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Nintendo Direct: 5th December 5pm GMT


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Shame there was no Miiverse integration with the 3DS, but I suppose they've got enough on their plate getting everything running smoothly on Wii U first. Hope they haven't abandoned that idea.


This slight lull after Christmas means I'm far more likely to pick up Scribblenauts, which I can't make head nor tail of yet tbh! Ninja Gaiden is a no for me - I'm not hardcore enough :p

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Hmm... Oh, well, I didn't think it was too bad, really, just not what I expected. Naively, I assumed it was going to be a "Quick, make everyone excited about the Wii U" type of broadcast, whereas it was more like a "Remind everyone of games we've announced before" type of broadcast.


I enjoyed the earlier parts more, as the games were fairly decent, and yet I wouldn't have bothered to watch videos about them otherwise. Lego City Undercover does look very good (and funny). The Sonic racing game looked quite good, but when they started talking about the Wii U version it suddenly didn't look so good. Were they showing the Xbox 360 version first of all? The SD/HD comparisons of various games were nice.


As for the 3DS, most of the games they showed just aren't my sort of thing. The real disappointment of this Nintendo Direct was no news on Etrian Odyssey IV, Code of Princess or a few other Japanese games (but mainly those two, as they have US releases).


More than anything, I'm wondering what Nintendo's plans are for next year. Their software is trailing so late into 2013, anything they announce at E3 for the Christmas period is only going to have about 5 months of hype.


My predictions are still:

* Zelda 3DS at GDC

* 3D Mario (and maybe Zelda) at E3 to combat Sony and Microsoft's new consoles


...But the way Nintendo's software development goes these days, I really can't imagine how they're going to release any of those soon.

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Hmm... Oh, well, I didn't think it was too bad, really, just not what I expected. Naively, I assumed it was going to be a "Quick, make everyone excited about the Wii U" type of broadcast, whereas it was more like a "Remind everyone of games we've announced before" type of broadcast.


I enjoyed the earlier parts more, as the games were fairly decent, and yet I wouldn't have bothered to watch videos about them otherwise. Lego City Undercover does look very good (and funny). The Sonic racing game looked quite good, but when they started talking about the Wii U version it suddenly didn't look so good. Were they showing the Xbox 360 version first of all? The SD/HD comparisons of various games were nice.


As for the 3DS, most of the games they showed just aren't my sort of thing. The real disappointment of this Nintendo Direct was no news on Etrian Odyssey IV, Code of Princess or a few other Japanese games (but mainly those two, as they have US releases).


More than anything, I'm wondering what Nintendo's plans are for next year. Their software is trailing so late into 2013, anything they announce at E3 for the Christmas period is only going to have about 5 months of hype.


My predictions are still:

* Zelda 3DS at GDC

* 3D Mario (and maybe Zelda) at E3 to combat Sony and Microsoft's new consoles


...But the way Nintendo's software development goes these days, I really can't imagine how they're going to release any of those soon.

General consensus from everyone is that the Wii U of Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed is the best looking one so not sure where your idea came from

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Makes no sense for Nintendo to be showing off any huge reveals. There's plenty on the horizon for both 3DS and Wii U between now and next E3.


We have Scribblenauts Unlimited, Monster Hunter 3, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3 and Game & Wario all on the horizon for Wii U.


Not to mention there's still plenty of room for other third party announcements, weren't there rumours that Square-Enix were planning to release one of their major titles, probably Tomb Raider. If that, along with Aliens: Colonial Marines and a few others are on the way then the Wii U has to me a very strong schedule for the months ahead.


I don't forsee any major announcements till E3 - Nintendo are going to be up against MS and Sony's new consoles and really are going to need their software to show.


If they can pull well into completion versions of the next Mario and Smash Bros' out of the bag, in addition to whatever Monolith and Retro are working on and potentially even a trailer for the next Zelda then they could really show up MS and Sony. Would be silly of Nintendo to show their hand now when there is already plenty on the horizon.

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Great to have Harmo Knight confirmed for release here and both Devilish Brain Training (totally called the name BTW!) and Fire Emblem are both coming much sooner than I expected.


The Scribblenauts delay isn't that bad either. The Wii U lineup is spaced out quite nicely really. The 3DS lineup however is a big tumbleweed until March (when there's suddenly a big explosion of content!). The US schedule is far better than ours, with them getting FEA in bloody February :mad:


I'd also be lying if the delay for ACNL and Pikmin 3 didn't sting something fierce :(

Edited by Dcubed
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Great to have Harmo Knight confirmed for release here and both Devilish Brain Training (totally called the name BTW!) and Fire Emblem are both coming much sooner than I expected.

It's so boring that it's called Concentration Training in America, clearly because of paranoia about religious over-sensitivities.


@Grazza Sonic Racing has the overall best performance on Wii U, but there's not much in it. The driving mechanics are a lot more involved than Mario Kart - I don't want to say 'realistic'. And it's a real nostalgia trip for Sega fans. Great game!

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So basically everything that's most anticipated was given...really rough dates. Really? They honestly can't give a solid on Pikmin(8 years since last one), Animal Crossing, Lego city or Harmoknight?! At least that one gets the slightly more accurate date of 'march' but really...this is crap.

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So basically everything that's most anticipated was given...really rough dates. Really? They honestly can't give a solid on Pikmin(8 years since last one), Animal Crossing, Lego city or Harmoknight?! At least that one gets the slightly more accurate date of 'march' but really...this is crap.

Better to give rough ones in case there has to be a delay. They're not Activision. Nintendo release games when they're ready

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Better to give rough ones in case there has to be a delay. They're not Activision. Nintendo release games when they're ready


That's all well and good, but they're experienced in the business. How about setting some release dates and making sure you meet them! Is that too much to expect? Why should there even be delays to put up with?

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That's all well and good, but they're experienced in the business. How about setting some release dates and making sure you meet them! Is that too much to expect? Why should there even be delays to put up with?

Because rushing a game to release is not the best way to get quality, it's the best way to get a game full of glitches and problems

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Localisation is a bitch


If that's the case, why do games like Zelda, Mario and even Final Fantasy come out here so quickly after Japan's release or even yet still before Japan's release?


I understand that localisation is a bitch, 10 years ago. Now it's easy to connect everywhere, it should not be hard to keep close contact with translators while the game is being made, Atlus does with most of their SMT games, why not Nintendo?


You know how frustrating it is to see a new redone built from ground up FFXIV coming out all around the world yet see that Dragon Quest X get hushed away with not a single mention of it coming here.

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Localisation is a bitch


To play devil's advocate a bit here; Monster Hunter 3 U's localization has been finished since around April-June, according to various hints posted on GAF from people in touch with 8-4 and Capcom USA.


They've been sitting on the 3DS game all this time, for the sake of releasing the Wii U and 3DS one simultaneously. But that comes down to Capcom and not Nintendo (they're just distributing and marketing the game)


That being said, ACNL's delay isn't unexpected really. It is a huge localization job and was probably also affected by the fast-tracking of Pokemon B&W 2`s localization (it's not as much text as ACNL, but 4 months is crazy fast for a Pokemon game!). I bet that ACNL was originally planned for release in March 2013.


Devilish Brain Training is probably pretty much done now, but it was originally planned for a December release in the US and got delayed, so something must've gotten in the way of the English localization, pushing the completion of it back a month or so (by which time, a March release is probably better for the game's sales than a late January/early February release and it covers the gap left by ACNL)

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So just to clarify.

Did Shibata say that 2013 is going to be the year of Luigi?


Yes he did, he also said that it starts with Luigi's Mansion 2...


How very suspicious :) Luigi & Mario game from Alphadream? Luigi and Waluigi finally get their own game? (PLEASE!!!)

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Because rushing a game to release is not the best way to get quality, it's the best way to get a game full of glitches and problems


Nobody's saying they have to rush though. As mentioned, Pikmin 2 came out in 2004 - 8 years on they still can't get the game developed and given a definite release date? Points made by others regarding localisation are valid too. I'm saying, why SHOULD there be delays? Aren't Nintendo experience enough by now to have their shit together enough to, god forbid, date a game and get it out for said date?

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Nobody's saying they have to rush though. As mentioned, Pikmin 2 came out in 2004 - 8 years on they still can't get the game developed and given a definite release date? Points made by others regarding localisation are valid too. I'm saying, why SHOULD there be delays? Aren't Nintendo experience enough by now to have their shit together enough to, god forbid, date a game and get it out for said date?

Just because Pikmin 2 came out then doesn't mean they started working on it straight away...


Also, yes they have enough experience, but things happen. Ideas come, serious glitches appear etc.

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To play devil's advocate a bit here; Monster Hunter 3 U's localization has been finished since around April-June, according to various hints posted on GAF from people in touch with 8-4 and Capcom USA.


They've been sitting on the 3DS game all this time, for the sake of releasing the Wii U and 3DS one simultaneously. But that comes down to Capcom and not Nintendo (they're just distributing and marketing the game)


Most of the localisation work would be done already anyway for Monster Hunter from the original Tri.

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