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As if Flinky needed any more encouragement :p


I'm sure he doesn't mind!


I'm really going to have to stop posting pictures of myself, everytime I post a picture it somehow leads to sex instead..hmmf!


That's because you're hot, and hot women make men (and other women) think of sex. =P

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I'm really going to have to stop posting pictures of myself, everytime I post a picture it somehow leads to sex instead..hmmf!


There was no need to insult me either fresh :P (as well as compliment me at the same time).


Lol, don't take it personally, I said usually and wanted someone hopefully to prove me wrong.

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Lol, don't take it personally, I said usually and wanted someone hopefully to prove me wrong.


I was originally going to shout at you, then realised that I only really wanted to defend the peope who colour their hair on this forum as they are loverly, rather than the majority of people.


So I find myself half agreeing with you.. :blank:

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I was originally going to shout at you, then realised that I only really wanted to defend the peope who colour their hair on this forum as they are loverly, rather than the majority of people.


So I find myself half agreeing with you.. :blank:


Go for it, shout at me. Then in a few years we can make up only to find that you are my half sister and we run off to open a dog breading center in Bedford.

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Go for it, shout at me. Then in a few years we can make up only to find that you are my half sister and we run off to open a dog breading center in Bedford.


haha forgive me for not wishing for that to happen.


Eenuh I think it might be more to do with me having boobs and being on a largely male forum. :heh:

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I dyed my hair red because you only live once. Why not? Why do people wear bright colours? To be a bit fun, or stand out. Same as dying hair bright/unusual colours.


If one is happy with "normal" hair, fine. But I hate the high-horse people seem to get on sometimes.

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I dyed my hair red because you only live once. Why not? Why do people wear bright colours? To be a bit fun, or stand out. Same as dying hair bright/unusual colours.


If one is happy with "normal" hair, fine. But I hate the high-horse people seem to get on sometimes.

I think you should get some orange highlights now =]

Make it look like flames :D

That would be cool, and be unusual.

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I think you should get some orange highlights now =]

Make it look like flames :D

That would be cool, and be unusual.


Maybe. It's such a hassle to do it all (for me anyway, I'd never bleached my hair before this dye trip), and my mum refuses to let me go back to school with my red hair..."AGH! It's the year they write your references! Fuck!"


I don't see what me having red hair has to do with anything, except that I'm at a private school. But maybe a bit of rebellion against pointless rules would actually do them good.

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haha forgive me for not wishing for that to happen.


Eenuh I think it might be more to do with me having boobs and being on a largely male forum. :heh:


Nahhh, it's also because you're nice looking, not just because of the boobs. Though they help. =P

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I dyed my hair red because you only live once. Why not? Why do people wear bright colours? To be a bit fun, or stand out. Same as dying hair bright/unusual colours.


If one is happy with "normal" hair, fine. But I hate the high-horse people seem to get on sometimes.


People could use their personality to stand out as well..... ideas.

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Maybe. It's such a hassle to do it all (for me anyway, I'd never bleached my hair before this dye trip), and my mum refuses to let me go back to school with my red hair..."AGH! It's the year they write your references! Fuck!"


I don't see what me having red hair has to do with anything, except that I'm at a private school. But maybe a bit of rebellion against pointless rules would actually do them good.

Thats rubbish =[

Do it anyway, be a rebel.

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People could use their personality to stand out as well..... ideas.


I dyed my hair blue because I wanted it blue, just like I wanted it dark brown (which is now faded) ^_^, it's similar to say wanting the certain piece of clothing?


Thanks eenuh <3


I'd agree with your mum on this one Paj, people can have opinions similar to Fresh, as much as I don't whole heartedly agree with Fresh it could infulence people's decisions about you.


Hell knows I get the same just because I have an eyebrow piercing.

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I dyed my hair blue because I wanted it blue, just like I wanted it dark brown (which is now faded) ^_^, it's similar to say wanting the certain piece of clothing?


Ah, yes I suppose so. Hair is as much a piece of clothing as anything else.. kind of. I understand now. That's all I was after. I didn't want to piss on your parade or anything, sorry.

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I half expected a decent counter argument, then i remembered where I was. My point still stands. While Nightwolf is a naturally stunning women I don't understand the need for it.


Bah, you were just trolling :P If you expect to be convinced otherwise, then why make the statement in teh first place.

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Bah, you were just trolling :P If you expect to be convinced otherwise, then why make the statement in teh first place.


.... I was anything but trolling. I don't think that is exactly a fair statement to make regarding things that have happened in the past regarding this and myself. I propose that from now on you learn about the person you are talking about before making a ridiculous statement.

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Guest bluey
That would make me a hippy who is gagging for sex! =O


Cool. :awesome:

its pretty accurate for me... *checks calendar* 10 days till i come home... :grin:



here's me with some of my students ~ i mainly wanted to show one of my friends this 'cause he HATES care bears but loves pretty girls... i thought this picture would pose quite a conundrum for him 'cause the girl in the care bears t-shirt is BEAUTIFUL O_o



two of my regulars; harry and tsuneko. they're both super awesome. harry made me a DVD compilation of his firework photography work set to music ~ and tsuneko made me a cake!! :grin:



here are some of the staff at kawagoe school enjoying the cake that tsuneko made me for my b'day ...


and this is the thunderstorm that happened this afternoon :grin: awesome, huh?! the little squeak i made half way through was because the rain changed direction and got blown right at me >_<!!

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Bluey, your picture get me so excited. I'm possibly doing a year in Seoul for my third year at uni, either that or Perth... I really hopw the "your pictures get me so excited" bit doesn't get taken out of context.

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People could use their personality to stand out as well..... ideas.

I think it's easy enough to argue that the way you choose to look is effectively an extension of your personality in the first place. For a less controversial example, let's try my facebook profile picture - I have a fucking strange personality, which results in me looking fucking strange:




Now, I may not have realised this personality by dying my hair, but that doesn't mean it can't be done by someone else without them being shallow. And however I end up appearing, it has no (or very little) effect on what I might talk to you about. Personality defines customisation of appearance, but customisation of appearance has a negligible influence on personality.

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Guest bluey
Personality defines customisation of appearance, but customisation of appearance has a negligible influence on personality.

i'd tend to disagree there ~ dying your hair a random poster pain colour is not a great example of looks dictating personality 'cause you gotta be pretty confident/weird to go there in the first place... (i cant wait to go a little pink/purple again :grin: ) but as maybe a better example (sticking with the hair idea~) i'm usually a pretty, outgoing person (hehe) but one day i made the mistake of giving a trainee hairdresser a little too much creative license and ended up with the WORST haircut i've ever had. sadly i let it reeeally effect my personality and i just wasnt the same until it grew back... i was really shy and not confident at all! O_o


when i was in secondary school i was VERY shy... a complete pushover for people who picked on me (nothing too bad.. not bullying... just, giving me a bit of a hard time, y'know?) but after my accident i had some pretty bad scarring on my face - which thankfully is hardly noticable now~ but back then it was reeeally prominent.. but strangely it made me a LOT more confident. i kinda thought before that it was OK for people to pick on me, it didnt matter - so i let it happen and never stood up for myself... but when i had scars on my face it became WRONG for them to pick on me, so i stood up for myself ~ started asserting myself and really started to develop my social skills... so i think customization of appearance (voluntary or involuntary~) has a BIG influence on personality sometimes :smile:


EDIT: also nightwolf! your hair looks ace!!! next time try some warmer colour i think it'd really suit you! like, hot orange or red or a warm purple (like a wine colour...)

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