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Diddy Kong Racing Wii U (Wanted)


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Glad @Dcubed got in and posted his doubts to take the flack first cos when I skimmed this thread early this morning, I pretty much thought it sounded like too many convenient coincidences/ grasping at straws. Fun to think of all that stuff going on behind the scenes, all unbeknownst to us, but it really does read like someone trying to stir the rumour mill.


Now, if Nintendo were going to revive a DKR for us I'd really love it to be Donkey Kong Racing, which got canned when Rare were sold off. :cry: Still wish Nintendo had kept Rare and their old staff.



I still have screenshots of this printed out on an A4 page. One of the greatest games that never got made. :yay:


Man I miss Rare so much. When I become a billionaire I am hiring back all the old staff and getting this and BK3 finally made.

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No. Microsoft own all the rights to Rare's IP. They could shut down the studio tomorrow and they would still be able to hold onto Rare's IP to shop around however they wanted to. They can also licence out Rare's IP however they want without their permission either - Killer Instinct on Xbone and Conker in Project Spark should be proof enough of that.


It's like with Bungie. Even after selling the studio back to their owners, MS still retain all ownership of the Halo IP.


Even if Rare made DKRDS, Nintendo would still have had to licence the characters that MS own. Microsoft were obviously ok with Rare making the game for Nintendo, but either they didn't want to licence Banjo and Conker to Nintendo to allow them into the DS game, or Nintendo weren't willing to pay the price/drop the game into any sort of licencing/royalty sharing hell.


Rare as you said, is a subsidiary, and subsidiaries exist as separate entities. Yes, like with Bungie, the studio can be sold and rights taken and transferred etc. I've even said that already - what I'm saying is that the rights were originally with Rare, and possibly still there - why would Microsoft have bothered to legally register them to themselves when they wholly own Rare? To say Microsoft own the rights, and not Rare, aren't neccessarily the case. Rare could own them, AND thusly Microsoft own them by extension.


This is all in response to your asking why Nintendo would have to buy/license the characters - it'd be because they don't own/have them. Given BanjoKazooie and Conker's Bad Fur day, I'd hazard a guess the characters created in DKR were created by Rare and they held them as their own IP.


Why would they need to buy/purchase the characters if they already existed in DKRDS? Because DKRDS was made by Microsoft/Rare, the rightsholders at the time, and the agreement would have been made then that it was cool to use them. It's in Microsoft/Rare's interest after all, as they'll make something from the game. Ofc, given they previous use of the otherwise established characters of Banjo and Conker in their own franchise, they were likely less keen to let them go into the remake; hence they were cut and replaced.

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You’ve already heard the rather exciting rumour relating to Retro Studios and Monster Games resurrecting the Diddy Kong Racing franchise, now more information about the title has surfaced online. The sources can’t be verified, but a couple of members of NeoGAF claim they have insider knowledge of the project. You can read their thoughts, here.


“DKR2 to be released in 2016, codeveloped by monster and retro. monster is handling the 3ds version while retro takes care of the wii u.”


“It has a longer development cycle than usual because it will be the first ‘unified’ game (ala Smash Bros) produced by Nintendo of America. it is far and away Nintendo of America’s largest project to date. All NoA hands are on deck, including redmond’s NST”


  • Tanabe is a key player and is largely responsible for making this all happen
  • Amiibo’s were critical in reviving NoJs interest in DKR2. internal forecasts show Amiibo’s will sell like hotcakes and nintendo is going to make amiibos of nearly every franchise they have ever owned. one major objective of the game is to boost the popularity of lesser known franchises in order to push amiibos


“I’m gonna have to finally come out and be “that guy” in this thread. Never thought this would be something I could say, but I have a line of communication with Monster, and while I can’t confirm 100% it’s DKR2, I can confirm, perhaps well outside my comfort level, that they’re working on something for the WiiU that is pretty much talked about by everyone involved as the most exciting thing to be done on WiiU yet, and that they are certain it’s going to blow people away upon reveal. I genuinely wasn’t told details because while I may want to know, I don’t trust myself with that much knowledge, so it’s likely best they didn’t either.”



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Amiibo’s were critical in reviving NoJs interest in DKR2. internal forecasts show Amiibo’s will sell like hotcakes and nintendo is going to make amiibos of nearly every franchise they have ever owned. one major objective of the game is to boost the popularity of lesser known franchises in order to push amiibos


Say it ain't so! :blank::shakehead:wtf::(


“I’m gonna have to finally come out and be “that guy” in this thread. Never thought this would be something I could say, but I have a line of communication with Monster, and while I can’t confirm 100% it’s DKR2, I can confirm, perhaps well outside my comfort level, that they’re working on something for the WiiU that is pretty much talked about by everyone involved as the most exciting thing to be done on WiiU yet, and that they are certain it’s going to blow people away upon reveal. I genuinely wasn’t told details because while I may want to know, I don’t trust myself with that much knowledge, so it’s likely best they didn’t either.”


Oh man, its that guy again that had us drooling at the prospect of so many rumours since gaming began. Oh how we've missed him. :laughing: Some guy told me Sadness Amiibo's are on their way and that's why the game has been delayed for a generation.

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