it is definitely possible.


]Yeah, how dare Nintendo try to go for a market other than the hardcore bro gamer. The swines.


Doing a sequel to a game that sold over 8 million? The bastards...they know nothing and should all be fired.


How about trying to entice the core bro market for a start instead of just ignoring it.


As I have said before market trends need to be watched.


The sales of titles like Brain Training and Nintendoland could of told them all they need to know about that audience but no Nintendo still bothers with Wii u party and surprise surprise it bombed hard. Good job.


Once wii u sports and Wii U fit bomb you'll probably be asking them to release wii u music.

Edited by liger05
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Considering how popular Sony is in Europe it is definitely possible.




How about trying to entice the core bro market for a start instead of just ignoring it.


As I have said before market trends need to be watched.


The sales of titles like Brain Training and Nintendoland could of told them all they need to know about that audience but no Nintendo still bothers with Wii u party and surprise surprise it bombed hard. Good job.


Once wii u sports and Wii U fit bomb you'll probably be asking them to release wii u music.

Why would I ask them to make Wii U Music? All I'm saying is that they have as much right and logic to make Wii Party U as they do Donkey Kong Country.


How much did the Wii U do day one?

Just under half that, but the Wii U did better than 360 and PS3.


It's why I question if it's shipped or sold-through. Shipped I'd accept willingly, but sold-through is a bit much considering several reports of stores having stock that isn't being shifted.


If true, then hooray. I'm happy for Sony as the PS4 is a fantastic bit of kit, ignoring the errors and faults that people keep reporting. Will definitely pick one up when it has a game lineup that isn't generic.


Though it's best not to assume that it's going to keep momentum such as this. Wii U had a fairly decent launch, selling 3m units in the first month worldwide...then it dropped off. Sony has some of the same issues the Wii U did and that is that it has a rather large drought coming until March, so I hope they do manage to keep some momentum.

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How much did the Wii U do day one?


I can't find day one figures but in North America within the first week it sold 400,000 units http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-11-26-wii-u-sells-400-000-in-us-in-first-week


And by six weeks it had sold 890,000 units http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-01-11-wii-u-has-stronger-first-six-weeks-than-wii


This article is also bound to make you laugh and cry: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-10-29-nintendo-depending-on-third-parties-for-wii-u

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Why would I ask them to make Wii U Music? All I'm saying is that they have as much right and logic to make Wii Party U as they do Donkey Kong Country.


Just because something like that sold big numbers on the Wii doesn't mean it will do the same on the Wii U. A blind man on a galloping horse can see that audience has moved on and if Nintendo kept their eye on the ball they would have seen this.


It will be interesting to see what Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country do on the Wii U. The Wii versions done great numbers but were inflated by the expanded audience. With only the Nintendo fans carrying the Wii U at the moment they aren't going to be anywhere near what the Wii versions were.

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Why would I ask them to make Wii U Music? All I'm saying is that they have as much right and logic to make Wii Party U as they do Donkey Kong Country.


Your logic is simply looking at how a past title has sold without looking at any of the variables which have happened between then and now. One could look at how big gutair hero was and decide it was time for another music peripheral title but we all know that would be stupid as people don't care about those type of games anymore.


Back to PS4 sales. Considering that the launch lineup is not that good I think it shows just how hungry people were for a new console after such a long generation. Not a console similar the one they already own but a true next gen console.


It will be interesting to see what Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country do on the Wii U. The Wii versions done great numbers but were inflated by the expanded audience. With only the Nintendo fans carrying the Wii U at the moment they aren't going to be anywhere near what the Wii versions were.


From what I remember Gamecube titles sold very well to a small install base so I think they need to be looking at similar. Will be very interesting to see how Mario performs as doesn't seem to be getting that much pre order demand in Japan.

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Your logic is simply looking at how a past title has sold without looking at any of the variables which have happened between then and now. One could look at how big gutair hero was and decide it was time for another music peripheral title but we all know that would be stupid as people don't care about those type of games anymore.


Back to PS4 sales. Considering that the launch lineup is not that good I think it shows just how hungry people were for a new console after such a long generation. Not a console similar the one they already own but a true next gen console.




From what I remember Gamecube titles sold very well to a small install base so I think they need to be looking at similar. Will be very interesting to see how Mario performs as doesn't seem to be getting that much pre order demand in Japan.

Yes, but using your logic the core audience is gone from the Wii U as well. These games are to lure people to them. Why is it that for you they can try to lure the core audience and not attempt to lure back the expanded audience? Just because that audience has shifted to smartphones does not mean it can't be done and should not be attempted.

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Oh and to note, the Sony press release does say sell through rather than shipped.




Just noticed Shu Yoshida tweet out to IGN specifically telling them it was sold to customers and not shipped, asking them to update their news.

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Yes, but using your logic the core audience is gone from the Wii U as well. These games are to lure people to them. Why is it that for you they can try to lure the core audience and not attempt to lure back the expanded audience? Just because that audience has shifted to smartphones does not mean it can't be done and should not be attempted.


Because the core audience are far more likely to stick around than a casual fickle audience which move onto the next fad. The wii is old news.


Iwata prior to the Wii U launch mentioned himself that they lost the more traditional gamer at the expense of the new audience and that needed to be addressed. Now can you say since the wii and now Nintendo have honestly made an attempt to entice people who went for the 360/PS3 instead of a wii?

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Because the core audience are far more likely to stick around than a casual fickle audience which move onto the next fad. The wii is old news.


Iwata prior to the Wii U launch mentioned himself that they lost the more traditional gamer at the expense of the new audience and that needed to be addressed. Now can you say since the wii and now Nintendo have honestly made an attempt to entice people who went for the 360/PS3 instead of a wii?

So? They're doing bloody both, and they're done by different studios with Wii Party U done by one that mostly focuses on things such as that.


The way you're acting is as if they delayed DKC for this game, which is absolute bollocks. It was delayed because they needed more time to work on it. It is as simple as that.

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So? They're doing bloody both, and they're done by different studios with Wii Party U done by one that mostly focuses on things such as that.


The way you're acting is as if they delayed DKC for this game, which is absolute bollocks. It was delayed because they needed more time to work on it. It is as simple as that.


My mistake must just be me who seems to only hear the word family being repeated over and over again.

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Just under half that, but the Wii U did better than 360 and PS3.


It's why I question if it's shipped or sold-through. Shipped I'd accept willingly, but sold-through is a bit much considering several reports of stores having stock that isn't being shifted.


If true, then hooray. I'm happy for Sony as the PS4 is a fantastic bit of kit, ignoring the errors and faults that people keep reporting. Will definitely pick one up when it has a game lineup that isn't generic.


Though it's best not to assume that it's going to keep momentum such as this. Wii U had a fairly decent launch, selling 3m units in the first month worldwide...then it dropped off. Sony has some of the same issues the Wii U did and that is that it has a rather large drought coming until March, so I hope they do manage to keep some momentum.

That's the most back-handed congratulations I've ever read. Kudos.


Beyond the sold through figures @Ashley posted, there's nothing close to a large drought coming. That's wishful thinking. Q1 has Drive Club, Daylight, Planetside 2, plus indie games like Secret Poncho. That isn't a drought and the beginning of the year is always quiet, this year isn't very different.


This is like that time you ignored evidence sale trends and told us the Wii U's sales would pick up as soon as [iNSERT GAME NAME] was released.

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And with that, another era of PS2 style domination awaits Sony...


Homogenous consoles and "traditional" gaming live to fight another day. Nintendo go through their darkest hour, as nearly all major 3rd parties abandon them completely (leaving nothing but indies and collab developed games) - their survival on the very brink - and Xbox's future lies in a cloud of uncertainty as MS goes through corporate transformation in the time of smartphone/tablet encroachment on desktops and Sony dominance in the gaming sector.


Dark times ahead outside the lucky few this generation... The PC renascence provides an interesting alternative avenue this time around though...

Edited by Dcubed
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And with that, another era of PS2 style domination awaits Sony...


Homogenous consoles and "traditional" gaming live to fight another day. Nintendo go through their darkest hour, as nearly all major 3rd parties abandon them completely (leaving nothing but indies and collab developed games) - their survival on the very brink - and Xbox's future lies in a cloud of uncertainty as MS goes through corporate transformation in the time of smartphone/tablet encroachment on desktops and Sony dominance in the gaming sector.


Dark times ahead...


Why dark times? The PSOne and PS2 eras were fantastic, with many a good game being released.

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Why dark times? The PSOne and PS2 eras were fantastic, with many a good game being released.


Part of my post was missing... Bloody iPhone...


That being said, those days will never return with the current crop of machines. The developers who made those great games back then are gone now and the market has rejected the kinds of games that made those past generations great - leaving no room for anything outside of the Hollywood AAA blockbusters.


Indies are our only hope now, outside of a very small select few like Atlus, Capcom (when their execs aren't ruining their games with their corporate meddling) Nintendo, SEGA, Indieszero, Inticreates, Silicon Studios, From Software, Platinum & Treasure; and all of them are fighting just to survive right now :( It won't be long... :cry: )


The PS4 dominating will not save these developers from doom (and once the creators of real quality games are ousted from the industry, it may as well be dead :( )


But that's another topic entirely :blank:

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That's the most back-handed congratulations I've ever read. Kudos.


Beyond the sold through figures @Ashley posted, there's nothing close to a large drought coming. That's wishful thinking. Q1 has Drive Club, Daylight, Planetside 2, plus indie games like Secret Poncho. That isn't a drought and the beginning of the year is always quiet, this year isn't very different.


This is like that time you ignored evidence sale trends and told us the Wii U's sales would pick up as soon as [iNSERT GAME NAME] was released.

Pretty sure people could rattle off a list of Nintendo games.


Just did a check and those games aren't dated. Infamous isn't until March. Drive Club is just listed as "Early 2014". Daylight is a broad "Q1"...so March. Planetside 2 is just 2014


Sounds an awful lot like the Wii U line-up...sure it has a few exclusive games in March, but everything else is few and far between.


Nice that it's "early year is always quiet" with Sony, but with Nintendo it's "Nintendo has a severe drought. They have failed. Iwata should be fired"

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And with that, another era of PS2 style domination awaits Sony...


Homogenous consoles and "traditional" gaming live to fight another day. Nintendo go through their darkest hour, as nearly all major 3rd parties abandon them completely (leaving nothing but indies and collab developed games) - their survival on the very brink - and Xbox's future lies in a cloud of uncertainty as MS goes through corporate transformation in the time of smartphone/tablet encroachment on desktops and Sony dominance in the gaming sector.


Dark times ahead outside the lucky few this generation... The PC renascence provides an interesting alternative avenue this time around though...


IMO consoles themselves should have a strong degree of homogeneity or at least conform to an expected standard. At the end of the day, it's all about the software, and different software can be put onto technically similar pieces of hardware.


Nintendo broke away by making their hardware in a way that people didn't want it. They're viewed by the industry as a bit of a joke (not just for their hardware choice, admittedly) and it has hurt them immesnely.


TL;DR The PC format is as 'standardised' as you can get and has some of the most imaginative games there are. It's all about the developers; give them good hardware they can work with and the only limitation is themselves.

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Pretty sure people could rattle off a list of Nintendo games.


Just did a check and those games aren't dated. Infamous isn't until March. Drive Club is just listed as "Early 2014". Daylight is a broad "Q1"...so March. Planetside 2 is just 2014


Sounds an awful lot like the Wii U line-up...sure it has a few exclusive games in March, but everything else is few and far between.


Nice that it's "early year is always quiet" with Sony, but with Nintendo it's "Nintendo has a severe drought. They have failed. Iwata should be fired"


The thing is both Sony and Microsoft can probably afford droughts ( not that I think they will have to suffer as the Wii U did ) due to the nature of their games. Most of their own games and 3rd party ones have online modes which allows people to constantly jump in to, long after the story/campaign is over. You also have achievements and trophies to nab and increase the length of the game, if your so inclined of course.


The way I see it, Sony have sold a great amount of consoles and if they keep it up it will show that they have understood their audience and promoted their console well. Nintendo on the other hand didn't do either.

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Sony AND Microsoft can afford droughts at the beginning of a new systems lifespans for 2 reasons:

1. They will get 3rd party software in that time.

2. They are GUARANTEED to see third party and customer support for next 4-5 years as they are proper next generation machines that the industry has been waiting for.


It's very different to Nintendo who took a gamble with the Wii U, with neither them or the consumer base knowing what the future of the console would be like.


Also, the idea that the PS4 'drought' is the same as the Wii U one is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Pikmin came out in bloody AUGUST and we're still waiting on a proper Mario game (albeit that's pretty much out now). If the Wii U drought was the same as the PS4 one us Wii U owners would be absolutely ecstatic.

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I think Nintendo's problem was they really thought that it'd get off to a better start and that 3rd parties would develop for the Wii U now they'd made the jump to HD. But the poor start took any confidence in the system that developers may have had away, and left the console struggling with very few other than Nintendo supporting it. The lack of advertising and the fact that the Wii U has never really been pushed in any retailer hasn't helped either.


Sony's launch/marketing strategy for the PS4 has been brilliant, to be honest. Sales will drop, but the difference is 3rd parties won't stop developing.


And to weigh in on the Wii Party U etc. debate, they probably started developing these titles in the early stages of Wii U development - as the first iterations were successful, why wouldn't they? They thought 3rd parties would fill the gap for the more traditional gamer, and by the time they realised this wasn't the case, they weren't gonna go and cancel them, were they? Games are just magicked out of nowhere - they take time to develop!


I too wish that things like Starfox, F-Zero, Metroid, 1080, Kid Icarus, etc. were coming to the Wii U. But that doesn't make these titles worthless.

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Pretty sure people could rattle off a list of Nintendo games.


Just did a check and those games aren't dated. Infamous isn't until March. Drive Club is just listed as "Early 2014". Daylight is a broad "Q1"...so March. Planetside 2 is just 2014


Sounds an awful lot like the Wii U line-up...sure it has a few exclusive games in March, but everything else is few and far between.


Nice that it's "early year is always quiet" with Sony, but with Nintendo it's "Nintendo has a severe drought. They have failed. Iwata should be fired"


It's always quiet for everyone. There is no side-taking here, just pure fact. Look at the games listed for the next 90 days (mid-Feb) on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=n%3A300703%2Cp_n_date%3A182255031%2Cp_36%3A1950-99999999%2Cn%3A%211025616%2Cn%3A676193011&bbn=676193011&ie=UTF8&qid=1384700956&lo=videogames


Ignoring those that will be part of the console launches, its all filler. Once you get to mid-December releases dry up completely for about two months, across the board.


Daft wasn't saying "it's a quiet spell for Sony but a drought for Nintendo", nor was he using the ridiculous hyperbole that you threw in but I'm sure you will say is "ironic" or "intentionally ridiculous" when in fact it just makes you look like a rabid fanboy, he was saying that time of year is habitually quiet. It was you that used the word "drought" to describe the PS4's offering:


Sony has some of the same issues the Wii U did and that is that it has a rather large drought coming until March, so I hope they do manage to keep some momentum.


See, you said the PS4 has "a rather large drought" but you ignore the fact that other consoles do because of the time of the year. Look at the Wii U line up from now until March. There's Mario in two weeks, Scribblenauts in December and Assassins Creed this week. The rest is pure filler that is primarily on all consoles (in fact looking at it, it's all multiplatform so they are moot). I'd be interested to read this list of Nintendo games you could rattle off with this in mind.


Looking at the games launched on the Wii U in January there was Sing Party, Ninja Gaiden and some multiplatform stuff. Then there was nothing at all for six weeks before March kicked in. Now at the moment the PS4 line up for early next year doesn't look great, but there's a lot of titles where dates just haven't been set. I'm sure that it is possible that this time last year it looked the same on the Wii U, but can't recall when dates were released.


tl;dr January-March is quiet, particularly the start of that, due to post-Christmas fatigue (financial and releases). All of the consoles are in the same boat. Trying to argue that one console is in any better position than another is a waste of time. Just go out, buy the games you want and enjoy.

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Pretty sure people could rattle off a list of Nintendo games.


Just did a check and those games aren't dated. Infamous isn't until March. Drive Club is just listed as "Early 2014". Daylight is a broad "Q1"...so March. Planetside 2 is just 2014


Sounds an awful lot like the Wii U line-up...sure it has a few exclusive games in March, but everything else is few and far between.


Nice that it's "early year is always quiet" with Sony, but with Nintendo it's "Nintendo has a severe drought. They have failed. Iwata should be fired"


I know it will make you feel a lot better if Sony or MS have a severe drought like the wii u did for 6-9 months but let's not assume that will happen just yet.


Oh and the reason why Iwata got stick was he said Nintendo had learnt from the 3DS launch and wouldn't allow the wii u to suffer a software drought. He said that. Not the press, not the fans, the CEO of the company said it so yes damn right he should be held responsible.

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I think Sony's focus on the independent developer right from the outset has been a huge indicator they want to go back to the PS2 golden days. It's still looking like the PS2 is marginally ahead in sales than the DS, maintaining its best sold game hardware status, and I think Sony themselves are the ones who want to beat that the most after how fucking rough the PS3 was looking out of the gate.


It's funny, we compare the Wii U to the Dreamcast, but isn't it incredibly similar to the PS3? Too expensive for people to consider out of the gate (clearly it wasn't worth that amount otherwise people would have bought it), only titles the core would be interested in etc. The Dreamcast ended a companies place in the hardware industry, I doubt the Wii U will do that considering the immense reserves Nintendo has accumulated over the Wii years.

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