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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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I've also caught a cold. Was feverish Monday and sluggish Tuesday so didn't do anything there. Then did my normal heavy lifting Wednesday, crossfit Thursday, and heavy lifting again Friday. Got a very big blue mark on my leg after that as I dropped a 57.5 kg weight on my quads in a clean so that looks beautiful. I took a break today, did some light walking, and tomorrow I'll do some cardio to clear the snot out my head. Some light to medium exercising always help on colds for me so definitely gonna go for that level. Maybe medium-hard-ish if my legs are up to it.

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47.5kg overhead press... 90kg x 2 deadlift ohhh yeah :grin:


My personal trainer reckons I should consider entering comps =)



also: on the blisters thing; if yer lifting its better to use chalk if you can. Gloves actually decrease the amount of grip for most people. Although I like gloves for static things like planks/pushups/bike stuff. Depends what kinda training you are doing. Damage is inevitable when you lift heavy weights. I just use shitloads of body butter on my hands after a session and it helps, and my hands smell nice too =P

Edited by Raining_again
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So yesterday my own personal trainer was full of compliments, and today I had ANOTHER trainer come over to me and ask how long I'd trained! He watched my form and had a massive cheeky grin of approval. He was soooooooo cute too ;D It seems I'm being noticed a little more than I am used to :heh:



pink and blue haired demon woman that grunts and throws around heavy weights, that's totally something you see in EVERY gym right?


Exercise wise, I'm working a lot on my clean and press, working at 40kg (about 80% of my max) and doing as many reps as possible. Giving the whole motion a good working, and I KNOW it will improve my form, speed, and ability weight wise. I did this last week and got a new PB - 47.5, from 45. So hoping for the big 50 within a few weeks ;D

Edited by Raining_again
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Found a nice 12 week programme I liked and I'm gonna try to stick to that. 4 days a week shouldn't be too hard since I'm only on placement two days a week. Did my first day today and I'm wrecked in a good way, definitely feel it working.


I've made myself a little calendar and gonna track my progress of bodybuilder.com , I am ready and motivated :)

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Jim and I have signed up to the gym for squash, yay! They reduced the joining fee to £25 per person (instead of £100 or however much it was), so that's good!


Though we already have to cancel our gym induction and first squash session today as Jim realised football is on. Darn him. =P


Looking forward to playing squash though, whooo! We bought our own racquets and everything too!

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How often do you guys go? I have been going five days a week, three days with the 'full works' as it were (i.e. weights etc), and then two easier days where I just do a 20-30 minute run, cycle, row etc. Starting to feel exhausted though and considering cutting out the two 'off' days.


I go swimming every other Saturday, so may just go for a run on the non-swimming Saturdays instead. This whole 6am nonsense is getting too much :p

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I need some DOMS related sympathy here. I over did it. I could barely use the gear stick. In so much pain... D:


What have you been doing exactly? The foam rollers are a good shout. (I don't use them, I just ride it out). Keep eating and sleeping well. Protein is your friend.


How often do you guys go? I have been going five days a week, three days with the 'full works' as it were (i.e. weights etc), and then two easier days where I just do a 20-30 minute run, cycle, row etc. Starting to feel exhausted though and considering cutting out the two 'off' days.


I go swimming every other Saturday, so may just go for a run on the non-swimming Saturdays instead. This whole 6am nonsense is getting too much :p


That's quite a lot. You're more likely to keep this stuff up if it's more manageable. Don't kill yourself. I had a friend who went for 7 days a week for a few weeks. After that second week, I told her "you'll quit soon because you'll get tired with it." Which she did after about 3 weeks.


Every other day is possibly enough. 4 is a good number. My times are all over the place due to sickness, but I aim to exercise about 4 times a week. Rest is important, though.

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I need some DOMS related sympathy here. I over did it. I could barely use the gear stick. In so much pain... D:


I love that chest DOMS when you can barely shift into 5th gear.


How often do you guys go? I have been going five days a week, three days with the 'full works' as it were (i.e. weights etc), and then two easier days where I just do a 20-30 minute run, cycle, row etc. Starting to feel exhausted though and considering cutting out the two 'off' days.


I go swimming every other Saturday, so may just go for a run on the non-swimming Saturdays instead. This whole 6am nonsense is getting too much :p


I tend to do weights 3 or 4 times a week, usually 3 times. Spin once or twice depending on how many times I play tennis. The football season is starting back up on Sunday too so that should be a game a week.

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I cycle 14 miles a day to get to and from work and I gym (weights only) 3 or 4 times a week and play football on Sunday for two hours. It is utterly exhausting but I think I have a bit of a fitness addiction. I'm not even joking, I think I'll feel bad if I miss out on some exercise but if I ever actually do, which is rare, it's no big deal - sometimes I even feel better for it.


Speaking of cycling, I got clip-in pedals for my bike. Holy shitoly, they are the best thing ever.


Aaaaanyway, I need all y'all's help. I 95% sure I injured my hip flexor playing football. Anyone had any experience of this? I've iced it and put Deep Heat on it..but yeah, any tips? Advice?

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Rollers daft, use dem! Are the clips the ones you get on teh shoes and pedals? I love em but its a scary business trying to stop without falling on your hole lol


I bought a rumble roller (it's all bumpy and spikey) for my quads. Got a bad case of patellar tendinitis. Lots of lovely scar tissue to work through. I definitely find they help but it's something that you need to keeeeeep doing.


I did 320 x24kg kettlebell swings last night (was aiming for 500 but knee started clicking on my 32nd set) and my ass huuuuuuuurts today :(

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I'm injured right now. Kinda gutted about it.

I felt something weird in my left calf on a run last week. I ran on it, and then ran on it the next day too. I started getting a weird clicking/popping sensation in my leg so I took a few days off. I went out again on Monday super slow, and just aggravated it back to how it was last week. I'm gonna take this week off and see what the deal is next Monday.

The worst thing is having to reduce the amount I'm eating. I've gone from 10k of cycling per day and about 5k-10k of running to nothing.

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Rollers daft, use dem! Are the clips the ones you get on teh shoes and pedals? I love em but its a scary business trying to stop without falling on your hole lol


I bought a rumble roller (it's all bumpy and spikey) for my quads. Got a bad case of patellar tendinitis. Lots of lovely scar tissue to work through. I definitely find they help but it's something that you need to keeeeeep doing.


I did 320 x24kg kettlebell swings last night (was aiming for 500 but knee started clicking on my 32nd set) and my ass huuuuuuuurts today :(


Hmmm, not sure where I could get my hands on a rumble roller. I'll have a look into it, though. I really want to play football this Sunday but I should rest my leg. :(


Yeah, the clips are those pedals which need the magic clip shoes. It took me a couple weeks to fully get in tune with my fixed gear but I had no one problem with clips (apart from, like you said, accidentally clipping in when I'd unclipped and was trying to stop). Really easy to clip in and out of. Best thing is that they are clips on one side and standard on the other so I can just ride in normal shoes if I want.


It's a bit of a weird feeling, it's like your bicycle becomes a running-amplifier.

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Yeah I have the double sided pedals too, they're awesome. It was fucking terrifying the first time I went out, I genuinely thought that I was going to DIE, haha. I found mine very stiff at first but after a few clicking in/out they kinda wore in a bit. I like that with mine you have a little bit of movement in the pedal so you're not forcing your knees/ankles into a badly fixed position. Its definitely very weird, took me ages to get used to 0_0


Rumble rollers are very good, you should be able to get them in any sports or gym type shop. just don't use them over bony surfaces like ankles kneecaps etc, just muscles :) There are lots of examples of areas to work on all over t'internet, whatever your problem is =)

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I had those clip on things when I got my bike but couldn't get on with them, but I guess trying it for the first time of cycling in years was not the best idea...


Speaking of resting, I get so bored waiting between sets. I WANT TO BE DOING THINGS. I may have an over-productivity problem. Also considered taking Italian verb drills onto the treadmill.

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Yeah, there's no need to rest too much between sets and you could just do intermittent exercises. So if you're deadlifting, you could try doing pull-ups or push-ups in the breaks to exercise some other part of the body at the same time.


Whew, I'm busted today. The programme is getting harder now. The coming two weeks I'll be doing:

5 sets of 6 reps of squat @ 92.5 kg, clean @ 65 kg, and deadlift @ 110 kg (! should do 115 kg but I felt that I wouldn't be able to do that for four more sets after trying one set yesterday), and then 3 sets of 10 jumping squats @ 45 kg. I'm definitely feeling it and especially the cleans are getting really hard (the others are just heavy but manageable whereas cleans put so much strain on the entire body).

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Yeah, there's no need to rest too much between sets and you could just do intermittent exercises. So if you're deadlifting, you could try doing pull-ups or push-ups in the breaks to exercise some other part of the body at the same time.


Whew, I'm busted today. The programme is getting harder now. The coming two weeks I'll be doing:

5 sets of 6 reps of squat @ 92.5 kg, clean @ 65 kg, and deadlift @ 110 kg (! should do 115 kg but I felt that I wouldn't be able to do that for four more sets after trying one set yesterday), and then 3 sets of 10 jumping squats @ 45 kg. I'm definitely feeling it and especially the cleans are getting really hard (the others are just heavy but manageable whereas cleans put so much strain on the entire body).


I take 2-3 minutes between sets as 'prescribed' by my work out. You should be pushing yourself to the limit by the end of each set so will need a few minutes to recover so you can manage another set.


I'm now back up to where I was before I went away on a 3 week bender/holiday. Took a while to get there but managed to push myself. Fitness or body shape isn't quite there yet, though.

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I take 2-3 minutes between sets as 'prescribed' by my work out. You should be pushing yourself to the limit by the end of each set so will need a few minutes to recover so you can manage another set.


I'm now back up to where I was before I went away on a 3 week bender/holiday. Took a while to get there but managed to push myself. Fitness or body shape isn't quite there yet, though.


Yes, if you're lifting heavy, you'll need the rest. There is no way in hell I'm gonna do anything but relax between sets at the moment. It's if you're not doing max weights rep out you could be doing exercises between sets.

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