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sorry, miss. Will shave today :heh:


but yeah! join the fun! no excuse!


Yes Nightwolf we all agree, you need to join in the shaving fun!


Cheesy photo time!




New theme perhaps? Big hair and cheesy smile? If not its just me pratting around while waiting for the conditioner to...condition.

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Didn't know you were the PP type, j7.

it's actually a mate's T-shirt but yeah, I didn't realise there were 'types' :P Watched most of the first 'season' then lame internet connection just meant I've fallen far, far behind.

What's one of those? (you presumably don't mean prepositional phrase, which is what PP means for me...)

TBF I thought the same thing momentarily...


Oh and Jim - you look about TWELVE there :P

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Guest Maase
Big hair, cheesy smile AND headphones! I threw in squinted eyes for added cheesyness.




How the hell do you do that? X_X

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o_O' ... I can assure you that I'm wearing my real glasses in that picture. You can see the shadow cast by the rims and the amplified light on my face.


I dunno how I do that. I just ... gah, it's hard to explain what you actually do.


haha ^_^, complete OT but I never realised you were 17, I thought you were older than me.


Oh dear. :blank:


Why would you think that? :confused:

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Well, people have told me that I look twenty since I let my beard grow out. I guess that's the factor. To be completely honest, I already had beard about two years ago, but I've only recently let it grow.


haha ^_^ it wasn't trying to be mean, I was honestly quite surprised. Shame I'm older ;)



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haha ^_^ it wasn't trying to be mean, I was honestly quite surprised. Shame I'm older ;)




Oh no, I didn't take it in an offensive way. :) It's funny - at my age, it's great to be thought of as older, but when you get older, the opposite is preferrable.


Oh, and I'll take that last comment as a huge compliment. :blush:

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Do you keep a camera in your bathroom or something? :heh:


The marvels of modern technology. A camera fits in my phone. (and I do take my phone with me to the shower, expecting phones calls about houses)


Indeed, you look in your twenties! ^_^


haha dan you skinny bugger


Nothing wrong with being skinny :p


I think Ashley carries a camera everywhere, just in case he looks dashing :heh:


and yes- I am pretty skinny! little less so now...but not much.


I think Ashley might take issue with that. :p


I do.


*fires Dan*

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Oh no, I didn't take it in an offensive way. :) It's funny - at my age, it's great to be thought of as older, but when you get older, the opposite is preferrable.


Oh, and I'll take that last comment as a huge compliment. :blush:


I never had that "need to look older" thing, I always thought time was/is going way too fast for my liking. Every time I realise I'm now on my way to 30 instead of 20, it gets really depressing.

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