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Good torso there.



In the interest of more pics, this is me climbing a glacier in new zealand thinking I'm fucking cool, but in fact I have a burnt head, hat hair and am about to die of exhaustion. Look at the guy in the background, he was in the most amount of agony, :(




That looks like REZ in the background!!


And sorry for the random question but we're having a debate in my room now, but DD cup is biiiiiiiiig isn't it?

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Right people this is all getting dramatic. I think people are misinterpretting things and everything is going crazy. Furthermore this is a discussion between Jordan and soag if they wish to carry it on. The playground sideline characters are not helping :p


Well I want an apology at least from Jordan for A) Saying my pics offended him and B) Saying my gf apperence offends him.


He is a man of power who only got it as he cried and cried like a little baby for it!


An apology is all I want is that to much to ask.

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Well I want an apology at least from Jordan for A) Saying my pics offended him and B) Saying my gf apperence offends him.


He is a man of power who only got it as he cried and cried like a little baby for it!


An apology is all I want is that to much to ask.


Please though, take it up with Jordan personally. Want to keep this place (thread) on track and a happy place where we can all laugh at Dan's face. Hope you understand :)

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Okay well he isn't online and hasn't been active (as far as I can see) for a while. Lets presume he's gone to bed or something now.


I get that too! :D, plus I act like him I've been told due to our similar complainings of the world of television.


Wait you watch television? I thought you just watched the adverts.

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Well I want an apology at least from Jordan for A) Saying my pics offended him and B) Saying my gf apperence offends him.


He is a man of power who only got it as he cried and cried like a little baby for it!


An apology is all I want is that to much to ask.


You want him to apologize for being himself? I mean, you could ask him to apologize for being rude to you, but you actually want him to apologize for who he is, and for what he thinks, that's ridiculous. His attitude was quite stupid, yes... but you have no right to demand him to change his views for your sake! Geez, you're being worst then him...

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You want him to apologize for being himself? I mean, you could ask him to apologize for being rude to you, but you actually want him to apologize for who he is, and for what he thinks, that's ridiculous. His attitude was quite stupid, yes... but you have no right to demand him to change his views for your sake! Geez, you're being worst then him...




And here we... go. (Again.)

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That looks like REZ in the background!!


And sorry for the random question but we're having a debate in my room now, but DD cup is biiiiiiiiig isn't it?


I try and make the conversation more interesting and away from insulting each other and I just get ignored :)

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Wait you watch television? I thought you just watched the adverts.

It passes the time between adverts. There's so much more to whine about in adverts. I would do a similar cocks of advertising if I could get/piss about with the adverts on the PC.

wait what? wtf have I said now? :heh:
I think it was the..hair thing? I dunno...

That is correct.

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