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Guest Jordan
One of these days Jordan, you're gonna make me fall off my chair laughing and make me break my neck. I will blame you!


I aim to please Jamba :)


Changed my Avatar to fit the subject too.


Excerrent :D

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I do believe Jordan just won this whole thread with that excellent post, if a little...not thought out? Brilliant, cracked me up royal :D

I think I'm onto his secret plan though, it's a very clever attempt to secure some boobage, isn't it!

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Guest Jordan
Jordan's mean.


Cruel to be kind 'n all that.


Hehe... he's also trying to change the subject and bulk up the posts so Wolf won't see what he's said :p


Not true, she can see it if she wants. Heck, i'd like a responce actually :p

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Shotgun Falco.

Dude, you have a girlfriend. Show some class.

Although it was hilarious . . .

Having a girlfriend means nothing with regards to class.


I also like how people change their font to white to hide shizzle. Tis a royal shame I'm using the old C-E skin. :heh:

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In my opinion, its blantently obvious that its not just the photo! I mean, all her pictures are always done avoiding that area.




Phoenix Wright references are great ;)


Just for you jordan, I took a photo of a bra I bought today.




and because you seem to believe I'm avoiding that area




Lasenza has small sizes so Im a DD/E there, now can we move on please :heh: Jordan you have letty please concentrate on her's instead of mine :heh:

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