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Cloak and Dagger II

The Peeps

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Night Seven


One agent was looking through the CCTV footage; something wasn’t right about one of the supposedly dead agents. After a few hours it seemed like he had found something. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he realised the truth…. Unfortunately the insurgent agents had got to him before he could tell a soul. One agent crept up behind him with a garroting wire and strangled Agent E to death.


Agent E has been killed. He could reverse track players through the security cameras. EEVILMURRAY is no longer in the game. He was evil.


4 Players Remaining:









Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson









Day Eight

Majority is 3

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My bad, I was still counting EEVIL when I was thinking of ending the game or not.


The town cannot reach majority. The mafia win!







The insurgency have completed their mission. They had sent their very best agents and had taken the MAFIA by complete surprise. Agent S (Nintendohnut) confronted Agent H (Yvonne) during the final day. Agent H told him everything, he was under control of the truth serum and spilled all of his plans. Unlike the movies however, Agent H then dispatched of Agent S by dropping him into a pool of sharks and staying to watch him be torn limb from limb.


Agent Q (Cube) was head of security. He wasn't going to go down easily. In fact the insurgency agents didn't even try to come after him as they knew how well protected he was. He was left in his underground bunker but they did place a proximity mine outside the door to stop him from ever leaving... in one piece anyway.






DuD/Agent Y - Bodge Job

You are Coldfinger's right hand man but he has nothing but disdain for you as you make so many mistakes on the job, little does he know you are actually working with the Bureau to take down the evil organisation. You can silence players for a whole day phase or roleblock them in a night phase. As a registered member of the MAFIA you will avoid suspicion from alignment investigators.


Yvonne/Agent H - Bug

Pick a player to plant your bug and be told of all their targets for the rest of the game. If that player is protected, your bug will be found and you may not place another. You can only have up to 5 players bugged at any given time.


Rummy/Agent O - hologram

With your holograms you can make a player untargetable for the night phase. Anyone attempting to reach your target will target the hologram instead. The rest of your group can target the player as normal.


Jonnas/Agent P - Forger

You can create fake PMs for players. You can also add a sentence to the write-up. If you are lynched you will fake your own death and appear as a neutral. You will remain in the game and still perform your night actions (as well as still being a viable target) but you cannot post during the day phase as it would blow your cover.




Nintendohnut - Agent S - Truth Serum

Target any player in the night phase and the following day phase they must answer all questions put to them and do so truthfully. [Jonnas and DuD were immune to the serum - DuD as a former MAFIA agent and Jonnas as a forger were both trained to resist it]


Magnus Peterson Agent C - Genius Scientist

You have developed a formula that can boost a person's abilities but be careful, there may be unforeseen side effects!


Diageo - Agent D - Henchman

You are very much the brawn of this operation. Each night you will forcefully roleblock your target.


Jimbob - Agent R - Backup

Each night you will ensure your target reaches their target no matter what. You will also track them.


Jon Dedede Agent G - Super Genius

You have invented a machine that can retrieve information from the brain after death. You can use it each day phase to retrieve information from a dead player (whether they were killed in the night or lynched). You can only investigate each corpse once.


Mr-paul - Agent Z - No role

You have no role to start with but you may gain one. Until you do, you are unkillable and have a double vote.


EEVILMURRAY - Agent E - Surveillance

You are responsible for reporting any security breaches. Each night you can monitor your target via CCTV (reverse track).


Sheikah - Agent L - Interrogation

Each night you will interrogate your target to discover their character and abilities.


Marcamillian - Coldfinger

You are the boss of the MAFIA. You know every member of your organisation so all you have to do is target someone at night and you'll know if they're good or evil!


Cube – Agent Q - Security

It is your job to keep people safe in this organisation. Target a player at night to protect them from all targeting.




MadDog - Agent A - Suicide Neutral

The stress of being an agent has got to you but you can't leave without losing out on your pension! You have decided that suicide is the only way out to make sure your family will receive the money. You must be night-killed to win the game. If you are lynched you will lose.

Edited by The Peeps
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I wish I found out that DuD silences people. Not just roleblocks. :p


Good game though. Apart from the whole me spilling the beans thing. Doesn't look like it did too much damage though.


Also Dohnut I am kinda surprised you were on our side. I thought with you targeting me then Cube that you were Mafia, really.

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DuD was a double agent so it made sense to me to hide his ulterior motives. Plot-wise he was a member of the MAFIA who had changed sides so he would've had some trust. If you recall I worded your PM in a way that made it seem that you hadn't got all the info and you did pick up on that... but I don't think you really did any questioning in the thread about it, did you?

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Good game Peeps! Think it was a shame that christmas slowed it down, though. I have to ask, isn't it a tiny bit fair for Jonnas to basically survive a lynch, or were we meant to lynch him a second time? it looks like you basically gave him a guaranteed win as long as the mafia won!


Second question - how did I acquire my role???

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I gave as many hints as I could without actually full on giving it away lol


mr-paul you were there for balance. In the event of the town losing too many major roles, you would gain the most important one. I gave you the investigate the dead role because of Jonnas. You investigated Jonnas and found that he was still active even after his lynch... :p


He was supposed to be lynched a second time. He had no vote unless he came out as still being alive in the thread and survived a whole day phase.

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Why didn't you give me alignment investigator when Marc died then??? EDIT: read your explanation properly now! Still, I wanted alignment!!!!


I'd forgotten about that but I now remember! I found his DNA didn't I? Totally forgot about that, just as I was really getting into the game, and had stopped bickering with Sheikah, I was silenced and then killed! Still, I think it's a tad unfair to essentially give the mafia five players, in a game with no neutral/townie killer! [/bitter townie] :p


Despite that, I really did enjoy it Peeps :D

Edited by Mr-Paul
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Great game Peeps.

You gave me just enough flavor in my role that I was able to lie my way out of what looked like a guarenteed lynch.

Night 3 was horrendous.. the write up said something about everything going wrong for a few agents. Those agents were the whole mafia. I don't think one of its succeeded.

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Magnus Peterson's boost side-effects were actually random. You were very unfortunate that night, Yvonne!


mr-paul, in hindsight alignment might've been the better choice to give to you but then maybe you would've died sooner or been roleblocked every night :p Nintendohnut was still alive with his truth serum which would've easily outed 2 of the 4 mafia even without directly asking 'are you mafia'. Jonnas was 'dead' and the only real role out there capable of giving the town the clues they needed was the one I gave you :)


I'm not happy with this game anyway. I think inactivity (especially my own) really damaged things. That's what working 6 day weeks will do to you though!


Why is Marc in the town section?!




He was town :p the 'town' were the evil MAFIA organisation and marcamillian was the head of it. The 'mafia' were the insurgent group of agents who were actually the good guys in the plot.

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With regards to people thinking I was suspicious because I had no role at the beginning, I think Rummy was very good at pushing on that fact, and I think he was very lucky to get Sheikah thinking the same way, because when Sheikah thinks something, he never gives up!


Also, I can't believe people still didn't understand the good/evil/mafia thing right at the end!

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DuD was a double agent so it made sense to me to hide his ulterior motives. Plot-wise he was a member of the MAFIA who had changed sides so he would've had some trust. If you recall I worded your PM in a way that made it seem that you hadn't got all the info and you did pick up on that... but I don't think you really did any questioning in the thread about it, did you?


Oh I did much about my findings but...it sounds like I was an investigator who could not effectively investigate Mafia motives/powers (kinda the point of investigators). I guess you could say that if i couldn't find out he was a silencer, then who could? :p (Maybe Dohnut).


Sorta going through possibilities...if I found out about the silencing then he'd have died there and then, and I'd have probably gone on to target Rummy anyway owing to his tight-lippedness, (and would have not been removed from the game for telling it since I wouldn't have been silenced).


Also @Cube I totally made the code thing up.


Probably would have gone the other way then. Alas, these are all ifs and buts.

Edited by Sheikah
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