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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Just found this:




Again, no reason why it shouldn't work, but you'd struggle to find a bench at that height.


You can do a version of that with any bench.


A massive guy at the gym once told me a better way to do that is to put the incline slightly higher and then lift your hips off the bench so you're balancing only with your chest.

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So I started the Couch to 5K programme using the app I made to help out. Going great and doesn't feel like it takes up that much time. So far, going to keep it up.


Sweet :) Keep going.


I consulted a friend of mine who has been doing fitness for a couple of years now and is also studying sports so he knows his stuff. He said that the C25K program was not enough for me as it is for people who pretty much never did any sports.

He told me I should run 2-3 times a week for a couple of weeks, 20-25 minutes per run in a pace that I could have a conversation in without collapsing :D


Had my first run yesterday. It felt so fucking great.

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Good going, people. Run your arses off.


No weights today as my body basically said no after Leg Day and Push Day. I did play squash today though and wonnnn. Fuck yeah! I told Ine to pepper her angus and I totally gave her the beating of a lifetime. She will need some kind of support group after the ravaging I gave tonight. Managed to win one of the games without her scoring a single point either. :hehe:


No lies, brahs. I was close to ripping my shirt off and beating my chest over her beaten figure.

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Fuck yeah! I told Ine to pepper her angus and I totally gave her the beating of a lifetime. She will need some kind of support group after the ravaging I gave tonight.


I read one word in there in such a wrong way...the story was so much different... :blank:

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Good going, people. Run your arses off.


No weights today as my body basically said no after Leg Day and Push Day. I did play squash today though and wonnnn. Fuck yeah! I told Ine to pepper her angus and I totally gave her the beating of a lifetime. She will need some kind of support group after the ravaging I gave tonight. Managed to win one of the games without her scoring a single point either. :hehe:


No lies, brahs. I was close to ripping my shirt off and beating my chest over her beaten figure.


Didn't really understand this story.

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Wow, bench press and pull-ups are a great combo! Went to the gym for some arms training and decided to go for 5 bench press and then 5 strict pull-ups, 6 rounds of that. Ended up loving it so much that after the 6 rounds I took 5-4-3-2-1 bench press with increasing weight while maintaining 5 pull-ups between rounds, so have done about 50 strict pull-ups today, along with some ring rows. That felt so nice!


Also, knee's getting much, much better now. Might be able to go back to do some light leg early next week.

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Jim likes to do a lot of trashtalk to be honest. Every time. And then I end up winning and I rub those word straight into his face. =P


But yeah didn't win yesterday, been so tired lately and my body just wouldn't move anymore after a while. Hope tomorrow's session goes better! Though I do seem to have a problem with my right wrist hurting, hope that isn't anything bad! =(



Still slowly (verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly) losing weight. Not going as great as I had hoped, but it is still better than nothing. I have now lost about 4.8kg since I started. Still about 12 to go heh. =P

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Yes. Yes, you gain weight (or stay at the same weight) by gaining muscle and losing fat.




Can barely walk today. Must've hurt my knee pretty bad so no leg days for me for the next week or so. Might go to the gym to do some upper body workouts but is there any way to perform pulling exercises without standing? Pull-ups work of course but other than that?


Ah, that's a good thing for me then! I'm thinking about not weighing myself and just losing weight and seeing the progress through the mirror but I'm not too sure. I've been taking pictures of myself (horribly, I might add) to see the progress and there's a mass difference so I'm happy about that!


Also, as for your workouts with no standing up, there's plenty of seated ones but I'm not sure if you have them in your gym. There's...



Diverging Lat Pulldown: You sit down whilst grabbing the two bars, put your legs under the two pillow things and just pull them down and up whilst you're seated.



Back Extension: It's just basically like doing sit-ups but with added weight when you go back. It's very effective, well it has been for me anyway.



Abdominal Crunch: This is basically just doing crunches with added weights.



Triceps Extension: You sit down, grab a bar on each hand and basically push it down and back again.



Bicep Curls: Does what it says on the tin.



Converging Shoulder Press: Sit down, grab the bars and push up.



Converging Chest Press: Sit down, grab the bars and push in front of you. Personally, this one is my favourite one to do out of the weight machines.


Hope any of this helps! :)


Yes and muscle weighs more than fat does.


Stop looking at weight and start looking at bodyfat percentage.


Okay, I'll try and look up how to do that. So will this tell me if I have lost weight or something?


Feel really fat this week even though I played 90 mins on Tuesday and 5s for over an hour last night. Haven't been eating all that much so I'm hoping that it won't transfer over to the scales next week!


I know the feeling. I didn't work out at all yesterday because I wanted to relax my muscles and I felt so fat and lazy, I hated it. I resisted the urge of going to the gym though! It seems like you do an awful lot anyway though, dude! :)


Jim likes to do a lot of trashtalk to be honest. Every time. And then I end up winning and I rub those word straight into his face. =P


But yeah didn't win yesterday, been so tired lately and my body just wouldn't move anymore after a while. Hope tomorrow's session goes better! Though I do seem to have a problem with my right wrist hurting, hope that isn't anything bad! =(



Still slowly (verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly) losing weight. Not going as great as I had hoped, but it is still better than nothing. I have now lost about 4.8kg since I started. Still about 12 to go heh. =P


In fairness, she's playing me at squash when I've already worked out earlier that day. There is only so much my body can take. :D


I could barely stand after yesterday's games. I take eet too seriously. I wanna wiiiin.


You two are blatantly the Lily and Marshall of N-Europe! I love it! Makes me happy! :D


But yeah Flink, I'd be careful, it seems like Eenuh's already planning how to thrash you in her next match! haha.


The slow weight losses are by far the best and are easiest to sustain afterwards so good going!


I keep having to tell myself this. I hate it though but I know it's a good thing! In the past month or so, I've only lost half a stone but I've gained muscle and I'm a LOT stronger than I used to be so I don't mind it so much.

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Okay, I'll try and look up how to do that. So will this tell me if I have lost weight or something?


You need a special set of scales or calipers to measure it. Most gyms have a set you can use.


It doesn't weight you as such but measures how much bodyfat you have in percentage form.




The above chart shows you what percentage it is good to be at. It's a useful measurement as it takes into account muscle which BMI does not. If you're lifting a lot of weights you will be putting on weight but that has nothing to do with overall fitness.


I've just pulled a slip out of my wallet that said on 15th April I was 16.3% bodyfat. When I did it last week I think it was 17.1% (could be wrong, sure I posted it somewhere back). My goal right now is to get into the Athelete zone.




Obviously the people in those photos have a lot of muscle so if you get to X% the chances are you'll look different from those people!


I know the feeling. I didn't work out at all yesterday because I wanted to relax my muscles and I felt so fat and lazy, I hated it. I resisted the urge of going to the gym though! It seems like you do an awful lot anyway though, dude! :)



Thanks, I think it's probably just in the mind. 2 hours doubles tennis tonight and then most likely another tough 90 mins at right back tomorrow night. Plenty of tennis over the weekend if the weather holds out too.

Edited by Charlie
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15% or 20% are something I'd love to look like but I'd realistically look like 25%. The 10%-12% is only something I could ever dream of looking like!


The problem I always have had ever since starting to lose weight is the bottom of my stomach. Like the belly goes down but the bottom part always remains the same and is SERIOUSLY stubborn. It's affected my confidence quite a bit, really. My friend tells me that diet will help shift that but I can't not eat any more healthily than I am. Even when I was at my slimmest (15st 7lb), it remained the same. I always wear shirts a size higher than I should because I hate it and I've started wearing polo shirts to work after finding out that it was an option I could have had.


No idea how to get rid though! :(

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Eat less than you burn and it will eventually come off. Might take a long time but it will eventually.


Remember, spot reduction is not a thing. Doing loads of sit ups won't make it come off any quicker.


Oh yeah, I know it's non-existant (unfortunately) but it's always been a problem for me since I started losing weight, which was when I was 11. The thing I fear the most is if I get my body looking nice and then I have this lump of fat that just won't go. It's happened when I was at my slimmest and it looked horrid. My mate was saying something to do with the NHS being able to move it but I don't think I could even go through with it.


Hopefully it'll go through this because in the mindset I'm in, it's now or never. Been doing this for almost half of my life now and it gets boring, lmao. I just have to have some faith, willpower and determination as well as the confidence in myself to do it! :D

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The women at 25-30% are gorgeous.


Last I got my BFP measured, it was 9.2 I think (up from 8.5).


@Animal: The small lump of belly fat is the last fat you'll lose on a diet. It takes ages, discipline, and really healthy food for one to lose that. It's where the body's main reserve lies so the body will cling on to it by any means necessary. Most people never lose it.

Heck, even at 9.5 % body fat, I still have a small lump, and whenever I eat bad food (ice cream, cake, etc.) I instantly see the difference on it (maybe that's part psychology, but still, the day after I've had ice cream, I always feel a bit heavier). So take it easy with it, work out regularly with weights and eat normally, then it'll be less visible in time.

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